Source code for yt.visualization.profile_plotter

import base64
import builtins
import os
from import Iterable
from functools import wraps
from typing import Any, Optional, Union

import matplotlib
import numpy as np
from more_itertools.more import always_iterable, unzip

from yt._typing import FieldKey
from yt.data_objects.profiles import create_profile, sanitize_field_tuple_keys
from yt.data_objects.static_output import Dataset
from yt.frontends.ytdata.data_structures import YTProfileDataset
from yt.funcs import iter_fields, matplotlib_style_context
from yt.utilities.exceptions import YTNotInsideNotebook
from yt.visualization._commons import _get_units_label
from yt.visualization._handlers import ColorbarHandler, NormHandler
from yt.visualization.base_plot_types import ImagePlotMPL, PlotMPL

from ..data_objects.selection_objects.data_selection_objects import YTSelectionContainer
from ._commons import validate_image_name
from .plot_container import (

[docs] def invalidate_profile(f): @wraps(f) def newfunc(*args, **kwargs): rv = f(*args, **kwargs) args[0]._profile_valid = False return rv return newfunc
[docs] def sanitize_label(labels, nprofiles): labels = list(always_iterable(labels)) or [None] if len(labels) == 1: labels = labels * nprofiles if len(labels) != nprofiles: raise ValueError( f"Number of labels {len(labels)} must match number of profiles {nprofiles}" ) invalid_data = [ (label, type(label)) for label in labels if label is not None and not isinstance(label, str) ] if invalid_data: invalid_labels, types = unzip(invalid_data) raise TypeError( "All labels must be None or a string, " f"received {invalid_labels} with type {types}" ) return labels
[docs] def data_object_or_all_data(data_source): if isinstance(data_source, Dataset): data_source = data_source.all_data() if not isinstance(data_source, YTSelectionContainer): raise RuntimeError("data_source must be a yt selection data object") return data_source
[docs] class ProfilePlot(BaseLinePlot): r""" Create a 1d profile plot from a data source or from a list of profile objects. Given a data object (all_data, region, sphere, etc.), an x field, and a y field (or fields), this will create a one-dimensional profile of the average (or total) value of the y field in bins of the x field. This can be used to create profiles from given fields or to plot multiple profiles created from `yt.data_objects.profiles.create_profile`. Parameters ---------- data_source : YTSelectionContainer Object The data object to be profiled, such as all_data, region, or sphere. If a dataset is passed in instead, an all_data data object is generated internally from the dataset. x_field : str The binning field for the profile. y_fields : str or list The field or fields to be profiled. weight_field : str The weight field for calculating weighted averages. If None, the profile values are the sum of the field values within the bin. Otherwise, the values are a weighted average. Default : ("gas", "mass") n_bins : int The number of bins in the profile. Default: 64. accumulation : bool If True, the profile values for a bin N are the cumulative sum of all the values from bin 0 to N. Default: False. fractional : If True the profile values are divided by the sum of all the profile data such that the profile represents a probability distribution function. label : str or list of strings If a string, the label to be put on the line plotted. If a list, this should be a list of labels for each profile to be overplotted. Default: None. plot_spec : dict or list of dicts A dictionary or list of dictionaries containing plot keyword arguments. For example, dict(color="red", linestyle=":"). Default: None. x_log : bool Whether the x_axis should be plotted with a logarithmic scaling (True), or linear scaling (False). Default: True. y_log : dict or bool A dictionary containing field:boolean pairs, setting the logarithmic property for that field. May be overridden after instantiation using set_log A single boolean can be passed to signify all fields should use logarithmic (True) or linear scaling (False). Default: True. Examples -------- This creates profiles of a single dataset. >>> import yt >>> ds = yt.load("enzo_tiny_cosmology/DD0046/DD0046") >>> ad = ds.all_data() >>> plot = yt.ProfilePlot( ... ad, ... ("gas", "density"), ... [("gas", "temperature"), ("gas", "velocity_x")], ... weight_field=("gas", "mass"), ... plot_spec=dict(color="red", linestyle="--"), ... ) >>> This creates profiles from a time series object. >>> es = yt.load_simulation("AMRCosmology.enzo", "Enzo") >>> es.get_time_series() >>> profiles = [] >>> labels = [] >>> plot_specs = [] >>> for ds in es[-4:]: ... ad = ds.all_data() ... profiles.append( ... create_profile( ... ad, ... [("gas", "density")], ... fields=[("gas", "temperature"), ("gas", "velocity_x")], ... ) ... ) ... labels.append(ds.current_redshift) ... plot_specs.append(dict(linestyle="--", alpha=0.7)) >>> plot = yt.ProfilePlot.from_profiles( ... profiles, labels=labels, plot_specs=plot_specs ... ) >>> Use set_line_property to change line properties of one or all profiles. """ _default_figure_size = (10.0, 8.0) _default_font_size = 18.0 x_log = None y_log = None x_title = None y_title = None _plot_valid = False def __init__( self, data_source, x_field, y_fields, weight_field=("gas", "mass"), n_bins=64, accumulation=False, fractional=False, label=None, plot_spec=None, x_log=True, y_log=True, ): data_source = data_object_or_all_data(data_source) y_fields = list(iter_fields(y_fields)) logs = {x_field: bool(x_log)} if isinstance(y_log, bool): y_log = {y_field: y_log for y_field in y_fields} if isinstance(data_source.ds, YTProfileDataset): profiles = [data_source.ds.profile] else: profiles = [ create_profile( data_source, [x_field], n_bins=[n_bins], fields=y_fields, weight_field=weight_field, accumulation=accumulation, fractional=fractional, logs=logs, ) ] if plot_spec is None: plot_spec = [{} for p in profiles] if not isinstance(plot_spec, list): plot_spec = [plot_spec.copy() for p in profiles] ProfilePlot._initialize_instance( self, data_source, profiles, label, plot_spec, y_log ) @classmethod def _initialize_instance( cls, obj, data_source, profiles, labels, plot_specs, y_log, ): obj._plot_title = {} obj._plot_text = {} obj._text_xpos = {} obj._text_ypos = {} obj._text_kwargs = {} super(ProfilePlot, obj).__init__(data_source) obj.profiles = list(always_iterable(profiles)) obj.x_log = None obj.y_log = sanitize_field_tuple_keys(y_log, data_source) or {} obj.y_title = {} obj.x_title = None obj.label = sanitize_label(labels, len(obj.profiles)) if plot_specs is None: plot_specs = [{} for p in obj.profiles] obj.plot_spec = plot_specs obj._xlim = (None, None) obj._setup_plots() obj._plot_valid = False # see return obj def _get_axrect(self): return (0.1, 0.1, 0.8, 0.8)
[docs] @validate_plot def save( self, name: Optional[str] = None, suffix: Optional[str] = None, mpl_kwargs: Optional[dict[str, Any]] = None, ): r""" Saves a 1d profile plot. Parameters ---------- name : str, optional The output file keyword. suffix : string, optional Specify the image type by its suffix. If not specified, the output type will be inferred from the filename. Defaults to '.png'. mpl_kwargs : dict, optional A dict of keyword arguments to be passed to matplotlib. """ if not self._plot_valid: self._setup_plots() # Mypy is hardly convinced that we have a `profiles` attribute # at this stage, so we're lasily going to deactivate it locally unique = set(self.plots.values()) iters: Iterable[tuple[Union[int, FieldKey], PlotMPL]] if len(unique) < len(self.plots): iters = enumerate(sorted(unique)) else: iters = self.plots.items() if name is None: if len(self.profiles) == 1: # type: ignore name = str(self.profiles[0].ds) # type: ignore else: name = "Multi-data" name = validate_image_name(name, suffix) prefix, suffix = os.path.splitext(name) xfn = self.profiles[0].x_field # type: ignore if isinstance(xfn, tuple): xfn = xfn[1] names = [] for uid, plot in iters: if isinstance(uid, tuple): uid = uid[1] # type: ignore uid_name = f"{prefix}_1d-Profile_{xfn}_{uid}{suffix}" names.append(uid_name) with matplotlib_style_context():, mpl_kwargs=mpl_kwargs) return names
[docs] @validate_plot def show(self): r"""This will send any existing plots to the IPython notebook. If yt is being run from within an IPython session, and it is able to determine this, this function will send any existing plots to the notebook for display. If yt can't determine if it's inside an IPython session, it will raise YTNotInsideNotebook. Examples -------- >>> import yt >>> ds = yt.load("IsolatedGalaxy/galaxy0030/galaxy0030") >>> pp = ProfilePlot(ds.all_data(), ("gas", "density"), ("gas", "temperature")) >>> """ if "__IPYTHON__" in dir(builtins): from IPython.display import display display(self) else: raise YTNotInsideNotebook
@validate_plot def _repr_html_(self): """Return an html representation of the plot object. Will display as a png for each WindowPlotMPL instance in self.plots""" ret = "" unique = set(self.plots.values()) if len(unique) < len(self.plots): iters = sorted(unique) else: iters = self.plots.values() for plot in iters: with matplotlib_style_context(): img = plot._repr_png_() img = base64.b64encode(img).decode() ret += ( r'<img style="max-width:100%;max-height:100%;" ' rf'src="data:image/png;base64,{img}"><br>' ) return ret def _setup_plots(self): if self._plot_valid: return for f, p in self.plots.items(): p.axes.cla() if f in self._plot_text: p.axes.text( self._text_xpos[f], self._text_ypos[f], self._plot_text[f], fontproperties=self._font_properties, **self._text_kwargs[f], ) self._set_font_properties() for