Source code for yt.visualization.volume_rendering.create_spline

import sys

import numpy as np

[docs] def create_spline(old_x, old_y, new_x, tension=0.5, sorted=False): """ Inputs: old_x: array of floats Original x-data to be fit with a Catmull-Rom spline old_y: array of floats Original y-data to be fit with a Catmull-Rom spline new_x: array of floats interpolate to these x-coordinates tension: float, optional controls the tension at the specified coordinates sorted: boolean, optional If True, then the old_x and old_y arrays are sorted, and then this routine does not try to sort the coordinates Outputs: result: array of floats interpolated y-coordinates """ ndata = len(old_x) N = len(new_x) result = np.zeros(N) if not sorted: isort = np.argsort(old_x) old_x = old_x[isort] old_y = old_y[isort] # Floor/ceiling of values outside of the original data new_x = np.minimum(new_x, old_x[-1]) new_x = np.maximum(new_x, old_x[0]) ind = np.searchsorted(old_x, new_x) im2 = np.maximum(ind - 2, 0) im1 = np.maximum(ind - 1, 0) ip1 = np.minimum(ind + 1, ndata - 1) for i in range(N): if ind[i] != im1[i]: u = (new_x[i] - old_x[im1[i]]) / (old_x[ind[i]] - old_x[im1[i]]) elif ind[i] == im1[i]: u = 0 else: print("Bad index during interpolation?") sys.exit() b0 = -tension * u + 2 * tension * u**2 - tension * u**3 b1 = 1.0 + (tension - 3) * u**2 + (2 - tension) * u**3 b2 = tension * u + (3 - 2 * tension) * u**2 + (tension - 2) * u**3 b3 = -tension * u**2 + tension * u**3 result[i] = ( b0 * old_y[im2[i]] + b1 * old_y[im1[i]] + b2 * old_y[ind[i]] + b3 * old_y[ip1[i]] ) return result