Source code for yt.visualization.base_plot_types

import sys
import warnings
from abc import ABC
from io import BytesIO
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Optional, TypedDict, Union

import matplotlib
import numpy as np
from matplotlib.scale import SymmetricalLogTransform
from matplotlib.ticker import LogFormatterMathtext

from yt._typing import AlphaT
from yt.funcs import (
from yt.visualization._handlers import ColorbarHandler, NormHandler

from ._commons import (

if matplotlib.__version_info__ >= (3, 8):
    from matplotlib.ticker import SymmetricalLogLocator
    from ._commons import _MPL38_SymmetricalLogLocator as SymmetricalLogLocator

    from typing import Literal

    from matplotlib.axes import Axes
    from matplotlib.axis import Axis
    from matplotlib.figure import Figure
    from matplotlib.transforms import Transform

    class FormatKwargs(TypedDict):
        style: Literal["scientific"]
        scilimits: tuple[int, int]
        useMathText: bool

    "GTK": ["backend_gtk", "FigureCanvasGTK", "FigureManagerGTK"],
    "GTKAgg": ["backend_gtkagg", "FigureCanvasGTKAgg", None],
    "GTKCairo": ["backend_gtkcairo", "FigureCanvasGTKCairo", None],
    "MacOSX": ["backend_macosx", "FigureCanvasMac", "FigureManagerMac"],
    "Qt4Agg": ["backend_qt4agg", "FigureCanvasQTAgg", None],
    "Qt5Agg": ["backend_qt5agg", "FigureCanvasQTAgg", None],
    "TkAgg": ["backend_tkagg", "FigureCanvasTkAgg", None],
    "WX": ["backend_wx", "FigureCanvasWx", None],
    "WXAgg": ["backend_wxagg", "FigureCanvasWxAgg", None],
    "GTK3Cairo": [
    "GTK3Agg": ["backend_gtk3agg", "FigureCanvasGTK3Agg", "FigureManagerGTK3Agg"],
    "WebAgg": ["backend_webagg", "FigureCanvasWebAgg", None],
    "nbAgg": ["backend_nbagg", "FigureCanvasNbAgg", "FigureManagerNbAgg"],
    "agg": ["backend_agg", "FigureCanvasAgg", None],

