Source code for yt.visualization.eps_writer

import os

import numpy as np
import pyx
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.colors import LogNorm, Normalize

from yt.config import ytcfg
from yt.units.unit_object import Unit  # type: ignore
from yt.units.yt_array import YTQuantity
from yt.utilities.logger import ytLogger as mylog

from .plot_window import PlotWindow
from .profile_plotter import PhasePlot, ProfilePlot

[docs] def convert_frac_to_tex(string): frac_pos = string.find(r"\frac") result = string[frac_pos + 5 :] level = [0] * len(result) clevel = 0 for i in range(len(result)): if result[i] == "{": clevel += 1 elif result[i] == "}": clevel -= 1 level[i] = clevel div_pos = level.index(0) end_pos = level.index(0, div_pos + 1) result = ( r"${" + result[: div_pos + 1] + r"\over" + result[div_pos + 1 : end_pos] + r"}$" + result[end_pos:] ) result = result.replace(r"\ ", r"\;") return result
[docs] def pyxize_label(string): frac_pos = string.find(r"\frac") if frac_pos >= 0: pre = string[:frac_pos] result = pre + convert_frac_to_tex(string) else: result = string result = result.replace("$", "") result = r"$" + result + r"$" return result
[docs] class DualEPS: def __init__(self, figsize=(12, 12)): r"""Initializes the DualEPS class to which we can progressively add layers of vector graphics and compressed bitmaps. Parameters ---------- figsize : tuple of floats The width and height of a single figure in centimeters. """ pyx.unit.set(xscale=1.4) self.figsize = figsize self.canvas = None self.colormaps = None self.field = None self.axes_drawn = False
[docs] def hello_world(self): r"""A simple test.""" if self.canvas is None: self.canvas = pyx.canvas.canvas() p = pyx.path.line(0, 0, 1, 1) self.canvas.stroke(p) self.canvas.text(0, 0, "Hello world.")
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[docs] def return_field(self, plot): if isinstance(plot, (PlotWindow, PhasePlot)): return list(plot.plots.keys())[0] else: return None
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[docs] def axis_box( self, xrange=(0, 1), yrange=(0, 1), xlabel="", ylabel="", xlog=False, ylog=False, xdata=None, ydata=None, tickcolor=None, bare_axes=False, pos=(0, 0), xaxis_side=0, yaxis_side=0, size=None, ): r"""Draws an axis box in the figure. Parameters ---------- xrange : tuple of floats The min and max of the x-axis yrange : tuple of floats The min and max of the y-axis xlabel : string Label for the x-axis ylabel : string Label for the y-axis xlog : boolean Flag to use a logarithmic x-axis ylog : boolean Flag to use a logarithmic y-axis tickcolor : `pyx.color.*.*` Color for the tickmarks. Example: bare_axes : boolean Set to true to have no annotations or tick marks on all of the axes. pos : tuple of floats (x,y) position in centimeters of the origin in the figure xaxis_side : integer Set to 0 for the x-axis annotations to be on the left. Set to 1 to print them on the right side. yaxis_side : integer Set to 0 for the y-axis annotations to be on the bottom. Set to 1 to print them on the top. size : tuple of floats Size of axis box in units of figsize Examples -------- >>> d = DualEPS() >>> d.axis_box(xrange=(0, 100), yrange=(1e-3, 1), ylog=True) >>> d.save_fig() """ if isinstance(xrange[0], YTQuantity): xrange = (xrange[0].value, xrange[1].value) if isinstance(yrange[0], YTQuantity): yrange = (yrange[0].value, yrange[1].value) if tickcolor is None: c1 = pyx.graph.axis.painter.regular(tickattrs=[]) c2 = pyx.graph.axis.painter.regular( tickattrs=[], labelattrs=None ) else: c1 = pyx.graph.axis.painter.regular(tickattrs=[tickcolor]) c2 = pyx.graph.axis.painter.regular(tickattrs=[tickcolor], labelattrs=None) if size is None: psize = self.figsize else: psize = (size[0] * self.figsize[0], size[1] * self.figsize[1]) xticklabels = True yticklabels = True if xaxis_side == 0: xleftlabel = xlabel xrightlabel = "" c1x = c1 c2x = c2 elif xaxis_side == 1: xleftlabel = "" xrightlabel = xlabel c1x = c2 c2x = c1 else: xticklabels = False xleftlabel = "" xrightlabel = "" c1x = c1 c2x = c2 if yaxis_side == 0: yleftlabel = ylabel yrightlabel = "" c1y = c1 c2y = c2 elif yaxis_side == 1: yleftlabel = "" yrightlabel = ylabel c1y = c2 c2y = c1 else: yticklabels = False yleftlabel = "" yrightlabel = "" c1y = c1 c2y = c2 if xlog: if xticklabels: xaxis = pyx.graph.axis.log( min=xrange[0], max=xrange[1], title=xleftlabel, painter=c1x ) xaxis2 = pyx.graph.axis.log( min=xrange[0], max=xrange[1], title=xrightlabel, painter=c2x ) else: xaxis = pyx.graph.axis.log( min=xrange[0], max=xrange[1], title=xleftlabel, painter=c1x, parter=None, ) xaxis2 = pyx.graph.axis.log( min=xrange[0], max=xrange[1], title=xrightlabel, painter=c2x, parter=None, ) else: if xticklabels: xaxis = pyx.graph.axis.lin( min=xrange[0], max=xrange[1], title=xleftlabel, painter=c1x ) xaxis2 = pyx.graph.axis.lin( min=xrange[0], max=xrange[1], title=xrightlabel, painter=c2x ) else: xaxis = pyx.graph.axis.lin( min=xrange[0], max=xrange[1], title=xleftlabel, painter=c1x, parter=None, ) xaxis2 = pyx.graph.axis.lin( min=xrange[0], max=xrange[1], title=xrightlabel, painter=c2x, parter=None, ) if ylog: if yticklabels: yaxis = pyx.graph.axis.log( min=yrange[0], max=yrange[1], title=yleftlabel, painter=c1y ) yaxis2 = pyx.graph.axis.log( min=yrange[0], max=yrange[1], title=yrightlabel, painter=c2y ) else: yaxis = pyx.graph.axis.log( min=yrange[0], max=yrange[1], title=yleftlabel, painter=c1y, parter=None, ) yaxis2 = pyx.graph.axis.log( min=yrange[0], max=yrange[1], title=yrightlabel, painter=c2y, parter=None, ) else: if yticklabels: yaxis = pyx.graph.axis.lin( min=yrange[0], max=yrange[1], title=yleftlabel, painter=c1y ) yaxis2 = pyx.graph.axis.lin( min=yrange[0], max=yrange[1], title=yrightlabel, painter=c2y ) else: yaxis = pyx.graph.axis.lin( min=yrange[0], max=yrange[1], title=yleftlabel, painter=c1y, parter=None, ) yaxis2 = pyx.graph.axis.lin( min=yrange[0], max=yrange[1], title=yrightlabel, painter=c2y, parter=None, ) if bare_axes: if ylog: yaxis = pyx.graph.axis.log( min=yrange[0], max=yrange[1], title=yleftlabel, parter=None ) yaxis2 = pyx.graph.axis.log( min=yrange[0], max=yrange[1], title=yrightlabel, parter=None ) else: yaxis = pyx.graph.axis.lin( min=yrange[0], max=yrange[1], title=yleftlabel, parter=None ) yaxis2 = pyx.graph.axis.lin( min=yrange[0], max=yrange[1], title=yrightlabel, parter=None ) if xlog: xaxis = pyx.graph.axis.log( min=xrange[0], max=xrange[1], title=xleftlabel, parter=None ) xaxis2 = pyx.graph.axis.log( min=xrange[0], max=xrange[1], title=xrightlabel, parter=None ) else: xaxis = pyx.graph.axis.lin( min=xrange[0], max=xrange[1], title=xleftlabel, parter=None ) xaxis2 = pyx.graph.axis.lin( min=xrange[0], max=xrange[1], title=xrightlabel, parter=None ) blank_data =[(-1e20, -1e20), (-1e19, -1e19)], x=1, y=2) if self.canvas is None: self.canvas = pyx.graph.graphxy( width=psize[0], height=psize[1], x=xaxis, y=yaxis, x2=xaxis2, y2=yaxis2, xpos=pos[0], ypos=pos[1], ) if xdata is None: self.canvas.plot(blank_data) else: data =[xdata, ydata]).T, x=1, y=2) self.canvas.plot( data, [[])] ) else: plot = pyx.graph.graphxy( width=psize[0], height=psize[1], x=xaxis, y=yaxis, x2=xaxis2, y2=yaxis2, xpos=pos[0], ypos=pos[1], ) if xdata is None: plot.plot(blank_data) else: data =[xdata, ydata]).T, x=1, y=2) plot.plot(data, [[])]) self.canvas.insert(plot) self.axes_drawn = True
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[docs] def axis_box_yt( self, plot, units=None, bare_axes=False, tickcolor=None, xlabel=None, ylabel=None, **kwargs, ): r"""Wrapper around DualEPS.axis_box to automatically fill in the axis ranges and labels from a yt plot. This also accepts any parameters that DualEPS.axis_box takes. Parameters ---------- plot : `yt.visualization.plot_window.PlotWindow` yt plot on which the axes are based. units : string Unit description that overrides yt's unit description. Only affects the axis label. bare_axes : boolean Set to true to have no annotations or tick marks on all of the axes. Examples -------- >>> p = SlicePlot(ds, 0, "density") >>> d = DualEPS() >>> d.axis_box_yt(p) >>> d.save_fig() """ if isinstance(plot, (PlotWindow, PhasePlot)): plot.refresh() if isinstance(plot, PlotWindow): data = plot.frb width = plot.width[0] if units is None: units = plot.ds.get_smallest_appropriate_unit(width) width = width.in_units(str(units)) xc = 0.5 * (plot.xlim[0] + plot.xlim[1]) yc = 0.5 * (plot.ylim[0] + plot.ylim[1]) _xrange = [(plot.xlim[i] - xc).in_units(units) for i in (0, 1)] _yrange = [(plot.ylim[i] - yc).in_units(units) for i in (0, 1)] _xlog = False _ylog = False if bare_axes: _xlabel = "" _ylabel = "" else: if xlabel is not None: _xlabel = xlabel else: if data.axis != 4: xi = plot.ds.coordinates.x_axis[data.axis] x_name = plot.ds.coordinates.axis_name[xi] _xlabel = f"{x_name} ({units})" else: _xlabel = f"x ({units})" if ylabel is not None: _ylabel = ylabel else: if data.axis != 4: yi = plot.ds.coordinates.y_axis[data.axis] y_name = plot.ds.coordinates.axis_name[yi] _ylabel = f"{y_name} ({units})" else: _ylabel = f"y ({units})" if tickcolor is None: _tickcolor = pyx.color.cmyk.white elif