i, profile in enumerate(self.profiles): for field, field_data in profile.items(): plot = self._get_plot_instance(field) plot.axes.plot( np.array(profile.x), np.array(field_data), label=self.label[i], **self.plot_spec[i], ) for profile in self.profiles: for fname in profile.keys(): axes = self.plots[fname].axes xscale, yscale = self._get_field_log(fname, profile) xtitle, ytitle = self._get_field_title(fname, profile) axes.set_xscale(xscale) axes.set_yscale(yscale) axes.set_ylabel(ytitle) axes.set_xlabel(xtitle) pnh = self.plots[fname].norm_handler axes.set_ylim(pnh.vmin, pnh.vmax) axes.set_xlim(*self._xlim) if fname in self._plot_title: axes.set_title(self._plot_title[fname]) if any(self.label): axes.legend(loc="best") self._set_font_properties() self._plot_valid = True
[docs] @classmethod def from_profiles(cls, profiles, labels=None, plot_specs=None, y_log=None): r""" Instantiate a ProfilePlot object from a list of profiles created with :func:`~yt.data_objects.profiles.create_profile`. Parameters ---------- profiles : a profile or list of profiles A single profile or list of profile objects created with :func:`~yt.data_objects.profiles.create_profile`. labels : list of strings A list of labels for each profile to be overplotted. Default: None. plot_specs : list of dicts A list of dictionaries containing plot keyword arguments. For example, [dict(color="red", linestyle=":")]. Default: None. Examples -------- >>> from yt import load_simulation >>> es = load_simulation("AMRCosmology.enzo", "Enzo") >>> es.get_time_series() >>> profiles = [] >>> labels = [] >>> plot_specs = [] >>> for ds in es[-4:]: ... ad = ds.all_data() ... profiles.append( ... create_profile( ... ad, ... [("gas", "density")], ... fields=[("gas", "temperature"), ("gas", "velocity_x")], ... ) ... ) ... labels.append(ds.current_redshift) ... plot_specs.append(dict(linestyle="--", alpha=0.7)) >>> plot = ProfilePlot.from_profiles( ... profiles, labels=labels, plot_specs=plot_specs ... ) >>> """ if labels is not None and len(profiles) != len(labels): raise RuntimeError("Profiles list and labels list must be the same size.") if plot_specs is not None and len(plot_specs) != len(profiles): raise RuntimeError( "Profiles list and plot_specs list must be the same size." ) obj = cls.__new__(cls) profiles = list(always_iterable(profiles)) return cls._initialize_instance( obj, profiles[0].data_source, profiles, labels, plot_specs, y_log )
[docs] @invalidate_plot def set_line_property(self, property, value, index=None): r""" Set properties for one or all lines to be plotted. Parameters ---------- property : str The line property to be set. value : str, int, float The value to set for the line property. index : int The index of the profile in the list of profiles to be changed. If None, change all plotted lines. Default : None. Examples -------- Change all the lines in a plot plot.set_line_property("linestyle", "-") Change a single line. plot.set_line_property("linewidth", 4, index=0) """ if index is None: specs = self.plot_spec else: specs = [self.plot_spec[index]] for spec in specs: spec[property] = value return self
[docs] @invalidate_plot def set_log(self, field, log): """set a field to log or linear. Parameters ---------- field : string the field to set a transform log : boolean Log on/off. """ if field == "all": self.x_log = log for field in list(self.profiles[0].field_data.keys()): self.y_log[field] = log else: (field,) = self.profiles[0].data_source._determine_fields([field]) if field == self.profiles[0].x_field: self.x_log = log elif field in self.profiles[0].field_data: self.y_log[field] = log else: raise KeyError(f"Field {field} not in profile plot!") return self
[docs] @invalidate_plot def set_ylabel(self, field, label): """Sets a new ylabel for the specified fields Parameters ---------- field : string The name of the field that is to be changed. label : string The label to be placed on the y-axis """ if field == "all": for field in self.profiles[0].field_data: self.y_title[field] = label else: (field,) = self.profiles[0].data_source._determine_fields([field]) if field in self.profiles[0].field_data: self.y_title[field] = label else: raise KeyError(f"Field {field} not in profile plot!") return self
[docs] @invalidate_plot def set_xlabel(self, label): """Sets a new xlabel for all profiles Parameters ---------- label : string The label to be placed on the x-axis """ self.x_title = label return self
[docs] @invalidate_plot def set_unit(self, field, unit): """Sets a new unit for the requested field Parameters ---------- field : string The name of the field that is to be changed. unit : string or Unit object The name of the new unit. """ fd = self.profiles[0].data_source._determine_fields(field)[0] for profile in self.profiles: if fd == profile.x_field: profile.set_x_unit(unit) elif fd[1] in self.profiles[0].field_map: profile.set_field_unit(field, unit) else: raise KeyError(f"Field {field} not in profile plot!") return self
