Source code for yt.frontends.nc4_cm1.fields

from yt.fields.field_info_container import FieldInfoContainer

# We need to specify which fields we might have in our dataset.  The field info
# container subclass here will define which fields it knows about.  There are
# optionally methods on it that get called which can be subclassed.

[docs] class CM1FieldInfo(FieldInfoContainer): known_other_fields = ( # Each entry here is of the form # ( "name", ("units", ["fields", "to", "alias"], # "display_name")), ("uinterp", ("m/s", ["velocity_x"], None)), ("vinterp", ("m/s", ["velocity_y"], None)), ("winterp", ("m/s", ["velocity_z"], None)), ("u", ("m/s", ["velocity_x"], None)), ("v", ("m/s", ["velocity_y"], None)), ("w", ("m/s", ["velocity_z"], None)), ("hwin_sr", ("m/s", ["storm_relative_horizontal_wind_speed"], None)), ("windmag_sr", ("m/s", ["storm_relative_3D_wind_speed"], None)), ("hwin_gr", ("m/s", ["ground_relative_horizontal_wind_speed"], None)), ("thpert", ("K", ["potential_temperature_perturbation"], None)), ("thrhopert", ("K", ["density_potential_temperature_perturbation"], None)), ("prespert", ("hPa", ["presure_perturbation"], None)), ("rhopert", ("kg/m**3", ["density_perturbation"], None)), ("dbz", ("dB", ["simulated_reflectivity"], None)), ("qvpert", ("g/kg", ["water_vapor_mixing_ratio_perturbation"], None)), ("qc", ("g/kg", ["cloud_liquid_water_mixing_ratio"], None)), ("qr", ("g/kg", ["rain_mixing_ratio"], None)), ("qi", ("g/kg", ["cloud_ice_mixing_ratio"], None)), ("qs", ("g/kg", ["snow_mixing_ratio"], None)), ("qg", ("g/kg", ["graupel_or_hail_mixing_ratio"], None)), ("qcloud", ("g/kg", ["sum_of_cloud_water_and_cloud_ice_mixing_ratios"], None)), ("qprecip", ("g/kg", ["sum_of_rain_graupel_snow_mixing_ratios"], None)), ("nci", ("1/cm**3", ["number_concerntration_of_cloud_ice"], None)), ("ncr", ("1/cm**3", ["number_concentration_of_rain"], None)), ("ncs", ("1/cm**3", ["number_concentration_of_snow"], None)), ("ncg", ("1/cm**3", ["number_concentration_of_graupel_or_hail"], None)), ("xvort", ("1/s", ["vorticity_x"], None)), ("yvort", ("1/s", ["vorticity_y"], None)), ("zvort", ("1/s", ["vorticity_z"], None)), ("hvort", ("1/s", ["horizontal_vorticity_magnitude"], None)), ("vortmag", ("1/s", ["vorticity_magnitude"], None)), ("streamvort", ("1/s", ["streamwise_vorticity"], None)), ("khh", ("m**2/s", ["khh"], None)), ("khv", ("m**2/s", ["khv"], None)), ("kmh", ("m**2/s", ["kmh"], None)), ("kmv", ("m**2/s", ["kmv"], None)), ) known_particle_fields = ( # Identical form to above # ( "name", ("units", ["fields", "to", "alias"], # "display_name")), )
[docs] def setup_fluid_fields(self): # Here we do anything that might need info about the dataset. # You can use self.alias, self.add_output_field (for on-disk fields) # and self.add_field (for derived fields). pass
[docs] def setup_particle_fields(self, ptype): super().setup_particle_fields(ptype)
# This will get called for every particle type.