yt.frontends.nc4_cm1.fields module

class yt.frontends.nc4_cm1.fields.CM1FieldInfo(ds, field_list: list[tuple[str, str]], slice_info=None)[source]

Bases: FieldInfoContainer

add_deprecated_field(name, function, sampling_type, since, removal=None, ret_name=None, **kwargs)

Add a new field which is deprecated, along with supplemental metadata, to the list of available fields. This respects a number of arguments, all of which are passed on to the constructor for DerivedField.

  • name (str) – is the name of the field.

  • function (callable) – A function handle that defines the field. Should accept arguments (field, data)

  • sampling_type (str) – “cell” or “particle” or “local”

  • since (str) – The version string marking when this field was deprecated.

  • removal (str) – The version string marking when this field will be removed.

  • ret_name (str) – The name of the field which will actually be returned, used only by alias().

  • units (str) – A plain text string encoding the unit. Powers must be in python syntax (** instead of ^). If set to “auto” the units will be inferred from the return value of the field function.

  • take_log (bool) – Describes whether the field should be logged

  • validators (list) – A list of FieldValidator objects

  • vector_field (bool) – Describes the dimensionality of the field. Currently unused.

  • display_name (str) – A name used in the plots

add_field(name: tuple[str, str], function: Callable, sampling_type: str, *, alias: DerivedField | None = None, force_override: bool = False, **kwargs) None

Add a new field, along with supplemental metadata, to the list of available fields. This respects a number of arguments, all of which are passed on to the constructor for DerivedField.

  • name (tuple[str, str]) – field (or particle) type, field name

  • function (callable) – A function handle that defines the field. Should accept arguments (field, data)

  • sampling_type (str) – “cell” or “particle” or “local”

  • force_override (bool) – If False (default), an error will be raised if a field of the same name already exists.

  • alias (DerivedField (optional):) – existing field to be aliased

  • units (str) – A plain text string encoding the unit. Powers must be in python syntax (** instead of ^). If set to “auto” the units will be inferred from the return value of the field function.

  • take_log (bool) – Describes whether the field should be logged

  • validators (list) – A list of FieldValidator objects

  • vector_field (bool) – Describes the dimensionality of the field. Currently unused.

  • display_name (str) – A name used in the plots

add_output_field(name, sampling_type, **kwargs)
alias(alias_name: tuple[str, str], original_name: tuple[str, str], units: str | None = None, deprecate: tuple[str, str | None] | None = None)

Alias one field to another field.

  • alias_name (tuple[str, str]) – The new field name.

  • original_name (tuple[str, str]) – The field to be aliased.

  • units (str) – A plain text string encoding the unit. Powers must be in python syntax (** instead of ^). If set to “auto” the units will be inferred from the return value of the field function.

  • deprecate (tuple[str, str | None] | None) – If this is set, then the tuple contains two string version numbers: the first marking the version when the field was deprecated, and the second marking when the field will be removed.

clear() None.  Remove all items from D.
classmethod create_with_fallback(fallback, name='')
property curvilinear: bool
extra_union_fields: tuple[FieldKey, ...] = ()
fallback = None
classmethod fromkeys(iterable, value=None)
get(k[, d]) D[k] if k in D, else d.  d defaults to None.
items() a set-like object providing a view on D's items
keys() a set-like object providing a view on D's keys
known_other_fields: KnownFieldsT = (('uinterp', ('m/s', ['velocity_x'], None)), ('vinterp', ('m/s', ['velocity_y'], None)), ('winterp', ('m/s', ['velocity_z'], None)), ('u', ('m/s', ['velocity_x'], None)), ('v', ('m/s', ['velocity_y'], None)), ('w', ('m/s', ['velocity_z'], None)), ('hwin_sr', ('m/s', ['storm_relative_horizontal_wind_speed'], None)), ('windmag_sr', ('m/s', ['storm_relative_3D_wind_speed'], None)), ('hwin_gr', ('m/s', ['ground_relative_horizontal_wind_speed'], None)), ('thpert', ('K', ['potential_temperature_perturbation'], None)), ('thrhopert', ('K', ['density_potential_temperature_perturbation'], None)), ('prespert', ('hPa', ['presure_perturbation'], None)), ('rhopert', ('kg/m**3', ['density_perturbation'], None)), ('dbz', ('dB', ['simulated_reflectivity'], None)), ('qvpert', ('g/kg', ['water_vapor_mixing_ratio_perturbation'], None)), ('qc', ('g/kg', ['cloud_liquid_water_mixing_ratio'], None)), ('qr', ('g/kg', ['rain_mixing_ratio'], None)), ('qi', ('g/kg', ['cloud_ice_mixing_ratio'], None)), ('qs', ('g/kg', ['snow_mixing_ratio'], None)), ('qg', ('g/kg', ['graupel_or_hail_mixing_ratio'], None)), ('qcloud', ('g/kg', ['sum_of_cloud_water_and_cloud_ice_mixing_ratios'], None)), ('qprecip', ('g/kg', ['sum_of_rain_graupel_snow_mixing_ratios'], None)), ('nci', ('1/cm**3', ['number_concerntration_of_cloud_ice'], None)), ('ncr', ('1/cm**3', ['number_concentration_of_rain'], None)), ('ncs', ('1/cm**3', ['number_concentration_of_snow'], None)), ('ncg', ('1/cm**3', ['number_concentration_of_graupel_or_hail'], None)), ('xvort', ('1/s', ['vorticity_x'], None)), ('yvort', ('1/s', ['vorticity_y'], None)), ('zvort', ('1/s', ['vorticity_z'], None)), ('hvort', ('1/s', ['horizontal_vorticity_magnitude'], None)), ('vortmag', ('1/s', ['vorticity_magnitude'], None)), ('streamvort', ('1/s', ['streamwise_vorticity'], None)), ('khh', ('m**2/s', ['khh'], None)), ('khv', ('m**2/s', ['khv'], None)), ('kmh', ('m**2/s', ['kmh'], None)), ('kmv', ('m**2/s', ['kmv'], None)))
known_particle_fields: KnownFieldsT = ()
load_all_plugins(ftype: str | None = 'gas') None
load_plugin(plugin_name: str, ftype: str = 'gas', skip_check: bool = False)
pop(k[, d]) v, remove specified key and return the corresponding value.

If key is not found, d is returned if given, otherwise KeyError is raised.

popitem() (k, v), remove and return some (key, value) pair

as a 2-tuple; but raise KeyError if D is empty.

setdefault(k[, d]) D.get(k,d), also set D[k]=d if k not in D
setup_fluid_aliases(ftype: str = 'gas') None
setup_smoothed_fields(ptype, num_neighbors=64, ftype='gas')
update([E, ]**F) None.  Update D from mapping/iterable E and F.

If E present and has a .keys() method, does: for k in E: D[k] = E[k] If E present and lacks .keys() method, does: for (k, v) in E: D[k] = v In either case, this is followed by: for k, v in F.items(): D[k] = v

values() an object providing a view on D's values