Source code for yt.frontends.open_pmd.data_structures

from functools import reduce
from operator import mul
from os import listdir, path
from re import match

import numpy as np
from packaging.version import Version

from yt.data_objects.index_subobjects.grid_patch import AMRGridPatch
from yt.data_objects.static_output import Dataset
from yt.data_objects.time_series import DatasetSeries
from yt.frontends.open_pmd.fields import OpenPMDFieldInfo
from yt.frontends.open_pmd.misc import get_component, is_const_component
from yt.funcs import setdefaultattr
from yt.geometry.grid_geometry_handler import GridIndex
from yt.utilities.file_handler import HDF5FileHandler, valid_hdf5_signature
from yt.utilities.logger import ytLogger as mylog
from yt.utilities.on_demand_imports import _h5py as h5py

ompd_known_versions = [Version(_) for _ in ("1.0.0", "1.0.1", "1.1.0")]
opmd_required_attributes = ["openPMD", "basePath"]

[docs] class OpenPMDGrid(AMRGridPatch): """Represents chunk of data on-disk. This defines the index and offset for every mesh and particle type. It also defines parents and children grids. Since openPMD does not have multiple levels of refinement there are no parents or children for any grid. """ _id_offset = 0 __slots__ = ["_level_id"] # Every particle species and mesh might have different hdf5-indices and offsets ftypes: list[str] | None = [] ptypes: list[str] | None = [] findex = 0 foffset = 0 pindex = 0 poffset = 0 def __init__(self, gid, index, level=-1, fi=0, fo=0, pi=0, po=0, ft=None, pt=None): AMRGridPatch.__init__(self, gid, filename=index.index_filename, index=index) if ft is None: ft = [] if pt is None: pt = [] self.findex = fi self.foffset = fo self.pindex = pi self.poffset = po self.ftypes = ft self.ptypes = pt self.Parent = None self.Children = [] self.Level = level def __str__(self): return "OpenPMDGrid_%04i (%s)" % (, self.ActiveDimensions)
[docs] class OpenPMDHierarchy(GridIndex): """Defines which fields and particles are created and read from disk. Furthermore it defines the characteristics of the grids. """ grid = OpenPMDGrid def __init__(self, ds, dataset_type="openPMD"): self.dataset_type = dataset_type self.dataset = ds self.index_filename = ds.parameter_filename = path.dirname(self.index_filename) GridIndex.__init__(self, ds, dataset_type) def _get_particle_type_counts(self): """Reads the active number of particles for every species. Returns ------- dict keys are ptypes values are integer counts of the ptype """ result = {} f = self.dataset._handle bp = self.dataset.base_path pp = self.dataset.particles_path try: for ptype in self.ds.particle_types_raw: if str(ptype) == "io": spec = list(f[bp + pp].keys())[0] else: spec = ptype axis = list(f[bp + pp + "/" + spec + "/position"].keys())[0] pos = f[bp + pp + "/" + spec + "/position/" + axis] if is_const_component(pos): result[ptype] = pos.attrs["shape"] else: result[ptype] = pos.len() except KeyError: result["io"] = 0 return result def _detect_output_fields(self): """Populates ``self.field_list`` with native fields (mesh and particle) on disk. Each entry is a tuple of two strings. The first element is the on-disk fluid type or particle type. The second element is the name of the field in yt. This string is later used for accessing the data. Convention suggests that the on-disk fluid type should be "openPMD", the on-disk particle type (for a single species of particles) is "io" or (for multiple species of particles) the particle name on-disk. """ f = self.dataset._handle bp = self.dataset.base_path mp = self.dataset.meshes_path pp = self.dataset.particles_path mesh_fields = [] try: meshes = f[bp + mp] for mname in meshes.keys(): try: mesh = meshes[mname] for axis in mesh.keys(): mesh_fields.append(mname.replace("_", "-") + "_" + axis) except AttributeError: # This is a h5py.Dataset (i.e. no