[docs] @invalidate_plot def set_xlim(self, xmin=None, xmax=None): """Sets the limits of the bin field Parameters ---------- xmin : float or None The new x minimum. Defaults to None, which leaves the xmin unchanged. xmax : float or None The new x maximum. Defaults to None, which leaves the xmax unchanged. Examples -------- >>> import yt >>> ds = yt.load("IsolatedGalaxy/galaxy0030/galaxy0030") >>> pp = yt.ProfilePlot( ... ds.all_data(), ("gas", "density"), ("gas", "temperature") ... ) >>> pp.set_xlim(1e-29, 1e-24) >>> """ self._xlim = (xmin, xmax) for i, p in enumerate(self.profiles): if xmin is None: xmi = p.x_bins.min() else: xmi = xmin if xmax is None: xma = p.x_bins.max() else: xma = xmax extrema = {p.x_field: ((xmi, str(p.x.units)), (xma, str(p.x.units)))} units = {p.x_field: str(p.x.units)} if self.x_log is None: logs = None else: logs = {p.x_field: self.x_log} for field in p.field_map.values(): units[field] = str(p.field_data[field].units) self.profiles[i] = create_profile( p.data_source, p.x_field, n_bins=len(p.x_bins) - 1, fields=list(p.field_map.values()), weight_field=p.weight_field, accumulation=p.accumulation, fractional=p.fractional, logs=logs, extrema=extrema, units=units, ) return self
[docs] @invalidate_plot def set_ylim(self, field, ymin=None, ymax=None): """Sets the plot limits for the specified field we are binning. Parameters ---------- field : string or field tuple The field that we want to adjust the plot limits for. ymin : float or None The new y minimum. Defaults to None, which leaves the ymin unchanged. ymax : float or None The new y maximum. Defaults to None, which leaves the ymax unchanged. Examples -------- >>> import yt >>> ds = yt.load("IsolatedGalaxy/galaxy0030/galaxy0030") >>> pp = yt.ProfilePlot( ... ds.all_data(), ... ("gas", "density"), ... [("gas", "temperature"), ("gas", "velocity_x")], ... ) >>> pp.set_ylim(("gas", "temperature"), 1e4, 1e6) >>> """ fields = list(self.plots.keys()) if field == "all" else field for profile in self.profiles: for field in profile.data_source._determine_fields(fields): if field in profile.field_map: field = profile.field_map[field] pnh = self.plots[field].norm_handler pnh.vmin = ymin pnh.vmax = ymax # Continue on to the next profile. break return self
def _set_font_properties(self): for f in self.plots: self.plots[f]._set_font_properties(self._font_properties, self._font_color) def _get_field_log(self, field_y, profile): yfi = profile.field_info[field_y] if self.x_log is None: x_log = profile.x_log else: x_log = self.x_log y_log = self.y_log.get(field_y, yfi.take_log) scales = {True: "log", False: "linear"} return scales[x_log], scales[y_log] def _get_field_label(self, field, field_info, field_unit, fractional=False): field_unit = field_unit.latex_representation() field_name = field_info.display_name if isinstance(field, tuple): field = field[1] if field_name is None: field_name = field_info.get_latex_display_name() elif field_name.find("$") == -1: field_name = field_name.replace(" ", r"\ ") field_name = r"$\rm{" + field_name + r"}$" if fractional: label = field_name + r"$\rm{\ Probability\ Density}$" elif field_unit is None or field_unit == "": label = field_name else: label = field_name + _get_units_label(field_unit) return label def _get_field_title(self, field_y, profile): field_x = profile.x_field xfi = profile.field_info[field_x] yfi = profile.field_info[field_y] x_unit = profile.x.units y_unit = profile.field_units[field_y] fractional = profile.fractional x_title = self.x_title or self._get_field_label(field_x, xfi, x_unit) y_title = self.y_title.get(field_y, None) or self._get_field_label( field_y, yfi, y_unit, fractional ) return (x_title, y_title)
[docs] @invalidate_plot def annotate_title(self, title, field="all"): r"""Set a title for the plot. Parameters ---------- title : str The title to add. field : str or list of str The field name for which title needs to be set. Examples -------- >>> # To set title for all the fields: >>> plot.annotate_title("This is a Profile Plot") >>> # To set title for specific fields: >>> plot.annotate_title("Profile Plot for Temperature", ("gas", "temperature")) >>> # Setting same plot title for both the given fields >>> plot.annotate_title( ... "Profile Plot: Temperature-Dark Matter Density", ... [("gas", "temperature"), ("deposit", "dark_matter_density")], ... ) """ fields = list(self.plots.keys()) if field == "all" else field for profile in self.profiles: for field in profile.data_source._determine_fields(fields): if field in profile.field_map: field = profile.field_map[field] self._plot_title[field] = title return self
