Source code for yt.fields.field_info_container

import sys
from collections import UserDict
from import Callable
from typing import Optional

from unyt.exceptions import UnitConversionError

from yt._maintenance.deprecation import issue_deprecation_warning
from yt._typing import FieldKey, FieldName, FieldType, KnownFieldsT
from yt.config import ytcfg
from yt.fields.field_exceptions import NeedsConfiguration
from yt.funcs import mylog, obj_length, only_on_root
from yt.geometry.api import Geometry
from yt.units.dimensions import dimensionless  # type: ignore
from yt.units.unit_object import Unit  # type: ignore
from yt.utilities.exceptions import (

from .derived_field import DeprecatedFieldFunc, DerivedField, NullFunc, TranslationFunc
from .field_plugin_registry import FunctionName, field_plugins
from .particle_fields import (

if sys.version_info >= (3, 11):
    from typing import assert_never
    from typing_extensions import assert_never

[docs] class FieldInfoContainer(UserDict): """ This is a generic field container. It contains a list of potential derived fields, all of which know how to act on a data object and return a value. This object handles converting units as well as validating the availability of a given field. """ fallback = None known_other_fields: KnownFieldsT = () known_particle_fields: KnownFieldsT = () extra_union_fields: tuple[FieldKey, ...] = () def __init__(self, ds, field_list: list[FieldKey], slice_info=None): super().__init__() self._show_field_errors: list[Exception] = [] self.ds = ds # Now we start setting things up. self.field_list = field_list self.slice_info = slice_info self.field_aliases: dict[FieldKey, FieldKey] = {} self.species_names: list[FieldName] = [] self.setup_fluid_aliases() @property def curvilinear(self) -> bool: issue_deprecation_warning( "FieldInfoContainer.curvilinear attribute is deprecated. " "Please compare the internal dataset geometry directly to known Geometry enum members instead. ", stacklevel=3, since="4.2", ) geometry = self.ds.geometry return ( geometry is Geometry.POLAR or geometry is Geometry.CYLINDRICAL or geometry is Geometry.SPHERICAL )
[docs] def setup_fluid_fields(self): pass
[docs] def setup_fluid_index_fields(self): # Now we get all our index types and set up aliases to them if self.ds is None: return index_fields = {f for _, f in self if _ == "index"} for ftype in self.ds.fluid_types: if ftype in ("index", "deposit"): continue for f in index_fields: if (ftype, f) in self: continue self.alias((ftype, f), ("index", f))
[docs] def setup_particle_fields(self, ptype, ftype="gas", num_neighbors=64): skip_output_units = ("code_length",) for f, (units, aliases, dn) in sorted(self.known_particle_fields): units = self.ds.field_units.get((ptype, f), units) output_units = units if ( f in aliases or ptype not in self.ds.particle_types_raw ) and units not in skip_output_units: u = Unit(units, registry=self.ds.unit_registry) if u.dimensions is not dimensionless: output_units = str(self.ds.unit_system[u.dimensions]) if (ptype, f) not in self.field_list: continue self.add_output_field( (ptype, f), sampling_type="particle", units=units, display_name=dn, output_units=output_units, ) for alias in aliases: self.alias((ptype, alias), (ptype, f), units=output_units) # We'll either have particle_position or particle_position_[xyz] if (ptype, "particle_position") in self.field_list or ( ptype, "particle_position", ) in self.field_aliases: particle_scalar_functions( ptype, "particle_position", "particle_velocity", self ) else: # We need to check to make sure that there's a "known field" that # overlaps with one of the vector fields. For instance, if we are # in the Stream frontend, and we have a set of scalar position # fields, they will overlap with -- and be overridden by -- the # "known" vector field that the frontend creates. So the easiest # thing to do is to simply remove the on-disk field (which doesn't # exist) and replace it with a derived field. if (ptype, "particle_position") in self and self[ ptype, "particle_position" ]._function == NullFunc: self.pop((ptype, "particle_position")) particle_vector_functions( ptype, [f"particle_position_{ax}" for ax in "xyz"], [f"particle_velocity_{ax}" for ax in "xyz"], self, ) particle_deposition_functions(ptype, "particle_position", "particle_mass", self) standard_particle_fields(self, ptype) # Now we check for any leftover particle fields for field in sorted(self.field_list): if field in self: continue if not isinstance(field, tuple): raise RuntimeError if field[0] not in self.ds.particle_types: continue units = self.ds.field_units.get(field, None) if units is None: try: units = ytcfg.get("fields", *field, "units") except KeyError: units = "" self.add_output_field( field, sampling_type="particle", units=units, ) self.setup_smoothed_fields(ptype, num_neighbors=num_neighbors, ftype=ftype)
