Source code for yt.frontends.open_pmd.fields

import numpy as np

from yt.fields.field_info_container import FieldInfoContainer
from yt.fields.magnetic_field import setup_magnetic_field_aliases
from yt.frontends.open_pmd.misc import is_const_component, parse_unit_dimension
from yt.units.yt_array import YTQuantity
from yt.utilities.logger import ytLogger as mylog
from yt.utilities.on_demand_imports import _h5py as h5py
from yt.utilities.physical_constants import mu_0, speed_of_light

[docs] def setup_poynting_vector(self): def _get_poyn(axis): def poynting(field, data): u = mu_0**-1 if axis in "x": return u * ( data["openPMD", "E_y"] * data["gas", "magnetic_field_z"] - data["openPMD", "E_z"] * data["gas", "magnetic_field_y"] ) elif axis in "y": return u * ( data["openPMD", "E_z"] * data["gas", "magnetic_field_x"] - data["openPMD", "E_x"] * data["gas", "magnetic_field_z"] ) elif axis in "z": return u * ( data["openPMD", "E_x"] * data["gas", "magnetic_field_y"] - data["openPMD", "E_y"] * data["gas", "magnetic_field_x"] ) return poynting for ax in "xyz": self.add_field( ("openPMD", f"poynting_vector_{ax}"), sampling_type="cell", function=_get_poyn(ax), units="W/m**2", )
[docs] def setup_kinetic_energy(self, ptype): def _kin_en(field, data): p2 = ( data[ptype, "particle_momentum_x"] ** 2 + data[ptype, "particle_momentum_y"] ** 2 + data[ptype, "particle_momentum_z"] ** 2 ) mass = data[ptype, "particle_mass"] * data[ptype, "particle_weighting"] return ( speed_of_light * np.sqrt(p2 + mass**2 * speed_of_light**2) - mass * speed_of_light**2 ) self.add_field( (ptype, "particle_kinetic_energy"), sampling_type="particle", function=_kin_en, units="kg*m**2/s**2", )
[docs] def setup_velocity(self, ptype): def _get_vel(axis): def velocity(field, data): c = speed_of_light momentum = data[ptype, f"particle_momentum_{axis}"] mass = data[ptype, "particle_mass"] weighting = data[ptype, "particle_weighting"] return momentum / np.sqrt((mass * weighting) ** 2 + (momentum**2) / (c**2)) return velocity for ax in "xyz": self.add_field( (ptype, f"particle_velocity_{ax}"), sampling_type="particle", function=_get_vel(ax), units="m/s", )
[docs] def setup_absolute_positions(self, ptype): def _abs_pos(axis): def ap(field, data): return np.add( data[ptype, f"particle_positionCoarse_{axis}"], data[ptype, f"particle_positionOffset_{axis}"], ) return ap for ax in "xyz": self.add_field( (ptype, f"particle_position_{ax}"), sampling_type="particle", function=_abs_pos(ax), units="m", )
[docs] class OpenPMDFieldInfo(FieldInfoContainer): r"""Specifies which fields from the dataset yt should know about. ``self.known_other_fields`` and ``self.known_particle_fields`` must be populated. Entries for both of these lists must be tuples of the form ("name", ("units", ["fields", "to", "alias"], "display_name")) These fields will be represented and handled in yt in the way you define them here. The fields defined in both ``self.known_other_fields`` and ``self.known_particle_fields`` will only be added to a dataset (with units, aliases, etc), if they match any entry in the ``OpenPMDHierarchy``'s ``self.field_list``. Notes ----- Contrary to many other frontends, we dynamically obtain the known fields from the simulation output. The openPMD markup is extremely flexible - names, dimensions and the number of individual datasets can (and very likely will) vary. openPMD states that record names and their components are only allowed to contain * characters a-Z, * the numbers 0-9 * and the underscore _ * (equivalently, the regex \w). Since yt widely uses the underscore in field names, openPMD's underscores (_) are replaced by hyphen (-). Derived fields will automatically be set up, if names and units of your known on-disk (or manually derived) fields match the ones in [1]. References ---------- * * * * [1] """ _mag_fields: list[str] = [] def __init__(self, ds, field_list): f = ds._handle bp = ds.base_path mp = ds.meshes_path pp = ds.particles_path try: fields = f[bp + mp] for fname in fields.keys(): field = fields[fname] if isinstance(field, h5py.Dataset) or is_const_component(field): # Don't consider axes. # This appears to be a vector field of single dimensionality ytname = str("_".join([fname.replace("_", "-")])) parsed = parse_unit_dimension( np.asarray(field.attrs["unitDimension"], dtype="int64") ) unit = str(YTQuantity(1, parsed).units) aliases = [] # Save a list of magnetic fields for aliasing later on # We can not reasonably infer field type/unit by name in openPMD if unit == "T" or unit == "kg/(A*s**2)": self._mag_fields.append(ytname) self.known_other_fields += ((ytname, (unit, aliases, None)),) else: for axis in field.keys(): ytname = str("_".join([fname.replace("_", "-"), axis])) parsed = parse_unit_dimension( np.asarray(field.attrs["unitDimension"], dtype="int64") ) unit = str(YTQuantity(1, parsed).units) aliases = [] # Save a list of magnetic fields for aliasing later on # We can not reasonably infer field type by name in openPMD if unit == "T" or unit == "kg/(A*s**2)": self._mag_fields.append(ytname) self.known_other_fields += ((ytname, (unit, aliases, None)),) for i in self.known_other_fields: mylog.debug("open_pmd - known_other_fields - %s", i) except (KeyError, TypeError, AttributeError): pass try: particles = f[bp + pp] for pname in particles.keys(): species = particles[pname] for recname in species.keys(): try: record = species[recname] parsed = parse_unit_dimension(record.attrs["unitDimension"]) unit = str(YTQuantity(1, parsed).units) ytattrib = str(recname).replace("_", "-") if ytattrib == "position": # Symbolically rename position to preserve yt's # interpretation of the pfield particle_position is later # derived in setup_absolute_positions in the way yt expects ytattrib = "positionCoarse" if isinstance(record, h5py.Dataset) or is_const_component( record ): name = ["particle", ytattrib] self.known_particle_fields += ( (str("_".join(name)), (unit, [], None)), ) else: for axis in record.keys(): aliases = [] name = ["particle", ytattrib, axis] ytname = str("_".join(name)) self.known_particle_fields += ( (ytname, (unit, aliases, None)), ) except KeyError: if recname != "particlePatches": "open_pmd - %s_%s does not seem to have " "unitDimension", pname, recname, ) for i in self.known_particle_fields: mylog.debug("open_pmd - known_particle_fields - %s", i) except (KeyError, TypeError, AttributeError): pass super().__init__(ds, field_list)
[docs] def setup_fluid_fields(self): """Defines which derived mesh fields to create. If a field can not be calculated, it will simply be skipped. """ # Set up aliases first so the setup for poynting can use them if len(self._mag_fields) > 0: setup_magnetic_field_aliases(self, "openPMD", self._mag_fields) setup_poynting_vector(self)
[docs] def setup_particle_fields(self, ptype): """Defines which derived particle fields to create. This will be called for every entry in `OpenPMDDataset``'s ``self.particle_types``. If a field can not be calculated, it will simply be skipped. """ setup_absolute_positions(self, ptype) setup_kinetic_energy(self, ptype) setup_velocity(self, ptype) super().setup_particle_fields(ptype)