Source code for yt.visualization.geo_plot_utils
from types import FunctionType
from typing import Any
valid_transforms: dict[str, FunctionType] = {}
transform_list = [
def cartopy_importer(transform_name):
r"""Convenience function to import cartopy projection types"""
def _func(*args, **kwargs):
from yt.utilities.on_demand_imports import _cartopy as cartopy
return getattr(, transform_name)(*args, **kwargs)
return _func
def get_mpl_transform(mpl_proj) -> FunctionType | None:
r"""This returns an instantiated transform function given a transform
function name and arguments.
mpl_proj : string or tuple
the matplotlib projection type. Can take the form of string or tuple.
>>> get_mpl_transform("PlateCarree")
>>> get_mpl_transform(
... ("RotatedPole", (), {"pole_latitude": 37.5, "pole_longitude": 177.5})
... )
# first check to see if the transform dict is empty, if it is fill it with
# the cartopy functions
if not valid_transforms:
for mpl_transform in transform_list:
valid_transforms[mpl_transform] = cartopy_importer(mpl_transform)
# check to see if mpl_proj is a string or tuple, and construct args and
# kwargs to pass to cartopy function based on that.
key: str | None = None
args: tuple = ()
kwargs: dict[str, Any] = {}
if isinstance(mpl_proj, str):
key = mpl_proj
instantiated_func = valid_transforms[key](*args, **kwargs)
elif isinstance(mpl_proj, tuple):
if len(mpl_proj) == 2:
key, args = mpl_proj
kwargs = {}
elif len(mpl_proj) == 3:
key, args, kwargs = mpl_proj
raise ValueError(f"Expected a tuple with len 2 or 3, received {mpl_proj}")
if not isinstance(key, str):
raise TypeError(
f"Expected a string a the first element in mpl_proj, got {key!r}"
instantiated_func = valid_transforms[key](*args, **kwargs)
elif hasattr(mpl_proj, "globe"):
# cartopy transforms have a globe method associated with them
key = mpl_proj
instantiated_func = mpl_proj
elif hasattr(mpl_proj, "set_transform"):
# mpl axes objects have a set_transform method, so we'll check if that
# exists on something passed in.
key = mpl_proj
instantiated_func = mpl_proj
elif hasattr(mpl_proj, "name"):
# last we'll check if the transform is in the list of registered
# projections in matplotlib.
from matplotlib.projections import get_projection_names
registered_projections = get_projection_names()
if in registered_projections:
key = mpl_proj
instantiated_func = mpl_proj
key = None
# build in a check that if none of the above options are satisfied by what
# the user passes that None is returned for the instantiated function
if key is None:
instantiated_func = None
return instantiated_func