Source code for yt.fields.species_fields

import re

import numpy as np

from yt.frontends.sph.data_structures import ParticleDataset
from yt.utilities.chemical_formulas import ChemicalFormula
from yt.utilities.physical_ratios import _primordial_mass_fraction

from .field_plugin_registry import register_field_plugin

# See YTEP-0003 for details, but we want to ensure these fields are all
# populated:
#   * _mass
#   * _density
#   * _fraction
#   * _number_density

def _create_fraction_func(ftype, species):
    def _frac(field, data):
        return data[ftype, f"{species}_density"] / data[ftype, "density"]

    return _frac

def _mass_from_cell_volume_and_density(ftype, species):
    def _mass(field, data):
        return data[ftype, f"{species}_density"] * data["index", "cell_volume"]

    return _mass

def _mass_from_particle_mass_and_fraction(ftype, species):
    def _mass(field, data):
        return data[ftype, f"{species}_fraction"] * data[ftype, "particle_mass"]

    return _mass

def _create_number_density_func(ftype, species):
    formula = ChemicalFormula(species)

    def _number_density(field, data):
        weight = formula.weight  # This is in AMU
        weight *= data.ds.units.physical_constants.amu_cgs
        return data[ftype, f"{species}_density"] / weight

    return _number_density

def _create_density_func(ftype, species):
    def _density(field, data):
        return data[ftype, f"{species}_fraction"] * data[ftype, "density"]

