Source code for yt.utilities.parallel_tools.parallel_analysis_interface

import itertools
import logging
import os
import sys
import traceback
from functools import wraps
from io import StringIO

import numpy as np
from more_itertools import always_iterable

import yt.utilities.logger
from yt.config import ytcfg
from yt.data_objects.image_array import ImageArray
from yt.funcs import is_sequence
from yt.units.unit_registry import UnitRegistry  # type: ignore
from yt.units.yt_array import YTArray
from yt.utilities.exceptions import YTNoDataInObjectError
from yt.utilities.lib.quad_tree import QuadTree, merge_quadtrees
from yt.utilities.logger import ytLogger as mylog

# We default to *no* parallelism unless it gets turned on, in which case this
# will be changed.
MPI = None
parallel_capable = False

dtype_names = {
    "float32": "MPI.FLOAT",
    "float64": "MPI.DOUBLE",
    "int32": "MPI.INT",
    "int64": "MPI.LONG",
    "c": "MPI.CHAR",
op_names = {"sum": "MPI.SUM", "min": "MPI.MIN", "max": "MPI.MAX"}

[docs] class FilterAllMessages(logging.Filter): """ This is a simple filter for logging.Logger's that won't let any messages pass. """
[docs] def filter(self, record): return 0
# Set up translation table and import things
[docs] def traceback_writer_hook(file_suffix=""): def write_to_file(exc_type, exc, tb): sys.__excepthook__(exc_type, exc, tb) fn = f"yt_traceback{file_suffix}" with open(fn, "w") as fhandle: traceback.print_exception(exc_type, exc, tb, file=fhandle) print(f"Wrote traceback to {fn}") MPI.COMM_WORLD.Abort(1) return write_to_file
[docs] def default_mpi_excepthook(exception_type, exception_value, tb): traceback.print_tb(tb) mylog.error("%s: %s", exception_type.__name__, exception_value) comm = yt.communication_system.communicators[-1] if comm.size > 1: mylog.error("Error occurred on rank %d.", comm.rank) MPI.COMM_WORLD.Abort(1)
[docs] def enable_parallelism(suppress_logging: bool = False, communicator=None) -> bool: """ This method is used inside a script to turn on MPI parallelism, via mpi4py. More information about running yt in parallel can be found here: Parameters ---------- suppress_logging : bool If set to True, only rank 0 will log information after the initial setup of MPI. communicator : mpi4py.MPI.Comm The MPI communicator to use. This controls which processes yt can see. If not specified, will be set to COMM_WORLD. Returns ------- parallel_capable: bool True if the call was successful. False otherwise. """ global parallel_capable, MPI try: from mpi4py import MPI as _MPI except ImportError: mylog.error("Could not enable parallelism: mpi4py is not installed") return False MPI = _MPI exe_name = os.path.basename(sys.executable) # if no communicator specified, set to COMM_WORLD if communicator is None: communicator = MPI.COMM_WORLD parallel_capable = communicator.size > 1 if not parallel_capable: mylog.error( "Could not enable parallelism: only one mpi process is running. " "To remedy this, launch the Python interpreter as\n" " mpirun -n <X> python3 <yourscript>.py # with X > 1 ", ) return False "Global parallel computation enabled: %s / %s", communicator.rank, communicator.size, ) communication_system.push(communicator) ytcfg["yt", "internals", "global_parallel_rank"] = communicator.rank ytcfg["yt", "internals", "global_parallel_size"] = communicator.size ytcfg["yt", "internals", "parallel"] = True if exe_name == "embed_enzo" or ("_parallel" in dir(sys) and sys._parallel): # type: ignore ytcfg["yt", "inline"] = True yt.utilities.logger.uncolorize_logging() # Even though the uncolorize function already resets the format string, # we reset it again so that it includes the processor. f = logging.Formatter( "P%03i %s" % (communicator.rank, yt.utilities.logger.ufstring) ) if len(yt.utilities.logger.ytLogger.handlers) > 0: yt.utilities.logger.ytLogger.handlers[0].setFormatter(f) if ytcfg.get("yt", "parallel_traceback"): sys.excepthook = traceback_writer_hook("_%03i" % communicator.rank) else: sys.excepthook = default_mpi_excepthook if ytcfg.get("yt", "log_level") < 20: yt.utilities.logger.ytLogger.warning( "Log Level is set low -- this could affect parallel performance!" ) dtype_names.update( { "float32": MPI.FLOAT, "float64": MPI.DOUBLE, "int32": MPI.INT, "int64": MPI.LONG, "c": MPI.CHAR, } ) op_names.update({"sum": MPI.SUM, "min": MPI.MIN, "max": MPI.MAX}) # Turn off logging on all but the root rank, if specified. if suppress_logging: if communicator.rank > 0: mylog.addFilter(FilterAllMessages()) return True