isinstance(plot, ProfilePlot): subplot = plot.axes.values()[0] # limits for axes xlimits = subplot.get_xlim() _xrange = ( YTQuantity(xlimits[0], "m"), YTQuantity(xlimits[1], "m"), ) # unit hardcoded but afaik it is not used anywhere so it doesn't matter if list(plot.axes.ylim.values())[0][0] is None: ylimits = subplot.get_ylim() else: ylimits = list(plot.axes.ylim.values())[0] _yrange = ( YTQuantity(ylimits[0], "m"), YTQuantity(ylimits[1], "m"), ) # unit hardcoded but afaik it is not used anywhere so it doesn't matter # axis labels xaxis = subplot.xaxis _xlabel = pyxize_label(xaxis.label.get_text()) yaxis = subplot.yaxis _ylabel = pyxize_label(yaxis.label.get_text()) # set log if necessary if subplot.get_xscale() == "log": _xlog = True else: _xlog = False if subplot.get_yscale() == "log": _ylog = True else: _ylog = False _tickcolor = None elif isinstance(plot, PhasePlot): k = list(plot.plots.keys())[0] _xrange = plot[k].axes.get_xlim() _yrange = plot[k].axes.get_ylim() _xlog = plot.profile.x_log _ylog = plot.profile.y_log if bare_axes: _xlabel = "" _ylabel = "" else: if xlabel is not None: _xlabel = xlabel else: _xlabel = plot[k].axes.get_xlabel() if ylabel is not None: _ylabel = ylabel else: _ylabel = plot[k].axes.get_ylabel() _xlabel = pyxize_label(_xlabel) _ylabel = pyxize_label(_ylabel) if tickcolor is None: _tickcolor = None elif isinstance(plot, np.ndarray): ax = plt.gca() _xrange = ax.get_xlim() _yrange = ax.get_ylim() _xlog = False _ylog = False if bare_axes: _xlabel = "" _ylabel = "" else: if xlabel is not None: _xlabel = xlabel else: _xlabel = ax.get_xlabel() if ylabel is not None: _ylabel = ylabel else: _ylabel = ax.get_ylabel() if tickcolor is None: _tickcolor = None else: _xrange = plot._axes.get_xlim() _yrange = plot._axes.get_ylim() _xlog = plot._log_x _ylog = plot._log_y if bare_axes: _xlabel = "" _ylabel = "" else: if xlabel is not None: _xlabel = xlabel else: _xlabel = plot._x_label if ylabel is not None: _ylabel = ylabel else: _ylabel = plot._y_label if tickcolor is None: _tickcolor = None if tickcolor is not None: _tickcolor = tickcolor self.axis_box( xrange=_xrange, yrange=_yrange, xlabel=_xlabel, ylabel=_ylabel, tickcolor=_tickcolor, xlog=_xlog, ylog=_ylog, bare_axes=bare_axes, **kwargs, )
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[docs] def insert_image(self, filename, pos=(0, 0), size=None): r"""Inserts a JPEG file in the figure. Parameters ---------- filename : string Name of the JPEG file pos : tuple of floats Position of the origin of the image in centimeters size : tuple of flots Size of image in units of figsize Examples -------- >>> d = DualEPS() >>> d.axis_box(xrange=(0, 100), yrange=(1e-3, 1), ylog=True) >>> d.insert_image("image.jpg") >>> d.save_fig() """ if size is not None: width = size[0] * self.figsize[0] height = size[1] * self.figsize[1] else: width = self.figsize[0] height = self.figsize[1] image = pyx.bitmap.jpegimage(filename) if self.canvas is None: self.canvas = pyx.canvas.canvas() self.canvas.insert( pyx.bitmap.bitmap( pos[0], pos[1], image, compressmode=None, width=width, height=height ) )
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[docs] def insert_image_yt(self, plot, field=None, pos=(0, 0), scale=1.0): r"""Inserts a bitmap taken from a yt plot. Parameters ---------- plot : `yt.visualization.plot_window.PlotWindow` yt plot that provides the image pos : tuple of floats Position of the origin of the image in centimeters. Examples -------- >>> p = SlicePlot(ds, 0, "density") >>> d = DualEPS() >>> d.axis_box_yt(p) >>> d.insert_image_yt(p) >>> d.save_fig() Notes ----- For best results, set use_colorbar=False when creating the yt image. """ from matplotlib.backends.backend_agg import FigureCanvasAgg # We need to remove the colorbar (if necessary), remove the # axes, and resize the figure to span the entire figure force_square = False if self.canvas is None: self.canvas = pyx.canvas.canvas() if isinstance(plot, (PlotWindow, PhasePlot)): if field is None: self.field = list(plot.plots.keys())[0] mylog.warning( "No field specified. Choosing first field (%s)", self.field ) else: self.field = plot.data_source._determine_fields(field)[0] if self.field not in plot.plots.keys(): raise RuntimeError("Field '%s' does not exist!", self.field) if isinstance(plot, PlotWindow): plot.hide_colorbar() plot.hide_axes() else: plot.plots[self.field]._toggle_axes(False) plot.plots[self.field]._toggle_colorbar(False) plot.refresh() _p1 = plot.plots[self.field].figure force_square = True elif isinstance(plot, ProfilePlot): _p1 = plot.figures.items()[0][1] elif isinstance(plot, np.ndarray): plt.figure() iplot = plt.figimage(plot) _p1 = iplot.figure _p1.set_size_inches(self.figsize[0], self.figsize[1]) ax = plt.gca() _p1.add_axes(ax) else: raise RuntimeError("Unknown plot type") _p1.axes[0].set_position([0, 0, 1, 1]) # rescale figure _p1.set_facecolor("w") # set background color figure_canvas = FigureCanvasAgg(_p1) figure_canvas.draw() size = (_p1.get_size_inches() * _p1.dpi).astype("int64") # Account for non-square images after removing the colorbar. scale *= 1.0 - 1.0 / (_p1.dpi * self.figsize[0]) if force_square: yscale = scale * float(size[1]) / float(size[0]) else: yscale = scale image = pyx.bitmap.image(size[0], size[1], "RGB", figure_canvas.tostring_rgb()) self.canvas.insert( pyx.bitmap.bitmap( pos[0], pos[1], image, width=scale * self.figsize[0], height=yscale * self.figsize[1], ) )
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[docs] def colorbar( self, name, zrange=(0, 1), label="", log=False, tickcolor=None, orientation="right", pos=None, shrink=1.0, ): r"""Places a colorbar adjacent to the current figure. Parameters ---------- name : string name of the (matplotlib) colormap to use zrange : tuple of floats min and max of the colorbar's range label : string colorbar label log : boolean Flag to use a logarithmic scale tickcolor : `pyx.color.*.*` Color for the tickmarks. Example: orientation : string Placement of the colorbar. Can be "left", "right", "top", or "bottom". pos : list of floats (x,y) position of the origin of the colorbar in centimeters. shrink : float Factor to shrink the colorbar's size. A value of 1 means the colorbar will have a height / width of the figure. Examples -------- >>> d = DualEPS() >>> d.axis_box(xrange=(0, 100), yrange=(1e-3, 1), ylog=True) >>> d.insert_image("image.jpg") >>> d.colorbar( ... "hot", xrange=(1e-2, 1e-4), log=True, label="Density [cm$^{-3}$]" ... ) >>> d.save_fig() """ if pos is None: pos = [0, 0] if orientation == "right": origin = (pos[0] + self.figsize[0] + 0.5, pos[1]) size = (0.1 * self.figsize[0], self.figsize[1]) imsize = (1, 256) elif orientation == "left": origin = (pos[0] - 0.5 - 0.1 * self.figsize[0], pos[1]) size = (0.1 * self.figsize[0], self.figsize[1]) imsize = (1, 256) elif orientation == "top": origin = (pos[0], pos[1] + self.figsize[1] + 0.5) imorigin = (pos[0] + self.figsize[0], pos[1] + self.figsize[1] + 0.5) size = (self.figsize[0], 0.1 * self.figsize[1]) imsize = (256, 1) elif orientation == "bottom": origin = (pos[0], pos[1] - 0.5 - 0.1 * self.figsize[1]) imorigin = (pos[0] + self.figsize[0], pos[1] - 0.5 - 0.1 * self.figsize[1]) size = (self.figsize[0], 0.1 * self.figsize[1]) imsize = (256, 1) else: raise RuntimeError(f"orientation {orientation} unknown") # If shrink is a scalar, then convert into tuple if not isinstance(shrink, (tuple, list)): shrink = (shrink, shrink) # Scale the colorbar shift = (0.5 * (1.0 - shrink[0]) * size[0], 0.5 * (1.0 - shrink[1]) * size[1]) # To facilitate stretching rather than shrinking # If stretched in both directions (makes no sense?) then y dominates. if shrink[0] > 1.0: shift = (0.05 * self.figsize[0], 0.5 * (1.0 - shrink[1]) * size[1]) if shrink[1] > 1.0: shift = (0.5 * (1.0 - shrink[0]) * size[0], 0.05 * self.figsize[1]) size = (size[0] * shrink[0], size[1] * shrink[1]) origin = (origin[0] + shift[0], origin[1] + shift[1]) # Convert the colormap into a string x = np.linspace(1, 0, 256) cm_string = plt.get_cmap(name)(x, bytes=True)[:, 0:3].tobytes() cmap_im = pyx.bitmap.image(imsize[0], imsize[1], "RGB", cm_string) if orientation == "top" or orientation == "bottom": imorigin = (imorigin[0] - shift[0], imorigin[1] + shift[1]) self.canvas.insert( pyx.bitmap.bitmap( imorigin[0], imorigin[1], cmap_im, width=-size[0], height=size[1] ) ) else: self.canvas.insert( pyx.bitmap.bitmap( origin[0], origin[1], cmap_im, width=size[0], height=size[1] ) ) if tickcolor is None: c1 = pyx.graph.axis.painter.regular(tickattrs=[]) pyx.graph.axis.painter.regular( tickattrs=[], labelattrs=None ) else: c1 = pyx.graph.axis.painter.regular(tickattrs=[tickcolor]) pyx.graph.axis.painter.regular(tickattrs=[tickcolor], labelattrs=None) if log: yaxis = pyx.graph.axis.log( min=zrange[0], max=zrange[1], title=label, painter=c1 ) yaxis2 = pyx.graph.axis.log(min=zrange[0], max=zrange[1], parter=None) else: yaxis = pyx.graph.axis.lin( min=zrange[0], max=zrange[1], title=label, painter=c1 ) yaxis2 = pyx.graph.axis.lin(min=zrange[0], max=zrange[1], parter=None) xaxis = pyx.graph.axis.lin(parter=None) if orientation == "right": _colorbar = pyx.graph.graphxy( width=size[0], height=size[1], xpos=origin[0], ypos=origin[1], x=xaxis, y=yaxis2, y2=yaxis, ) elif orientation == "left": _colorbar = pyx.graph.graphxy( width=size[0], height=size[1], xpos=origin[0], ypos=origin[1], x=xaxis, y2=yaxis2, y=yaxis, ) elif orientation == "top": _colorbar = pyx.graph.graphxy( width=size[0], height=size[1], xpos=origin[0], ypos=origin[1], y=xaxis, x=yaxis2, x2=yaxis, ) elif orientation == "bottom": _colorbar = pyx.graph.graphxy( width=size[0], height=size[1], xpos=origin[0], ypos=origin[1], y=xaxis, x2=yaxis2, x=yaxis, ) blank_data =[(-1e10, -1e10), (-9e10, -9e10)], x=1, y=2) _colorbar.plot(blank_data) self.canvas.insert(_colorbar)
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[docs] def colorbar_yt(self, plot, field=None, cb_labels=None, **kwargs): r"""Wrapper around DualEPS.colorbar to take information from a yt plot. Accepts all parameters that DualEPS.colorbar takes. Parameters ---------- plot : A yt plot yt plot from which the information is taken. cb_labels : list of labels for the colorbars. List should be the same size as the number of colorbars used. Should be passed into this function by either the singleplot or multiplot api. Examples -------- >>> p = SlicePlot(ds, 0, "density") >>> p.hide_colorbar() >>> d = DualEPS() >>> d.axis_box_yt(p) >>> d.insert_image_yt(p) >>> d.colorbar_yt(p) >>> d.save_fig() """ if isinstance(plot, ProfilePlot): raise RuntimeError( "When using ProfilePlots you must either set yt_nocbar=True or provide " "colorbar flags so that the profiles don't have colorbars" ) _cmap = None if field is not None: self.field = plot.data_source._determine_fields(field)[0] if isinstance(plot, (PlotWindow, PhasePlot)): _cmap = plot[self.field].colorbar_handler.cmap else: if plot.cmap is not None: _cmap = if _cmap is None: _cmap = ytcfg.get("yt", "default_colormap") if isinstance(plot, (PlotWindow, PhasePlot)): if isinstance(plot, PlotWindow): try: _zlabel = plot.frb[self.field].info["label"] _unit = Unit( plot.frb[self.field].units, registry=plot.ds.unit_registry ) units = _unit.latex_representation() # PyX does not support \frac because it's based on TeX. units = pyxize_label(units) _zlabel += r" (" + units + r")" except NotImplementedError: print("Colorbar label not available") _zlabel = "" else: _, _, z_title = plot._get_field_title(self.field, plot.profile) _zlabel = pyxize_label(z_title) _zlabel = _zlabel.replace("_", r"\;") _p = plot.plots[self.field] _norm = _p.norm_handler.get_norm(plot.frb[self.field]) norm_type = type(_norm) if norm_type is LogNorm: _zlog = True elif norm_type is Normalize: # linear scaling _zlog = False else: raise RuntimeError( "eps_writer is not compatible with scalings other than linear and log, " f"received {norm_type}" ) _zrange = (_norm.vmin, _norm.vmax) else: _zlabel = plot._z_label.replace("_", r"\;") _zlog = plot._log_z _zrange = (plot.norm.vmin, plot.norm.vmax) if cb_labels is not None: # Overrides deduced labels _zlabel = cb_labels.pop() self.colorbar(_cmap, zrange=_zrange, label=_zlabel, log=_zlog, **kwargs)
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[docs] def circle( self, radius=0.2, loc=(0.5, 0.5), color=pyx.color.cmyk.white,, ): r"""Draws a circle in the current figure. Parameters ---------- radius : float Radius of the circle in units of figsize loc : tuple of floats Location of the circle's center in units of figsize color : `pyx.color.*.*` Color of the circle stroke. Example: pyx.color.cmyk.white linewidth : `*` Width of the circle stroke width. Example: Examples -------- >>> d = DualEPS() >>> d.axis_box(xrange=(0, 100), yrange=(1e-3, 1), ylog=True) >>> d.insert_image("image.jpg") >>>, color=pyx.color.cmyk.Red) >>> d.save_fig() """ circle = self.figsize[0] * loc[0], self.figsize[1] * loc[1], self.figsize[0] * radius ) self.canvas.stroke(circle, [color, linewidth])
