Source code for

from collections import defaultdict

import numpy as np

from yt.frontends.open_pmd.misc import get_component, is_const_component
from yt.geometry.selection_routines import GridSelector
from yt.utilities.io_handler import BaseIOHandler

[docs] class IOHandlerOpenPMDHDF5(BaseIOHandler): _field_dtype = "float32" _dataset_type = "openPMD" def __init__(self, ds, *args, **kwargs): self.ds = ds self._handle = ds._handle self.base_path = ds.base_path self.meshes_path = ds.meshes_path self.particles_path = ds.particles_path self._array_fields = {} self._cached_ptype = "" def _fill_cache(self, ptype, index=0, offset=None): """Fills the particle position cache for the ``ptype``. Parameters ---------- ptype : str The on-disk name of the particle species index : int, optional offset : int, optional """ if str((ptype, index, offset)) not in self._cached_ptype: self._cached_ptype = str((ptype, index, offset)) pds = self._handle[self.base_path + self.particles_path + "/" + ptype] axes = list(pds["position"].keys()) if offset is None: if is_const_component(pds["position/" + axes[0]]): offset = pds["position/" + axes[0]].attrs["shape"] else: offset = pds["position/" + axes[0]].len() self.cache = np.empty((3, offset), dtype=np.float64) for i in np.arange(3): ax = "xyz"[i] if ax in axes: np.add( get_component(pds, "position/" + ax, index, offset), get_component(pds, "positionOffset/" + ax, index, offset), self.cache[i], ) else: # Pad accordingly with zeros to make 1D/2D datasets compatible # These have to be the same shape as the existing axes since that # equals the number of particles self.cache[i] = np.zeros(offset) def _read_particle_selection(self, chunks, selector, fields): """Read particle fields for particle species masked by a selection. Parameters ---------- chunks A list of chunks A chunk is a list of grids selector A region (inside your domain) specifying which parts of the field you want to read. See [1] and [2] fields : array_like Tuples (ptype, pfield) representing a field Returns ------- dict keys are tuples (ptype, pfield) representing a field values are (N,) ndarrays with data from that field """ f = self._handle bp = self.base_path pp = self.particles_path ds = f[bp + pp] unions = self.ds.particle_unions chunks = list(chunks) # chunks is a generator rv = {} ind = {} particle_count = {} ptf = defaultdict(list) # ParticleTypes&Fields rfm = defaultdict(list) # RequestFieldMapping for ptype, pname in fields: pfield = (ptype, pname) # Overestimate the size of all pfields so they include all particles # and shrink it later particle_count[pfield] = 0 if ptype in unions: for pt in unions[ptype]: particle_count[pfield] += self.ds.particle_type_counts[pt] ptf[pt].append(pname) rfm[pt, pname].append(pfield) else: particle_count[pfield] = self.ds.particle_type_counts[ptype] ptf[ptype].append(pname) rfm[pfield].append(pfield) rv[pfield] = np.empty((particle_count[pfield],), dtype=np.float64) ind[pfield] = 0 for ptype in ptf: for chunk in chunks: for grid in chunk.objs: if str(ptype) == "io": species = list(ds.keys())[0] else: species = ptype if species not in grid.ptypes: continue # read particle coords into cache self._fill_cache(species, grid.pindex, grid.poffset) mask = selector.select_points( self.cache[0], self.cache[1], self.cache[2], 0.0 ) if mask is None: continue pds = ds[species] for field in ptf[ptype]: component = "/".join(field.split("_")[1:]) component = component.replace("positionCoarse", "position") component = component.replace("-", "_") data = get_component(pds, component, grid.pindex, grid.poffset)[ mask ] for request_field in rfm[(ptype, field)]: rv[request_field][ ind[request_field] : ind[request_field] + data.shape[0] ] = data ind[request_field] += data.shape[0] for field in fields: rv[field] = rv[field][: ind[field]] return rv def _read_fluid_selection(self, chunks, selector, fields, size): """Reads given fields masked by a given selection. Parameters ---------- chunks A list of chunks A chunk is a list of grids selector A region (inside your domain) specifying which parts of the field you want to read. See [1] and [2] fields : array_like Tuples (fname, ftype) representing a field size : int Size of the data to read Returns ------- dict keys are tuples (ftype, fname) representing a field values are flat (``size``,) ndarrays with data from that field """ f = self._handle bp = self.base_path mp = self.meshes_path ds = f[bp + mp] chunks = list(chunks) rv = {} ind = {} if isinstance(selector, GridSelector): if not (len(chunks) == len(chunks[0].objs) == 1): raise RuntimeError if size is None: size = sum(g.count(selector) for chunk in chunks for g in chunk.objs) for field in fields: rv[field] = np.empty(size, dtype=np.float64) ind[field] = 0 for ftype, fname in fields: field = (ftype, fname) for chunk in chunks: for grid in chunk.objs: mask = grid._get_selector_mask(selector) if mask is None: continue component = fname.replace("_", "/").replace("-", "_") if component.split("/")[0] not in grid.ftypes: data = np.full(grid.ActiveDimensions, 0, dtype=np.float64) else: data = get_component(ds, component, grid.findex, grid.foffset) # The following is a modified data.shape = ( mask.shape ) # Workaround - casts a 2D (x,y) array to 3D (x,y,1) count = grid.count(selector) rv[field][ind[field] : ind[field] + count] = data[mask] ind[field] += count for field in fields: rv[field] = rv[field][: ind[field]] rv[field].flatten() return rv