from collections import defaultdict
import numpy as np
from yt.funcs import is_sequence
from yt.geometry.grid_container import GridTree, MatchPointsToGrids
from yt.utilities.exceptions import (
from yt.utilities.logger import ytLogger as mylog
from .fields import StreamFieldInfo
def assign_particle_data(ds, pdata, bbox):
Assign particle data to the grids using MatchPointsToGrids. This
will overwrite any existing particle data, so be careful!
particle_index_fields = [
f"particle_position_{ax}" for ax in ds.coordinates.axis_order
for ptype in ds.particle_types_raw:
check_fields = [(ptype, pi_field) for pi_field in particle_index_fields]
check_fields.append((ptype, "particle_position"))
if all(f not in pdata for f in check_fields):
pdata_ftype = {}
for f in sorted(pdata):
if not hasattr(pdata[f], "shape"):
if f == "number_of_particles":
mylog.debug("Reassigning '%s' to ('%s','%s')", f, ptype, f)
pdata_ftype[ptype, f] = pdata.pop(f)
pdata = pdata_ftype
# Note: what we need to do here is a bit tricky. Because occasionally this
# gets called before we property handle the field detection, we cannot use
# any information about the index. Fortunately for us, we can generate
# most of the GridTree utilizing information we already have from the
# stream handler.
if len(ds.stream_handler.fields) > 1:
pdata.pop("number_of_particles", None)
num_grids = len(ds.stream_handler.fields)
parent_ids = ds.stream_handler.parent_ids
num_children = np.zeros(num_grids, dtype="int64")
# We're going to do this the slow way
mask = np.empty(num_grids, dtype="bool")
for i in range(num_grids):
np.equal(parent_ids, i, mask)
num_children[i] = mask.sum()
levels = ds.stream_handler.levels.astype("int64").ravel()
grid_tree = GridTree(
grid_pdata = []
for _ in range(num_grids):
grid = {"number_of_particles": 0}
particle_index_fields = [
f"particle_position_{ax}" for ax in ds.coordinates.axis_order
for ptype in ds.particle_types_raw:
if (ptype, "particle_position_x") in pdata:
# we call them x, y, z even though they may be different field names
x, y, z = (pdata[ptype, pi_field] for pi_field in particle_index_fields)
elif (ptype, "particle_position") in pdata:
x, y, z = pdata[ptype, "particle_position"].T
raise KeyError(
"Cannot decompose particle data without position fields!"
pts = MatchPointsToGrids(grid_tree, len(x), x, y, z)
particle_grid_inds = pts.find_points_in_tree()
(assigned_particles,) = (particle_grid_inds >= 0).nonzero()
num_particles = particle_grid_inds.size
num_unassigned = num_particles - assigned_particles.size
if num_unassigned > 0:
eps = np.finfo(x.dtype).eps
s = np.array(
[x.min() - eps, x.max() + eps],
[y.min() - eps, y.max() + eps],
[z.min() - eps, z.max() + eps],
sug_bbox = [
[min(bbox[0, 0], s[0, 0]), max(bbox[0, 1], s[0, 1])],
[min(bbox[1, 0], s[1, 0]), max(bbox[1, 1], s[1, 1])],
[min(bbox[2, 0], s[2, 0]), max(bbox[2, 1], s[2, 1])],
"Discarding %s particles (out of %s) that are outside "
"bounding box. Set bbox=%s to avoid this in the future.",
particle_grid_inds = particle_grid_inds[assigned_particles]
x = x[assigned_particles]
y = y[assigned_particles]
z = z[assigned_particles]
idxs = np.argsort(particle_grid_inds)
particle_grid_count = np.bincount(
particle_grid_inds.astype("intp"), minlength=num_grids
particle_indices = np.zeros(num_grids + 1, dtype="int64")
if num_grids > 1:
particle_grid_count.squeeze(), out=particle_indices[1:]
particle_indices[1] = particle_grid_count.squeeze()
for i, pcount in enumerate(particle_grid_count):
grid_pdata[i]["number_of_particles"] += pcount
start = particle_indices[i]
end = particle_indices[i + 1]
for key in pdata.keys():
if key[0] == ptype:
grid_pdata[i][key] = pdata[key][idxs][start:end]
grid_pdata = [pdata]
for pd, gi in zip(grid_pdata, sorted(ds.stream_handler.fields), strict=True):
npart = ds.stream_handler.fields[gi].pop("number_of_particles", 0)
ds.stream_handler.particle_count[gi] = npart
def process_data(data, grid_dims=None, allow_callables=True):
new_data, field_units = {}, {}
for field, val in data.items():
# val is a data array
if isinstance(val, np.ndarray):
# val is a YTArray
if hasattr(val, "units"):
field_units[field] = val.units
new_data[field] = val.copy().d
# val is a numpy array
field_units[field] = ""
new_data[field] = val.copy()
# val is a tuple of (data, units)
elif isinstance(val, tuple) and len(val) == 2:
valid_data = isinstance(val[0], np.ndarray)
if allow_callables:
valid_data = valid_data or callable(val[0])
if not isinstance(field, (str, tuple)):
raise TypeError("Field name is not a string!")