# Because the dtypes will == correctly but do not hash the same, we need this # function for dictionary access.
[docs] def get_mpi_type(dtype): for dt, val in dtype_names.items(): if dt == dtype: return val
[docs] class ObjectIterator: """ This is a generalized class that accepts a list of objects and then attempts to intelligently iterate over them. """ def __init__(self, pobj, just_list=False, attr="_grids"): self.pobj = pobj if hasattr(pobj, attr) and getattr(pobj, attr) is not None: gs = getattr(pobj, attr) else: gs = getattr(pobj._data_source, attr) if len(gs) == 0: raise YTNoDataInObjectError(pobj) if hasattr(gs[0], "proc_num"): # This one sort of knows about MPI, but not quite self._objs = [ g for g in gs if g.proc_num == ytcfg.get("yt", "internals", "topcomm_parallel_rank") ] self._use_all = True else: self._objs = gs if hasattr(self._objs[0], "filename"): self._objs = sorted(self._objs, key=lambda g: g.filename) self._use_all = False = len(self._objs) self.just_list = just_list def __iter__(self): yield from self._objs
[docs] class ParallelObjectIterator(ObjectIterator): """ This takes an object, *pobj*, that implements ParallelAnalysisInterface, and then does its thing, calling initialize and finalize on the object. """ def __init__(self, pobj, just_list=False, attr="_grids", round_robin=False): ObjectIterator.__init__(self, pobj, just_list, attr=attr) # pobj has to be a ParallelAnalysisInterface, so it must have a .comm # object. self._offset = pobj.comm.rank self._skip = pobj.comm.size # Note that we're doing this in advance, and with a simple means # of choosing them; more advanced methods will be explored later. if self._use_all: self.my_obj_ids = np.arange(len(self._objs)) else: if not round_robin: self.my_obj_ids = np.array_split( np.arange(len(self._objs)), self._skip )[self._offset] else: self.my_obj_ids = np.arange(len(self._objs))[self._offset :: self._skip] def __iter__(self): for gid in self.my_obj_ids: yield self._objs[gid] if not self.just_list: self.pobj._finalize_parallel()
[docs] def parallel_simple_proxy(func): """ This is a decorator that broadcasts the result of computation on a single processor to all other processors. To do so, it uses the _processing and _distributed flags in the object to check for blocks. Meant only to be used on objects that subclass :class:`~yt.utilities.parallel_tools.parallel_analysis_interface.ParallelAnalysisInterface`. """ @wraps(func) def single_proc_results(self, *args, **kwargs): retval = None if hasattr(self, "dont_wrap"): if func.__name__ in self.dont_wrap: return func(self, *args, **kwargs) if not parallel_capable or self._processing or not self._distributed: return func(self, *args, **kwargs) comm = _get_comm((self,)) if self._owner == comm.rank: self._processing = True retval = func(self, *args, **kwargs) self._processing = False # To be sure we utilize the root= kwarg, we manually access the .comm # attribute, which must be an instance of MPI.Intracomm, and call bcast # on that. retval = comm.comm.bcast(retval, root=self._owner) return retval return single_proc_results
[docs] class ParallelDummy(type): """ This is a base class that, on instantiation, replaces all attributes that don't start with ``_`` with :func:`~yt.utilities.parallel_tools.parallel_analysis_interface.parallel_simple_proxy`-wrapped attributes. Used as a metaclass. """ def __init__(cls, name, bases, d): super().__init__(name, bases, d) skip = d.pop("dont_wrap", []) extra = d.pop("extra_wrap", []) for attrname in d: if attrname.startswith("_") or attrname in skip: if attrname not in extra: continue attr = getattr(cls, attrname) if callable(attr): setattr(cls, attrname, parallel_simple_proxy(attr))
[docs] def parallel_passthrough(func): """ If we are not run in parallel, this function passes the input back as output; otherwise, the function gets called. Used as a decorator. """ @wraps(func) def passage(self, *args, **kwargs): if not self._distributed: return args[0] return func(self, *args, **kwargs) return passage
def _get_comm(args): if len(args) > 0 and hasattr(args[0], "comm"): comm = args[0].comm else: comm = communication_system.communicators[-1] return comm
[docs] def parallel_blocking_call(func): """ This decorator blocks on entry and exit of a function. """ @wraps(func) def barrierize(*args, **kwargs): if not parallel_capable: return func(*args, **kwargs) mylog.debug("Entering barrier before %s", func.__name__) comm = _get_comm(args) comm.barrier() retval = func(*args, **kwargs) mylog.debug("Entering barrier after %s", func.__name__) comm.barrier() return retval return barrierize
[docs] def parallel_root_only_then_broadcast(func): """ This decorator blocks and calls the function on the root processor and then broadcasts the results to the other processors. """ @wraps(func) def root_only(*args, **kwargs): if not parallel_capable: return func(*args, **kwargs) comm = _get_comm(args) rv0 = None if comm.rank == 0: try: rv0 = func(*args, **kwargs) except Exception: traceback.print_last() rv = comm.mpi_bcast(rv0) if not rv: raise RuntimeError return rv return root_only