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[docs] def arrow( self, size=0.2, label="", loc=(0.05, 0.08), labelloc="top", color=pyx.color.cmyk.white,, rotation=0.0, ): r"""Draws an arrow in the current figure Parameters ---------- size : float Length of arrow (base to tip) in units of the figure size. label : string Annotation label of the arrow. loc : tuple of floats Location of the left hand side of the arrow in units of the figure size. rotation : float Orientation angle of the arrow in units of degrees labelloc : string Location of the label with respect to the line. Can be "top" or "bottom" color : `pyx.color.*.*` Color of the arrow. Example: pyx.color.cymk.white linewidth : `*` Width of the arrow. Example: Examples -------- >>> d = DualEPS() >>> d.axis_box(xrange=(0, 100), yrange=(1e-3, 1), ylog=True) >>> d.insert_image("arrow_image.jpg") >>> d.arrow(size=0.2, label="Black Hole!", loc=(0.05, 0.1)) >>> d.save_fig() """ line = pyx.path.line( self.figsize[0] * loc[0], self.figsize[1] * loc[1], self.figsize[0] * (loc[0] + size * np.cos(np.pi * rotation / 180)), self.figsize[1] * (loc[1] + size * np.sin(np.pi * rotation / 180)), ) self.canvas.stroke(line, [linewidth, color, pyx.deco.earrow()]) if labelloc == "bottom": yoff = -0.1 * size valign = else: yoff = +0.1 * size valign = pyx.text.valign.bottom if label != "": self.canvas.text( self.figsize[0] * (loc[0] + 0.5 * size), self.figsize[1] * (loc[1] + yoff), label, [color, valign,], )
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[docs] def scale_line( self, size=0.2, label="", loc=(0.05, 0.08), labelloc="top", color=pyx.color.cmyk.white,, ): r"""Draws a scale line in the current figure. Parameters ---------- size : float Length of the scale line in units of the figure size. label : string Annotation label of the scale line. loc : tuple of floats Location of the left hand side of the scale line in units of the figure size. labelloc : string Location of the label with respect to the line. Can be "top" or "bottom" color : `pyx.color.*.*` Color of the scale line. Example: pyx.color.cymk.white linewidth : `*` Width of the scale line. Example: Examples -------- >>> d = DualEPS() >>> d.axis_box(xrange=(0, 100), yrange=(1e-3, 1), ylog=True) >>> d.insert_image("image.jpg") >>> d.scale_line(size=0.2, label="1 kpc", loc=(0.05, 0.1)) >>> d.save_fig() """ line = pyx.path.line( self.figsize[0] * loc[0], self.figsize[1] * loc[1], self.figsize[0] * (loc[0] + size), self.figsize[1] * loc[1], ) self.canvas.stroke(line, [linewidth, color]) line = pyx.path.line( self.figsize[0] * loc[0], self.figsize[1] * (loc[1] - 0.1 * size), self.figsize[0] * loc[0], self.figsize[1] * (loc[1] + 0.1 * size), ) self.canvas.stroke(line, [linewidth, color]) line = pyx.path.line( self.figsize[0] * (loc[0] + size), self.figsize[1] * (loc[1] - 0.1 * size), self.figsize[0] * (loc[0] + size), self.figsize[1] * (loc[1] + 0.1 * size), ) self.canvas.stroke(line, [linewidth, color]) if labelloc == "bottom": yoff = -0.1 * size valign = else: yoff = +0.1 * size valign = pyx.text.valign.bottom if label != "": self.canvas.text( self.figsize[0] * (loc[0] + 0.5 * size), self.figsize[1] * (loc[1] + yoff), label, [color, valign,], )
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[docs] def title_box( self, text,, bgcolor=pyx.color.cmyk.white, loc=(0.02, 0.98), halign=pyx.text.halign.left,, text_opts=None, ): r"""Inserts a box with text in the current figure. Parameters ---------- text : string String to insert in the textbox. color : `pyx.color.*.*` Color of the text. Example: bgcolor : `pyx.color.*.*` Color of the textbox background. Example: pyx.color.cmyk.white loc : tuple of floats Location of the textbox origin in units of the figure size. halign : `pyx.text.halign.*` Horizontal alignment of the text. Example: pyx.text.halign.left valign : `pyx.text.valign.*` Vertical alignment of the text. Example: Examples -------- >>> d = DualEPS() >>> d.axis_box(xrange=(0, 100), yrange=(1e-3, 1), ylog=True) >>> d.insert_image("image.jpg") >>> d.title_box("Halo 1", loc=(0.05, 0.95)) >>> d.save_fig() """ if text_opts is None: text_opts = [] tbox = self.canvas.text( self.figsize[0] * loc[0], self.figsize[1] * loc[1], text, [color, valign, halign] + text_opts, ) if bgcolor is not None: tpath = tbox.bbox().enlarged(2 * pyx.unit.x_pt).path() self.canvas.draw(tpath, [pyx.deco.filled([bgcolor]), pyx.deco.stroked()]) self.canvas.insert(tbox)
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[docs] def save_fig(self, filename="test", format="eps", resolution=250): r"""Saves current figure to a file. Parameters ---------- filename : string Name of the saved file without the extension. format : string Format type. Can be "eps" or "pdf" Examples -------- >>> d = DualEPS() >>> d.axis_box(xrange=(0, 100), yrange=(1e-3, 1), ylog=True) """ filename = os.path.expanduser(filename) if format == "eps": self.canvas.writeEPSfile(filename) elif format == "pdf": self.canvas.writePDFfile(filename) elif format == "png": self.canvas.writeGSfile(filename + ".png", "png16m", resolution=resolution) elif format == "jpg": self.canvas.writeGSfile(filename + ".jpeg", "jpeg", resolution=resolution) else: raise RuntimeError(f"format {format} unknown.")