[docs] def setup_extra_union_fields(self, ptype="all"): if ptype != "all": raise RuntimeError( "setup_extra_union_fields is currently" + 'only enabled for particle type "all".' ) for units, field in self.extra_union_fields: add_union_field(self, ptype, field, units)
[docs] def setup_smoothed_fields(self, ptype, num_neighbors=64, ftype="gas"): # We can in principle compute this, but it is not yet implemented. if (ptype, "density") not in self or not hasattr(self.ds, "_sph_ptypes"): return new_aliases = [] for ptype2, alias_name in list(self): if ptype2 != ptype: continue if alias_name not in sph_whitelist_fields: if alias_name.startswith("particle_"): pass else: continue uni_alias_name = alias_name if "particle_position_" in alias_name: uni_alias_name = alias_name.replace("particle_position_", "") elif "particle_" in alias_name: uni_alias_name = alias_name.replace("particle_", "") new_aliases.append( ( (ftype, uni_alias_name), (ptype, alias_name), ) ) if "particle_position_" in alias_name: new_aliases.append( ( (ftype, alias_name), (ptype, alias_name), ) ) new_aliases.append( ( (ptype, uni_alias_name), (ptype, alias_name), ) ) for alias, source in new_aliases: self.alias(alias, source) self.alias((ftype, "particle_position"), (ptype, "particle_position")) self.alias((ftype, "particle_mass"), (ptype, "particle_mass"))
# Collect the names for all aliases if geometry is curvilinear
[docs] def setup_fluid_aliases(self, ftype: FieldType = "gas") -> None: known_other_fields = dict(self.known_other_fields) # For non-Cartesian geometry, convert alias of vector fields to # curvilinear coordinates aliases_gallery = self.get_aliases_gallery() for field in sorted(self.field_list): if not isinstance(field, tuple) or len(field) != 2: raise RuntimeError if field[0] in self.ds.particle_types: continue args = known_other_fields.get(field[1], None) if args is not None: units, aliases, display_name = args else: try: node = ytcfg.get("fields", *field).as_dict() except KeyError: node = {} units = node.get("units", "") aliases = node.get("aliases", []) display_name = node.get("display_name", None) # We allow field_units to override this. First we check if the # field *name* is in there, then the field *tuple*. units = self.ds.field_units.get(field[1], units) units = self.ds.field_units.get(field, units) self.add_output_field( field, sampling_type="cell", units=units, display_name=display_name ) axis_names = self.ds.coordinates.axis_order geometry: Geometry = self.ds.geometry for alias in aliases: if ( geometry is Geometry.POLAR or geometry is Geometry.CYLINDRICAL or geometry is Geometry.SPHERICAL ): if alias[-2:] not in ["_x", "_y", "_z"]: to_convert = False else: for suffix in ["x", "y", "z"]: if f"{alias[:-2]}_{suffix}" not in aliases_gallery: to_convert = False break to_convert = True if to_convert: if alias[-2:] == "_x": alias = f"{alias[:-2]}_{axis_names[0]}" elif alias[-2:] == "_y": alias = f"{alias[:-2]}_{axis_names[1]}" elif alias[-2:] == "_z": alias = f"{alias[:-2]}_{axis_names[2]}" elif ( geometry is Geometry.CARTESIAN or geometry is Geometry.GEOGRAPHIC or geometry is Geometry.INTERNAL_GEOGRAPHIC or geometry is Geometry.SPECTRAL_CUBE ): # nothing to do pass else: assert_never(geometry) self.alias((ftype, alias), field)
@staticmethod def _sanitize_sampling_type(sampling_type: str) -> str: """Detect conflicts between deprecated and new parameters to specify the sampling type in a new field. This is a helper function to add_field methods. Parameters ---------- sampling_type : str One of "cell", "particle" or "local" (case insensitive) Raises ------ ValueError For unsupported values in sampling_type """ if not isinstance(sampling_type, str): raise TypeError("sampling_type should be a string.") sampling_type = sampling_type.lower() acceptable_samplings = ("cell", "particle", "local") if sampling_type not in acceptable_samplings: raise ValueError( f"Received invalid sampling type {sampling_type!r}. " f"Expected any of {acceptable_samplings}" ) return sampling_type