axes) mesh_fields.append(mname.replace("_", "-")) except (KeyError, TypeError, AttributeError): pass self.field_list = [("openPMD", str(field)) for field in mesh_fields] particle_fields = [] try: particles = f[bp + pp] for pname in particles.keys(): species = particles[pname] for recname in species.keys(): record = species[recname] if is_const_component(record): # Record itself (e.g. particle_mass) is constant particle_fields.append( pname.replace("_", "-") + "_" + recname.replace("_", "-") ) elif "particlePatches" not in recname: try: # Create a field for every axis (x,y,z) of every # property (position) of every species (electrons) axes = list(record.keys()) if str(recname) == "position": recname = "positionCoarse" for axis in axes: particle_fields.append( pname.replace("_", "-") + "_" + recname.replace("_", "-") + "_" + axis ) except AttributeError: # Record is a dataset, does not have axes (e.g. weighting) particle_fields.append( pname.replace("_", "-") + "_" + recname.replace("_", "-") ) pass else: pass if len(list(particles.keys())) > 1: # There is more than one particle species, # use the specific names as field types self.field_list.extend( [ ( str(field).split("_")[0], ("particle_" + "_".join(str(field).split("_")[1:])), ) for field in particle_fields ] ) else: # Only one particle species, fall back to "io" self.field_list.extend( [ ("io", ("particle_" + "_".join(str(field).split("_")[1:]))) for field in particle_fields ] ) except (KeyError, TypeError, AttributeError): pass def _count_grids(self): """Sets ``self.num_grids`` to be the total number of grids in the simulation. The number of grids is determined by their respective memory footprint. """ f = self.dataset._handle bp = self.dataset.base_path mp = self.dataset.meshes_path pp = self.dataset.particles_path self.meshshapes = {} self.numparts = {} self.num_grids = 0 try: meshes = f[bp + mp] for mname in meshes.keys(): mesh = meshes[mname] if isinstance(mesh, h5py.Group): shape = mesh[list(mesh.keys())[0]].shape else: shape = mesh.shape spacing = tuple(mesh.attrs["gridSpacing"]) offset = tuple(mesh.attrs["gridGlobalOffset"]) unit_si = mesh.attrs["gridUnitSI"] self.meshshapes[mname] = (shape, spacing, offset, unit_si) except (KeyError, TypeError, AttributeError): pass try: particles = f[bp + pp] for pname in particles.keys(): species = particles[pname] if "particlePatches" in species.keys(): for patch, size in enumerate( species["/particlePatches/numParticles"] ): self.numparts[f"{pname}#{patch}"] = size else: axis = list(species["/position"].keys())[0] if is_const_component(species["/position/" + axis]): self.numparts[pname] = species["/position/" + axis].attrs[ "shape" ] else: self.numparts[pname] = species["/position/" + axis].len() except (KeyError, TypeError, AttributeError): pass # Limit values per grid by resulting memory footprint self.vpg = int(self.dataset.gridsize / 4) # 4Byte per value (f32) # Meshes of the same size do not need separate chunks for shape, *_ in set(self.meshshapes.values()): self.num_grids += min( shape[0], int(np.ceil(reduce(mul, shape) * self.vpg**-1)) ) # Same goes for particle chunks if they are not inside particlePatches patches = {} no_patches = {} for k, v in self.numparts.items(): if "#" in k: patches[k] = v else: no_patches[k] = v for size in set(no_patches.values()): self.num_grids += int(np.ceil(size * self.vpg**-1)) for size in patches.values(): self.num_grids += int(np.ceil(size * self.vpg**-1)) def _parse_index(self): """Fills each grid with appropriate properties (extent, dimensions, ...) This calculates the properties of every OpenPMDGrid based on the total number of grids in the simulation. The domain is divided into ``self.num_grids`` (roughly) equally sized chunks along the x-axis. ``grid_levels`` is always equal to 0 since we only have one level of refinement in openPMD. Notes ----- ``self.grid_dimensions`` is rounded to the nearest integer. Grid edges are calculated from this dimension. Grids with dimensions [0, 0, 0] are particle only. The others do not have any particles affiliated with them. """ f = self.dataset._handle bp = self.dataset.base_path pp = self.dataset.particles_path self.grid_levels.flat[:] = 0 self.grids = np.empty(self.num_grids, dtype="object") grid_index_total = 0 # Mesh grids for mesh in set(self.meshshapes.values()): (shape, spacing, offset, unit_si) = mesh shape = np.asarray(shape) spacing = np.asarray(spacing) offset = np.asarray(offset) # Total dimension of this grid domain_dimension = np.asarray(shape, dtype=np.int32) domain_dimension = np.append( domain_dimension, np.ones(3 - len(domain_dimension)) ) # Number of grids of this shape num_grids = min(shape[0], int(np.ceil(reduce(mul, shape) * self.vpg**-1))) gle = offset * unit_si # self.dataset.domain_left_edge gre = ( domain_dimension[: spacing.size] * unit_si * spacing + gle ) # self.dataset.domain_right_edge gle = np.append(gle, np.zeros(3 - len(gle))) gre = np.append(gre, np.ones(3 - len(gre))) grid_dim_offset = np.linspace( 0, domain_dimension[0], num_grids + 1, dtype=np.int32 ) grid_edge_offset = ( grid_dim_offset * float(domain_dimension[0]) ** -1 * (gre[0] - gle[0]) + gle[0] ) mesh_names = [] for mname, mdata in self.meshshapes.items(): if mesh == mdata: mesh_names.append(str(mname)) prev = 0 for grid in np.arange(num_grids): self.grid_dimensions[grid_index_total] = domain_dimension self.grid_dimensions[grid_index_total][0] = ( grid_dim_offset[grid + 1] - grid_dim_offset[grid] ) self.grid_left_edge[grid_index_total] = gle self.grid_left_edge[grid_index_total][0] = grid_edge_offset[grid] self.grid_right_edge[grid_index_total] = gre self.grid_right_edge[grid_index_total][0] = grid_edge_offset[grid + 1] self.grid_particle_count[grid_index_total] = 0 self.grids[grid_index_total] = self.grid( grid_index_total, self, 0, fi=prev, fo=self.grid_dimensions[grid_index_total][0], ft=mesh_names, ) prev += self.grid_dimensions[grid_index_total][0] grid_index_total += 1 handled_ptypes = [] # Particle grids for species, count in self.numparts.items(): if "#" in species: # This is a particlePatch spec = species.split("#") patch = f[bp + pp + "/" + spec[0] + "/particlePatches"] domain_dimension = np.ones(3, dtype=np.int32) for ind, axis in enumerate(list(patch["extent"].keys())): domain_dimension[ind] = patch["extent/" + axis][()][int(spec[1])] num_grids = int(np.ceil(count * self.vpg**-1)) gle = [] for axis in patch["offset"].keys(): gle.append( get_component(patch, "offset/" + axis, int(spec[1]), 1)[0] ) gle = np.asarray(gle) gle = np.append(gle, np.zeros(3 - len(gle))) gre = [] for axis in patch["extent"].keys(): gre.append( get_component(patch, "extent/" + axis, int(spec[1]), 1)[0] ) gre = np.asarray(gre) gre = np.append(gre, np.ones(3 - len(gre))) np.add(gle, gre, gre) npo = patch["numParticlesOffset"][()].item(int(spec[1])) particle_count = np.linspace( npo, npo + count, num_grids + 1, dtype=np.int32 ) particle_names = [str(spec[0])] elif str(species) not in handled_ptypes: domain_dimension = self.dataset.domain_dimensions num_grids = int(np.ceil(count * self.vpg**-1)) gle = self.dataset.domain_left_edge gre = self.dataset.domain_right_edge particle_count = np.linspace(0, count, num_grids + 1, dtype=np.int32) particle_names = [] for pname, size in self.numparts.items(): if size == count: # Since this is not part of a particlePatch, # we can include multiple same-sized ptypes particle_names.append(str(pname)) handled_ptypes.append(str(pname)) else: # A grid with this exact particle count has already been created continue for grid in np.arange(num_grids): self.grid_dimensions[grid_index_total] = domain_dimension self.grid_left_edge[grid_index_total] = gle