Source code for yt.geometry.coordinates.cartesian_coordinates

import numpy as np

from yt.data_objects.index_subobjects.unstructured_mesh import SemiStructuredMesh
from yt.funcs import mylog
from yt.units._numpy_wrapper_functions import uconcatenate, uvstack
from yt.units.yt_array import YTArray
from yt.utilities.lib.pixelization_routines import (
from yt.utilities.math_utils import compute_stddev_image
from yt.utilities.nodal_data_utils import get_nodal_data

from .coordinate_handler import (

def _sample_ray(ray, npoints, field):
    Private function that uses a ray object for calculating the field values
    that will be the y-axis values in a LinePlot object.

    ray : YTOrthoRay, YTRay, or LightRay
        Ray object from which to sample field values
    npoints : int
        The number of points to sample
    field : str or field tuple
        The name of the field to sample
    start_point = ray.start_point
    end_point = ray.end_point
    sample_dr = (end_point - start_point) / (npoints - 1)
    sample_points = [np.arange(npoints) * sample_dr[i] for i in range(3)]
    sample_points = uvstack(sample_points).T + start_point
    ray_coordinates = uvstack([ray[("index", d)] for d in "xyz"]).T
    ray_dds = uvstack([ray[("index", f"d{d}")] for d in "xyz"]).T
    ray_field = ray[field]
    field_values = ray.ds.arr(np.zeros(npoints), ray_field.units)
    for i, sample_point in enumerate(sample_points):
        ray_contains = (sample_point >= (ray_coordinates - ray_dds / 2)) & (
            sample_point <= (ray_coordinates + ray_dds / 2)
        ray_contains = ray_contains.all(axis=-1)
        # use argmax to find the first nonzero index, sometimes there
        # are two indices if the sampling point happens to fall exactly at
        # a cell boundary
        field_values[i] = ray_field[np.argmax(ray_contains)]
    dr = np.sqrt((sample_dr**2).sum())
    x = np.arange(npoints) / (npoints - 1) * (dr * npoints)
    return x, field_values

[docs] def all_data(data, ptype, fields, kdtree=False): field_data = {} fields = set(fields) for field in fields: field_data[field] = [] for chunk in data.all_data().chunks([], "io"): for field in fields: field_data[field].append(chunk[ptype, field].in_base("code")) for field in fields: field_data[field] = uconcatenate(field_data[field]) if kdtree is True: kdtree = data.index.kdtree for field in fields: if len(field_data[field].shape) == 1: field_data[field] = field_data[field][kdtree.idx] else: field_data[field] = field_data[field][kdtree.idx, :] return field_data
[docs] class CartesianCoordinateHandler(CoordinateHandler): name = "cartesian" _default_axis_order = ("x", "y", "z")
[docs] def setup_fields(self, registry): for axi, ax in enumerate(self.axis_order): f1, f2 = _get_coord_fields(axi) registry.add_field( ("index", f"d{ax}"), sampling_type="cell", function=f1, display_field=False, units="code_length", ) registry.add_field( ("index", f"path_element_{ax}"), sampling_type="cell", function=f1, display_field=False, units="code_length", ) registry.add_field( ("index", f"{ax}"), sampling_type="cell", function=f2, display_field=False, units="code_length", ) f3 = _get_vert_fields(axi) registry.add_field( ("index", f"vertex_{ax}"), sampling_type="cell", function=f3, display_field=False, units="code_length", ) self._register_volume(registry) self._check_fields(registry)
def _register_volume(self, registry): def _cell_volume(field, data): rv = data["index", "dx"].copy(order="K") rv *= data["index", "dy"] rv *= data["index", "dz"] return rv registry.add_field( ("index", "cell_volume"), sampling_type="cell", function=_cell_volume, display_field=False, units="code_length**3", ) registry.alias(("index", "volume"), ("index", "cell_volume")) def _check_fields(self, registry): registry.check_derived_fields( [ ("index", "dx"), ("index", "dy"), ("index", "dz"), ("index", "x"), ("index", "y"), ("index", "z"), ("index", "cell_volume"), ] )