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[docs] def multiplot( ncol, nrow, yt_plots=None, fields=None, images=None, xranges=None, yranges=None, xlabels=None, ylabels=None, xdata=None, ydata=None, colorbars=None, shrink_cb=0.95, figsize=(8, 8), margins=(0, 0), titles=None, savefig=None, format="eps", yt_nocbar=False, bare_axes=False, xaxis_flags=None, yaxis_flags=None, cb_flags=None, cb_location=None, cb_labels=None, ): r"""Convenience routine to create a multi-panel figure from yt plots or JPEGs. The images are first placed from the origin, and then bottom-to-top and left-to-right. Parameters ---------- ncol : integer Number of columns in the figure. nrow : integer Number of rows in the figure. yt_plots : list of yt plot instances yt plots to include in the figure. images : list of strings JPEG filenames to include in the figure. xranges : list of tuples The min and max of the x-axes yranges : list of tuples The min and max of the y-axes xlabels : list of strings Labels for the x-axes ylabels : list of strings Labels for the y-axes colorbars : list of dicts Dicts that describe the type of colorbar to be used in each figure. Use the function return_colormap() to create these dicts. shrink_cb : float Factor by which the colorbar is shrunk. figsize : tuple of floats The width and height of a single figure in centimeters. margins : tuple of floats The horizontal and vertical margins between panels in centimeters. titles : list of strings Titles that are placed in textboxes in each panel. savefig : string Name of the saved file without the extension. format : string File format of the figure. eps or pdf accepted. yt_nocbar : boolean Flag to indicate whether or not colorbars are created. bare_axes : boolean Set to true to have no annotations or tick marks on all of the axes. cb_flags : list of booleans Flags for each plot to have a colorbar or not. cb_location : list of strings Strings to control the location of the colorbar (left, right, top, bottom) cb_labels : list of labels for the colorbars. List should be the same size as the number of colorbars used. Examples -------- >>> images = ["density.jpg", "hi_density.jpg", "entropy.jpg", "special.jpg"] >>> cbs = [] >>> cbs.append(return_colormap("cmyt.arbre", "Density [cm$^{-3}$]", (0, 10), False)) >>> cbs.append(return_colormap("cmyt.kelp", "HI Density", (0, 5), False)) >>> cbs.append(return_colormap("hot", r"Entropy [K cm$^2$]", (1e-2, 1e6), True)) >>> cbs.append(return_colormap("Spectral", "Stuff$_x$!", (1, 300), True)) >>> mp = multiplot( ... 2, ... 2, ... images=images, ... margins=(0.1, 0.1), ... titles=["1", "2", "3", "4"], ... xlabels=["one", "two"], ... ylabels=None, ... colorbars=cbs, ... shrink_cb=0.95, ... ) >>> mp.scale_line(label="$r_{vir}$", labelloc="top") >>> mp.save_fig("multiplot") Notes ----- If given both yt_plots and images, this will get preference to the yt plots. """ # Error check npanels = ncol * nrow if cb_labels is not None: cb_labels.reverse() # Because I pop the list if images is not None: if len(images) != npanels: raise RuntimeError( "Number of images (%d) doesn't match nrow(%d)" " x ncol(%d)." % (len(images), nrow, ncol) ) if yt_plots is None and images is None: raise RuntimeError("Must supply either yt_plots or image filenames.") if yt_plots is not None and images is not None: mylog.warning("Given both images and yt plots. Ignoring images.") if yt_plots is not None: _yt = True else: _yt = False if fields is None: fields = [None] * npanels # If no ranges or labels given and given only images, fill them in. if not _yt: if xranges is None: xranges = [] for _ in range(npanels): xranges.append((0, 1)) if yranges is None: yranges = [] for _ in range(npanels): yranges.append((0, 1)) if xlabels is None: xlabels = [] for _ in range(npanels): xlabels.append("") if ylabels is None: ylabels = [] for _ in range(npanels): ylabels.append("") d = DualEPS(figsize=figsize) for j in range(nrow): invj = nrow - j - 1 ypos = invj * (figsize[1] + margins[1]) for i in range(ncol): xpos = i * (figsize[0] + margins[0]) index = j * ncol + i if isinstance(yt_plots, list): this_plot = yt_plots[index] else: this_plot = yt_plots if j == nrow - 1: xaxis = 0 elif j == 0: xaxis = 1 else: xaxis = -1 if i == 0: yaxis = 0 elif i == ncol - 1: yaxis = 1 else: yaxis = -1 if xdata is None: _xdata = None else: _xdata = xdata[index] if ydata is None: _ydata = None else: _ydata = ydata[index] if xaxis_flags is not None: if xaxis_flags[index] is not None: xaxis = xaxis_flags[index] if yaxis_flags is not None: if yaxis_flags[index] is not None: yaxis = yaxis_flags[index] if _yt: this_plot._setup_plots() if xlabels is not None: xlabel = xlabels[i] else: xlabel = None if ylabels is not None: ylabel = ylabels[j] else: ylabel = None d.insert_image_yt(this_plot, pos=(xpos, ypos), field=fields[index]) d.axis_box_yt( this_plot, pos=(xpos, ypos), bare_axes=bare_axes, xaxis_side=xaxis, yaxis_side=yaxis, xlabel=xlabel, ylabel=ylabel, xdata=_xdata, ydata=_ydata, ) else: d.insert_image(images[index], pos=(xpos, ypos)) d.axis_box( pos=(xpos, ypos), xrange=xranges[index], yrange=yranges[index], xlabel=xlabels[i], ylabel=ylabels[j], bare_axes=bare_axes, xaxis_side=xaxis, yaxis_side=yaxis, xdata=_xdata, ydata=_ydata, ) if titles is not None: if titles[index] is not None: d.title_box( titles[index], loc=( i + 0.05 + i * margins[0] / figsize[0], j + 0.98 + j * margins[1] / figsize[1], ), ) # Insert colorbars after all axes are placed because we want to # put them on the edges of the bounding box. bbox = ( 100.0 * d.canvas.bbox().left().t, 100.0 * d.canvas.bbox().right().t - d.figsize[0], 