[docs] @invalidate_plot def annotate_text(self, xpos=0.0, ypos=0.0, text=None, field="all", **text_kwargs): r"""Allow the user to insert text onto the plot The x-position and y-position must be given as well as the text string. Add *text* to plot at location *xpos*, *ypos* in plot coordinates for the given fields or by default for all fields. (see example below). Parameters ---------- xpos : float Position on plot in x-coordinates. ypos : float Position on plot in y-coordinates. text : str The text to insert onto the plot. field : str or tuple The name of the field to add text to. **text_kwargs : dict Extra keyword arguments will be passed to matplotlib text instance >>> import yt >>> from yt.units import kpc >>> ds = yt.load("IsolatedGalaxy/galaxy0030/galaxy0030") >>> my_galaxy = ds.disk(ds.domain_center, [0.0, 0.0, 1.0], 10 * kpc, 3 * kpc) >>> plot = yt.ProfilePlot( ... my_galaxy, ("gas", "density"), [("gas", "temperature")] ... ) >>> # Annotate text for all the fields >>> plot.annotate_text(1e-26, 1e5, "This is annotated text in the plot area.") >>> >>> # Annotate text for a given field >>> plot.annotate_text(1e-26, 1e5, "Annotated text", ("gas", "temperature")) >>> >>> # Annotate text for multiple fields >>> fields = [("gas", "temperature"), ("gas", "density")] >>> plot.annotate_text(1e-26, 1e5, "Annotated text", fields) >>> """ fields = list(self.plots.keys()) if field == "all" else field for profile in self.profiles: for field in profile.data_source._determine_fields(fields): if field in profile.field_map: field = profile.field_map[field] self._plot_text[field] = text self._text_xpos[field] = xpos self._text_ypos[field] = ypos self._text_kwargs[field] = text_kwargs return self
[docs] class PhasePlot(ImagePlotContainer): r""" Create a 2d profile (phase) plot from a data source or from profile object created with `yt.data_objects.profiles.create_profile`. Given a data object (all_data, region, sphere, etc.), an x field, y field, and z field (or fields), this will create a two-dimensional profile of the average (or total) value of the z field in bins of the x and y fields. Parameters ---------- data_source : YTSelectionContainer Object The data object to be profiled, such as all_data, region, or sphere. If a dataset is passed in instead, an all_data data object is generated internally from the dataset. x_field : str The x binning field for the profile. y_field : str The y binning field for the profile. z_fields : str or list The field or fields to be profiled. weight_field : str The weight field for calculating weighted averages. If None, the profile values are the sum of the field values within the bin. Otherwise, the values are a weighted average. Default : ("gas", "mass") x_bins : int The number of bins in x field for the profile. Default: 128. y_bins : int The number of bins in y field for the profile. Default: 128. accumulation : bool or list of bools If True, the profile values for a bin n are the cumulative sum of all the values from bin 0 to n. If -True, the sum is reversed so that the value for bin n is the cumulative sum from bin N (total bins) to n. A list of values can be given to control the summation in each dimension independently. Default: False. fractional : If True the profile values are divided by the sum of all the profile data such that the profile represents a probability distribution function. fontsize : int Font size for all text in the plot. Default: 18. figure_size : int Size in inches of the image. Default: 8 (8x8) shading : str This argument is directly passed down to matplotlib.axes.Axes.pcolormesh see # noqa Default: 'nearest' Examples -------- >>> import yt >>> ds = yt.load("enzo_tiny_cosmology/DD0046/DD0046") >>> ad = ds.all_data() >>> plot = yt.PhasePlot( ... ad, ... ("gas", "density"), ... ("gas", "temperature"), ... [("gas", "mass")], ... weight_field=None, ... ) >>> >>> # Change plot properties. >>> plot.set_cmap(("gas", "mass"), "jet") >>> plot.set_zlim(("gas", "mass"), 1e8, 1e13) >>> plot.annotate_title("This is a phase plot") """ x_log = None y_log = None plot_title = None _plot_valid = False _profile_valid = False _plot_type = "Phase" _xlim = (None, None) _ylim = (None, None) def __init__( self, data_source, x_field, y_field, z_fields, weight_field=("gas", "mass"), x_bins=128, y_bins=128, accumulation=False, fractional=False, fontsize=18, figure_size=8.0, shading="nearest", ): data_source = data_object_or_all_data(data_source) if isinstance(z_fields, tuple): z_fields = [z_fields] z_fields = list(always_iterable(z_fields)) if isinstance(data_source.ds, YTProfileDataset): profile = data_source.ds.profile else: profile = create_profile( data_source, [x_field, y_field], z_fields, n_bins=[x_bins, y_bins], weight_field=weight_field, accumulation=accumulation, fractional=fractional, ) type(self)._initialize_instance( self, data_source, profile, fontsize, figure_size, shading ) @classmethod def _initialize_instance( cls, obj, data_source, profile, fontsize, figure_size, shading ): obj.plot_title = {} obj.z_log = {} obj.z_title = {} obj._initfinished = False obj.x_log = None obj.y_log = None obj._plot_text = {} obj._text_xpos = {} obj._text_ypos = {} obj._text_kwargs = {} obj._profile = profile obj._shading = shading obj._profile_valid = True obj._xlim = (None, None) obj._ylim = (None, None) super(PhasePlot, obj).