[docs] def add_field( self, name: FieldKey, function: Callable, sampling_type: str, *, alias: Optional[DerivedField] = None, force_override: bool = False, **kwargs, ) -> None: """ Add a new field, along with supplemental metadata, to the list of available fields. This respects a number of arguments, all of which are passed on to the constructor for :class:`~yt.data_objects.api.DerivedField`. Parameters ---------- name : tuple[str, str] field (or particle) type, field name function : callable A function handle that defines the field. Should accept arguments (field, data) sampling_type: str "cell" or "particle" or "local" force_override: bool If False (default), an error will be raised if a field of the same name already exists. alias: DerivedField (optional): existing field to be aliased units : str A plain text string encoding the unit. Powers must be in python syntax (** instead of ^). If set to "auto" the units will be inferred from the return value of the field function. take_log : bool Describes whether the field should be logged validators : list A list of :class:`FieldValidator` objects vector_field : bool Describes the dimensionality of the field. Currently unused. display_name : str A name used in the plots """ # Handle the case where the field has already been added. if not force_override and name in self: return kwargs.setdefault("ds", self.ds) sampling_type = self._sanitize_sampling_type(sampling_type) if ( not isinstance(name, str) and obj_length(name) == 2 and all(isinstance(e, str) for e in name) ): self[name] = DerivedField( name, sampling_type, function, alias=alias, **kwargs ) else: raise ValueError(f"Expected name to be a tuple[str, str], got {name}")
[docs] def load_all_plugins(self, ftype: Optional[str] = "gas") -> None: if ftype is None: return mylog.debug("Loading field plugins for field type: %s.", ftype) loaded = [] for n in sorted(field_plugins): loaded += self.load_plugin(n, ftype) only_on_root(mylog.debug, "Loaded %s (%s new fields)", n, len(loaded)) self.find_dependencies(loaded)
[docs] def load_plugin( self, plugin_name: FunctionName, ftype: FieldType = "gas", skip_check: bool = False, ): f = field_plugins[plugin_name] orig = set(self.items()) f(self, ftype, slice_info=self.slice_info) loaded = [n for n, v in set(self.items()).difference(orig)] return loaded
[docs] def find_dependencies(self, loaded): deps, unavailable = self.check_derived_fields(loaded) self.ds.field_dependencies.update(deps) # Note we may have duplicated dfl = set(self.ds.derived_field_list).union(deps.keys()) self.ds.derived_field_list = sorted(dfl) return loaded, unavailable
[docs] def add_output_field(self, name, sampling_type, **kwargs): if name[1] == "density": if name in self: # this should not happen, but it does # it'd be best to raise an error here but # it may take a while to cleanup internal issues return kwargs.setdefault("ds", self.ds) self[name] = DerivedField(name, sampling_type, NullFunc, **kwargs)
[docs] def alias( self, alias_name: FieldKey, original_name: FieldKey, units: Optional[str] = None, deprecate: Optional[tuple[str, Optional[str]]] = None, ): """ Alias one field to another field. Parameters ---------- alias_name : tuple[str, str] The new field name. original_name : tuple[str, str] The field to be aliased. units : str A plain text string encoding the unit. Powers must be in python syntax (** instead of ^). If set to "auto" the units will be inferred from the return value of the field function. deprecate : tuple[str, str | None] | None If this is set, then the tuple contains two string version numbers: the first marking the version when the field was deprecated, and the second marking when the field will be removed. """ if original_name not in self: return if units is None: # We default to CGS here, but in principle, this can be pluggable # as well. # self[original_name].units may be set to `None` at this point # to signal that units should be autoset later oru = self[original_name].units if oru is None: units = None else: u = Unit(oru, registry=self.ds.unit_registry) if u.dimensions is not dimensionless: units = str(self.ds.unit_system[u.dimensions]) else: units = oru self.field_aliases[alias_name] = original_name function = TranslationFunc(original_name) if deprecate is not None: self.add_deprecated_field( alias_name, function=function, sampling_type=self[original_name].sampling_type, display_name=self[original_name].display_name, units=units, since=deprecate[0], removal=deprecate[1], ret_name=original_name, ) else: self.add_field( alias_name, function=function, sampling_type=self[original_name].sampling_type, display_name=self[original_name].display_name, units=units, alias=self[original_name], )
[docs] def add_deprecated_field( self, name, function, sampling_type, since, removal=None, ret_name=None, **kwargs, ): """ Add a new field which is deprecated, along with supplemental metadata, to the list of available fields. This respects a number of arguments, all of which are passed on to the constructor for :class:`~yt.data_objects.api.DerivedField`. Parameters ---------- name : str is the name of the field. function : callable A function handle that defines the field. Should accept arguments (field, data) sampling_type : str "cell" or "particle" or "local" since : str The version string marking when this field was deprecated. removal : str The version string marking when this field will be removed. ret_name : str