import numpy as np
import yt.utilities.lib.interpolators as lib
from yt.funcs import mylog
class UnilinearFieldInterpolator:
def __init__(self, table, boundaries, field_names, truncate=False):
r"""Initialize a 1D interpolator for field data.
table : array
The data table over which interpolation is performed.
boundaries: tuple or array
If a tuple, this should specify the upper and lower bounds
for the bins of the data table. This assumes the bins are
evenly spaced. If an array, this specifies the bins
field_names: str
Name of the field to be used as input data for interpolation.
truncate : bool
If False, an exception is raised if the input values are
outside the bounds of the table. If True, extrapolation is
ad = ds.all_data()
table_data = np.random.random(64)
interp = UnilinearFieldInterpolator(table_data, (0.0, 1.0), "x",
field_data = interp(ad)
self.table = table.astype("float64")
self.truncate = truncate
self.x_name = field_names
if isinstance(boundaries, np.ndarray):
if boundaries.size != table.shape[0]:
mylog.error("Bins array not the same length as the data.")
raise ValueError
self.x_bins = boundaries
x0, x1 = boundaries
self.x_bins = np.linspace(x0, x1, table.shape[0], dtype="float64")
def __call__(self, data_object):
orig_shape = data_object[self.x_name].shape
x_vals = data_object[self.x_name].ravel().astype("float64")
x_i = (np.digitize(x_vals, self.x_bins) - 1).astype("int32")
if np.any((x_i == -1) | (x_i == len(self.x_bins) - 1)):
if not self.truncate:
"Sorry, but your values are outside "
"the table! Dunno what to do, so dying."
mylog.error("Error was in: %s", data_object)
raise ValueError
x_i = np.minimum(np.maximum(x_i, 0), len(self.x_bins) - 2)
my_vals = np.zeros(x_vals.shape, dtype="float64")
lib.UnilinearlyInterpolate(self.table, x_vals, self.x_bins, x_i, my_vals)
my_vals.shape = orig_shape
return my_vals
class BilinearFieldInterpolator:
def __init__(self, table, boundaries, field_names, truncate=False):
r"""Initialize a 2D interpolator for field data.
table : array
The data table over which interpolation is performed.
boundaries: tuple
Either a tuple of lower and upper bounds for the x and y bins
given as (x0, x1, y0, y1) or a tuple of two arrays containing the
x and y bins.
field_names: list
Names of the fields to be used as input data for interpolation.
truncate : bool
If False, an exception is raised if the input values are
outside the bounds of the table. If True, extrapolation is
ad = ds.all_data()
table_data = np.random.random((64, 64))
interp = BilinearFieldInterpolator(table_data, (0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0),
["x", "y"],
field_data = interp(ad)
self.table = table.astype("float64")
self.truncate = truncate
self.x_name, self.y_name = field_names
if len(boundaries) == 4:
x0, x1, y0, y1 = boundaries
self.x_bins = np.linspace(x0, x1, table.shape[0], dtype="float64")
self.y_bins = np.linspace(y0, y1, table.shape[1], dtype="float64")
elif len(boundaries) == 2:
if boundaries[0].size != table.shape[0]:
mylog.error("X bins array not the same length as the data.")
raise ValueError
if boundaries[1].size != table.shape[1]:
mylog.error("Y bins array not the same length as the data.")
raise ValueError
self.x_bins = boundaries[0]
self.y_bins = boundaries[1]
"Boundaries must be given as (x0, x1, y0, y1) or as (x_bins, y_bins)"
raise ValueError
def __call__(self, data_object):
orig_shape = data_object[self.x_name].shape
x_vals = data_object[self.x_name].ravel().astype("float64")
y_vals = data_object[self.y_name].ravel().astype("float64")
x_i = (np.digitize(x_vals, self.x_bins) - 1).astype("int32")
y_i = (np.digitize(y_vals, self.y_bins) - 1).astype("int32")
if np.any((x_i == -1) | (x_i == len(self.x_bins) - 1)) or np.any(
(y_i == -1) | (y_i == len(self.y_bins) - 1)
if not self.truncate:
"Sorry, but your values are outside "
"the table! Dunno what to do, so dying."