[docs] def parallel_root_only(func): """ This decorator blocks and calls the function on the root processor, but does not broadcast results to the other processors. """ @wraps(func) def root_only(*args, **kwargs): if not parallel_capable: return func(*args, **kwargs) comm = _get_comm(args) rv = None if comm.rank == 0: try: rv = func(*args, **kwargs) all_clear = 1 except Exception: traceback.print_last() all_clear = 0 else: all_clear = None all_clear = comm.mpi_bcast(all_clear) if not all_clear: raise RuntimeError return rv return root_only
[docs] class Workgroup: def __init__(self, size, ranks, comm, name): self.size = size self.ranks = ranks self.comm = comm = name
[docs] class ProcessorPool: comm = None size = None ranks = None available_ranks = None tasks = None def __init__(self): self.comm = communication_system.communicators[-1] self.size = self.comm.size self.ranks = list(range(self.size)) self.available_ranks = list(range(self.size)) self.workgroups = []
[docs] def add_workgroup(self, size=None, ranks=None, name=None): if size is None: size = len(self.available_ranks) if len(self.available_ranks) < size: mylog.error( "Not enough resources available, asked for %d have %d", size, self.available_ranks, ) raise RuntimeError if ranks is None: ranks = [self.available_ranks.pop(0) for i in range(size)] # Default name to the workgroup number. if name is None: name = str(len(self.workgroups)) group = self.comm.comm.Get_group().Incl(ranks) new_comm = self.comm.comm.Create(group) if self.comm.rank in ranks: communication_system.communicators.append(Communicator(new_comm)) self.workgroups.append(Workgroup(len(ranks), ranks, new_comm, name))
[docs] def free_workgroup(self, workgroup): # If you want to actually delete the workgroup you will need to # pop it out of the self.workgroups list so you don't have references # that are left dangling, e.g. see free_all() below. for i in workgroup.ranks: if self.comm.rank == i: communication_system.communicators.pop() self.available_ranks.append(i) self.available_ranks.sort()
[docs] def free_all(self): for wg in self.workgroups: self.free_workgroup(wg) while self.workgroups: self.workgroups.pop(0)
[docs] @classmethod def from_sizes(cls, sizes): pool = cls() rank = pool.comm.rank for i, size in enumerate(always_iterable(sizes)): if is_sequence(size): size, name = size else: name = "workgroup_%02i" % i pool.add_workgroup(size, name=name) for wg in pool.workgroups: if rank in wg.ranks: workgroup = wg return pool, workgroup
def __getitem__(self, key): for wg in self.workgroups: if == key: return wg raise KeyError(key)
[docs] class ResultsStorage: slots = ["result", "result_id"] result = None result_id = None
[docs] def parallel_objects(objects, njobs=0, storage=None, barrier=True, dynamic=False): r"""This function dispatches components of an iterable to different processors. The parallel_objects function accepts an iterable, *objects*, and based on the number of jobs requested and number of available processors, decides how to dispatch individual objects to processors or sets of processors. This can implicitly include multi-level parallelism, such that the processor groups assigned each object can be composed of several or even hundreds of processors. *storage* is also available, for collation of results at the end of the iteration loop. Calls to this function can be nested. This should not be used to iterate over datasets -- :class:`~yt.data_objects.time_series.DatasetSeries` provides a much nicer interface for that. Parameters ---------- objects : Iterable The list of objects to dispatch to different processors. njobs : int How many jobs to spawn. By default, one job will be dispatched for each available processor. storage : dict This is a dictionary, which will be filled with results during the course of the iteration. The keys will be the dataset indices and the values will be whatever is assigned to the *result* attribute on the storage during iteration. barrier : bool Should a barier be placed at the end of iteration? dynamic : bool This governs whether or not dynamic load balancing will be enabled. This requires one dedicated processor; if this is enabled with a set of 128 processors available, only 127 will be available to iterate over objects as one will be load balancing the rest. Examples -------- Here is a simple example of iterating over a set of centers and making slice plots centered at each. >>> for c in parallel_objects(centers): ... SlicePlot(ds, "x", "Density", center=c).save() ... Here's an example of calculating the angular momentum vector of a set of spheres, but with a set of four jobs of multiple processors each. Note that we also store the results. >>> storage = {} >>> for sto, c in parallel_objects(centers, njobs=4, storage=storage): ... sp = ds.sphere(c, (100, "kpc")) ... sto.result = sp.quantities["AngularMomentumVector"]() ... >>> for sphere_id, L in sorted(storage.items()): ... print(centers[sphere_id], L) ... """ if dynamic: from .task_queue import dynamic_parallel_objects yield from dynamic_parallel_objects(objects, njobs=njobs, storage=storage) return if not parallel_capable: njobs = 1 my_communicator = communication_system.communicators[-1] my_size = my_communicator.size if njobs <= 0: njobs = my_size if njobs > my_size: mylog.error( "You have asked for %s jobs, but you only have %s processors.", njobs, my_size, ) raise RuntimeError my_rank = my_communicator.rank all_new_comms = np.array_split(np.arange(my_size), njobs) for i, comm_set in enumerate(all_new_comms): if my_rank in comm_set: my_new_id = i break if parallel_capable: communication_system.push_with_ids(all_new_comms[my_new_id].tolist()) to_share = {} # If our objects object is slice-aware, like time series data objects are, # this will prevent intermediate objects from being created. oiter = itertools.islice(enumerate(objects), my_new_id, None, njobs) for result_id, obj in oiter: if storage is not None: rstore = ResultsStorage() rstore.result_id = result_id yield rstore, obj to_share[rstore.result_id] = rstore.result else: yield obj if parallel_capable: communication_system.pop() if storage is not None: # Now we have to broadcast it new_storage = my_communicator.par_combine_object( to_share, datatype="dict", op="join" ) storage.update(new_storage) if barrier: my_communicator.barrier()
[docs] def parallel_ring(objects, generator_func, mutable=False): r"""This function loops in a ring around a set of objects, yielding the results of generator_func and passing from one processor to another to avoid IO or expensive computation. This function is designed to operate in sequence on a set of objects, where the creation of those objects might be expensive. For instance, this could be a set of particles that are costly to read from disk. Processor N will run generator_func on an object, and the results of that will both be yielded and passed to processor N-1. If the length of the objects is not equal to the number of processors, then the final processor in the top communicator will re-generate the data as needed. In all likelihood, this function will only be useful internally to yt. Parameters ---------- objects : Iterable The list of objects to operate on. generator_func : callable This function will be called on each object, and the results yielded. It must return a single NumPy array; for multiple values, it needs to have a custom dtype. mutable : bool Should the arrays be considered mutable? Currently, this will only work if the number of processors equals the number of objects. Examples -------- Here is a simple example of a ring loop around a set of integers, with a custom dtype. >>> dt = np.dtype([("x", "float64"), ("y", "float64"), ("z", "float64")]) >>> def gfunc(o): ... np.random.seed(o) ... rv = np.empty(1000, dtype=dt) ... rv["x"] = np.random.random(1000) ... rv["y"] = np.random.random(1000) ... rv["z"] = np.random.random(1000) ... return rv ... >>> obj = range(8) >>> for obj, arr in parallel_ring(obj, gfunc): ... print(arr["x"].sum(), arr["y"].sum(), arr["z"].sum()) ... """ if mutable: raise NotImplementedError my_comm = communication_system.communicators[-1] my_size = my_comm.size my_rank = my_comm.rank # This will also be the first object we access if not parallel_capable and not mutable: for obj in objects: yield obj, generator_func(obj) return generate_endpoints = len(objects) != my_size # gback False: send the object backwards # gforw False: receive an object from forwards if len(objects) == my_size: generate_endpoints = False gback = False gforw = False else: # In this case, the first processor (my_rank == 0) will generate. generate_endpoints = True gback = my_rank == 0 gforw = my_rank == my_size - 1 if generate_endpoints and mutable: raise NotImplementedError # Now we need to do pairwise sends source = (my_rank + 1) % my_size dest = (my_rank - 1) % my_size oiter = itertools.islice(itertools.cycle(objects), my_rank, my_rank + len(objects)) idata = None isize = np.zeros((1,), dtype="int64") osize = np.zeros((1,), dtype="int64") for obj in oiter: if idata is None or gforw: idata = generator_func(obj) idtype = odtype = idata.dtype if get_mpi_type(idtype) is None: idtype = "c" yield obj, idata # We first send to the previous processor tags = [] if not gforw: tags.append(my_comm.mpi_nonblocking_recv(isize, source)) if not gback: osize[0] = idata.size tags.append(my_comm.mpi_nonblocking_send(osize, dest)) my_comm.mpi_Request_Waitall(tags) odata = idata tags = [] if not gforw: idata = np.empty(isize[0], dtype=odtype) tags.append( my_comm.mpi_nonblocking_recv(idata.view(idtype), source, dtype=idtype) ) if not gback: tags.append( my_comm.mpi_nonblocking_send(odata.view(idtype), dest, dtype=idtype) ) my_comm.mpi_Request_Waitall(tags) del odata
