Source code for

from collections import defaultdict
from functools import lru_cache
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Union

import numpy as np
from unyt import unyt_array

from yt._maintenance.deprecation import issue_deprecation_warning
from yt.frontends.ramses.definitions import VAR_DESC_RE, VERSION_RE
from yt.utilities.cython_fortran_utils import FortranFile
from yt.utilities.exceptions import (
from yt.utilities.io_handler import BaseIOHandler
from yt.utilities.logger import ytLogger as mylog

    import os

[docs] def convert_ramses_ages(ds, conformal_ages): issue_deprecation_warning( msg=( "The `convert_ramses_ages' function is deprecated. It should be replaced " "by the `convert_ramses_conformal_time_to_physical_age' function." ), stacklevel=3, since="4.0.3", ) return convert_ramses_conformal_time_to_physical_time(ds, conformal_ages)
[docs] def convert_ramses_conformal_time_to_physical_time( ds, conformal_time: np.ndarray ) -> unyt_array: """ Convert conformal times (as defined in RAMSES) to physical times. Arguments --------- ds : RAMSESDataset The RAMSES dataset to use for the conversion conformal_time : np.ndarray The conformal time as read from disk Returns ------- physical_age : np.ndarray The physical age in code units """ h0 = ds.hubble_constant tau_bins = ds.tau_frw * h0 t_bins = ds.t_frw min_time = 0 max_time = return ds.arr( np.clip( np.interp( conformal_time, tau_bins, t_bins.value, right=max_time, left=min_time, ), min_time, max_time.value, ), t_bins.units, )
def _ramses_particle_binary_file_handler(particle_handler, subset, fields, count): """General file handler for binary file, called by _read_particle_subset Parameters ---------- particle : ``ParticleFileHandler`` the particle class we want to read subset: ``RAMSESDomainSubset`` A RAMSES domain subset object fields: list of tuple The fields to read count: integer The number of elements to count """ tr = {} ds = subset.domain.ds foffsets = particle_handler.field_offsets fname = particle_handler.fname data_types = particle_handler.field_types with FortranFile(fname) as fd: # We do *all* conversion into boxlen here. # This means that no other conversions need to be applied to convert # positions into the same domain as the octs themselves. for field in sorted(fields, key=lambda a: foffsets[a]): if count == 0: tr[field] = np.empty(0, dtype=data_types[field]) continue # Sentinel value: -1 means we don't have this field if foffsets[field] == -1: tr[field] = np.empty(count, dtype=data_types[field]) else:[field]) dt = data_types[field] tr[field] = fd.read_vector(dt) if field[1].startswith("particle_position"): np.divide(tr[field], ds["boxlen"], tr[field]) # Hand over to field handler for special cases, like particle_birth_times particle_handler.handle_field(field, tr) return tr def _ramses_particle_csv_file_handler(particle_handler, subset, fields, count): """General file handler for csv file, called by _read_particle_subset Parameters ---------- particle: ``ParticleFileHandler`` the particle class we want to read subset: ``RAMSESDomainSubset`` A RAMSES domain subset object fields: list of tuple The fields to read count: integer The number of elements to count """ from yt.utilities.on_demand_imports import _pandas as pd tr = {} ds = subset.domain.ds foffsets = particle_handler.field_offsets fname = particle_handler.fname list_field_ind = [ (field, foffsets[field]) for field in sorted(fields, key=lambda a: foffsets[a]) ] # read only selected fields dat = pd.read_csv( fname, delimiter=",", usecols=[ind for _field, ind in list_field_ind], skiprows=2, header=None, ) for field, ind in list_field_ind: tr[field] = dat[ind].to_numpy() if field[1].startswith("particle_position"): np.divide(tr[field], ds["boxlen"], tr[field]) particle_handler.handle_field(field, tr) return tr