The name of the field which will actually be returned, used only by :meth:`~yt.fields.field_info_container.FieldInfoContainer.alias`. units : str A plain text string encoding the unit. Powers must be in python syntax (** instead of ^). If set to "auto" the units will be inferred from the return value of the field function. take_log : bool Describes whether the field should be logged validators : list A list of :class:`FieldValidator` objects vector_field : bool Describes the dimensionality of the field. Currently unused. display_name : str A name used in the plots """ if ret_name is None: ret_name = name self.add_field( name, function=DeprecatedFieldFunc(ret_name, function, since, removal), sampling_type=sampling_type, **kwargs, )
[docs] def has_key(self, key): # This gets used a lot if key in self: return True if self.fallback is None: return False return key in self.fallback
def __missing__(self, key): if self.fallback is None: raise KeyError(f"No field named {key}") return self.fallback[key]
[docs] @classmethod def create_with_fallback(cls, fallback, name=""): obj = cls() obj.fallback = fallback = name return obj
def __contains__(self, key): if super().__contains__(key): return True if self.fallback is None: return False return key in self.fallback def __iter__(self): yield from super().__iter__() if self.fallback is not None: yield from self.fallback
[docs] def keys(self): keys = super().keys() if self.fallback: keys += list(self.fallback.keys()) return keys
[docs] def check_derived_fields(self, fields_to_check=None): # The following exceptions lists were obtained by expanding an # all-catching `except Exception`. # We define # - a blacklist (exceptions that we know should be caught) # - a whitelist (exceptions that should be handled) # - a greylist (exceptions that may be covering bugs but should be checked) # See # in the long run, the greylist should be removed blacklist = () whitelist = (NotImplementedError,) greylist = ( YTFieldNotFound, YTDomainOverflow, YTCoordinateNotImplemented, NeedsConfiguration, TypeError, ValueError, IndexError, AttributeError, KeyError, # code smells -> those are very likely bugs UnitConversionError, # solved in GH PR 2897 ? # RecursionError is clearly a bug, and was already solved once # in GH PR 2851 RecursionError, ) deps = {} unavailable = [] fields_to_check = fields_to_check or list(self.keys()) for field in fields_to_check: fi = self[field] try: # fd: field detector fd = fi.get_dependencies(ds=self.ds) except blacklist as err: print(f"{err.__class__} raised for field {field}") raise SystemExit(1) from err except (*whitelist, *greylist) as e: if field in self._show_field_errors: raise if not isinstance(e, YTFieldNotFound): # if we're doing field tests, raise an error # see yt.fields.tests.test_fields if hasattr(self.ds, "_field_test_dataset"): raise mylog.debug( "Raises %s during field %s detection.", str(type(e)), field ) self.pop(field) continue # This next bit checks that we can't somehow generate everything. # We also manually update the 'requested' attribute missing = not all(f in self.field_list for f in fd.requested) if missing: self.pop(field) unavailable.append(field) continue fd.requested = set(fd.requested) deps[field] = fd mylog.debug("Succeeded with %s (needs %s)", field, fd.requested) # now populate the derived field list with results # this violates isolation principles and should be refactored dfl = set(self.ds.derived_field_list).union(deps.keys()) dfl = sorted(dfl) if not hasattr(self.ds.index, "meshes"): # the meshes attribute characterizes an unstructured-mesh data structure # ideally this filtering should not be required # and this could maybe be handled in fi.get_dependencies # but it's a lot easier to do here filtered_dfl = [] for field in dfl: try: ftype, fname = field if "vertex" in fname: continue except ValueError: # in very rare cases, there can a field represented by a single # string, like "emissivity" # this try block _should_ be removed and the error fixed upstream # for reference, a test that would break is # yt/data_objects/tests/ pass filtered_dfl.append(field) dfl = filtered_dfl self.ds.derived_field_list = dfl self._set_linear_fields() return deps, unavailable
def _set_linear_fields(self): """ Sets which fields use linear as their default scaling in Profiles and PhasePlots. Default for all fields is set to log, so this sets which are linear. For now, set linear to geometric fields: position and velocity coordinates. """ non_log_prefixes = ("", "velocity_", "particle_position_", "particle_velocity_") coords = ("x", "y", "z") non_log_fields = [ prefix + coord for prefix in non_log_prefixes for coord in coords ] for field in self.ds.derived_field_list: if field[1] in non_log_fields: self[field].take_log = False