Source code for yt.frontends.owls_subfind.data_structures

import glob
import os
from collections import defaultdict

import numpy as np

from yt.data_objects.static_output import ParticleDataset, ParticleFile
from yt.frontends.gadget.data_structures import _fix_unit_ordering
from yt.funcs import only_on_root, setdefaultattr
from yt.geometry.particle_geometry_handler import ParticleIndex
from yt.utilities.exceptions import YTException
from yt.utilities.logger import ytLogger as mylog
from yt.utilities.on_demand_imports import _h5py as h5py

from .fields import OWLSSubfindFieldInfo

[docs] class OWLSSubfindParticleIndex(ParticleIndex): chunksize = -1 def __init__(self, ds, dataset_type): super().__init__(ds, dataset_type) def _calculate_particle_index_starts(self): # Halo indices are not saved in the file, so we must count by hand. # File 0 has halos 0 to N_0 - 1, file 1 has halos N_0 to N_0 + N_1 - 1, etc. particle_count = defaultdict(int) offset_count = 0 for data_file in self.data_files: data_file.index_start = { ptype: particle_count[ptype] for ptype in data_file.total_particles } data_file.offset_start = offset_count for ptype in data_file.total_particles: particle_count[ptype] += data_file.total_particles[ptype] offset_count += data_file.total_offset def _calculate_file_offset_map(self): # After the FOF is performed, a load-balancing step redistributes halos # and then writes more fields. Here, for each file, we create a list of # files which contain the rest of the redistributed particles. ifof = np.array( [data_file.total_particles["FOF"] for data_file in self.data_files] ) isub = np.array([data_file.total_offset for data_file in self.data_files]) subend = isub.cumsum() fofend = ifof.cumsum() istart = np.digitize(fofend - ifof, subend - isub) - 1 iend = np.clip(np.digitize(fofend, subend), 0, ifof.size - 2) for i, data_file in enumerate(self.data_files): data_file.offset_files = self.data_files[istart[i] : iend[i] + 1] def _detect_output_fields(self): # TODO: Add additional fields self._calculate_particle_index_starts() self._calculate_file_offset_map() dsl = [] units = {} for dom in self.data_files: fl, _units = units.update(_units) for f in fl: if f not in dsl: dsl.append(f) self.field_list = dsl ds = self.dataset ds.particle_types = tuple({pt for pt, ds in dsl}) # This is an attribute that means these particle types *actually* # exist. As in, they are real, in the dataset. ds.field_units.update(units) ds.particle_types_raw = ds.particle_types
[docs] class OWLSSubfindHDF5File(ParticleFile): def __init__(self, ds, io, filename, file_id, bounds): super().__init__(ds, io, filename, file_id, bounds) with h5py.File(filename, mode="r") as f: self.header = {field: f.attrs[field] for field in f.attrs.keys()}
[docs] class OWLSSubfindDataset(ParticleDataset): _load_requirements = ["h5py"] _index_class = OWLSSubfindParticleIndex _file_class = OWLSSubfindHDF5File _field_info_class = OWLSSubfindFieldInfo _suffix = ".hdf5" def __init__( self, filename, dataset_type="subfind_hdf5", index_order=None, index_filename=None, units_override=None, unit_system="cgs", ): super().