[docs] class CallbackWrapper: def __init__(self, viewer, window_plot, frb, field, font_properties, font_color): self.frb = frb = frb.data_source self._axes = window_plot.axes self._figure = window_plot.figure if len(self._axes.images) > 0: self.raw_image_shape = self._axes.images[0]._A.shape if viewer._has_swapped_axes: # store the original un-transposed shape self.raw_image_shape = self.raw_image_shape[1], self.raw_image_shape[0] if frb.axis is not None: DD = frb.ds.domain_width xax = frb.ds.coordinates.x_axis[frb.axis] yax = frb.ds.coordinates.y_axis[frb.axis] self._period = (DD[xax], DD[yax]) self.ds = frb.ds self.xlim = viewer.xlim self.ylim = viewer.ylim self._swap_axes = viewer._has_swapped_axes self._flip_horizontal = viewer._flip_horizontal # needed for quiver self._flip_vertical = viewer._flip_vertical # needed for quiver # an important note on _swap_axes: _swap_axes will swap x,y arguments # in callbacks (e.g., plt.plot(x,y) will be plt.plot(y, x). The xlim # and ylim arguments above, and internal callback references to coordinates # are the **unswapped** ranges. self._axes_unit_names = viewer._axes_unit_names if "OffAxisSlice" in viewer._plot_type: self._type_name = "CuttingPlane" else: self._type_name = viewer._plot_type self.aspect = window_plot._aspect self.font_properties = font_properties self.font_color = font_color self.field = field
[docs] class PlotMPL: """A base class for all yt plots made using matplotlib, that is backend independent.""" def __init__( self, fsize, axrect: tuple[float, float, float, float], *, norm_handler: NormHandler, figure: Optional["Figure"] = None, axes: Optional["Axes"] = None, ): """Initialize PlotMPL class""" import matplotlib.figure self._plot_valid = True if figure is None: if not is_sequence(fsize): fsize = (fsize, fsize) self.figure = matplotlib.figure.Figure(figsize=fsize, frameon=True) else: figure.set_size_inches(fsize) self.figure = figure if axes is None: self._create_axes(axrect) else: axes.clear() axes.set_position(axrect) self.axes = axes self.interactivity = get_interactivity() figure_canvas, figure_manager = self._get_canvas_classes() self.canvas = figure_canvas(self.figure) if figure_manager is not None: self.manager = figure_manager(self.canvas, 1) self.axes.tick_params( which="both", axis="both", direction="in", top=True, right=True ) self.norm_handler = norm_handler def _create_axes(self, axrect: tuple[float, float, float, float]) -> None: self.axes = self.figure.add_axes(axrect) def _get_canvas_classes(self): if self.interactivity: key = str(matplotlib.get_backend()) else: key = "agg" try: module, fig_canvas, fig_manager = BACKEND_SPECS[key] except KeyError: return mod = __import__( "matplotlib.backends", globals(), locals(), [module], 0, ) submod = getattr(mod, module) FigureCanvas = getattr(submod, fig_canvas) if fig_manager is not None: FigureManager = getattr(submod, fig_manager) return FigureCanvas, FigureManager return FigureCanvas, None
[docs] def save(self, name, mpl_kwargs=None, canvas=None): """Choose backend and save image to disk""" if mpl_kwargs is None: mpl_kwargs = {} name = validate_image_name(name) setdefault_mpl_metadata(mpl_kwargs, name) try: canvas = get_canvas(self.figure, name) except ValueError: canvas = self.canvas"Saving plot %s", name) with matplotlib_style_context(): canvas.print_figure(name, **mpl_kwargs) return name
[docs] def show(self): try: except AttributeError:
def _get_labels(self): ax = self.axes labels = ax.xaxis.get_ticklabels() + ax.yaxis.get_ticklabels() labels += ax.xaxis.get_minorticklabels() labels += ax.yaxis.get_minorticklabels() labels += [ ax.title, ax.xaxis.label, ax.yaxis.label, ax.xaxis.get_offset_text(), ax.yaxis.get_offset_text(), ] return labels def _set_font_properties(self, font_properties, font_color): for label in self._get_labels(): label.set_fontproperties(font_properties) if font_color is not None: label.set_color(font_color) def _repr_png_(self): from matplotlib.backends.backend_agg import FigureCanvasAgg canvas = FigureCanvasAgg(self.figure) f = BytesIO() with matplotlib_style_context(): canvas.print_figure(f) return
[docs] class ImagePlotMPL(PlotMPL, ABC): """A base class for yt plots made using imshow""" _default_font_size = 18.0 def __init__( self, fsize=None, axrect=None, caxrect=None, *, norm_handler: NormHandler, colorbar_handler: ColorbarHandler, figure: Optional["Figure"] = None, axes: Optional["Axes"] = None, cax: Optional["Axes"] = None, ): """Initialize ImagePlotMPL class object""" self._transform: Optional["Transform"] setdefaultattr(self, "_transform", None) self.colorbar_handler = colorbar_handler _missing_layout_specs = [_ is None for _ in (fsize, axrect, caxrect)] if all(_missing_layout_specs): fsize, axrect, caxrect = self._get_best_layout() elif any(_missing_layout_specs): raise TypeError( "ImagePlotMPL cannot be initialized with partially specified layout." ) super().__init__( fsize, axrect, norm_handler=norm_handler, figure=figure, axes=axes ) if cax is None: self.cax = self.figure.add_axes(caxrect) else: cax.clear() cax.set_position(caxrect) self.cax = cax def _setup_layout_constraints( self, figure_size: Union[tuple[float, float], float], fontsize: float ): # Setup base layout attributes # derived classes need to call this before super().