Source code for yt.frontends.adaptahop.definitions

Data structures for AdaptaHOP

from typing import Union

from yt.funcs import mylog

ATTR_T = tuple[tuple[Union[tuple[str, ...], str], int, str], ...]

[docs] def HEADER_ATTRIBUTES(*, double: bool, longint: bool) -> ATTR_T: int_type = "l" if longint else "i" float_type = "d" if double else "f" return ( ("npart", 1, int_type), ("massp", 1, float_type), ("aexp", 1, float_type), ("omega_t", 1, float_type), ("age", 1, float_type), (("nhalos", "nsubs"), 2, "i"), )
[docs] class AdaptaHOPDefTemplate: # this is a mixin class def __init_subclass__(cls, *args, **kwargs): super().__init_subclass__(*args, **kwargs) mylog.debug("Registering AdaptaHOP template class %s", cls.__name__) ADAPTAHOP_TEMPLATES[cls.__name__] = cls def __init__(self, longint, double_precision): self.longint = longint self.double_precision = double_precision
[docs] class AdaptaHOPOld(AdaptaHOPDefTemplate): @property def HALO_ATTRIBUTES(self) -> ATTR_T: int_type = "l" if self.longint else "i" float_type = "d" if self.double_precision else "f" return ( ("npart", 1, int_type), ("particle_identities", -1, int_type), ("particle_identifier", 1, "i"), # this is the halo id, always an int32 ("timestep", 1, "i"), ( ( "level", "host_id", "first_subhalo_id", "n_subhalos", "next_subhalo_id", ), 5, "i", ), ("particle_mass", 1, float_type), (("raw_position_x", "raw_position_y", "raw_position_z"), 3, float_type), ( ("particle_velocity_x", "particle_velocity_y", "particle_velocity_z"), 3, float_type, ), ( ( "particle_angular_momentum_x", "particle_angular_momentum_y", "particle_angular_momentum_z", ), 3, float_type, ), (("r", "a", "b", "c"), 4, float_type), (("ek", "ep", "etot"), 3, float_type), ("spin", 1, float_type), ( ( "virial_radius", "virial_mass", "virial_temperature", "virial_velocity", ), 4, float_type, ), (("rho0", "R_c"), 2, float_type), )
[docs] class AdaptaHOPNewNoContam(AdaptaHOPDefTemplate): @property def HALO_ATTRIBUTES(self) -> ATTR_T: int_type = "l" if self.longint else "i" float_type = "d" if self.double_precision else "f" return ( ("npart", 1, int_type), ("particle_identities", -1, int_type), ("particle_identifier", 1, "i"), # this is the halo id, always an int32 ("timestep", 1, "i"), ( ( "level", "host_id", "first_subhalo_id", "n_subhalos", "next_subhalo_id", ), 5, "i", ), ("particle_mass", 1, float_type), ("npart_tot", 1, int_type), ("particle_mass_tot", 1, float_type), (("raw_position_x", "raw_position_y", "raw_position_z"), 3, float_type), ( ("particle_velocity_x", "particle_velocity_y", "particle_velocity_z"), 3, float_type, ), ( ( "particle_angular_momentum_x", "particle_angular_momentum_y", "particle_angular_momentum_z", ), 3, float_type, ), (("r", "a", "b", "c"), 4, float_type), (("ek", "ep", "etot"), 3, float_type), ("spin", 1, float_type), ("velocity_dispersion", 1, float_type), ( ( "virial_radius", "virial_mass", "virial_temperature", "virial_velocity", ), 4, float_type, ), (("rmax", "vmax"), 2, float_type), ("concentration", 1, float_type), (("radius_200", "mass_200"), 2, float_type), (("radius_50", "mass_50"), 2, float_type), ("radius_profile", -1, float_type), ("rho_profile", -1, float_type), (("rho0", "R_c"), 2, float_type), )
[docs] class AdaptaHOPNewContam(AdaptaHOPNewNoContam): @property def HALO_ATTRIBUTES(self) -> ATTR_T: attrs = list(super().HALO_ATTRIBUTES) int_type = "l" if self.longint else "i" float_type = "d" if self.double_precision else "f" return tuple( attrs + [ ("contaminated", 1, "i"), (("m_contam", "mtot_contam"), 2, float_type), (("n_contam", "ntot_contam"), 2, int_type), ] )