__init__(data_source, figure_size, fontsize) obj._setup_plots() obj._plot_valid = False # see obj._initfinished = True return obj def _get_field_title(self, field_z, profile): field_x = profile.x_field field_y = profile.y_field xfi = profile.field_info[field_x] yfi = profile.field_info[field_y] zfi = profile.field_info[field_z] x_unit = profile.x.units y_unit = profile.y.units z_unit = profile.field_units[field_z] fractional = profile.fractional x_label, y_label, z_label = self._get_axes_labels(field_z) x_title = x_label or self._get_field_label(field_x, xfi, x_unit) y_title = y_label or self._get_field_label(field_y, yfi, y_unit) z_title = z_label or self._get_field_label(field_z, zfi, z_unit, fractional) return (x_title, y_title, z_title) def _get_field_label(self, field, field_info, field_unit, fractional=False): field_unit = field_unit.latex_representation() field_name = field_info.display_name if isinstance(field, tuple): field = field[1] if field_name is None: field_name = field_info.get_latex_display_name() elif field_name.find("$") == -1: field_name = field_name.replace(" ", r"\ ") field_name = r"$\rm{" + field_name + r"}$" if fractional: label = field_name + r"$\rm{\ Probability\ Density}$" elif field_unit is None or field_unit == "": label = field_name else: label = field_name + _get_units_label(field_unit) return label def _get_field_log(self, field_z, profile): zfi = profile.field_info[field_z] if self.x_log is None: x_log = profile.x_log else: x_log = self.x_log if self.y_log is None: y_log = profile.y_log else: y_log = self.y_log if field_z in self.z_log: z_log = self.z_log[field_z] else: z_log = zfi.take_log scales = {True: "log", False: "linear"} return scales[x_log], scales[y_log], scales[z_log] @property def profile(self): if not self._profile_valid: self._recreate_profile() return self._profile @property def fields(self): return list(self.plots.keys()) def _setup_plots(self): if self._plot_valid: return for f, data in self.profile.items(): if f in self.plots: pnh = self.plots[f].norm_handler cbh = self.plots[f].colorbar_handler draw_axes = self.plots[f]._draw_axes if self.plots[f].figure is not None: fig = self.plots[f].figure axes = self.plots[f].axes cax = self.plots[f].cax else: fig = None axes = None cax = None else: pnh, cbh = self._get_default_handlers( field=f, default_display_units=self.profile[f].units ) fig = None axes = None cax = None draw_axes = True x_scale, y_scale, z_scale = self._get_field_log(f, self.profile) x_title, y_title, z_title = self._get_field_title(f, self.profile) font_size = self._font_properties.get_size() f = self.profile.data_source._determine_fields(f)[0] # if this is a Particle Phase Plot AND if we using a single color, # override the colorbar here. splat_color = getattr(self, "splat_color", None) if splat_color is not None: cbh.cmap = matplotlib.colors.ListedColormap(splat_color, "dummy") masked_data = data.copy() masked_data[~self.profile.used] = np.nan self.plots[f] = PhasePlotMPL( self.profile.x, self.profile.y, masked_data, x_scale, y_scale, self.figure_size, font_size, fig, axes, cax, shading=self._shading, norm_handler=pnh, colorbar_handler=cbh, ) self.plots[f]._toggle_axes(draw_axes) self.plots[f]._toggle_colorbar(cbh.draw_cbar) self.plots[f].axes.xaxis.set_label_text(x_title) self.plots[f].axes.yaxis.set_label_text(y_title) self.plots[f].cax.yaxis.set_label_text(z_title) self.plots[f].axes.set_xlim(self._xlim) self.plots[f].axes.set_ylim(self._ylim) if f in self._plot_text: self.plots[f].axes.text( self._text_xpos[f], self._text_ypos[f], self._plot_text[f], fontproperties=self._font_properties, **self._text_kwargs[f], ) if f in self.plot_title: self.plots[f].axes.set_title(self.plot_title[f]) # x-y axes minorticks if f not in self._minorticks: self._minorticks[f] = True if self._minorticks[f]: self.plots[f].axes.minorticks_on() else: self.plots[f].axes.minorticks_off() self._set_font_properties() # if this is a particle plot with one color only, hide the cbar here if hasattr(self, "use_cbar") and not self.use_cbar: self.plots[f].hide_colorbar() self._plot_valid = True
