Source code for yt.geometry.coordinates.spherical_coordinates

from functools import cached_property

import numpy as np

from yt.utilities.lib.pixelization_routines import pixelize_aitoff, pixelize_cylinder

from .coordinate_handler import (

[docs] class SphericalCoordinateHandler(CoordinateHandler): name = "spherical" _default_axis_order = ("r", "theta", "phi") def __init__(self, ds, ordering=None): super().__init__(ds, ordering) # Generate self.image_units = {} self.image_units[self.axis_id["r"]] = (1, 1) self.image_units[self.axis_id["theta"]] = (None, None) self.image_units[self.axis_id["phi"]] = (None, None)
[docs] def setup_fields(self, registry): # Missing implementation for x, y and z coordinates. _setup_dummy_cartesian_coords_and_widths(registry, axes=("x", "y", "z")) _setup_polar_coordinates(registry, self.axis_id) f1, f2 = _get_coord_fields(self.axis_id["phi"], "dimensionless") registry.add_field( ("index", "dphi"), sampling_type="cell", function=f1, display_field=False, units="dimensionless", ) registry.add_field( ("index", "phi"), sampling_type="cell", function=f2, display_field=False, units="dimensionless", ) def _SphericalVolume(field, data): # Here we compute the spherical volume element exactly r = data["index", "r"] dr = data["index", "dr"] theta = data["index", "theta"] dtheta = data["index", "dtheta"] vol = ((r + 0.5 * dr) ** 3 - (r - 0.5 * dr) ** 3) / 3.0 vol *= np.cos(theta - 0.5 * dtheta) - np.cos(theta + 0.5 * dtheta) vol *= data["index", "dphi"] return vol registry.add_field( ("index", "cell_volume"), sampling_type="cell", function=_SphericalVolume, units="code_length**3", ) registry.alias(("index", "volume"), ("index", "cell_volume")) def _path_phi(field, data): # Note: this already assumes cell-centered return ( data["index", "r"] * data["index", "dphi"] * np.sin(data["index", "theta"]) ) registry.add_field( ("index", "path_element_phi"), sampling_type="cell", function=_path_phi, units="code_length", )
[docs] def pixelize( self, dimension, data_source, field, bounds, size, antialias=True, periodic=True, *, return_mask=False, ): self.period name = self.axis_name[dimension] if name == "r": buff, mask = self._ortho_pixelize( data_source, field, bounds, size, antialias, dimension, periodic ) elif name in ("theta", "phi"): if name == "theta": # This is admittedly a very hacky way to resolve a bug # it's very likely that the *right* fix would have to # be applied upstream of this function, *but* this case # has never worked properly so maybe it's still preferable to # not having a solution ? # see bounds = (*bounds[2:4], *bounds[:2]) buff, mask = self._cyl_pixelize( data_source, field, bounds, size, antialias, dimension ) else: raise NotImplementedError if return_mask: assert mask is None or mask.dtype == bool return buff, mask else: return buff
[docs] def pixelize_line(self, field, start_point, end_point, npoints): raise NotImplementedError
def _ortho_pixelize( self, data_source, field, bounds, size, antialias, dim, periodic ): # use Aitoff projection # bounds = tuple(_.ndview for _ in self._aitoff_bounds) buff, mask = pixelize_aitoff( azimuth=data_source["py"], dazimuth=data_source["pdy"], colatitude=data_source["px"], dcolatitude=data_source["pdx"], buff_size=size, field=data_source[field], bounds=bounds, input_img=None, azimuth_offset=0, colatitude_offset=0, return_mask=True, ) return buff.T, mask.T def _cyl_pixelize(self, data_source, field, bounds, size, antialias, dimension): name = self.axis_name[dimension] buff = np.full((size[1], size[0]), np.nan, dtype="f8") if name == "theta": mask = pixelize_cylinder( buff, data_source["px"], data_source["pdx"], data_source["py"], data_source["pdy"], data_source[field], bounds, return_mask=True, ) elif name == "phi": # Note that we feed in buff.T here mask = pixelize_cylinder( buff.T, data_source["px"], data_source["pdx"], data_source["py"], data_source["pdy"], data_source[field], bounds, return_mask=True, ).T else: raise RuntimeError return buff, mask