[docs] class CommunicationSystem: communicators: list["Communicator"] = [] def __init__(self): self.communicators.append(Communicator(None))
[docs] def push(self, new_comm): if not isinstance(new_comm, Communicator): new_comm = Communicator(new_comm) self.communicators.append(new_comm) self._update_parallel_state(new_comm)
[docs] def push_with_ids(self, ids): group = self.communicators[-1].comm.Get_group().Incl(ids) new_comm = self.communicators[-1].comm.Create(group) self.push(new_comm) return new_comm
def _update_parallel_state(self, new_comm): ytcfg["yt", "internals", "topcomm_parallel_size"] = new_comm.size ytcfg["yt", "internals", "topcomm_parallel_rank"] = new_comm.rank if new_comm.rank > 0 and ytcfg.get("yt", "serialize"): ytcfg["yt", "only_deserialize"] = True
[docs] def pop(self): self.communicators.pop() self._update_parallel_state(self.communicators[-1])
def _reconstruct_communicator(): return communication_system.communicators[-1]
[docs] class Communicator: comm = None _grids = None _distributed = None __tocast = "c" def __init__(self, comm=None): self.comm = comm self._distributed = comm is not None and self.comm.size > 1 def __del__(self): if self.comm is not None: self.comm.Free() """ This is an interface specification providing several useful utility functions for analyzing something in parallel. """ def __reduce__(self): # We don't try to reconstruct any of the properties of the communicator # or the processors. In general, we don't want to. return (_reconstruct_communicator, ())
[docs] def barrier(self): if not self._distributed: return mylog.debug("Opening MPI Barrier on %s", self.comm.rank) self.comm.Barrier()
[docs] def mpi_exit_test(self, data=False): # data==True -> exit. data==False -> no exit mine, statuses = self.mpi_info_dict(data) if True in statuses.values(): raise RuntimeError("Fatal error. Exiting.") return None
[docs] @parallel_passthrough def par_combine_object(self, data, op, datatype=None): # op can be chosen from: # cat # join # data is selected to be of types: # np.ndarray # dict # data field dict if datatype is not None: pass elif isinstance(data, dict): datatype = "dict" elif isinstance(data, np.ndarray): datatype = "array" elif isinstance(data, list): datatype = "list" # Now we have our datatype, and we conduct our operation if datatype == "dict" and op == "join": if self.comm.rank == 0: for i in range(1, self.comm.size): data.update(self.comm.recv(source=i, tag=0)) else: self.comm.send(data, dest=0, tag=0) # Send the keys first, then each item one by one # This is to prevent MPI from crashing when sending more # than 2GiB of data over the network. keys = self.comm.bcast(list(data.keys()), root=0) for key in keys: tmp = data.get(key, None) data[key] = self.comm.bcast(tmp, root=0) return data elif datatype == "dict" and op == "cat": field_keys = sorted(data.keys()) size = data[field_keys[0]].shape[-1] sizes = np.zeros(self.comm.size, dtype="int64") outsize = np.array(size, dtype="int64") self.comm.Allgather([outsize, 1, MPI.LONG], [sizes, 1, MPI.LONG]) # This nested concatenate is to get the shapes to work out correctly; # if we just add [0] to sizes, it will broadcast a summation, not a # concatenation. offsets = np.add.accumulate(np.concatenate([[0], sizes]))[:-1] arr_size = self.comm.allreduce(size, op=MPI.SUM) for key in field_keys: dd = data[key] rv = self.alltoallv_array(dd, arr_size, offsets, sizes) data[key] = rv return data elif datatype == "array" and op == "cat": if data is None: ncols = -1 size = 0 dtype = "float64" mylog.warning( "Array passed to par_combine_object was None. " "Setting dtype to float64. This may break things!" ) else: dtype = data.dtype if len(data) == 0: ncols = -1 size = 0 elif len(data.shape) == 1: ncols = 1 size = data.shape[0] else: ncols, size = data.shape ncols = self.comm.allreduce(ncols, op=MPI.MAX) if ncols == 0: data = np.zeros(0, dtype=dtype) # This only works for elif data is None: data = np.zeros((ncols, 0), dtype=dtype) size = data.shape[-1] sizes = np.zeros(self.comm.size, dtype="int64") outsize = np.array(size, dtype="int64") self.comm.Allgather([outsize, 1, MPI.LONG], [sizes, 1, MPI.LONG]) # This nested concatenate is to get the shapes to work out correctly; # if we just add [0] to sizes, it will broadcast a summation, not a # concatenation. offsets = np.add.accumulate(np.concatenate([[0], sizes]))[:-1] arr_size = self.comm.allreduce(size, op=MPI.SUM) data = self.alltoallv_array(data, arr_size, offsets, sizes) return data elif datatype == "list" and op == "cat": recv_data = self.comm.allgather(data) # Now flatten into a single list, since this # returns us a list of lists. data = [] while recv_data: data.extend(recv_data.pop(0)) return data raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @parallel_passthrough def mpi_bcast(self, data, root=0): # The second check below makes sure that we know how to communicate # this type of array. Otherwise, we'll pickle it. if