100.0 * d.canvas.bbox().bottom().t, 100.0 * d.canvas.bbox().top().t - d.figsize[1], ) for j in range(nrow): invj = nrow - j - 1 ypos0 = invj * (figsize[1] + margins[1]) for i in range(ncol): xpos0 = i * (figsize[0] + margins[0]) index = j * ncol + i if isinstance(yt_plots, list): this_plot = yt_plots[index] else: this_plot = yt_plots if (not _yt and colorbars is not None) or (_yt and not yt_nocbar): if cb_flags is not None: if not cb_flags[index]: continue if cb_location is None: if ncol == 1: orientation = "right" elif i == 0: orientation = "left" elif i + 1 == ncol: orientation = "right" elif j == 0: orientation = "bottom" elif j + 1 == nrow: orientation = "top" else: orientation = None # Marker for interior plot else: if isinstance(cb_location, dict): if fields[index] not in cb_location.keys(): raise RuntimeError( f"{fields[index]} not found in cb_location dict" ) orientation = cb_location[fields[index]] elif isinstance(cb_location, list): orientation = cb_location[index] else: raise RuntimeError("Bad format: cb_location") if orientation == "right": xpos = bbox[1] ypos = ypos0 elif orientation == "left": xpos = bbox[0] ypos = ypos0 elif orientation == "bottom": ypos = bbox[2] xpos = xpos0 elif orientation == "top": ypos = bbox[3] xpos = xpos0 else: mylog.warning( "Unknown colorbar location %s. No colorbar displayed.", orientation, ) orientation = None # Marker for interior plot if orientation is not None: if _yt: # Set field if undefined if fields[index] is None: fields[index] = d.return_field(yt_plots[index]) d.colorbar_yt( this_plot, field=fields[index], pos=[xpos, ypos], shrink=shrink_cb, orientation=orientation, cb_labels=cb_labels, ) else: d.colorbar( colorbars[index]["cmap"], zrange=colorbars[index]["range"], label=colorbars[index]["name"], log=colorbars[index]["log"], orientation=orientation, pos=[xpos, ypos], shrink=shrink_cb, ) if savefig is not None: d.save_fig(savefig, format=format) return d
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[docs] def multiplot_yt(ncol, nrow, plots, fields=None, **kwargs): r"""Wrapper for multiplot that takes a yt PlotWindow Accepts all parameters used in multiplot. Parameters ---------- ncol : integer Number of columns in the figure. nrow : integer Number of rows in the figure. plots : ``PlotWindow`` instance, ``PhasePlot`` instance, or list of plots yt plots to be used. Examples -------- >>> p1 = SlicePlot(ds, 0, "density") >>> p1.set_width(10, "kpc") >>> p2 = SlicePlot(ds, 0, "temperature") >>> p2.set_width(10, "kpc") >>> p2.set_colormap("temperature", "hot") >>> sph = ds.sphere(ds.domain_center, (10, "kpc")) >>> p3 = PhasePlot( ... sph, "radius", "density", "temperature", weight_field="cell_mass" ... ) >>> p4 = PhasePlot(sph, "radius", "density", "pressure", "cell_mass") >>> mp = multiplot_yt( ... 2, ... 2, ... [p1, p2, p3, p4], ... savefig="yt", ... shrink_cb=0.9, ... bare_axes=True, ... yt_nocbar=False, ... margins=(0.5, 0.5), ... ) """ # Determine whether the plots are organized in a PlotWindow, or list # of PlotWindows if isinstance(plots, (PlotWindow, PhasePlot)): if fields is None: fields = plots.fields if len(fields) < nrow * ncol: raise RuntimeError( f"Number of plots ({len(fields)}) is less " f"than nrow({nrow}) x ncol({ncol})." ) figure = multiplot(ncol, nrow, yt_plots=plots, fields=fields, **kwargs) elif isinstance(plots, list) and isinstance(plots[0], (PlotWindow, PhasePlot)): if len(plots) < nrow * ncol: raise RuntimeError( f"Number of plots ({len(fields)}) is less " f"than nrow({nrow}) x ncol({ncol})." ) figure = multiplot(ncol, nrow, yt_plots=plots, fields=fields, **kwargs) else: raise RuntimeError("Unknown plot type in multiplot_yt") return figure
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[docs] def single_plot( plot, field=None, figsize=(12, 12), cb_orient="right", bare_axes=False, savefig=None, colorbar=True, file_format="eps", **kwargs, ): r"""Wrapper for DualEPS routines to create a figure directly from a yt plot. Calls insert_image_yt, axis_box_yt, and colorbar_yt. Parameters ---------- plot : `yt.visualization.plot_window.PlotWindow` yt plot that provides the image and metadata figsize : tuple of floats Size of the figure in centimeters. cb_orient : string Placement of the colorbar. Can be "left", "right", "top", or "bottom". bare_axes : boolean Set to true to have no annotations or tick marks on all of the axes. savefig : string Name of the saved file without the extension. colorbar : boolean Set to true to include a colorbar file_format : string Format type. Can be "eps" or "pdf" Examples -------- >>> p = SlicePlot(ds, 0, "density") >>> p.set_width(0.1, "kpc") >>> single_plot(p, savefig="figure1") """ d = DualEPS(figsize=figsize) d.insert_image_yt(plot, field=field) d.axis_box_yt(plot, bare_axes=bare_axes, **kwargs) if colorbar and not isinstance(plot, ProfilePlot): d.colorbar_yt(plot, orientation=cb_orient) if savefig is not None: d.save_fig(savefig, format=file_format) return d
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[docs] def return_colormap(cmap=None, label="", range=(0, 1), log=False): r"""Returns a dict that describes a colorbar. Exclusively for use with multiplot. Parameters ---------- cmap : string name of the (matplotlib) colormap to use label : string colorbar label range : tuple of floats min and max of the colorbar's range log : boolean Flag to use a logarithmic scale Examples -------- >>> cb = return_colormap("cmyt.arbre", "Density [cm$^{-3}$]", (0, 10), False) """ if cmap is None: cmap = ytcfg.get("yt", "default_colormap") return {"cmap": cmap, "name": label, "range": range, "log": log}