__init__ # but they are free to do other stuff in between if isinstance(figure_size, tuple): assert len(figure_size) == 2 assert all(isinstance(_, float) for _ in figure_size) self._figure_size = figure_size else: assert isinstance(figure_size, float) self._figure_size = (figure_size, figure_size) self._draw_axes = True fontscale = float(fontsize) / self.__class__._default_font_size if fontscale < 1.0: fontscale = np.sqrt(fontscale) self._cb_size = 0.0375 * self._figure_size[0] self._ax_text_size = [1.2 * fontscale, 0.9 * fontscale] self._top_buff_size = 0.30 * fontscale self._aspect = 1.0 def _reset_layout(self) -> None: size, axrect, caxrect = self._get_best_layout() self.axes.set_position(axrect) self.cax.set_position(caxrect) self.figure.set_size_inches(*size) def _init_image(self, data, extent, aspect, *, alpha: AlphaT = None): """Store output of imshow in image variable""" norm = self.norm_handler.get_norm(data) extent = [float(e) for e in extent] if self._transform is None: # sets the transform to be an ax.TransData object, where the # coordinate system of the data is controlled by the xlim and ylim # of the data. transform = self.axes.transData else: transform = self._transform self._validate_axes_extent(extent, transform) self.image = self.axes.imshow( data.to_ndarray(), origin="lower", extent=extent, norm=norm, aspect=aspect, cmap=self.colorbar_handler.cmap, interpolation="nearest", transform=transform, alpha=alpha, ) self._set_axes() def _set_axes(self) -> None: fmt_kwargs: "FormatKwargs" = { "style": "scientific", "scilimits": (-2, 3), "useMathText": True, } self.image.axes.ticklabel_format(**fmt_kwargs) self.image.axes.set_facecolor(self.colorbar_handler.background_color) self.cax.tick_params(which="both", direction="in") self.cb = self.figure.colorbar(self.image, self.cax) cb_axis: "Axis" if self.cb.orientation == "vertical": cb_axis = else: cb_axis = cb_scale = cb_axis.get_scale() if cb_scale == "symlog": trf = cb_axis.get_transform() if not isinstance(trf, SymmetricalLogTransform): raise RuntimeError cb_axis.set_major_locator(SymmetricalLogLocator(trf)) cb_axis.set_major_formatter( LogFormatterMathtext(linthresh=trf.linthresh, base=trf.base) ) if cb_scale not in ("log", "symlog"):**fmt_kwargs) if self.colorbar_handler.draw_minorticks and cb_scale == "symlog": # no minor ticks are drawn by default in symlog, as of matplotlib 3.7.1 # see trf = cb_axis.get_transform() if not isinstance(trf, SymmetricalLogTransform): raise RuntimeError if float(trf.base).is_integer(): locator = SymmetricalLogLocator(trf, subs=list(range(1, int(trf.base)))) cb_axis.set_minor_locator(locator) elif self.colorbar_handler.draw_minorticks: self.cb.minorticks_on() else: self.cb.minorticks_off() def _validate_axes_extent(self, extent, transform): # if the axes are cartopy GeoAxes, this checks that the axes extent # is properly set. if "cartopy" not in sys.modules: # cartopy isn't already loaded, nothing to do here return from cartopy.mpl.geoaxes import GeoAxes if isinstance(self.axes, GeoAxes): # some projections have trouble when passing extents at or near the # limits. So we only set_extent when the plot is a subset of the # globe, within the tolerance of the transform. # note that `set_extent` here is setting the extent of the axes. # still need to pass the extent arg to imshow in order to # ensure that it is properly scaled. also note that set_extent # expects values in the coordinates of the transform: it will # calculate the coordinates in the projection. global_extent = transform.x_limits + transform.y_limits thresh = transform.threshold if all( abs(extent[ie]) < (abs(global_extent[ie]) - thresh) for ie in range(4) ): self.axes.set_extent(extent, crs=transform) def _get_best_layout(self): # this method is called in ImagePlotMPL.__init__ # required attributes # - self._figure_size: Union[float, Tuple[float, float]] # - self._aspect: float # - self._ax_text_size: Tuple[float, float] # - self._draw_axes: bool # - self.colorbar_handler: ColorbarHandler # optional attributes # - self._unit_aspect: float # Ensure the figure size along the long axis is always equal to _figure_size unit_aspect = getattr(self, "_unit_aspect", 1) if is_sequence(self._figure_size): x_fig_size, y_fig_size = self._figure_size y_fig_size *= unit_aspect else: x_fig_size = y_fig_size = self._figure_size scaling = self._aspect / unit_aspect if scaling < 1: x_fig_size *= scaling else: y_fig_size /= scaling if self.colorbar_handler.draw_cbar: cb_size = self._cb_size cb_text_size = self._ax_text_size[1] + 0.45 else: cb_size = x_fig_size * 0.04 cb_text_size = 0.0 if self._draw_axes: x_axis_size = self._ax_text_size[0] y_axis_size = self._ax_text_size[1] else: x_axis_size = x_fig_size * 0.04 y_axis_size = y_fig_size * 0.04 top_buff_size = self._top_buff_size if not self._draw_axes and not self.colorbar_handler.draw_cbar: x_axis_size = 0.0 y_axis_size = 0.0 cb_size = 0.0 cb_text_size = 0.0 top_buff_size = 0.0 xbins = np.array([x_axis_size, x_fig_size, cb_size, cb_text_size]) ybins = np.array([y_axis_size, y_fig_size, top_buff_size]) size = [xbins.sum(), ybins.sum()] x_frac_widths = xbins / size[0] y_frac_widths = ybins / size[1] # axrect is the rectangle defining the area of the # axis object of the plot. Its range goes from 0 to 1 in # x and y directions. The first two values are the x,y # start values