isinstance(data, np.ndarray) and get_mpi_type(data.dtype) is not None: if self.comm.rank == root: if isinstance(data, YTArray): info = ( data.shape, data.dtype, str(data.units), data.units.registry.lut, ) if isinstance(data, ImageArray): info += ("ImageArray",) else: info += ("YTArray",) else: info = (data.shape, data.dtype) else: info = () info = self.comm.bcast(info, root=root) if self.comm.rank != root: if len(info) == 5: registry = UnitRegistry(lut=info[3], add_default_symbols=False) if info[-1] == "ImageArray": data = ImageArray( np.empty(info[0], dtype=info[1]), units=info[2], registry=registry, ) else: data = YTArray( np.empty(info[0], dtype=info[1]), info[2], registry=registry ) else: data = np.empty(info[0], dtype=info[1]) mpi_type = get_mpi_type(info[1]) self.comm.Bcast([data, mpi_type], root=root) return data else: # Use pickled methods. data = self.comm.bcast(data, root=root) return data
[docs] def preload(self, grids, fields, io_handler): # This is non-functional. return
[docs] @parallel_passthrough def mpi_allreduce(self, data, dtype=None, op="sum"): op = op_names[op] if isinstance(data, np.ndarray) and data.dtype != bool: if dtype is None: dtype = data.dtype if dtype != data.dtype: data = data.astype(dtype) temp = data.copy() self.comm.Allreduce( [temp, get_mpi_type(dtype)], [data, get_mpi_type(dtype)], op ) return data else: # We use old-school pickling here on the assumption the arrays are # relatively small ( < 1e7 elements ) return self.comm.allreduce(data, op)
### # Non-blocking stuff. ###
[docs] def mpi_nonblocking_recv(self, data, source, tag=0, dtype=None): if not self._distributed: return -1 if dtype is None: dtype = data.dtype mpi_type = get_mpi_type(dtype) return self.comm.Irecv([data, mpi_type], source, tag)
[docs] def mpi_nonblocking_send(self, data, dest, tag=0, dtype=None): if not self._distributed: return -1 if dtype is None: dtype = data.dtype mpi_type = get_mpi_type(dtype) return self.comm.Isend([data, mpi_type], dest, tag)
[docs] def mpi_Request_Waitall(self, hooks): if not self._distributed: return MPI.Request.Waitall(hooks)
[docs] def mpi_Request_Waititer(self, hooks): for _hook in hooks: req = MPI.Request.Waitany(hooks) yield req
[docs] def mpi_Request_Testall(self, hooks): """ This returns False if any of the request hooks are un-finished, and True if they are all finished. """ if not self._distributed: return True return MPI.Request.Testall(hooks)
### # End non-blocking stuff. ### ### # Parallel rank and size properties. ### @property def size(self): if not self._distributed: return 1 return self.comm.size @property def rank(self): if not self._distributed: return 0 return self.comm.rank
[docs] def mpi_info_dict(self, info): if not self._distributed: return 0, {0: info} data = None if self.comm.rank == 0: data = {0: info} for i in range(1, self.comm.size): data[i] = self.comm.recv(source=i, tag=0) else: self.comm.send(info, dest=0, tag=0) mylog.debug("Opening MPI Broadcast on %s", self.comm.rank) data = self.comm.bcast(data, root=0) return self.comm.rank, data
[docs] def claim_object(self, obj): if not self._distributed: return obj._owner = self.comm.rank obj._distributed = True
[docs] def do_not_claim_object(self, obj): if not self._distributed: return obj._owner = -1 obj._distributed = True
[docs] def write_on_root(self, fn): if not self._distributed: return open(fn, "w") if self.comm.rank == 0: return open(fn, "w") else: return StringIO()
[docs] def get_filename(self, prefix, rank=None): if not self._distributed: return prefix if rank is None: return "%s_%04i" % (prefix, self.comm.rank) else: return "%s_%04i" % (prefix, rank)
[docs] def is_mine(self, obj): if not obj._distributed: return True return obj._owner == self.comm.rank
[docs] def send_quadtree(self, target, buf, tgd, args): sizebuf = np.zeros(1, "int64") sizebuf[0] = buf[0].size self.comm.Send([sizebuf, MPI.LONG], dest=target) self.comm.Send([buf[0], MPI.INT], dest=target) self.comm.Send([buf[1], MPI.DOUBLE], dest=target) self.comm.Send([buf[2], MPI.DOUBLE], dest=target)
[docs] def recv_quadtree(self, target, tgd, args): sizebuf = np.zeros(1, "int64") self.comm.Recv(sizebuf, source=target) buf = [ np.empty((sizebuf[0],), "int32"), np.empty((sizebuf[0], args[2]), "float64"), np.empty((sizebuf[0],), "float64"), ] self.comm.Recv([buf[0], MPI.INT], source=target) self.comm.Recv([buf[1], MPI.DOUBLE], source=target) self.comm.Recv([buf[2], MPI.DOUBLE], source=target) return buf