mylog.error("Error was in: %s", data_object)
raise ValueError
x_i = np.minimum(np.maximum(x_i, 0), len(self.x_bins) - 2)
y_i = np.minimum(np.maximum(y_i, 0), len(self.y_bins) - 2)
my_vals = np.zeros(x_vals.shape, dtype="float64")
self.table, x_vals, y_vals, self.x_bins, self.y_bins, x_i, y_i, my_vals
my_vals.shape = orig_shape
return my_vals
class TrilinearFieldInterpolator:
def __init__(self, table, boundaries, field_names, truncate=False):
r"""Initialize a 3D interpolator for field data.
table : array
The data table over which interpolation is performed.
boundaries: tuple
Either a tuple of lower and upper bounds for the x, y, and z bins
given as (x0, x1, y0, y1, z0, z1) or a tuple of three arrays
containing the x, y, and z bins.
field_names: list
Names of the fields to be used as input data for interpolation.
truncate : bool
If False, an exception is raised if the input values are
outside the bounds of the table. If True, extrapolation is
ad = ds.all_data()
table_data = np.random.random((64, 64, 64))
interp = TrilinearFieldInterpolator(table_data,
(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0),
["x", "y", "z"],
field_data = interp(ad)
self.table = table.astype("float64")
self.truncate = truncate
self.x_name, self.y_name, self.z_name = field_names
if len(boundaries) == 6:
x0, x1, y0, y1, z0, z1 = boundaries
self.x_bins = np.linspace(x0, x1, table.shape[0], dtype="float64")
self.y_bins = np.linspace(y0, y1, table.shape[1], dtype="float64")
self.z_bins = np.linspace(z0, z1, table.shape[2], dtype="float64")
elif len(boundaries) == 3:
if boundaries[0].size != table.shape[0]:
mylog.error("X bins array not the same length as the data.")
raise ValueError
if boundaries[1].size != table.shape[1]:
mylog.error("Y bins array not the same length as the data.")
raise ValueError
if boundaries[2].size != table.shape[2]:
mylog.error("Z bins array not the same length as the data.")
raise ValueError
self.x_bins = boundaries[0]
self.y_bins = boundaries[1]
self.z_bins = boundaries[2]
"Boundaries must be given as (x0, x1, y0, y1, z0, z1) "
"or as (x_bins, y_bins, z_bins)"
raise ValueError
def __call__(self, data_object):
orig_shape = data_object[self.x_name].shape
x_vals = data_object[self.x_name].ravel().astype("float64")
y_vals = data_object[self.y_name].ravel().astype("float64")
z_vals = data_object[self.z_name].ravel().astype("float64")
x_i = np.digitize(x_vals, self.x_bins).astype("int64") - 1
y_i = np.digitize(y_vals, self.y_bins).astype("int64") - 1
z_i = np.digitize(z_vals, self.z_bins).astype("int64") - 1
if (
np.any((x_i == -1) | (x_i == len(self.x_bins) - 1))
or np.any((y_i == -1) | (y_i == len(self.y_bins) - 1))
or np.any((z_i == -1) | (z_i == len(self.z_bins) - 1))
if not self.truncate:
"Sorry, but your values are outside "
"the table! Dunno what to do, so dying."
mylog.error("Error was in: %s", data_object)
raise ValueError
x_i = np.minimum(np.maximum(x_i, 0), len(self.x_bins) - 2)
y_i = np.minimum(np.maximum(y_i, 0), len(self.y_bins) - 2)
z_i = np.minimum(np.maximum(z_i, 0), len(self.z_bins) - 2)
my_vals = np.zeros(x_vals.shape, dtype="float64")
my_vals.shape = orig_shape
return my_vals
class QuadrilinearFieldInterpolator:
def __init__(self, table, boundaries, field_names, truncate=False):
r"""Initialize a 4D interpolator for field data.
table : array
The data table over which interpolation is performed.