[docs] def pixelize( self, dimension, data_source, field, bounds, size, antialias=True, periodic=True, *, return_mask=False, ): """ Method for pixelizing datasets in preparation for two-dimensional image plots. Relies on several sampling routines written in cython """ index = data_source.ds.index if hasattr(index, "meshes") and not isinstance( index.meshes[0], SemiStructuredMesh ): ftype, fname = field if ftype == "all": mesh_id = 0 indices = np.concatenate( [mesh.connectivity_indices for mesh in index.mesh_union] ) else: mesh_id = int(ftype[-1]) - 1 indices = index.meshes[mesh_id].connectivity_indices coords = index.meshes[mesh_id].connectivity_coords offset = index.meshes[mesh_id]._index_offset ad = data_source.ds.all_data() field_data = ad[field] buff_size = size[0:dimension] + (1,) + size[dimension:] ax = data_source.axis xax = self.x_axis[ax] yax = self.y_axis[ax] c = np.float64([dimension].d) extents = np.zeros((3, 2)) extents[ax] = np.array([c, c]) extents[xax] = bounds[0:2] extents[yax] = bounds[2:4] # if this is an element field, promote to 2D here if len(field_data.shape) == 1: field_data = np.expand_dims(field_data, 1) # if this is a higher-order element, we demote to 1st order # here, for now. elif field_data.shape[1] == 27: # hexahedral mylog.warning( "High order elements not yet supported, dropping to 1st order." ) field_data = field_data[:, 0:8] indices = indices[:, 0:8] buff, mask = pixelize_element_mesh( coords, indices, buff_size, field_data, extents, index_offset=offset, return_mask=True, ) buff = np.squeeze(np.transpose(buff, (yax, xax, ax))) mask = np.squeeze(np.transpose(mask, (yax, xax, ax))) elif self.axis_id.get(dimension, dimension) is not None: buff, mask = self._ortho_pixelize( data_source, field, bounds, size, antialias, dimension, periodic ) else: buff, mask = self._oblique_pixelize( data_source, field, bounds, size, antialias ) if return_mask: assert mask is None or mask.dtype == bool return buff, mask else: return buff
[docs] def pixelize_line(self, field, start_point, end_point, npoints): """ Method for sampling datasets along a line in preparation for one-dimensional line plots. For UnstructuredMesh, relies on a sampling routine written in cython """ if npoints < 2: raise ValueError( "Must have at least two sample points in order to draw a line plot." ) index = self.ds.index if hasattr(index, "meshes") and not isinstance( index.meshes[0], SemiStructuredMesh ): ftype, fname = field if ftype == "all": mesh_id = 0 indices = np.concatenate( [mesh.connectivity_indices for mesh in index.mesh_union] ) else: mesh_id = int(ftype[-1]) - 1 indices = index.meshes[mesh_id].connectivity_indices coords = index.meshes[mesh_id].connectivity_coords if coords.shape[1] != end_point.size != start_point.size: raise ValueError( "The coordinate dimension doesn't match the " "start and end point dimensions." ) offset = index.meshes[mesh_id]._index_offset ad = self.ds.all_data() field_data = ad[field] # if this is an element field, promote to 2D here if len(field_data.shape) == 1: field_data = np.expand_dims(field_data, 1) # if this is a higher-order element, we demote to 1st order # here, for now. elif field_data.shape[1] == 27: # hexahedral mylog.warning( "High order elements not yet supported, dropping to 1st order." ) field_data = field_data[:, 0:8] indices = indices[:, 0:8] arc_length, plot_values = pixelize_element_mesh_line( coords, indices, start_point, end_point, npoints, field_data, index_offset=offset, ) arc_length = YTArray(arc_length, start_point.units) plot_values = YTArray(plot_values, field_data.units) else: ray = self.ds.ray(start_point, end_point) arc_length, plot_values = _sample_ray(ray, npoints, field) return arc_length, plot_values
def _ortho_pixelize( self, data_source, field, bounds, size, antialias, dim, periodic ): from yt.data_objects.construction_data_containers import YTParticleProj from yt.data_objects.selection_objects.slices import YTSlice from yt.frontends.sph.data_structures import ParticleDataset from import StreamParticlesDataset # We should be using fcoords field = data_source._determine_fields(field)[0] finfo = data_source.ds.field_info[field] period = self.period[:2].copy() # dummy here period[0] = self.period[self.x_axis[dim]] period[1] = self.period[self.y_axis[dim]] if hasattr(period, "in_units"): period = period.in_units("code_length").d buff = np.full((size[1], size[0]), np.nan, dtype="float64") particle_datasets = (ParticleDataset, StreamParticlesDataset) is_sph_field = finfo.is_sph_field finfo = self.ds._get_field_info(field) if np.any(finfo.nodal_flag): nodal_data = get_nodal_data(data_source, field) coord = data_source.coord.d mask = pixelize_cartesian_nodal( buff, data_source["px"], data_source["py"], data_source["pz"], data_source["pdx"], data_source["pdy"], data_source["pdz"], nodal_data, coord, bounds, int(antialias), period, int(periodic), return_mask=True, ) elif isinstance(data_source.ds, particle_datasets) and is_sph_field: ptype = field[0] if ptype == "gas": ptype = data_source.ds._sph_ptypes[0] px_name = self.axis_name[self.x_axis[dim]] py_name = self.axis_name[self.y_axis[dim]] ounits = data_source.ds.field_info[field].output_units bnds = data_source.ds.arr(bounds, "code_length").tolist() if isinstance(data_source, YTParticleProj): weight = data_source.weight_field moment = data_source.moment le, re = data_source.data_source.get_bbox() xa = self.x_axis[dim] ya = self.y_axis[dim] # If we're not periodic, we need to clip to the boundary edges # or we get errors about extending off the edge of the region. if not self.ds.periodicity[xa]: le[xa] = max(bounds[0], self.ds.domain_left_edge[xa]) re[xa] = min(bounds[1], self.ds.domain_right_edge[xa]) else: le[xa] = bounds[0] re[xa] = bounds[1] if not self.ds.periodicity[ya]: le[ya] = max(bounds[2], self.ds.domain_left_edge[ya]) re[ya] = min(bounds[3], self.ds.domain_right_edge[ya]) else: le[ya] = bounds[2] re[ya] = bounds[3] # We actually need to clip these proj_reg = data_source.ds.region( left_edge=le, right_edge=re,, data_source=data_source.data_source, ) proj_reg.set_field_parameter("axis", data_source.axis) buff = np.zeros(size, dtype="float64") mask_uint8 = np.zeros_like(buff, dtype="uint8") if weight is None: for chunk in proj_reg.chunks([], "io"): data_source._initialize_projected_units([field], chunk) pixelize_sph_kernel_projection( buff, mask_uint8, chunk[ptype, px_name].to("code_length"), chunk[ptype, py_name].to("code_length"), chunk[ptype, "smoothing_length"].to("code_length"), chunk[ptype, "mass"].to("code_mass"), chunk[ptype, "density"].to("code_density"), chunk[field].in_units(ounits), bnds, check_period=int(periodic), period=period, ) # We use code length here, but to get the path length right # we need to multiply by the conversion factor between # code length and the unit system's length unit default_path_length_unit = data_source.ds.unit_system["length"] dl_conv = data_source.ds.quan(1.0, "code_length").to( default_path_length_unit ) buff *= dl_conv.v # if there is a weight field, take two projections: # one of field*weight, the other of just weight, and divide them else: weight_buff = np.zeros(size, dtype="float64") buff = np.zeros(size, dtype="float64") mask_uint8 = np.zeros_like(buff, dtype="uint8") wounits = data_source.ds.field_info[weight].output_units for chunk in proj_reg.chunks([], "io"): data_source._initialize_projected_units([field], chunk) data_source._initialize_projected_units([weight], chunk) pixelize_sph_kernel_projection( buff, mask_uint8, chunk[ptype, px_name].to("code_length"), chunk[ptype, py_name].to("code_length"), chunk[ptype, "smoothing_length"].to("code_length"), chunk[ptype, "mass"].to("code_mass"), chunk[ptype, "density"].to("code_density"), chunk[field].in_units(ounits), bnds, check_period=int(periodic), period=period, weight_field=chunk[weight].in_units(wounits), ) "Making a fixed resolution buffer of (%s) %d by %d", weight, size[0], size[1], ) for chunk in proj_reg.chunks([], "io"): data_source._initialize_projected_units([weight], chunk) pixelize_sph_kernel_projection( weight_buff, mask_uint8, chunk[ptype, px_name].to("code_length"), chunk[ptype, py_name].to("code_length"), chunk[ptype, "smoothing_length"].to("code_length"), chunk[ptype, "mass"].to("code_mass"), chunk[ptype, "density"].to("code_density"), chunk[weight].in_units(wounits), bnds, check_period=int(periodic), period=period, ) normalization_2d_utility(buff, weight_buff) if moment == 2: buff2 = np.zeros(size, dtype="float64") for chunk in proj_reg.chunks([], "io"): data_source._initialize_projected_units([field], chunk) data_source._initialize_projected_units([weight], chunk) pixelize_sph_kernel_projection( buff2, mask_uint8, chunk[ptype, px_name].to("code_length"), chunk[ptype, py_name].to("code_length"), chunk[ptype, "smoothing_length"].to("code_length"), chunk[ptype, "mass"].to("code_mass"), chunk[ptype, "density"].to("code_density"), chunk[field].in_units(ounits) ** 2, bnds, check_period=int(periodic), period=period, weight_field=chunk[weight].in_units(wounits), ) normalization_2d_utility(buff2, weight_buff) buff = compute_stddev_image(buff2, buff) mask = mask_uint8.astype("bool") elif isinstance(data_source, YTSlice): smoothing_style = getattr(self.ds, "sph_smoothing_style", "scatter") normalize = getattr(self.ds, "use_sph_normalization", True) if smoothing_style == "scatter": buff = np.zeros(size, dtype="float64") mask_uint8 = np.zeros_like(buff, dtype="uint8") if