[docs] def convert_from_cartesian(self, coord): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def convert_to_cartesian(self, coord): if isinstance(coord, np.ndarray) and len(coord.shape) > 1: ri = self.axis_id["r"] thetai = self.axis_id["theta"] phii = self.axis_id["phi"] r = coord[:, ri] theta = coord[:, thetai] phi = coord[:, phii] nc = np.zeros_like(coord) # r, theta, phi nc[:, ri] = np.cos(phi) * np.sin(theta) * r nc[:, thetai] = np.sin(phi) * np.sin(theta) * r nc[:, phii] = np.cos(theta) * r else: r, theta, phi = coord nc = ( np.cos(phi) * np.sin(theta) * r, np.sin(phi) * np.sin(theta) * r, np.cos(theta) * r, ) return nc
[docs] def convert_to_cylindrical(self, coord): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def convert_from_cylindrical(self, coord): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def convert_to_spherical(self, coord): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def convert_from_spherical(self, coord): raise NotImplementedError
_image_axis_name = None @property def image_axis_name(self): if self._image_axis_name is not None: return self._image_axis_name # This is the x and y axes labels that get displayed. For # non-Cartesian coordinates, we usually want to override these for # Cartesian coordinates, since we transform them. rv = { self.axis_id["r"]: ( # these are the Hammer-Aitoff normalized coordinates # conventions: # - theta is the colatitude, from 0 to PI # - bartheta is the latitude, from -PI/2 to +PI/2 (bartheta = PI/2 - theta) # - phi is the azimuth, from 0 to 2PI # - lambda is the longitude, from -PI to PI (lambda = phi - PI) r"\frac{2\cos(\mathrm{\bar{\theta}})\sin(\lambda/2)}{\sqrt{1 + \cos(\bar{\theta}) \cos(\lambda/2)}}", r"\frac{sin(\bar{\theta})}{\sqrt{1 + \cos(\bar{\theta}) \cos(\lambda/2)}}", "\\theta", ), self.axis_id["theta"]: ("x / \\sin(\\theta)", "y / \\sin(\\theta)"), self.axis_id["phi"]: ("R", "z"), } for i in list(rv.keys()): rv[self.axis_name[i]] = rv[i] rv[self.axis_name[i].capitalize()] = rv[i] self._image_axis_name = rv return rv _x_pairs = (("r", "theta"), ("theta", "r"), ("phi", "r")) _y_pairs = (("r", "phi"), ("theta", "phi"), ("phi", "theta")) @property def period(self): return self.ds.domain_width @cached_property def _poloidal_bounds(self): ri = self.axis_id["r"] ti = self.axis_id["theta"] rmin = self.ds.domain_left_edge[ri] rmax = self.ds.domain_right_edge[ri] thetamin = self.ds.domain_left_edge[ti] thetamax = self.ds.domain_right_edge[ti] corners = [ (rmin, thetamin), (rmin, thetamax), (rmax, thetamin), (rmax, thetamax), ] def to_poloidal_plane(r, theta): # take a r, theta position and return # cylindrical R, z coordinates R = r * np.sin(theta) z = r * np.cos(theta) return R, z cylindrical_corner_coords = [to_poloidal_plane(*corner) for corner in corners] thetamin = thetamin.d thetamax = thetamax.d Rmin = min(R for R, z in cylindrical_corner_coords) if thetamin <= np.pi / 2 <= thetamax: Rmax = rmax else: Rmax = max(R for