[docs] @classmethod def from_profile(cls, profile, fontsize=18, figure_size=8.0, shading="nearest"): r""" Instantiate a PhasePlot object from a profile object created with :func:`~yt.data_objects.profiles.create_profile`. Parameters ---------- profile : An instance of :class:`~yt.data_objects.profiles.ProfileND` A single profile object. fontsize : float The fontsize to use, in points. figure_size : float The figure size to use, in inches. shading : str This argument is directly passed down to matplotlib.axes.Axes.pcolormesh see # noqa Default: 'nearest' Examples -------- >>> import yt >>> ds = yt.load("IsolatedGalaxy/galaxy0030/galaxy0030") >>> extrema = { ... ("gas", "density"): (1e-31, 1e-24), ... ("gas", "temperature"): (1e1, 1e8), ... ("gas", "mass"): (1e-6, 1e-1), ... } >>> profile = yt.create_profile( ... ds.all_data(), ... [("gas", "density"), ("gas", "temperature")], ... fields=[("gas", "mass")], ... extrema=extrema, ... fractional=True, ... ) >>> ph = yt.PhasePlot.from_profile(profile) >>> """ obj = cls.__new__(cls) data_source = profile.data_source return cls._initialize_instance( obj, data_source, profile, fontsize, figure_size, shading )
[docs] def annotate_text(self, xpos=0.0, ypos=0.0, text=None, **text_kwargs): r""" Allow the user to insert text onto the plot The x-position and y-position must be given as well as the text string. Add *text* tp plot at location *xpos*, *ypos* in plot coordinates (see example below). Parameters ---------- xpos : float Position on plot in x-coordinates. ypos : float Position on plot in y-coordinates. text : str The text to insert onto the plot. **text_kwargs : dict Extra keyword arguments will be passed to matplotlib text instance >>> plot.annotate_text(1e-15, 5e4, "Hello YT") """ for f in self.data_source._determine_fields(list(self.plots.keys())): if self.plots[f].figure is not None and text is not None: self.plots[f].axes.text( xpos, ypos, text, fontproperties=self._font_properties, **text_kwargs, ) self._plot_text[f] = text self._text_xpos[f] = xpos self._text_ypos[f] = ypos self._text_kwargs[f] = text_kwargs return self
[docs] @validate_plot def save( self, name: Optional[str] = None, suffix: Optional[str] = None, mpl_kwargs=None ): r""" Saves a 2d profile plot. Parameters ---------- name : str, optional The output file keyword. suffix : string, optional Specify the image type by its suffix. If not specified, the output type will be inferred from the filename. Defaults to '.png'. mpl_kwargs : dict, optional A dict of keyword arguments to be passed to matplotlib. >>>{"bbox_inches": "tight"}) """ names = [] if not self._plot_valid: self._setup_plots() if mpl_kwargs is None: mpl_kwargs = {} if name is None: name = str(self.profile.ds) name = os.path.expanduser(name) xfn = self.profile.x_field yfn = self.profile.y_field if isinstance(xfn, tuple): xfn = xfn[1] if isinstance(yfn, tuple): yfn = yfn[1] for f in self.profile.field_data: _f = f if isinstance(f, tuple): _f = _f[1] middle = f"2d-Profile_{xfn}_{yfn}_{_f}" splitname = os.path.split(name) if splitname[0] != "" and not os.path.isdir(splitname[0]): os.makedirs(splitname[0]) if os.path.isdir(name) and name != str(self.profile.ds): name = name + (os.sep if name[-1] != os.sep else "") name += str(self.profile.ds) new_name = validate_image_name(name, suffix) if new_name == name: for v in self.plots.values(): out_name =, mpl_kwargs) names.append(out_name) return names name = new_name prefix, suffix = os.path.splitext(name) name = f"{prefix}_{middle}{suffix}" names.append(name) self.plots[f].save(name, mpl_kwargs) return names
[docs] @invalidate_plot def set_title(self, field, title): """Set a title for the plot. Parameters ---------- field : str The z field of the plot to add the title. title : str The title to add. Examples -------- >>> plot.set_title(("gas", "mass"), "This is a phase plot") """ self.plot_title[self.data_source._determine_fields(field)[0]] = title return self
[docs] @invalidate_plot def annotate_title(self, title): """Set a title for the plot. Parameters ---------- title : str The title to add. Examples -------- >>> plot.annotate_title("This is a phase plot") """ for f in self._profile.field_data: if isinstance(f, tuple): f = f[1] self.plot_title[self.data_source._determine_fields(f)[0]] = title return self
[docs] @invalidate_plot def reset_plot(self): self.plots = {} return self
[docs] @invalidate_plot def set_log(self, field, log): """set a field to log or linear. Parameters ---------- field : string the field to set a transform log : boolean Log on/off. """ p = self._profile if field == "all": self.x_log = log self.y_log = log for field in p.field_data: self.z_log[field] = log self._profile_valid = False else: (field,) = self.profile.data_source._determine_fields([field]) if field == p.x_field: self.x_log = log self._profile_valid = False elif field == p.y_field: self.y_log = log self._profile_valid = False elif field in p.field_data: super().set_log(field, log) else: raise KeyError(f"Field {field} not in phase plot!") return self