[docs] @parallel_passthrough def merge_quadtree_buffers(self, qt, merge_style): # This is a modified version of pairwise reduction from Lisandro Dalcin, # in the reductions demo of mpi4py size = self.comm.size rank = self.comm.rank mask = 1 buf = qt.tobuffer() print("PROC", rank, buf[0].shape, buf[1].shape, buf[2].shape) sys.exit() args = qt.get_args() # Will always be the same tgd = np.array([args[0], args[1]], dtype="int64") sizebuf = np.zeros(1, "int64") while mask < size: if (mask & rank) != 0: target = (rank & ~mask) % size # print("SENDING FROM %02i to %02i" % (rank, target)) buf = qt.tobuffer() self.send_quadtree(target, buf, tgd, args) # qt = self.recv_quadtree(target, tgd, args) else: target = rank | mask if target < size: # print("RECEIVING FROM %02i on %02i" % (target, rank)) buf = self.recv_quadtree(target, tgd, args) qto = QuadTree(tgd, args[2], qt.bounds) qto.frombuffer(buf[0], buf[1], buf[2], merge_style) merge_quadtrees(qt, qto, style=merge_style) del qto # self.send_quadtree(target, qt, tgd, args) mask <<= 1 if rank == 0: buf = qt.tobuffer() sizebuf[0] = buf[0].size self.comm.Bcast([sizebuf, MPI.LONG], root=0) if rank != 0: buf = [ np.empty((sizebuf[0],), "int32"), np.empty((sizebuf[0], args[2]), "float64"), np.empty((sizebuf[0],), "float64"), ] self.comm.Bcast([buf[0], MPI.INT], root=0) self.comm.Bcast([buf[1], MPI.DOUBLE], root=0) self.comm.Bcast([buf[2], MPI.DOUBLE], root=0) self.refined = buf[0] if rank != 0: qt = QuadTree(tgd, args[2], qt.bounds) qt.frombuffer(buf[0], buf[1], buf[2], merge_style) return qt
[docs] def send_array(self, arr, dest, tag=0): if not isinstance(arr, np.ndarray): self.comm.send((None, None), dest=dest, tag=tag) self.comm.send(arr, dest=dest, tag=tag) return tmp = arr.view(self.__tocast) # Cast to CHAR # communicate type and shape and optionally units if isinstance(arr, YTArray): unit_metadata = (str(arr.units), arr.units.registry.lut) if isinstance(arr, ImageArray): unit_metadata += ("ImageArray",) else: unit_metadata += ("YTArray",) else: unit_metadata = () self.comm.send((arr.dtype.str, arr.shape) + unit_metadata, dest=dest, tag=tag) self.comm.Send([arr, MPI.CHAR], dest=dest, tag=tag) del tmp
[docs] def recv_array(self, source, tag=0): metadata = self.comm.recv(source=source, tag=tag) dt, ne = metadata[:2] if ne is None and dt is None: return self.comm.recv(source=source, tag=tag) arr = np.empty(ne, dtype=dt) if len(metadata) == 5: registry = UnitRegistry(lut=metadata[3], add_default_symbols=False) if metadata[-1] == "ImageArray": arr = ImageArray(arr, units=metadata[2], registry=registry) else: arr = YTArray(arr, metadata[2], registry=registry) tmp = arr.view(self.__tocast) self.comm.Recv([tmp, MPI.CHAR], source=source, tag=tag) return arr
[docs] def alltoallv_array(self, send, total_size, offsets, sizes): if len(send.shape) > 1: recv = [] for i in range(send.shape[0]): recv.append( self.alltoallv_array(send[i, :].copy(), total_size, offsets, sizes) ) recv = np.array(recv) return recv offset = offsets[self.comm.rank] tmp_send = send.view(self.__tocast) recv = np.empty(total_size, dtype=send.dtype) if isinstance(send, YTArray): # We assume send.units is consistent with the units # on the receiving end. if isinstance(send, ImageArray): recv = ImageArray(recv, units=send.units) else: recv = YTArray(recv, send.units) recv[offset : offset + send.size] = send[:] dtr = send.dtype.itemsize / tmp_send.dtype.itemsize # > 1 roff = [off * dtr for off in offsets] rsize = [siz * dtr for siz in sizes] tmp_recv = recv.view(self.__tocast) self.comm.Allgatherv( (tmp_send, tmp_send.size, MPI.CHAR), (tmp_recv, (rsize, roff), MPI.CHAR) ) return recv
[docs] def probe_loop(self, tag, callback): while True: st = MPI.Status() self.comm.Probe(MPI.ANY_SOURCE, tag=tag, status=st) try: callback(st) except StopIteration: mylog.debug("Probe loop ending.") break
communication_system = CommunicationSystem()
[docs] class ParallelAnalysisInterface: comm = None _grids = None _distributed = None def __init__(self, comm=None): if comm is None: self.comm = communication_system.communicators[-1] else: self.comm = comm self._grids = self.comm._grids self._distributed = self.comm._distributed def _get_objs(self, attr, *args, **kwargs): if self._distributed: rr = kwargs.pop("round_robin", False) self._initialize_parallel(*args, **kwargs) return ParallelObjectIterator(self, attr=attr, round_robin=rr) return ObjectIterator(self, attr=attr) def _get_grids(self, *args, **kwargs): if self._distributed: self._initialize_parallel(*args, **kwargs) return ParallelObjectIterator(self, attr="_grids") return ObjectIterator(self, attr="_grids") def _get_grid_objs(self): if self._distributed: return ParallelObjectIterator(self, True, attr="_grids") return ObjectIterator(self, True, attr="_grids")
[docs] def get_dependencies(self, fields): deps = [] fi = self.ds.field_info for field in fields: if any(getattr(v, "ghost_zones", 0) > 0 for v in fi[field].validators): continue deps += list( always_iterable(fi[field].get_dependencies(ds=self.ds).requested) ) return list(set(deps))
def _initialize_parallel(self): pass def _finalize_parallel(self): pass
