Source code for yt.frontends.chimera.fields

Chimera-specific fields

from yt._typing import KnownFieldsT
from yt.fields.field_info_container import FieldInfoContainer

# We need to specify which fields we might have in our dataset.  The field info
# container subclass here will define which fields it knows about.  There are
# optionally methods on it that get called which can be subclassed.

[docs] class ChimeraFieldInfo(FieldInfoContainer): known_other_fields: KnownFieldsT = ( ("e_int", ("erg", ["Internal Energy"], "Internal Energy")), ("entropy", ("", ["Entropy"], None)), ("rho_c", ("g/cm**3", ["density", "Density"], "Density")), ("dudt_nu", ("erg/s", [], None)), ("dudt_nuc", ("erg/s", [], None)), ("grav_x_c", ("cm/s**2", [], None)), ("grav_y_c", ("cm/s**2", [], None)), ("grav_z_c", ("cm/s**2", [], None)), ("press", ("erg/cm**3", ["pressure"], "Pressure")), ("t_c", ("K", ["temperature"], "Temperature")), ("u_c", ("cm/s", ["v_radial"], "Radial Velocity")), ("v_c", ("cm/s", ["v_theta"], "Theta Velocity")), ("v_csound", ("", [], None)), ("wBVMD", ("1/s", [], "BruntViasala_freq")), ("w_c", ("cm/s", ["v_phi"], "Phi Velocity")), ("ye_c", ("", [], None)), ("ylep", ("", [], None)), ("a_nuc_rep_c", ("", [], None)), ("be_nuc_rep_c", ("", [], None)), ("e_book", ("", [], None)), ("nse_c", ("", [], None)), ("z_nuc_rep_c", ("", [], None)), ) # Each entry here is of the form # ( "name", ("units", ["fields", "to", "alias"], # "display_name")), known_particle_fields = ( # Identical form to above ) def __init__(self, ds, field_list): super().__init__(ds, field_list) # If you want, you can check self.field_list
[docs] def setup_fluid_fields(self): # Here we do anything that might need info about the dataset. # You can use self.alias, self.add_output_field (for on-disk fields) # and self.add_field (for derived fields). def _test(field, data): return data["chimera", "rho_c"] self.add_field( ("chimera", "test"), sampling_type="cell", function=_test, units="g/cm**3" )
[docs] def setup_particle_fields(self, ptype): super().setup_particle_fields(ptype)
# This will get called for every particle type.