normalize: buff_den = np.zeros(size, dtype="float64") for chunk in data_source.chunks([], "io"): pixelize_sph_kernel_slice( buff, mask_uint8, chunk[ptype, px_name].to("code_length"), chunk[ptype, py_name].to("code_length"), chunk[ptype, "smoothing_length"].to("code_length"), chunk[ptype, "mass"].to("code_mass"), chunk[ptype, "density"].to("code_density"), chunk[field].in_units(ounits), bnds, check_period=int(periodic), period=period, ) if normalize: pixelize_sph_kernel_slice( buff_den, mask_uint8, chunk[ptype, px_name].to("code_length"), chunk[ptype, py_name].to("code_length"), chunk[ptype, "smoothing_length"].to("code_length"), chunk[ptype, "mass"].to("code_mass"), chunk[ptype, "density"].to("code_density"), np.ones(chunk[ptype, "density"].shape[0]), bnds, check_period=int(periodic), period=period, ) if normalize: normalization_2d_utility(buff, buff_den) mask = mask_uint8.astype("bool", copy=False) if smoothing_style == "gather": # Here we find out which axis are going to be the "x" and # "y" axis for the actual visualisation and then we set the # buffer size and bounds to match. The z axis of the plot # is the axis we slice over and the buffer will be of size 1 # in that dimension x, y, z = self.x_axis[dim], self.y_axis[dim], dim buff_size = np.zeros(3, dtype="int64") buff_size[x] = size[0] buff_size[y] = size[1] buff_size[z] = 1 buff_bounds = np.zeros(6, dtype="float64") buff_bounds[2 * x : 2 * x + 2] = bounds[0:2] buff_bounds[2 * y : 2 * y + 2] = bounds[2:4] buff_bounds[2 * z] = data_source.coord buff_bounds[2 * z + 1] = data_source.coord # then we do the interpolation buff_temp = np.zeros(buff_size, dtype="float64") fields_to_get = [ "particle_position", "density", "mass", "smoothing_length", field[1], ] all_fields = all_data(self.ds, ptype, fields_to_get, kdtree=True) num_neighbors = getattr(self.ds, "num_neighbors", 32) mask_temp = interpolate_sph_grid_gather( buff_temp, all_fields["particle_position"].to("code_length"), buff_bounds, all_fields["smoothing_length"].to("code_length"), all_fields["mass"].to("code_mass"), all_fields["density"].to("code_density"), all_fields[field[1]].in_units(ounits), self.ds.index.kdtree, num_neigh=num_neighbors, use_normalization=normalize, return_mask=True, ) # We swap the axes back so the axis which was sliced over # is the last axis, as this is the "z" axis of the plots. if z != 2: buff_temp = buff_temp.swapaxes(2, z) mask_temp = mask_temp.swapaxes(2, z) if x == 2: x = z else: y = z buff = buff_temp[:, :, 0] mask = mask_temp[:, :, 0] # Then we just transpose if the buffer x and y are # different than the plot x and y if y < x: buff = buff.transpose() mask = mask.transpose() else: raise NotImplementedError( "A pixelization routine has not been implemented for %s " "data objects" % str(type(data_source)) ) buff = buff.transpose() mask = mask.transpose() else: mask = pixelize_cartesian( buff, data_source["px"], data_source["py"], data_source["pdx"], data_source["pdy"], data_source[field], bounds, int(antialias), period, int(periodic), return_mask=True, ) assert mask is None or mask.dtype == bool return buff, mask def _oblique_pixelize(self, data_source, field, bounds, size, antialias): from yt.frontends.ytdata.data_structures import YTSpatialPlotDataset indices = np.argsort(data_source["pdx"])[::-1].astype(np.int_) buff = np.full((size[1], size[0]), np.nan, dtype="float64") ftype = "index" if isinstance(data_source.ds, YTSpatialPlotDataset): ftype = "gas" mask = pixelize_off_axis_cartesian( buff, data_source[ftype, "x"], data_source[ftype, "y"], data_source[ftype, "z"], data_source["px"], data_source["py"], data_source["pdx"], data_source["pdy"], data_source["pdz"],, data_source._inv_mat, indices, data_source[field], bounds, ) return buff, mask
[docs] def convert_from_cartesian(self, coord): return coord
[docs] def convert_to_cartesian(self, coord): return coord
[docs] def convert_to_cylindrical(self, coord): center = self.ds.domain_center return cartesian_to_cylindrical(coord, center)
[docs] def convert_from_cylindrical(self, coord): center = self.ds.domain_center return cylindrical_to_cartesian(coord, center)
[docs] def convert_to_spherical(self, coord): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def convert_from_spherical(self, coord): raise NotImplementedError
_x_pairs = (("x", "y"), ("y", "z"), ("z", "x")) _y_pairs = (("x", "z"), ("y", "x"), ("z", "y")) @property def period(self): return self.ds.domain_width