[docs] def partition_index_2d(self, axis): if not self._distributed: return False, self.index.grid_collection(, self.index.grids) xax = self.ds.coordinates.x_axis[axis] yax = self.ds.coordinates.y_axis[axis] cc = MPI.Compute_dims(self.comm.size, 2) mi = self.comm.rank cx, cy = np.unravel_index(mi, cc) x = np.mgrid[0 : 1 : (cc[0] + 1) * 1j][cx : cx + 2] y = np.mgrid[0 : 1 : (cc[1] + 1) * 1j][cy : cy + 2] DLE, DRE = self.ds.domain_left_edge.copy(), self.ds.domain_right_edge.copy() LE = np.ones(3, dtype="float64") * DLE RE = np.ones(3, dtype="float64") * DRE LE[xax] = x[0] * (DRE[xax] - DLE[xax]) + DLE[xax] RE[xax] = x[1] * (DRE[xax] - DLE[xax]) + DLE[xax] LE[yax] = y[0] * (DRE[yax] - DLE[yax]) + DLE[yax] RE[yax] = y[1] * (DRE[yax] - DLE[yax]) + DLE[yax] mylog.debug("Dimensions: %s %s", LE, RE) reg = self.ds.region(, LE, RE) return True, reg
[docs] def partition_index_3d(self, ds, padding=0.0, rank_ratio=1): LE, RE = np.array(ds.left_edge), np.array(ds.right_edge) # We need to establish if we're looking at a subvolume, in which case # we *do* want to pad things. if (LE == self.ds.domain_left_edge).all() and ( RE == self.ds.domain_right_edge ).all(): subvol = False else: subvol = True if not self._distributed and not subvol: return False, LE, RE, ds if not self._distributed and subvol: return True, LE, RE, self.ds.region(, LE - padding, RE + padding) elif ytcfg.get("yt", "inline"): # At this point, we want to identify the root grid tile to which # this processor is assigned. # The only way I really know how to do this is to get the level-0 # grid that belongs to this processor. grids = self.ds.index.select_grids(0) root_grids = [g for g in grids if g.proc_num == self.comm.rank] if len(root_grids) != 1: raise RuntimeError # raise KeyError LE = root_grids[0].LeftEdge RE = root_grids[0].RightEdge return True, LE, RE, self.ds.region(, LE, RE) cc = MPI.Compute_dims(self.comm.size / rank_ratio, 3) mi = self.comm.rank % (self.comm.size // rank_ratio) cx, cy, cz = np.unravel_index(mi, cc) x = np.mgrid[LE[0] : RE[0] : (cc[0] + 1) * 1j][cx : cx + 2] y = np.mgrid[LE[1] : RE[1] : (cc[1] + 1) * 1j][cy : cy + 2] z = np.mgrid[LE[2] : RE[2] : (cc[2] + 1) * 1j][cz : cz + 2] LE = np.array([x[0], y[0], z[0]], dtype="float64") RE = np.array([x[1], y[1], z[1]], dtype="float64") if padding > 0: return True, LE, RE, self.ds.region(, LE - padding, RE + padding) return False, LE, RE, self.ds.region(, LE, RE)
[docs] def partition_region_3d(self, left_edge, right_edge, padding=0.0, rank_ratio=1): """ Given a region, it subdivides it into smaller regions for parallel analysis. """ LE, RE = left_edge[:], right_edge[:] if not self._distributed: raise NotImplementedError cc = MPI.Compute_dims(self.comm.size / rank_ratio, 3) mi = self.comm.rank % (self.comm.size // rank_ratio) cx, cy, cz = np.unravel_index(mi, cc) x = np.mgrid[LE[0] : RE[0] : (cc[0] + 1) * 1j][cx : cx + 2] y = np.mgrid[LE[1] : RE[1] : (cc[1] + 1) * 1j][cy : cy + 2] z = np.mgrid[LE[2] : RE[2] : (cc[2] + 1) * 1j][cz : cz + 2] LE = np.array([x[0], y[0], z[0]], dtype="float64") RE = np.array([x[1], y[1], z[1]], dtype="float64") if padding > 0: return True, LE, RE, self.ds.region(, LE - padding, RE + padding) return False, LE, RE, self.ds.region(, LE, RE)
[docs] def partition_index_3d_bisection_list(self): """ Returns an array that is used to drive _partition_index_3d_bisection, below. """ def factor(n): if n == 1: return [1] i = 2 limit = n**0.5 while i <= limit: if n % i == 0: ret = factor(n / i) ret.append(i) return ret i += 1 return [n] cc = MPI.Compute_dims(self.comm.size, 3) si = self.comm.size factors = factor(si) xyzfactors = [factor(cc[0]), factor(cc[1]), factor(cc[2])] # Each entry of cuts is a two element list, that is: # [cut dim, number of cuts] cuts = [] # The higher cuts are in the beginning. # We're going to do our best to make the cuts cyclic, i.e. x, then y, # then z, etc... lastdim = 0 for f in factors: nextdim = (lastdim + 1) % 3 while True: if f in xyzfactors[nextdim]: cuts.append([nextdim, f]) topop = xyzfactors[nextdim].index(f) xyzfactors[nextdim].pop(topop) lastdim = nextdim break nextdim = (nextdim + 1) % 3 return cuts
[docs] class GroupOwnership(ParallelAnalysisInterface): def __init__(self, items): ParallelAnalysisInterface.__init__(self) self.num_items = len(items) self.items = items assert self.num_items >= self.comm.size self.owned = list(range(self.comm.size)) self.pointer = 0 if parallel_capable: communication_system.push_with_ids([self.comm.rank]) def __del__(self): if parallel_capable: communication_system.pop()
[docs] def inc(self, n=-1): old_item = self.item if n == -1: n = self.comm.size for _ in range(n): if self.pointer >= self.num_items - self.comm.size: break self.owned[self.pointer % self.comm.size] += self.comm.size self.pointer += 1 if self.item is not old_item: self.switch()
[docs] def dec(self, n=-1): old_item = self.item if n == -1: n = self.comm.size for _ in range(n): if self.pointer == 0: break self.owned[(self.pointer - 1) % self.comm.size] -= self.comm.size self.pointer -= 1 if self.item is not old_item: self.switch()
_last = None @property def item(self): own = self.owned[self.comm.rank] if self._last != own: self._item = self.items[own] self._last = own return self._item
[docs] def switch(self): pass