self.grid_right_edge[grid_index_total] = gre self.grid_particle_count[grid_index_total] = ( particle_count[grid + 1] - particle_count[grid] ) * len(particle_names) self.grids[grid_index_total] = self.grid( grid_index_total, self, 0, pi=particle_count[grid], po=particle_count[grid + 1] - particle_count[grid], pt=particle_names, ) grid_index_total += 1 def _populate_grid_objects(self): """This initializes all grids. Additionally, it should set up Children and Parent lists on each grid object. openPMD is not adaptive and thus there are no Children and Parents for any grid. """ for i in np.arange(self.num_grids): self.grids[i]._prepare_grid() self.grids[i]._setup_dx() self.max_level = 0
[docs] class OpenPMDDataset(Dataset): """Contains all the required information of a single iteration of the simulation. Notes ----- It is assumed that - all meshes cover the same region. Their resolution can be different. - all particles reside in this same region exclusively. - particle and mesh positions are *absolute* with respect to the simulation origin. """ _load_requirements = ["h5py"] _index_class = OpenPMDHierarchy _field_info_class = OpenPMDFieldInfo def __init__( self, filename, dataset_type="openPMD", storage_filename=None, units_override=None, unit_system="mks", **kwargs, ): self._handle = HDF5FileHandler(filename) self.gridsize = kwargs.pop("open_pmd_virtual_gridsize", 10**9) self.standard_version = Version(self._handle.attrs["openPMD"].decode()) self.iteration = kwargs.pop("iteration", None) self._set_paths(self._handle, path.dirname(filename), self.iteration) Dataset.__init__( self, filename, dataset_type, units_override=units_override, unit_system=unit_system, ) self.storage_filename = storage_filename self.fluid_types += ("openPMD",) try: particles = tuple( str(c) for c in self._handle[self.base_path + self.particles_path].keys() ) if len(particles) > 1: # Only use on-disk particle names if there is more than one species self.particle_types = particles mylog.debug("self.particle_types: %s", self.particle_types) self.particle_types_raw = self.particle_types self.particle_types = tuple(self.particle_types) except (KeyError, TypeError, AttributeError): pass def _set_paths(self, handle, path, iteration): """Parses relevant hdf5-paths out of ``handle``. Parameters ---------- handle : h5py.File path : str (absolute) filepath for current hdf5 container """ iterations = [] if iteration is None: iteration = list(handle["/data"].keys())[0] encoding = handle.attrs["iterationEncoding"].decode() if "groupBased" in encoding: iterations = list(handle["/data"].keys())"Found %s iterations in file", len(iterations)) elif "fileBased" in encoding: itformat = handle.attrs["iterationFormat"].decode().split("/")[-1] regex = "^" + itformat.replace("%T", "[0-9]+") + "$" if path == "": mylog.warning( "For file based iterations, please use absolute file paths!" ) pass for filename in listdir(path): if match(regex, filename): iterations.append(filename)"Found %s iterations in directory", len(iterations)) if len(iterations) == 0: mylog.warning("No iterations found!") if "groupBased" in encoding and len(iterations) > 1: mylog.warning("Only chose to load one iteration (%s)", iteration) self.base_path = f"/data/{iteration}/" try: self.meshes_path = self._handle["/"].attrs["meshesPath"].decode() handle[self.base_path + self.meshes_path] except KeyError: if self.standard_version <= Version("1.1.0"): "meshesPath not present in file. " "Assuming file contains no meshes and has a domain extent of 1m^3!" ) self.meshes_path = None else: raise try: self.particles_path = self._handle["/"].attrs["particlesPath"].decode() handle[self.base_path + self.particles_path] except KeyError: if self.standard_version <= Version("1.1.0"): "particlesPath not present in file." " Assuming file contains no particles!" ) self.particles_path = None else: raise