Source code for yt.utilities.amr_kdtree.amr_kdtools

import numpy as np

from yt.funcs import mylog

[docs] def receive_and_reduce(comm, incoming_rank, image, add_to_front): mylog.debug("Receiving image from %04i", incoming_rank) # mylog.debug( '%04i receiving image from %04i'%(self.comm.rank,back.owner)) arr2 = comm.recv_array(incoming_rank, incoming_rank).reshape( (image.shape[0], image.shape[1], image.shape[2]) ) if add_to_front: front = arr2 back = image else: front = image back = arr2 if image.shape[2] == 3: # Assume Projection Camera, Add np.add(image, front, image) return image ta = 1.0 - front[:, :, 3] np.maximum(ta, 0.0, ta) # This now does the following calculation, but in a memory # conservative fashion # image[:,:,i ] = front[:,:,i] + ta*back[:,:,i] image = back.copy() for i in range(4): np.multiply(image[:, :, i], ta, image[:, :, i]) np.add(image, front, image) return image
[docs] def send_to_parent(comm, outgoing_rank, image): mylog.debug("Sending image to %04i", outgoing_rank) comm.send_array(image, outgoing_rank, tag=comm.rank)
[docs] def scatter_image(comm, root, image): mylog.debug("Scattering from %04i", root) image = comm.mpi_bcast(image, root=root) return image