boundaries: tuple
Either a tuple of lower and upper bounds for the x, y, z, and w bins
given as (x0, x1, y0, y1, z0, z1, w0, w1) or a tuple of four arrays
containing the x, y, z, and w bins.
field_names: list
Names of the fields to be used as input data for interpolation.
truncate : bool
If False, an exception is raised if the input values are
outside the bounds of the table. If True, extrapolation is
ad = ds.all_data()
table_data = np.random.random((64, 64, 64, 64))
interp = BilinearFieldInterpolator(table_data,
(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0),
["x", "y", "z", "w"],
field_data = interp(ad)
self.table = table.astype("float64")
self.truncate = truncate
self.x_name, self.y_name, self.z_name, self.w_name = field_names
if len(boundaries) == 8:
x0, x1, y0, y1, z0, z1, w0, w1 = boundaries
self.x_bins = np.linspace(x0, x1, table.shape[0]).astype("float64")
self.y_bins = np.linspace(y0, y1, table.shape[1]).astype("float64")
self.z_bins = np.linspace(z0, z1, table.shape[2]).astype("float64")
self.w_bins = np.linspace(w0, w1, table.shape[3]).astype("float64")
elif len(boundaries) == 4:
if boundaries[0].size != table.shape[0]:
mylog.error("X bins array not the same length as the data.")
raise ValueError
if boundaries[1].size != table.shape[1]:
mylog.error("Y bins array not the same length as the data.")
raise ValueError
if boundaries[2].size != table.shape[2]:
mylog.error("Z bins array not the same length as the data.")
raise ValueError
if boundaries[3].size != table.shape[3]:
mylog.error("W bins array not the same length as the data.")
raise ValueError
self.x_bins = boundaries[0]
self.y_bins = boundaries[1]
self.z_bins = boundaries[2]
self.w_bins = boundaries[3]
"Boundaries must be given as (x0, x1, y0, y1, z0, z1, w0, w1) "
"or as (x_bins, y_bins, z_bins, w_bins)"
raise ValueError
def __call__(self, data_object):
orig_shape = data_object[self.x_name].shape
x_vals = data_object[self.x_name].ravel().astype("float64")
y_vals = data_object[self.y_name].ravel().astype("float64")
z_vals = data_object[self.z_name].ravel().astype("float64")
w_vals = data_object[self.w_name].ravel().astype("float64")
x_i = np.digitize(x_vals, self.x_bins).astype("int64") - 1
y_i = np.digitize(y_vals, self.y_bins).astype("int64") - 1
z_i = np.digitize(z_vals, self.z_bins).astype("int64") - 1
w_i = np.digitize(w_vals, self.w_bins).astype("int64") - 1
if (
np.any((x_i == -1) | (x_i == len(self.x_bins) - 1))
or np.any((y_i == -1) | (y_i == len(self.y_bins) - 1))
or np.any((z_i == -1) | (z_i == len(self.z_bins) - 1))
or np.any((w_i == -1) | (w_i == len(self.w_bins) - 1))
if not self.truncate:
"Sorry, but your values are outside "
"the table! Dunno what to do, so dying."
mylog.error("Error was in: %s", data_object)
raise ValueError
x_i = np.minimum(np.maximum(x_i, 0), len(self.x_bins) - 2)
y_i = np.minimum(np.maximum(y_i, 0), len(self.y_bins) - 2)
z_i = np.minimum(np.maximum(z_i, 0), len(self.z_bins) - 2)
w_i = np.minimum(np.maximum(w_i, 0), len(self.w_bins) - 2)
my_vals = np.zeros(x_vals.shape, dtype="float64")
my_vals.shape = orig_shape
return my_vals
def get_centers(ds, filename, center_cols, radius_col, unit="1"):
Return an iterator over EnzoSphere objects generated from the appropriate
columns in *filename*. Optionally specify the *unit* radius is in.
for line in open(filename):
if line.startswith("#"):
vals = line.split()
x, y, z = (float(vals[i]) for i in center_cols)
r = float(vals[radius_col])
yield ds.sphere([x, y, z], r / ds[unit])