Source code for yt.utilities.io_handler

import os
from collections import defaultdict
from import Iterator, Mapping
from contextlib import contextmanager
from functools import _make_key, lru_cache

import numpy as np

from yt._typing import FieldKey, ParticleCoordinateTuple
from yt.geometry.selection_routines import GridSelector
from yt.utilities.on_demand_imports import _h5py as h5py

io_registry = {}

use_caching = 0

def _make_io_key(args, *_args, **kwargs):
    self, obj, field, ctx = args
    # Ignore self because we have a self-specific cache
    return _make_key((, field), *_args, **kwargs)

[docs] class BaseIOHandler: _vector_fields: dict[str, int] = {} _dataset_type: str _particle_reader = False _cache_on = False _misses = 0 _hits = 0 def __init_subclass__(cls, *args, **kwargs): super().__init_subclass__(*args, **kwargs) if hasattr(cls, "_dataset_type"): io_registry[cls._dataset_type] = cls if use_caching and hasattr(cls, "_read_obj_field"): cls._read_obj_field = lru_cache( maxsize=use_caching, typed=True, make_key=_make_io_key )(cls._read_obj_field) def __init__(self, ds): self.queue = defaultdict(dict) self.ds = ds self._last_selector_id = None self._last_selector_counts = None self._array_fields = {} self._cached_fields = {} # We need a function for reading a list of sets # and a function for *popping* from a queue all the appropriate sets
[docs] @contextmanager def preload(self, chunk, fields: list[FieldKey], max_size): yield self
[docs] def peek(self, grid, field): return self.queue[].get(field, None)
[docs] def push(self, grid, field, data): if in self.queue and field in self.queue[]: raise ValueError self.queue[grid][field] = data
def _field_in_backup(self, grid, backup_file, field_name): if os.path.exists(backup_file): fhandle = h5py.File(backup_file, mode="r") g = fhandle["data"] grid_group = g["grid_%010i" % ( - grid._id_offset)] if field_name in grid_group: return_val = True else: return_val = False fhandle.close() return return_val else: return False def _read_data_set(self, grid, field): # check backup file first. if field not found, # call frontend-specific io method backup_filename = grid.ds.backup_filename if not os.path.exists(backup_filename): return self._read_data(grid, field) elif self._field_in_backup(grid, backup_filename, field): fhandle = h5py.File(backup_filename, mode="r") g = fhandle["data"] grid_group = g["grid_%010i" % ( - grid._id_offset)] data = grid_group[field][:] fhandle.close() return data else: return self._read_data(grid, field) # Now we define our interface def _read_data(self, grid, field): pass def _read_fluid_selection( self, chunks, selector, fields: list[FieldKey], size ) -> Mapping[FieldKey, np.ndarray]: # This function has an interesting history. It previously was mandate # to be defined by all of the subclasses. But, to avoid having to # rewrite a whole bunch of IO handlers all at once, and to allow a # better abstraction for grid-based frontends, we're now defining it in # the base class. rv = {} nodal_fields = [] for field in fields: finfo = self.ds.field_info[field] nodal_flag = finfo.nodal_flag if np.any(nodal_flag): num_nodes = 2 ** sum(nodal_flag) rv[field] = np.empty((size, num_nodes), dtype="=f8") nodal_fields.append(field) else: rv[field] = np.empty(size, dtype="=f8") ind = {field: 0 for field in fields} for field, obj, data in self.io_iter(chunks, fields): if data is None: continue if isinstance(selector, GridSelector) and field not in nodal_fields: ind[field] += data.size rv[field] = data.copy() else: ind[field] +=, data, rv[field], ind[field]) return rv
[docs] def io_iter(self, chunks, fields: list[FieldKey]): raise NotImplementedError( "subclassing Dataset.io_iter this is required in order to use the default " "implementation of Dataset._read_fluid_selection. " "Custom implementations of the latter may not rely on this method." )
