Source code for yt.frontends.rockstar.fields

from yt._typing import KnownFieldsT
from yt.fields.field_info_container import FieldInfoContainer

m_units = "Msun / h"  # Msun / h
p_units = "Mpccm / h"  # Mpc / h comoving
v_units = "km / s"  # km /s phys, peculiar
r_units = "kpccm / h"  # kpc / h comoving

[docs] class RockstarFieldInfo(FieldInfoContainer): known_particle_fields: KnownFieldsT = ( ("particle_identifier", ("", [], None)), ("particle_position_x", (p_units, [], None)), ("particle_position_y", (p_units, [], None)), ("particle_position_z", (p_units, [], None)), ("particle_velocity_x", (v_units, [], None)), ("particle_velocity_y", (v_units, [], None)), ("particle_velocity_z", (v_units, [], None)), ("particle_corevel_x", (v_units, [], None)), ("particle_corevel_y", (v_units, [], None)), ("particle_corevel_z", (v_units, [], None)), ("particle_bulkvel_x", (v_units, [], None)), ("particle_bulkvel_y", (v_units, [], None)), ("particle_bulkvel_z", (v_units, [], None)), ("particle_mass", (m_units, [], "Mass")), ("virial_radius", (r_units, [], "Radius")), ("child_r", (r_units, [], None)), ("vmax_r", (v_units, [], None)), # These fields I don't have good definitions for yet. ("mgrav", ("", [], None)), ("vmax", (v_units, [], "V_{max}")), ("rvmax", (v_units, [], None)), ("rs", (r_units, [], "R_s")), ("klypin_rs", (r_units, [], "Klypin R_s")), ("vrms", (v_units, [], "V_{rms}")), ("Jx", ("", [], "J_x")), ("Jy", ("", [], "J_y")), ("Jz", ("", [], "J_z")), ("energy", ("", [], None)), ("spin", ("", [], "Spin Parameter")), ("alt_m1", (m_units, [], None)), ("alt_m2", (m_units, [], None)), ("alt_m3", (m_units, [], None)), ("alt_m4", (m_units, [], None)), ("Xoff", ("", [], None)), ("Voff", ("", [], None)), ("b_to_a", ("", [], "Ellipsoidal b to a")), ("c_to_a", ("", [], "Ellipsoidal c to a")), ("Ax", ("", [], "A_x")), ("Ay", ("", [], "A_y")), ("Az", ("", [], "A_z")), ("b_to_a2", ("", [], None)), ("c_to_a2", ("", [], None)), ("A2x", ("", [], "A2_x")), ("A2y", ("", [], "A2_y")), ("A2z", ("", [], "A2_z")), ("bullock_spin", ("", [], "Bullock Spin Parameter")), ("kin_to_pot", ("", [], "Kinetic to Potential")), ("m_pe_b", ("", [], None)), ("m_pe_d", ("", [], None)), ("num_p", ("", [], "Number of Particles")), ("num_child_particles", ("", [], "Number of Child Particles")), ("p_start", ("", [], None)), ("desc", ("", [], None)), ("flags", ("", [], None)), ("n_core", ("", [], None)), ("min_pos_err", ("", [], None)), ("min_vel_err", ("", [], None)), ("min_bulkvel_err", ("", [], None)), )