if not valid_data:
raise TypeError(
"Field data is not an ndarray or callable (with nproc == 1)!"
if not isinstance(val[1], str):
raise TypeError("Unit specification is not a string!")
field_units[field] = val[1]
new_data[field] = val[0]
# val is a list of data to be turned into an array
elif is_sequence(val):
field_units[field] = ""
new_data[field] = np.asarray(val)
elif callable(val):
if not allow_callables:
raise RuntimeError(
"Callable functions can not be specified "
"in conjunction with nprocs > 1."
field_units[field] = ""
new_data[field] = val
raise RuntimeError(
"The data dict appears to be invalid. "
"The data dictionary must map from field "
"names to (numpy array, unit spec) tuples. "
data = new_data
# At this point, we have arrays for all our fields
new_data = {}
for field in data:
n_shape = 3
if not callable(data[field]):
n_shape = len(data[field].shape)
if isinstance(field, tuple):
new_field = field
elif n_shape in (1, 2):
new_field = ("io", field)
elif n_shape == 3:
new_field = ("stream", field)
raise RuntimeError
new_data[new_field] = data[field]
field_units[new_field] = field_units.pop(field)
known_fields = (
StreamFieldInfo.known_particle_fields + StreamFieldInfo.known_other_fields
# We do not want to override any of the known ones, if it's not
# overridden here.
if (
any(f[0] == new_field[1] for f in known_fields)
and field_units[new_field] == ""
data = new_data
# Sanity checking that all fields have the same dimensions.
g_shapes = []
p_shapes = defaultdict(list)
for field in data:
if callable(data[field]):
f_shape = data[field].shape
n_shape = len(f_shape)
if n_shape in (1, 2):
p_shapes[field[0]].append((field[1], f_shape[0]))
elif n_shape == 3:
g_shapes.append((field, f_shape))
if len(g_shapes) > 0:
g_s = np.array([s[1] for s in g_shapes])
if not np.all(g_s == g_s[0]):
raise YTInconsistentGridFieldShape(g_shapes)
if grid_dims is not None:
if not np.all(g_s == grid_dims):
raise YTInconsistentGridFieldShapeGridDims(g_shapes, grid_dims)
if len(p_shapes) > 0:
for ptype, p_shape in p_shapes.items():
p_s = np.array([s[1] for s in p_shape])
if not np.all(p_s == p_s[0]):
raise YTInconsistentParticleFieldShape(ptype, p_shape)
# Now that we know the particle fields are consistent, determine the number
# of particles.
if len(p_shapes) > 0:
number_of_particles = np.sum([s[0][1] for s in p_shapes.values()])
number_of_particles = 0
return field_units, data, number_of_particles
def set_particle_types(data):
particle_types = {}
for key in data.keys():
if key == "number_of_particles":
elif callable(data[key]):
particle_types[key] = False
elif len(data[key].shape) == 1:
particle_types[key] = True
particle_types[key] = False
return particle_types