from typing import Any, Optional
import numpy as np
from yt.data_objects.selection_objects.region import YTRegion
from yt.geometry.selection_routines import (
from yt.utilities.lib.geometry_utils import get_hilbert_indices
# State diagram to compute the hilbert curve
_STATE_DIAGRAM = np.array(
[1, 2, 0, 6, 11, 4, 5, 6, 10, 4, 7, 10],
[0, 0, 0, 2, 4, 6, 4, 6, 2, 2, 4, 6],
[2, 6, 9, 0, 11, 4, 7, 1, 3, 4, 2, 3],
[1, 7, 3, 3, 3, 5, 7, 7, 5, 1, 5, 1],
[3, 0, 10, 6, 0, 8, 5, 6, 1, 8, 11, 2],
[3, 1, 7, 1, 5, 1, 3, 5, 3, 5, 7, 7],
[2, 7, 9, 11, 7, 8, 3, 10, 1, 8, 2, 6],
[2, 6, 4, 0, 2, 2, 0, 4, 4, 6, 6, 0],
[4, 8, 1, 9, 5, 0, 1, 9, 10, 2, 7, 10],
[7, 3, 1, 5, 7, 7, 5, 1, 1, 3, 3, 5],
[5, 8, 1, 0, 9, 6, 1, 4, 3, 7, 5, 3],
[6, 4, 2, 4, 0, 4, 6, 0, 6, 0, 2, 2],
[3, 0, 11, 9, 0, 10, 11, 9, 5, 2, 8, 4],
[4, 2, 6, 6, 6, 0, 2, 2, 0, 4, 0, 4],
[5, 7, 11, 8, 7, 6, 11, 10, 9, 3, 5, 4],
[5, 5, 5, 7, 1, 3, 1, 3, 7, 7, 1, 3],
def hilbert3d(
ijk: "np.ndarray[Any, np.dtype[np.int64]]", bit_length: int
) -> "np.ndarray[Any, np.dtype[np.float64]]":
"""Compute the order using Hilbert indexing.
ijk : (N, ndim) integer array
The positions
bit_length : integer
The bit_length for the indexing.
ijk = np.atleast_2d(ijk)
# A note here: there is a freedom in the way hilbert indices are
# being computed (should it be xyz or yzx or zxy etc.)
# and the yt convention is not the same as the RAMSES one.
return get_hilbert_indices(bit_length, ijk[:, [1, 2, 0]].astype(np.int64))
def get_intersecting_cpus(
region: YTRegion,
LE: Optional["np.ndarray[Any, np.dtype[np.float64]]"] = None,
dx: float = 1.0,
dx_cond: float | None = None,
factor: float = 4.0,
bound_keys: Optional["np.ndarray[Any, np.dtype[np.float64]]"] = None,
) -> set[int]:
Find the subset of CPUs that intersect the bbox in a recursive fashion.
if LE is None:
LE = np.array([0, 0, 0], dtype="d")
if dx_cond is None:
bbox = region.get_bbox()
dx_cond = float((bbox[1] - bbox[0]).min().to("code_length"))
if bound_keys is None:
ncpu = ds.parameters["ncpu"]
bound_keys = np.empty(ncpu + 1, dtype="float64")
bound_keys[:ncpu] = [ds.hilbert_indices[icpu + 1][0] for icpu in range(ncpu)]
bound_keys[ncpu] = ds.hilbert_indices[ncpu][1]
# If the current dx is smaller than the smallest size of the bbox
if dx < dx_cond / factor:
# Finish recursion
return get_cpu_list_cuboid(ds, np.asarray([LE, LE + dx]), bound_keys)
# If the current cell is fully within the selected region, stop recursion
if fully_contains(region.selector, LE, dx):
return get_cpu_list_cuboid(ds, np.asarray([LE, LE + dx]), bound_keys)
dx /= 2
ret = set()
# Compute intersection of the eight subcubes with the bbox and recurse.
for i in range(2):
for j in range(2):
for k in range(2):
LE_new = LE + np.array([i, j, k], dtype="d") * dx
if bbox_intersects(region.selector, LE_new, dx):
ds, region, LE_new, dx, dx_cond, factor, bound_keys
return ret
def get_cpu_list_cuboid(
X: "np.ndarray[Any, np.dtype[np.float64]]",
bound_keys: "np.ndarray[Any, np.dtype[np.float64]]",
) -> set[int]:
Return the list of the CPU intersecting with the cuboid containing the positions.
Note that it will be 0-indexed.
ds : Dataset
The dataset containing the information
X : (N, ndim) float array
An array containing positions. They should be between 0 and 1.
X = np.atleast_2d(X)
if X.shape[1] != 3:
raise NotImplementedError("This function is only implemented in 3D.")
levelmax = ds.parameters["levelmax"]
ndim = ds.parameters["ndim"]
xmin, ymin, zmin = X.min(axis=0)
xmax, ymax, zmax = X.max(axis=0)
dmax = max(xmax - xmin, ymax - ymin, zmax - zmin)
ilevel = int(np.ceil(-np.log2(dmax)))
lmin = ilevel
bit_length = lmin - 1
maxdom = 2**bit_length
imin, imax, jmin, jmax, kmin, kmax = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
if bit_length > 0:
imin = int(xmin * maxdom)
imax = imin + 1
jmin = int(ymin * maxdom)
jmax = jmin + 1
kmin = int(zmin * maxdom)
kmax = kmin + 1
dkey = (2 ** (levelmax + 1) / maxdom) ** ndim
ndom = 1
if bit_length > 0:
ndom = 8
ijkdom = idom, jdom, kdom = np.empty((3, 8), dtype=np.int64)
idom[0], idom[1] = imin, imax
idom[2], idom[3] = imin, imax
idom[4], idom[5] = imin, imax
idom[6], idom[7] = imin, imax
jdom[0], jdom[1] = jmin, jmin
jdom[2], jdom[3] = jmax, jmax
jdom[4], jdom[5] = jmin, jmin
jdom[6], jdom[7] = jmax, jmax
kdom[0], kdom[1] = kmin, kmin
kdom[2], kdom[3] = kmin, kmin
kdom[4], kdom[5] = kmax, kmax
kdom[6], kdom[7] = kmax, kmax
bounding_min, bounding_max = np.zeros(ndom), np.zeros(ndom)
if bit_length > 0:
order_min = hilbert3d(ijkdom.T, bit_length)
for i in range(ndom):
if bit_length > 0:
omin = order_min[i]
omin = 0
bounding_min[i] = omin * dkey
bounding_max[i] = (omin + 1) * dkey
cpu_min = np.searchsorted(bound_keys, bounding_min, side="right") - 1
cpu_max = np.searchsorted(bound_keys, bounding_max, side="right")
cpu_read: set[int] = set()
for i in range(ndom):
cpu_read.update(range(cpu_min[i], cpu_max[i]))
return cpu_read