of the axis object (lower left corner), and the # second two values are the size of the axis object. To get # the upper right corner, add the first x,y to the second x,y. axrect = ( x_frac_widths[0], y_frac_widths[0], x_frac_widths[1], y_frac_widths[1], ) # caxrect is the rectangle defining the area of the colorbar # axis object of the plot. It is defined just as the axrect # tuple is. caxrect = ( x_frac_widths[0] + x_frac_widths[1], y_frac_widths[0], x_frac_widths[2], y_frac_widths[1], ) return size, axrect, caxrect def _toggle_axes(self, choice, draw_frame=None): """ Turn on/off displaying the axis ticks and labels for a plot. Parameters ---------- choice : boolean If True, set the axes to be drawn. If False, set the axes to not be drawn. """ self._draw_axes = choice self._draw_frame = draw_frame if draw_frame is None: draw_frame = choice if self.colorbar_handler.has_background_color and not draw_frame: # workaround matplotlib's behaviour # last checked with Matplotlib 3.5 warnings.warn( f"Previously set background color {self.colorbar_handler.background_color} " "has no effect. Pass `draw_frame=True` if you wish to preserve background color.", stacklevel=4, ) self.axes.set_frame_on(draw_frame) self.axes.get_xaxis().set_visible(choice) self.axes.get_yaxis().set_visible(choice) self._reset_layout() def _toggle_colorbar(self, choice: bool): """ Turn on/off displaying the colorbar for a plot choice = True or False """ self.colorbar_handler.draw_cbar = choice self.cax.set_visible(choice) size, axrect, caxrect = self._get_best_layout() self.axes.set_position(axrect) self.cax.set_position(caxrect) self.figure.set_size_inches(*size) def _get_labels(self): labels = super()._get_labels() cbax = labels += cbax.yaxis.get_ticklabels() labels += [cbax.yaxis.label, cbax.yaxis.get_offset_text()] return labels
[docs] def hide_axes(self, *, draw_frame=None): """ Hide the axes for a plot including ticks and labels """ self._toggle_axes(False, draw_frame) return self
[docs] def show_axes(self): """ Show the axes for a plot including ticks and labels """ self._toggle_axes(True) return self
[docs] def hide_colorbar(self): """ Hide the colorbar for a plot including ticks and labels """ self._toggle_colorbar(False) return self
[docs] def show_colorbar(self): """ Show the colorbar for a plot including ticks and labels """ self._toggle_colorbar(True) return self
[docs] def get_multi_plot(nx, ny, colorbar="vertical", bw=4, dpi=300, cbar_padding=0.4): r"""Construct a multiple axes plot object, with or without a colorbar, into which multiple plots may be inserted. This will create a set of :class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes`, all lined up into a grid, which are then returned to the user and which can be used to plot multiple plots on a single figure. Parameters ---------- nx : int Number of axes to create along the x-direction ny : int Number of axes to create along the y-direction colorbar : {'vertical', 'horizontal', None}, optional Should Axes objects for colorbars be allocated, and if so, should they correspond to the horizontal or vertical set of axes? bw : number The base height/width of an axes object inside the figure, in inches dpi : number The dots per inch fed into the Figure instantiation Returns ------- fig : :class:`matplotlib.figure.Figure` The figure created inside which the axes reside tr : list of list of :class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes` objects This is a list, where the inner list is along the x-axis and the outer is along the y-axis cbars : list of :class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes` objects Each of these is an axes onto which a colorbar can be placed. Notes ----- This is a simple implementation for a common use case. Viewing the source can be instructive, and is encouraged to see how to generate more complicated or more specific sets of multiplots for your own purposes. """ import matplotlib.figure from matplotlib.backends.backend_agg import FigureCanvasAgg hf, wf = 1.0 / ny, 1.0 / nx fudge_x = fudge_y = 1.0 if colorbar is None: fudge_x = fudge_y = 1.0 elif colorbar.lower() == "vertical": fudge_x = nx / (cbar_padding + nx) fudge_y = 1.0 elif colorbar.lower() == "horizontal": fudge_x = 1.0 fudge_y = ny / (cbar_padding + ny) fig = matplotlib.figure.Figure((bw * nx / fudge_x, bw * ny / fudge_y), dpi=dpi) fig.set_canvas(FigureCanvasAgg(fig)) fig.subplots_adjust( wspace=0.0, hspace=0.0, top=1.0, bottom=0.0, left=0.0, right=1.0 ) tr = [] for j in range(ny): tr.append([]) for i in range(nx): left = i * wf * fudge_x bottom = fudge_y * (1.0 - (j + 1) * hf) + (1.0 - fudge_y) ax = fig.add_axes([left, bottom, wf * fudge_x, hf * fudge_y]) tr[-1].append(ax) cbars = [] if colorbar is None: pass elif colorbar.lower() == "horizontal": for i in range(nx): # left, bottom, width, height # Here we want 0.10 on each side of the colorbar # We want it to be 0.05 tall # And we want a buffer of 0.15 ax = fig.add_axes( [ wf * (i + 0.10) * fudge_x, hf * fudge_y * 0.20, wf * (1 - 0.20) * fudge_x, hf * fudge_y * 0.05, ] ) cbars.append(ax) elif colorbar.lower() == "vertical": for j in range(ny): ax = fig.add_axes( [ wf * (nx + 0.05) * fudge_x, hf * fudge_y * (ny - (j + 0.95)), wf * fudge_x * 0.05, hf * fudge_y * 0.90, ] ) ax.clear() cbars.append(ax) return fig, tr, cbars