[docs] @invalidate_plot def set_unit(self, field, unit): """Sets a new unit for the requested field Parameters ---------- field : string The name of the field that is to be changed. unit : string or Unit object The name of the new unit. """ fd = self.data_source._determine_fields(field)[0] if fd == self.profile.x_field: self.profile.set_x_unit(unit) elif fd == self.profile.y_field: self.profile.set_y_unit(unit) elif fd in self.profile.field_data.keys(): self.profile.set_field_unit(field, unit) self.plots[field].norm_handler.display_units = unit else: raise KeyError(f"Field {field} not in phase plot!") return self
[docs] @invalidate_plot @invalidate_profile def set_xlim(self, xmin=None, xmax=None): """Sets the limits of the x bin field Parameters ---------- xmin : float or None The new x minimum in the current x-axis units. Defaults to None, which leaves the xmin unchanged. xmax : float or None The new x maximum in the current x-axis units. Defaults to None, which leaves the xmax unchanged. Examples -------- >>> import yt >>> ds = yt.load("IsolatedGalaxy/galaxy0030/galaxy0030") >>> pp = yt.PhasePlot(ds.all_data(), "density", "temperature", ("gas", "mass")) >>> pp.set_xlim(1e-29, 1e-24) >>> """ p = self._profile if xmin is None: xmin = p.x_bins.min() elif not hasattr(xmin, "units"): xmin = self.ds.quan(xmin, p.x_bins.units) if xmax is None: xmax = p.x_bins.max() elif not hasattr(xmax, "units"): xmax = self.ds.quan(xmax, p.x_bins.units) self._xlim = (xmin, xmax) return self
[docs] @invalidate_plot @invalidate_profile def set_ylim(self, ymin=None, ymax=None): """Sets the plot limits for the y bin field. Parameters ---------- ymin : float or None The new y minimum in the current y-axis units. Defaults to None, which leaves the ymin unchanged. ymax : float or None The new y maximum in the current y-axis units. Defaults to None, which leaves the ymax unchanged. Examples -------- >>> import yt >>> ds = yt.load("IsolatedGalaxy/galaxy0030/galaxy0030") >>> pp = yt.PhasePlot( ... ds.all_data(), ... ("gas", "density"), ... ("gas", "temperature"), ... ("gas", "mass"), ... ) >>> pp.set_ylim(1e4, 1e6) >>> """ p = self._profile if ymin is None: ymin = p.y_bins.min() elif not hasattr(ymin, "units"): ymin = self.ds.quan(ymin, p.y_bins.units) if ymax is None: ymax = p.y_bins.max() elif not hasattr(ymax, "units"): ymax = self.ds.quan(ymax, p.y_bins.units) self._ylim = (ymin, ymax) return self
def _recreate_profile(self): p = self._profile units = {p.x_field: str(p.x.units), p.y_field: str(p.y.units)} zunits = {field: str(p.field_units[field]) for field in p.field_units} extrema = {p.x_field: self._xlim, p.y_field: self._ylim} if self.x_log is not None or self.y_log is not None: logs = {} else: logs = None if self.x_log is not None: logs[p.x_field] = self.x_log if self.y_log is not None: logs[p.y_field] = self.y_log deposition = getattr(p, "deposition", None) additional_kwargs = { "accumulation": p.accumulation, "fractional": p.fractional, "deposition": deposition, } self._profile = create_profile( p.data_source, [p.x_field, p.y_field], list(p.field_map.values()), n_bins=[len(p.x_bins) - 1, len(p.y_bins) - 1], weight_field=p.weight_field, units=units, extrema=extrema, logs=logs, **additional_kwargs, ) for field in zunits: self._profile.set_field_unit(field, zunits[field]) self._profile_valid = True
[docs] class PhasePlotMPL(ImagePlotMPL): """A container for a single matplotlib figure and axes for a PhasePlot""" def __init__( self, x_data, y_data, data, x_scale, y_scale, figure_size, fontsize, figure, axes, cax, shading="nearest", *, norm_handler: NormHandler, colorbar_handler: ColorbarHandler, ): self._initfinished = False self._shading = shading self._setup_layout_constraints(figure_size, fontsize) # this line is added purely to prevent exact image comparison tests # to fail, but eventually we should embrace the change and # use similar values for PhasePlotMPL and WindowPlotMPL self._ax_text_size[0] *= 1.1 / 1.2 # TODO: remove this super().__init__( figure=figure, axes=axes, cax=cax, norm_handler=norm_handler, colorbar_handler=colorbar_handler, ) self._init_image(x_data, y_data, data, x_scale, y_scale) self._initfinished = True def _init_image( self, x_data, y_data, image_data, x_scale, y_scale, ): """Store output of imshow in image variable""" norm = self.norm_handler.get_norm(image_data) self.image = None self.cb = None self.image = self.axes.pcolormesh( np.array(x_data), np.array(y_data), np.array(image_data.T), norm=norm, cmap=self.colorbar_handler.cmap, shading=self._shading, ) self._set_axes() self.axes.set_xscale(x_scale) self.axes.set_yscale(y_scale)