R, z in cylindrical_corner_coords) zmin = min(z for R, z in cylindrical_corner_coords) zmax = max(z for R, z in cylindrical_corner_coords) return Rmin, Rmax, zmin, zmax @cached_property def _conic_bounds(self): return _get_polar_bounds(self, axes=("r", "phi")) @cached_property def _aitoff_bounds(self): # at the time of writing this function, yt's support for curvilinear # coordinates is a bit hacky, as many components of the system still # expect to receive coordinates with a length dimension. Ultimately # this is not needed but calls for a large refactor. ONE = self.ds.quan(1, "code_length") # colatitude ti = self.axis_id["theta"] thetamin = self.ds.domain_left_edge[ti] thetamax = self.ds.domain_right_edge[ti] # latitude latmin = ONE * np.pi / 2 - thetamax latmax = ONE * np.pi / 2 - thetamin # azimuth pi = self.axis_id["phi"] phimin = self.ds.domain_left_edge[pi] phimax = self.ds.domain_right_edge[pi] # longitude lonmin = phimin - ONE * np.pi lonmax = phimax - ONE * np.pi corners = [ (latmin, lonmin), (latmin, lonmax), (latmax, lonmin), (latmax, lonmax), ] def aitoff_z(latitude, longitude): return np.sqrt(1 + np.cos(latitude) * np.cos(longitude / 2)) def aitoff_x(latitude, longitude): return ( 2 * np.cos(latitude) * np.sin(longitude / 2) / aitoff_z(latitude, longitude) ) def aitoff_y(latitude, longitude): return np.sin(latitude) / aitoff_z(latitude, longitude) def to_aitoff_plane(latitude, longitude): return aitoff_x(latitude, longitude), aitoff_y(latitude, longitude) aitoff_corner_coords = [to_aitoff_plane(*corner) for corner in corners] xmin = ONE * min(x for x, y in aitoff_corner_coords) xmax = ONE * max(x for x, y in aitoff_corner_coords) # theta is the colatitude # What this branch is meant to do is check whether the equator (latitude = 0) # is included in the domain. if latmin < 0 < latmax: xmin = min(xmin, ONE * aitoff_x(0, lonmin)) xmax = max(xmax, ONE * aitoff_x(0, lonmax)) # the y direction is more straightforward because aitoff-projected parallels (y) # draw a convex shape, while aitoff-projected meridians (x) draw a concave shape ymin = ONE * min(y for x, y in aitoff_corner_coords) ymax = ONE * max(y for x, y in aitoff_corner_coords) return xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax
[docs] def sanitize_center(self, center, axis): center, display_center = super().sanitize_center(center, axis) name = self.axis_name[axis] if name == "r": xxmin, xxmax, yymin, yymax = self._aitoff_bounds xc = (xxmin + xxmax) / 2 yc = (yymin + yymax) / 2 display_center = (0 * xc, xc, yc) elif name == "theta": xxmin, xxmax, yymin, yymax = self._conic_bounds xc = (xxmin + xxmax) / 2 yc = (yymin + yymax) / 2 display_center = (xc, 0 * xc, yc) elif name == "phi": Rmin, Rmax, zmin, zmax = self._poloidal_bounds xc = (Rmin + Rmax) / 2 yc = (zmin + zmax) / 2 display_center = (xc, yc) return center, display_center
[docs] def sanitize_width(self, axis, width, depth): name = self.axis_name[axis] if width is not None: width = super().sanitize_width(axis, width, depth) elif name == "r": xxmin, xxmax, yymin, yymax = self._aitoff_bounds xw = xxmax - xxmin yw = yymax - yymin width = [xw, yw] elif name == "theta": # Remember, in spherical coordinates when we cut in theta, # we create a conic section xxmin, xxmax, yymin, yymax = self._conic_bounds xw = xxmax - xxmin yw = yymax - yymin width = [xw, yw] elif name == "phi": Rmin, Rmax, zmin, zmax = self._poloidal_bounds xw = Rmax - Rmin yw = zmax - zmin width = [xw, yw] return width