Source code for yt.fields.geometric_fields

import numpy as np

from yt.utilities.lib.geometry_utils import compute_morton
from yt.utilities.math_utils import (

from .derived_field import ValidateParameter, ValidateSpatial
from .field_functions import get_periodic_rvec, get_radius
from .field_plugin_registry import register_field_plugin

[docs] @register_field_plugin def setup_geometric_fields(registry, ftype="gas", slice_info=None): unit_system = registry.ds.unit_system def _radius(field, data): """The spherical radius component of the mesh cells. Relative to the coordinate system defined by the *center* field parameter. """ return get_radius(data, "",[0]) registry.add_field( ("index", "radius"), sampling_type="cell", function=_radius, validators=[ValidateParameter("center")], units=unit_system["length"], ) def _grid_level(field, data): """The AMR refinement level""" arr = np.ones(data.ires.shape, dtype="float64") arr *= data.ires if data._spatial: return data._reshape_vals(arr) return arr registry.add_field( ("index", "grid_level"), sampling_type="cell", function=_grid_level, units="", validators=[ValidateSpatial(0)], ) def _grid_indices(field, data): """The index of the leaf grid the mesh cells exist on""" if hasattr(data, "domain_id"): this_id = data.domain_id else: this_id = - data._id_offset arr = np.ones(data["index", "ones"].shape) arr *= this_id if data._spatial: return data._reshape_vals(arr) return arr registry.add_field( ("index", "grid_indices"), sampling_type="cell", function=_grid_indices, units="", validators=[ValidateSpatial(0)], take_log=False, ) def _ones_over_dx(field, data): """The inverse of the local cell spacing""" return ( np.ones(data["index", "ones"].shape, dtype="float64") / data["index", "dx"] ) registry.add_field( ("index", "ones_over_dx"), sampling_type="cell", function=_ones_over_dx, units=unit_system["length"] ** -1, display_field=False, ) def _zeros(field, data): """Returns zero for all cells""" arr = np.zeros(data["index", "ones"].shape, dtype="float64") return data.apply_units(arr, field.units) registry.add_field( ("index", "zeros"), sampling_type="cell", function=_zeros, units="", display_field=False, ) def _ones(field, data): """Returns one for all cells""" tmp = np.ones(data.ires.shape, dtype="float64") arr = data.apply_units(tmp, field.units) if data._spatial: return data._reshape_vals(arr) return arr registry.add_field( ("index", "ones"), sampling_type="cell", function=_ones, units="", display_field=False, ) def _morton_index(field, data): """This is the morton index, which is properly a uint64 field. Because we make some assumptions that the fields returned by derived fields are float64, this returns a "view" on the data that is float64. To get back the original uint64, you need to call .view("uint64") on it; however, it should be true that if you sort the uint64, you will get the same order as if you sort the float64 view. """ eps = np.finfo("f8").eps uq = data.ds.domain_left_edge.uq LE = data.ds.domain_left_edge - eps * uq RE = data.ds.domain_right_edge + eps * uq # .ravel() only copies if it needs to morton = compute_morton( data["index", "x"].ravel(), data["index", "y"].ravel(), data["index", "z"].ravel(), LE, RE, ) morton.shape = data["index", "x"].shape return morton.view("f8") registry.add_field( ("index", "morton_index"), sampling_type="cell", function=_morton_index, units="", ) def _spherical_radius(field, data): """The spherical radius component of the positions of the mesh cells. Relative to the coordinate system defined by the *center* field parameter. """ coords = get_periodic_rvec(data) return data.ds.arr(get_sph_r(coords), "code_length").in_base( registry.add_field( ("index", "spherical_radius"), sampling_type="cell", function=_spherical_radius, validators=[ValidateParameter("center")], units=unit_system["length"], ) def _spherical_theta(field, data): """The spherical theta component of the positions of the mesh cells. theta is the poloidal position angle in the plane parallel to the *normal* vector Relative to the coordinate system defined by the *center* and *normal* field parameters. """ normal = data.get_field_parameter("normal") coords = get_periodic_rvec(data) return get_sph_theta(coords, normal) registry.add_field( ("index", "spherical_theta"), sampling_type="cell", function=_spherical_theta, validators=[ValidateParameter("center"), ValidateParameter("normal")], units="", ) def _spherical_phi(field, data): """The spherical phi component of the positions of the mesh cells. phi is the azimuthal position angle in the plane perpendicular to the *normal* vector Relative to the coordinate system defined by the *center* and *normal* field parameters. """ normal = data.get_field_parameter("normal") coords = get_periodic_rvec(data) return get_sph_phi(coords, normal) registry.add_field( ("index", "spherical_phi"), sampling_type="cell", function=_spherical_phi, validators=[ValidateParameter("center"), ValidateParameter("normal")], units="", ) def _cylindrical_radius(field, data): """The cylindrical radius component of the positions of the mesh cells. Relative to the coordinate system defined by the *normal* vector and *center* field parameters. """ normal = data.get_field_parameter("normal") coords = get_periodic_rvec(data) return data.ds.arr(get_cyl_r(coords, normal), "code_length").in_base( ) registry.add_field( ("index", "cylindrical_radius"), sampling_type="cell", function=_cylindrical_radius, validators=[ValidateParameter("center"), ValidateParameter("normal")], units=unit_system["length"], ) def _cylindrical_z(field, data): """The cylindrical z component of the positions of the mesh cells. Relative to the coordinate system defined by the *normal* vector and *center* field parameters. """ normal = data.get_field_parameter("normal") coords = get_periodic_rvec(data) return data.ds.arr(get_cyl_z(coords, normal), "code_length").in_base( ) registry.add_field( ("index", "cylindrical_z"), sampling_type="cell", function=_cylindrical_z, validators=[ValidateParameter("center"), ValidateParameter("normal")], units=unit_system["length"], ) def _cylindrical_theta(field, data): """The cylindrical z component of the positions of the mesh cells. theta is the azimuthal position angle in the plane perpendicular to the *normal* vector. Relative to the coordinate system defined by the *normal* vector and *center* field parameters. """ normal = data.get_field_parameter("normal") coords = get_periodic_rvec(data) return get_cyl_theta(coords, normal) registry.add_field( ("index", "cylindrical_theta"), sampling_type="cell", function=_cylindrical_theta, validators=[ValidateParameter("center"), ValidateParameter("normal")], units="", )