def _read_data_slice(self, grid, field, axis, coord): sl = [slice(None), slice(None), slice(None)] sl[axis] = slice(coord, coord + 1) tr = self._read_data_set(grid, field)[tuple(sl)] if tr.dtype == "float32": tr = tr.astype("float64") return tr def _read_field_names(self, grid): pass @property def _read_exception(self): return None def _read_chunk_data(self, chunk, fields): return {} def _read_particle_coords( self, chunks, ptf: defaultdict[str, list[str]] ) -> Iterator[ParticleCoordinateTuple]: # An iterator that yields particle coordinates for each chunk by particle # type. Must be implemented by each frontend. Must yield a tuple of # (particle type, xyz, hsml) by chunk. If the frontend does not have # a smoothing length, yield (particle type, xyz, 0.0) raise NotImplementedError def _read_particle_data_file(self, data_file, ptf, selector=None): # each frontend needs to implement this: read from a data_file object # and return a dict of fields for that data_file raise NotImplementedError def _read_particle_selection( self, chunks, selector, fields: list[FieldKey] ) -> dict[FieldKey, np.ndarray]: data: dict[FieldKey, list[np.ndarray]] = {} # Initialize containers for tracking particle, field information # ptf (particle field types) maps particle type to list of on-disk fields to read # field_maps stores fields, accounting for field unions ptf: defaultdict[str, list[str]] = defaultdict(list) field_maps: defaultdict[FieldKey, list[FieldKey]] = defaultdict(list) # We first need a set of masks for each particle type chunks = list(chunks) unions = self.ds.particle_unions # What we need is a mapping from particle types to return types for field in fields: ftype, fname = field # We should add a check for p.fparticle_unions or something here if ftype in unions: for pt in unions[ftype]: ptf[pt].append(fname) field_maps[pt, fname].append(field) else: ptf[ftype].append(fname) field_maps[field].append(field) data[field] = [] # Now we read. for field_r, vals in self._read_particle_fields(chunks, ptf, selector): # Note that we now need to check the mappings for field_f in field_maps[field_r]: data[field_f].append(vals) rv: dict[FieldKey, np.ndarray] = {} # the return dictionary fields = list(data.keys()) for field_f in fields: # We need to ensure the arrays have the right shape if there are no # particles in them. total = sum(_.size for _ in data[field_f]) if total > 0: vals = data.pop(field_f) # note: numpy.concatenate has a dtype argument that would avoid # a copy using .astype(...), available in numpy>=1.20 rv[field_f] = np.concatenate(vals, axis=0).astype("float64") else: shape = [0] if field_f[1] in self._vector_fields: shape.append(self._vector_fields[field_f[1]]) elif field_f[1] in self._array_fields: shape.append(self._array_fields[field_f[1]]) rv[field_f] = np.empty(shape, dtype="float64") return rv def _read_particle_fields(self, chunks, ptf, selector): # Now we have all the sizes, and we can allocate for data_file in self._sorted_chunk_iterator(chunks): data_file_data = self._read_particle_data_file(data_file, ptf, selector) # temporary trickery so it's still an iterator, need to adjust # the io_handler.BaseIOHandler.read_particle_selection() method # to not use an iterator. yield from data_file_data.items() @staticmethod def _get_data_files(chunks): chunks = list(chunks) data_files = set() for chunk in chunks: for obj in chunk.objs: data_files.update(obj.data_files) return data_files def _sorted_chunk_iterator(self, chunks): data_files = self._get_data_files(chunks) yield from sorted(data_files, key=lambda x: (x.filename, x.start))
# As a note: we don't *actually* want this to be how it is forever. There's no # reason we need to have the fluid and particle IO handlers separated. But, # for keeping track of which frontend is which, this is a useful abstraction.
[docs] class BaseParticleIOHandler(BaseIOHandler): pass
[docs] class IOHandlerExtracted(BaseIOHandler): _dataset_type = "extracted" def _read_data_set(self, grid, field): return grid.base_grid[field] / grid.base_grid.convert(field) def _read_data_slice(self, grid, field, axis, coord): sl = [slice(None), slice(None), slice(None)] sl[axis] = slice(coord, coord + 1) return grid.base_grid[field][tuple(sl)] / grid.base_grid.convert(field)