[docs] class IOHandlerRAMSES(BaseIOHandler): _dataset_type = "ramses" def _read_fluid_selection(self, chunks, selector, fields, size): tr = defaultdict(list) # Set of field types ftypes = {f[0] for f in fields} for chunk in chunks: # Gather fields by type to minimize i/o operations for ft in ftypes: # Get all the fields of the same type field_subs = list(filter(lambda f, ft=ft: f[0] == ft, fields)) # Loop over subsets for subset in chunk.objs: fname = None for fh in subset.domain.field_handlers: if fh.ftype == ft: file_handler = fh fname = fh.fname break if fname is None: raise YTFieldTypeNotFound(ft) # Now we read the entire thing with FortranFile(fname) as fd: # This contains the boundary information, so we skim through # and pick off the right vectors rv = subset.fill(fd, field_subs, selector, file_handler) for ft, f in field_subs: d = rv.pop(f) if d.size == 0: continue mylog.debug( "Filling %s with %s (%0.3e %0.3e) (%s zones)", f, d.size, d.min(), d.max(), d.size, ) tr[ft, f].append(d) d = {} for field in fields: tmp = tr.pop(field, None) d[field] = np.concatenate(tmp) if tmp else np.empty(0, dtype="d") return d def _read_particle_coords(self, chunks, ptf): pn = "particle_position_%s" fields = [ (ptype, f"particle_position_{ax}") for ptype, field_list in ptf.items() for ax in "xyz" ] for chunk in chunks: for subset in chunk.objs: rv = self._read_particle_subset(subset, fields) for ptype in sorted(ptf): yield ( ptype, ( rv[ptype, pn % "x"], rv[ptype, pn % "y"], rv[ptype, pn % "z"], ), 0.0, ) def _read_particle_fields(self, chunks, ptf, selector): pn = "particle_position_%s" chunks = list(chunks) fields = [ (ptype, fname) for ptype, field_list in ptf.items() for fname in field_list ] for ptype, field_list in sorted(ptf.items()): for ax in "xyz": if pn % ax not in field_list: fields.append((ptype, pn % ax)) if ptype == "sink_csv": subset = chunks[0].objs[0] rv = self._read_particle_subset(subset, fields) for ptype, field_list in sorted(ptf.items()): x, y, z = (np.asarray(rv[ptype, pn % ax], "=f8") for ax in "xyz") mask = selector.select_points(x, y, z, 0.0) if mask is None: mask = [] for field in field_list: data = np.asarray(rv.pop((ptype, field))[mask], "=f8") yield (ptype, field), data else: for chunk in chunks: for subset in chunk.objs: rv = self._read_particle_subset(subset, fields) for ptype, field_list in sorted(ptf.items()): x, y, z = ( np.asarray(rv[ptype, pn % ax], "=f8") for ax in "xyz" ) mask = selector.select_points(x, y, z, 0.0) if mask is None: mask = [] for field in field_list: data = np.asarray(rv.pop((ptype, field))[mask], "=f8") yield (ptype, field), data def _read_particle_subset(self, subset, fields): """Read the particle files.""" tr = {} # Sequential read depending on particle type for ptype in {f[0] for f in fields}: # Select relevant files subs_fields = filter(lambda f, ptype=ptype: f[0] == ptype, fields) ok = False for ph in subset.domain.particle_handlers: if ph.ptype == ptype: ok = True count = ph.local_particle_count break if not ok: raise YTFieldTypeNotFound(ptype) tr.update(ph.reader(subset, subs_fields, count)) return tr
@lru_cache def _read_part_binary_file_descriptor(fname: Union[str, "os.PathLike[str]"]): """ Read a file descriptor and returns the array of the fields found. """ # Mapping mapping_list = [ ("position_x", "particle_position_x"), ("position_y", "particle_position_y"), ("position_z", "particle_position_z"), ("velocity_x", "particle_velocity_x"), ("velocity_y", "particle_velocity_y"), ("velocity_z", "particle_velocity_z"), ("mass", "particle_mass"), ("identity", "particle_identity"), ("levelp", "particle_level"), ("family", "particle_family"), ("tag", "particle_tag"), ] # Convert to dictionary mapping = dict(mapping_list) with open(fname) as f: line = f.readline() tmp = VERSION_RE.match(line) mylog.debug("Reading part file descriptor %s.", fname) if not tmp: raise YTParticleOutputFormatNotImplemented() version = int( if version == 1: # Skip one line (containing the headers) line = f.readline() fields = [] for i, line in enumerate(f.readlines()): tmp = VAR_DESC_RE.match(line) if not tmp: raise YTFileNotParseable(fname, i + 1) # ivar = varname = dtype = if varname in mapping: varname = mapping[varname] else: varname = f"particle_{varname}" fields.append((varname, dtype)) else: raise YTParticleOutputFormatNotImplemented() return fields @lru_cache def _read_part_csv_file_descriptor(fname: Union[str, "os.PathLike[str]"]): """ Read the file from the csv sink particles output. """ from yt.utilities.on_demand_imports import _pandas as pd # Fields name from the default csv RAMSES sink algorithm in the yt default convention mapping = { " # id": "particle_identifier", "msink": "particle_mass", "x": "particle_position_x", "y": "particle_position_y", "z": "particle_position_z", "vx": "particle_velocity_x", "vy": "particle_velocity_y", "vz": "particle_velocity_z", "lx": "particle_angular_momentum_x", "ly": "particle_angular_momentum_y", "lz": "particle_angular_momentum_z", "tform": "particle_formation_time", "acc_rate": "particle_accretion_rate", "del_mass": "particle_delta_mass", "rho_gas": "particle_rho_gas", "cs**2": "particle_sound_speed", "etherm": "particle_etherm", "vx_gas": "particle_velocity_x_gas", "vy_gas": "particle_velocity_y_gas", "vz_gas": "particle_velocity_z_gas", "mbh": "particle_mass_bh", "level": "particle_level", "rsink_star": "particle_radius_star", } # read the all file to get the number of particle dat = pd.read_csv(fname, delimiter=",") fields = [] local_particle_count = len(dat) for varname in dat.columns: if varname in mapping: varname = mapping[varname] else: varname = f"particle_{varname}" fields.append(varname) return fields, local_particle_count @lru_cache def _read_fluid_file_descriptor(fname: Union[str, "os.PathLike[str]"], *, prefix: str): """ Read a file descriptor and returns the array of the fields found. """ # Mapping mapping_list = [ ("density", "Density"), ("velocity_x", "x-velocity"), ("velocity_y", "y-velocity"), ("velocity_z", "z-velocity"), ("pressure", "Pressure"), ("metallicity", "Metallicity"), # Add mapping for ionized species # Note: we expect internally that these names use the HII, HeII, # HeIII, ... convention for historical reasons. So we need to map # the names read from `hydro_file_descriptor.txt` to this # convention. # This will create fields like ("ramses", "HII") which are mapped # to ("gas", "H_p1_fraction") in ("H_p1_fraction", "HII"), ("He_p1_fraction", "HeII"), ("He_p2_fraction", "HeIII"), # Photon fluxes / densities are stored as `photon_density_XX`, so # only 100 photon bands can be stored with this format. Let's be # conservative and support up to 100 bands. *[(f"photon_density_{i:02d}", f"Photon_density_{i:d}") for i in range(100)], *[ (f"photon_flux_{i:02d}_{dim}", f"Photon_flux_{dim}_{i:d}") for i in range(100) for dim in "xyz" ], ] # Add mapping for magnetic fields mapping_list += [ (key, key) for key in ( f"B_{dim}_{side}" for side in ["left", "right"] for dim in ["x", "y", "z"] ) ] # Convert to dictionary mapping = dict(mapping_list) with open(fname) as f: line = f.readline() tmp = VERSION_RE.match(line) mylog.debug("Reading fluid file descriptor %s.", fname) if not tmp: return [] version = int( if version == 1: # Skip one line (containing the headers) line = f.readline() fields = [] for i, line in enumerate(f.readlines()): tmp = VAR_DESC_RE.match(line) if not tmp: raise YTFileNotParseable(fname, i + 1) # ivar = varname = dtype = if varname in mapping: varname = mapping[varname] else: varname = f"{prefix}_{varname}" fields.append((varname, dtype)) else: mylog.error("Version %s", version) raise YTParticleOutputFormatNotImplemented() return fields