Source code for yt.utilities.file_handler

from contextlib import contextmanager

from yt._maintenance.deprecation import issue_deprecation_warning
from yt.utilities.on_demand_imports import NotAModule, _h5py as h5py

[docs] def valid_hdf5_signature(fn: str, /) -> bool: signature = b"\x89HDF\r\n\x1a\n" try: with open(fn, "rb") as f: header = return header == signature except Exception: return False
[docs] def warn_h5py(fn): issue_deprecation_warning( "warn_h5py is not used within yt any more and is deprecated.", since="4.3" ) needs_h5py = valid_hdf5_signature(fn) if needs_h5py and isinstance(h5py.File, NotAModule): raise RuntimeError( "This appears to be an HDF5 file, but h5py is not installed." )
[docs] class HDF5FileHandler: handle = None def __init__(self, filename): self.handle = h5py.File(filename, mode="r") def __getitem__(self, key): return self.handle[key] def __contains__(self, item): return item in self.handle def __len__(self): return len(self.handle) @property def attrs(self): return self.handle.attrs
[docs] def keys(self): return list(self.handle.keys())
[docs] def items(self): return list(self.handle.items())
[docs] def close(self): if self.handle is not None: self.handle.close()
[docs] class FITSFileHandler(HDF5FileHandler): def __init__(self, filename): from yt.utilities.on_demand_imports import _astropy if isinstance(filename, _astropy.pyfits.hdu.image._ImageBaseHDU): self.handle = _astropy.pyfits.HDUList(filename) elif isinstance(filename, _astropy.pyfits.HDUList): self.handle = filename else: self.handle = filename, memmap=True, do_not_scale_image_data=True, ignore_blank=True ) self._fits_files = [] def __del__(self): for f in self._fits_files: f.close() del self._fits_files del self.handle self.handle = None
[docs] def close(self): self.handle.close()
[docs] def valid_netcdf_signature(fn: str, /) -> bool: try: with open(fn, "rb") as f: header = except Exception: return False else: return header in (b"CDF\x01", b"CDF\x02") or ( fn.endswith((".nc", ".nc4")) and valid_hdf5_signature(fn) )
[docs] def valid_netcdf_classic_signature(filename): issue_deprecation_warning( "valid_netcdf_classic_signature is not used within yt any more and is deprecated.", since="4.3", ) signature_v1 = b"CDF\x01" signature_v2 = b"CDF\x02" try: with open(filename, "rb") as f: header = return header == signature_v1 or header == signature_v2 except Exception: return False
[docs] def warn_netcdf(fn): # There are a few variants of the netCDF format. issue_deprecation_warning( "warn_netcdf is not used within yt any more and is deprecated.", since="4.3" ) classic = valid_netcdf_classic_signature(fn) # NetCDF-4 Classic files are HDF5 files constrained to the Classic # data model used by netCDF-3. netcdf4_classic = valid_hdf5_signature(fn) and fn.endswith((".nc", ".nc4")) needs_netcdf = classic or netcdf4_classic from yt.utilities.on_demand_imports import _netCDF4 as netCDF4 if needs_netcdf and isinstance(netCDF4.Dataset, NotAModule): raise RuntimeError( "This appears to be a netCDF file, but the " "python bindings for netCDF4 are not installed." )
[docs] class NetCDF4FileHandler: def __init__(self, filename): self.filename = filename
[docs] @contextmanager def open_ds(self, **kwargs): from yt.utilities.on_demand_imports import _netCDF4 as netCDF4 ds = netCDF4.Dataset(self.filename, mode="r", **kwargs) yield ds ds.close()