__init__( filename, dataset_type, index_order=index_order, index_filename=index_filename, units_override=units_override, unit_system=unit_system, ) def _parse_parameter_file(self): handle = h5py.File(self.parameter_filename, mode="r") hvals = {} hvals.update((str(k), v) for k, v in handle["/Header"].attrs.items()) hvals["NumFiles"] = hvals["NumFilesPerSnapshot"] hvals["Massarr"] = hvals["MassTable"] self.dimensionality = 3 self.refine_by = 2 # Set standard values if "Time_GYR" in hvals: self.current_time = self.quan(hvals["Time_GYR"], "Gyr") self.domain_left_edge = np.zeros(3, "float64") self.domain_right_edge = np.ones(3, "float64") * hvals["BoxSize"] self.domain_dimensions = np.ones(3, "int32") self.cosmological_simulation = 1 self._periodicity = (True, True, True) self.current_redshift = hvals["Redshift"] self.omega_lambda = hvals["OmegaLambda"] self.omega_matter = hvals["Omega0"] self.hubble_constant = hvals["HubbleParam"] self.parameters = hvals prefix = os.path.abspath( os.path.join( os.path.dirname(self.parameter_filename), os.path.basename(self.parameter_filename).split(".", 1)[0], ) ) suffix = self.parameter_filename.rsplit(".", 1)[-1] self.filename_template = f"{prefix}.%(num)i.{suffix}" self.file_count = len(glob.glob(prefix + "*" + self._suffix)) if self.file_count == 0: raise YTException(message="No data files found.", ds=self) self.particle_types = ("FOF", "SUBFIND") self.particle_types_raw = ("FOF", "SUBFIND") # To avoid having to open files twice self._unit_base = {} self._unit_base.update((str(k), v) for k, v in handle["/Units"].attrs.items()) handle.close() def _set_code_unit_attributes(self): # Set a sane default for cosmological simulations. if self._unit_base is None and self.cosmological_simulation == 1: only_on_root(, "Assuming length units are in Mpc/h (comoving)") self._unit_base = {"length": (1.0, "Mpccm/h")} # The other same defaults we will use from the standard Gadget # defaults. unit_base = self._unit_base or {} if "length" in unit_base: length_unit = unit_base["length"] elif "UnitLength_in_cm" in unit_base: if self.cosmological_simulation == 0: length_unit = (unit_base["UnitLength_in_cm"], "cm") else: length_unit = (unit_base["UnitLength_in_cm"], "cmcm/h") else: raise RuntimeError length_unit = _fix_unit_ordering(length_unit) setdefaultattr(self, "length_unit", self.quan(length_unit[0], length_unit[1])) if "velocity" in unit_base: velocity_unit = unit_base["velocity"] elif "UnitVelocity_in_cm_per_s" in unit_base: velocity_unit = (unit_base["UnitVelocity_in_cm_per_s"], "cm/s") else: velocity_unit = (1e5, "cm/s * sqrt(a)") velocity_unit = _fix_unit_ordering(velocity_unit) setdefaultattr( self, "velocity_unit", self.quan(velocity_unit[0], velocity_unit[1]) ) # We set hubble_constant = 1.0 for non-cosmology, so this is safe. # Default to 1e10 Msun/h if mass is not specified. if "mass" in unit_base: mass_unit = unit_base["mass"] elif "UnitMass_in_g" in unit_base: if self.cosmological_simulation == 0: mass_unit = (unit_base["UnitMass_in_g"], "g") else: mass_unit = (unit_base["UnitMass_in_g"], "g/h") else: # Sane default mass_unit = (1.0, "1e10*Msun/h") mass_unit = _fix_unit_ordering(mass_unit) setdefaultattr(self, "mass_unit", self.quan(mass_unit[0], mass_unit[1])) if "time" in unit_base: time_unit = unit_base["time"] elif "UnitTime_in_s" in unit_base: time_unit = (unit_base["UnitTime_in_s"], "s") else: tu = (self.length_unit / self.velocity_unit).to("yr/h") time_unit = (tu.d, tu.units) setdefaultattr(self, "time_unit", self.quan(time_unit[0], time_unit[1])) @classmethod def _is_valid(cls, filename: str, *args, **kwargs) -> bool: if cls._missing_load_requirements(): return False need_groups = ["Constants", "Header", "Parameters", "Units", "FOF"] valid = True try: fh = h5py.File(filename, mode="r") valid = all(ng in fh["/"] for ng in need_groups) fh.close() except Exception: valid = False return valid