Source code for yt.utilities.configure

import os
import sys
import warnings
from import Callable
from pathlib import Path

from more_itertools import always_iterable

from yt.utilities.configuration_tree import ConfigLeaf, ConfigNode

configuration_callbacks: list[Callable[["YTConfig"], None]] = []

[docs] def config_dir(): config_root = os.environ.get( "XDG_CONFIG_HOME", os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"), ".config") ) conf_dir = os.path.join(config_root, "yt") return conf_dir
[docs] class YTConfig: def __init__(self, defaults=None): if defaults is None: defaults = {} self.config_root = ConfigNode(None)
[docs] def get(self, section, *keys, callback=None): node_or_leaf = self.config_root.get(section, *keys) if isinstance(node_or_leaf, ConfigLeaf): if callback is not None: return callback(node_or_leaf) return node_or_leaf.value return node_or_leaf
[docs] def get_most_specific(self, section, *keys, **kwargs): use_fallback = "fallback" in kwargs fallback = kwargs.pop("fallback", None) try: return self.config_root.get_deepest_leaf(section, *keys) except KeyError as err: if use_fallback: return fallback else: raise err
[docs] def update(self, new_values, metadata=None): if metadata is None: metadata = {} self.config_root.update(new_values, metadata)
[docs] def has_section(self, section): try: self.config_root.get_child(section) return True except KeyError: return False
[docs] def add_section(self, section): self.config_root.add_child(section)
[docs] def remove_section(self, section): if self.has_section(section): self.config_root.remove_child(section) return True else: return False
[docs] def set(self, *args, metadata=None): section, *keys, value = args if metadata is None: metadata = {"source": "runtime"} self.config_root.upsert_from_list( [section] + list(keys), value, extra_data=metadata )
[docs] def remove(self, *args): self.config_root.pop_leaf(args)
[docs] def read(self, file_names): file_names_read = [] for fname in always_iterable(file_names): if not os.path.exists(fname): continue metadata = {"source": f"file: {fname}"} if sys.version_info >= (3, 11): import tomllib else: import tomli as tomllib try: with open(fname, "rb") as fh: data = tomllib.load(fh) except tomllib.TOMLDecodeError as exc: warnings.warn( f"Could not load configuration file {fname} (invalid TOML: {exc})", stacklevel=2, ) else: self.update(data, metadata=metadata) file_names_read.append(fname) return file_names_read
[docs] def write(self, file_handler): import tomli_w value = self.config_root.as_dict() config_as_str = tomli_w.dumps(value) try: file_path = Path(file_handler) except TypeError: if not hasattr(file_handler, "write"): raise TypeError( f"Expected a path to a file, or a writable object, got {file_handler}" ) from None file_handler.write(config_as_str) else: pdir = file_path.parent if not pdir.exists(): warnings.warn( f"{pdir!s} does not exist, creating it (recursively)", stacklevel=2 ) os.makedirs(pdir) file_path.write_text(config_as_str)
[docs] @staticmethod def get_global_config_file(): return os.path.join(config_dir(), "yt.toml")
[docs] @staticmethod def get_local_config_file(): path = Path.cwd() while path.parent is not path: candidate = path.joinpath("yt.toml") if candidate.is_file(): return os.path.abspath(candidate) else: path = path.parent return os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.curdir), "yt.toml")
def __setitem__(self, args, value): section, *keys = always_iterable(args) self.set(section, *keys, value, metadata=None) def __getitem__(self, key): section, *keys = always_iterable(key) return self.get(section, *keys) def __contains__(self, item): return item in self.config_root # Add support for IPython rich display # see def _repr_json_(self): return self.config_root._repr_json_()
CONFIG = YTConfig() def _cast_bool_helper(value): if value in ("true", "True", True): return True elif value in ("false", "False", False): return False else: raise ValueError("Cannot safely cast to bool") def _expand_all(s): return os.path.expandvars(os.path.expanduser(s)) def _cast_value_helper(value, types=(_cast_bool_helper, int, float, _expand_all)): for t in types: try: retval = t(value) return retval except ValueError: pass
[docs] def get_config(section, option): *option_path, option_name = option.split(".") return CONFIG.get(section, *option_path, option_name)
[docs] def set_config(section, option, value, config_file): if not CONFIG.has_section(section): CONFIG.add_section(section) option_path = option.split(".") CONFIG.set(section, *option_path, _cast_value_helper(value)) write_config(config_file)
[docs] def write_config(config_file): CONFIG.write(config_file)
[docs] def rm_config(section, option, config_file): option_path = option.split(".") CONFIG.remove(section, *option_path) write_config(config_file)