    return _density

[docs] def add_species_field_by_density(registry, ftype, species): """ This takes a field registry, a fluid type, and a species name and then adds the other fluids based on that. This assumes that the field "SPECIES_density" already exists and refers to mass density. """ unit_system = registry.ds.unit_system registry.add_field( (ftype, f"{species}_fraction"), sampling_type="local", function=_create_fraction_func(ftype, species), units="", ) if isinstance(registry.ds, ParticleDataset): _create_mass_func = _mass_from_particle_mass_and_fraction else: _create_mass_func = _mass_from_cell_volume_and_density registry.add_field( (ftype, f"{species}_mass"), sampling_type="local", function=_create_mass_func(ftype, species), units=unit_system["mass"], ) registry.add_field( (ftype, f"{species}_number_density"), sampling_type="local", function=_create_number_density_func(ftype, species), units=unit_system["number_density"], ) return [ (ftype, f"{species}_number_density"), (ftype, f"{species}_density"), (ftype, f"{species}_mass"), ]
[docs] def add_species_field_by_fraction(registry, ftype, species): """ This takes a field registry, a fluid type, and a species name and then adds the other fluids based on that. This assumes that the field "SPECIES_fraction" already exists and refers to mass fraction. """ unit_system = registry.ds.unit_system registry.add_field( (ftype, f"{species}_density"), sampling_type="local", function=_create_density_func(ftype, species), units=unit_system["density"], ) if isinstance(registry.ds, ParticleDataset): _create_mass_func = _mass_from_particle_mass_and_fraction else: _create_mass_func = _mass_from_cell_volume_and_density registry.add_field( (ftype, f"{species}_mass"), sampling_type="local", function=_create_mass_func(ftype, species), units=unit_system["mass"], ) registry.add_field( (ftype, f"{species}_number_density"), sampling_type="local", function=_create_number_density_func(ftype, species), units=unit_system["number_density"], ) return [ (ftype, f"{species}_number_density"), (ftype, f"{species}_density"), (ftype, f"{species}_mass"), ]
[docs] def add_species_aliases(registry, ftype, alias_species, species): r""" This takes a field registry, a fluid type, and two species names. The first species name is one you wish to alias to an existing species name. For instance you might alias all "H_p0" fields to "H\_" fields to indicate that "H\_" fields are really just neutral hydrogen fields. This function registers field aliases for the density, number_density, mass, and fraction fields between the two species given in the arguments. """ registry.alias((ftype, f"{alias_species}_density"), (ftype, f"{species}_density")) registry.alias((ftype, f"{alias_species}_fraction"), (ftype, f"{species}_fraction")) registry.alias( (ftype, f"{alias_species}_number_density"), (ftype, f"{species}_number_density"), ) registry.alias((ftype, f"{alias_species}_mass"), (ftype, f"{species}_mass"))
[docs] def add_deprecated_species_aliases(registry, ftype, alias_species, species): """ Add the species aliases but with deprecation warnings. """ for suffix in ["density", "fraction", "number_density", "mass"]: add_deprecated_species_alias(registry, ftype, alias_species, species, suffix)
[docs] def add_deprecated_species_alias(registry, ftype, alias_species, species, suffix): """ Add a deprecated species alias field. """ unit_system = registry.ds.unit_system if suffix == "fraction": my_units = "" else: my_units = unit_system[suffix] def _dep_field(field, data): return data[ftype, f"{species}_{suffix}"] registry.add_field( (ftype, f"{alias_species}_{suffix}"), sampling_type="local", function=_dep_field, units=my_units, )
[docs] def add_nuclei_density_fields(registry, ftype): unit_system = registry.ds.unit_system elements = _get_all_elements(registry.species_names) for element in elements: registry.add_field( (ftype, f"{element}_nuclei_density"), sampling_type="local", function=_nuclei_density, units=unit_system["number_density"], ) # Here, we add default nuclei and number density fields for H and # He if they are not defined above, and if it was requested by # setting "default_species_fields" if registry.ds.default_species_fields is None: return dsf = registry.ds.default_species_fields # Right now, this only handles default fields for H and He for element in ["H", "He"]: # If these elements are already present in the dataset, # DO NOT set them if element in elements: continue # First add the default nuclei density fields registry.add_field( (ftype, f"{element}_nuclei_density"), sampling_type="local", function=_default_nuclei_density, units=unit_system["number_density"], ) # Set up number density fields for hydrogen, either fully ionized or neutral. if element == "H": if dsf == "ionized": state = "p1" elif dsf == "neutral": state = "p0" else: raise NotImplementedError( f"'default_species_fields' option '{dsf}' is not implemented!" ) registry.alias( (ftype, f"H_{state}_number_density"), (ftype, "H_nuclei_density") ) # Set up number density fields for helium, either fully ionized or neutral. if element == "He": if dsf == "ionized": state = "p2" elif dsf == "neutral": state = "p0" registry.alias( (ftype, f"He_{state}_number_density"), (ftype, "He_nuclei_density") ) # If we're fully ionized, we need to setup the electron number density field if (ftype, "El_number_density") not in registry and dsf == "ionized": registry.add_field( (ftype, "El_number_density"), sampling_type="local", function=_default_nuclei_density, units=unit_system["number_density"], )
def _default_nuclei_density(field, data): ftype =[0] element =[1][:[1].find("_")] amu_cgs = data.ds.units.physical_constants.amu_cgs if element == "El": # This is for determining the electron number density. # If we got here, this assumes full ionization! muinv = 1.0 * _primordial_mass_fraction["H"] / ChemicalFormula("H").weight muinv += 2.0 * _primordial_mass_fraction["He"] / ChemicalFormula("He").weight else: # This is for anything else besides electrons muinv = _primordial_mass_fraction[element] / ChemicalFormula(element).weight return data[ftype, "density"] * muinv / amu_cgs def _nuclei_density(field, data): ftype =[0] element =[1][:[1].find("_")] nuclei_mass_field = f"{element}_nuclei_mass_density" if (ftype, nuclei_mass_field) in data.ds.field_info: return ( data[(ftype, nuclei_mass_field)] / ChemicalFormula(element).weight / data.ds.units.physical_constants.amu_cgs ) metal_field = f"{element}_metallicity" if (ftype, metal_field) in data.ds.field_info: return ( data[ftype, "density"] * data[(ftype, metal_field)] / ChemicalFormula(element).weight / data.ds.units.physical_constants.amu_cgs ) field_data = np.zeros_like( data[ftype, f"{data.ds.field_info.species_names[0]}_number_density"] ) for species in data.ds.field_info.species_names: nucleus = species if "_" in species: nucleus = species[: species.find("_")] # num is the number of nuclei contributed by this species. num = _get_element_multiple(nucleus, element) # Since this is a loop over all species existing in this dataset, # we will encounter species that contribute nothing, so we skip them. if num == 0: continue field_data += num * data[ftype, f"{species}_number_density"] return field_data def _get_all_elements(species_list): elements = [] for species in species_list: for item in re.findall("[A-Z][a-z]?|[0-9]+", species): if not item.isdigit() and item not in elements and item != "El": elements.append(item) return elements def _get_element_multiple(compound, element): my_split = re.findall("[A-Z][a-z]?|[0-9]+", compound) if element not in my_split: return 0 loc = my_split.index(element) if loc == len(my_split) - 1 or not my_split[loc + 1].isdigit(): return 1 return int(my_split[loc + 1])
[docs] @register_field_plugin def setup_species_fields(registry, ftype="gas", slice_info=None): for species in registry.species_names: # These are all the species we should be looking for fractions or # densities of. if (ftype, f"{species}_density") in registry: func = add_species_field_by_density elif (ftype, f"{species}_fraction") in registry: func = add_species_field_by_fraction else: # Skip it continue func(registry, ftype, species) # Add aliases of X_p0_<field> to X_<field>. # These are deprecated and will be removed soon. if ChemicalFormula(species).charge == 0: alias_species = species.split("_")[0] if (ftype, f"{alias_species}_density") in registry: continue add_deprecated_species_aliases(registry, "gas", alias_species, species) add_nuclei_density_fields(registry, ftype)