def _set_code_unit_attributes(self): """Handle conversion between different physical units and the code units. Every dataset in openPMD can have different code <-> physical scaling. The individual factor is obtained by multiplying with "unitSI" reading getting data from disk. """ setdefaultattr(self, "length_unit", self.quan(1.0, "m")) setdefaultattr(self, "mass_unit", self.quan(1.0, "kg")) setdefaultattr(self, "time_unit", self.quan(1.0, "s")) setdefaultattr(self, "velocity_unit", self.quan(1.0, "m/s")) setdefaultattr(self, "magnetic_unit", self.quan(1.0, "T")) def _parse_parameter_file(self): """Read in metadata describing the overall data on-disk.""" f = self._handle bp = self.base_path mp = self.meshes_path self.parameters = 0 self._periodicity = np.zeros(3, dtype="bool") self.refine_by = 1 self.cosmological_simulation = 0 try: shapes = {} left_edges = {} right_edges = {} meshes = f[bp + mp] for mname in meshes.keys(): mesh = meshes[mname] if isinstance(mesh, h5py.Group): shape = np.asarray(mesh[list(mesh.keys())[0]].shape) else: shape = np.asarray(mesh.shape) spacing = np.asarray(mesh.attrs["gridSpacing"]) offset = np.asarray(mesh.attrs["gridGlobalOffset"]) unit_si = np.asarray(mesh.attrs["gridUnitSI"]) le = offset * unit_si re = le + shape * unit_si * spacing shapes[mname] = shape left_edges[mname] = le right_edges[mname] = re lowest_dim = np.min([len(i) for i in shapes.values()]) shapes = np.asarray([i[:lowest_dim] for i in shapes.values()]) left_edges = np.asarray([i[:lowest_dim] for i in left_edges.values()]) right_edges = np.asarray([i[:lowest_dim] for i in right_edges.values()]) fs = [] dle = [] dre = [] for i in np.arange(lowest_dim): fs.append(np.max(shapes.transpose()[i])) dle.append(np.min(left_edges.transpose()[i])) dre.append(np.min(right_edges.transpose()[i])) self.dimensionality = len(fs) self.domain_dimensions = np.append(fs, np.ones(3 - self.dimensionality)) self.domain_left_edge = np.append(dle, np.zeros(3 - len(dle))) self.domain_right_edge = np.append(dre, np.ones(3 - len(dre))) except (KeyError, TypeError, AttributeError): if self.standard_version <= Version("1.1.0"): self.dimensionality = 3 self.domain_dimensions = np.ones(3, dtype=np.float64) self.domain_left_edge = np.zeros(3, dtype=np.float64) self.domain_right_edge = np.ones(3, dtype=np.float64) else: raise self.current_time = f[bp].attrs["time"] * f[bp].attrs["timeUnitSI"] @classmethod def _is_valid(cls, filename: str, *args, **kwargs) -> bool: """Checks whether the supplied file can be read by this frontend.""" if not valid_hdf5_signature(filename): return False if cls._missing_load_requirements(): return False try: with h5py.File(filename, mode="r") as f: attrs = list(f["/"].attrs.keys()) for i in opmd_required_attributes: if i not in attrs: return False if Version(f.attrs["openPMD"].decode()) not in ompd_known_versions: return False if f.attrs["iterationEncoding"].decode() == "fileBased": return True return False except OSError: return False
[docs] class OpenPMDDatasetSeries(DatasetSeries): _pre_outputs = () _dataset_cls = OpenPMDDataset parallel = True setup_function = None mixed_dataset_types = False def __init__(self, filename): super().__init__([]) self.handle = h5py.File(filename, mode="r") self.filename = filename self._pre_outputs = sorted( np.asarray(list(self.handle["/data"].keys()), dtype="int64") ) def __iter__(self): for it in self._pre_outputs: ds = self._load(it, **self.kwargs) self._setup_function(ds) yield ds def __getitem__(self, key): if isinstance(key, int): o = self._load(key) self._setup_function(o) return o else: raise KeyError(f"Unknown iteration {key}") def _load(self, it, **kwargs): return OpenPMDDataset(self.filename, iteration=it)
[docs] class OpenPMDGroupBasedDataset(Dataset): _load_requirements = ["h5py"] _index_class = OpenPMDHierarchy _field_info_class = OpenPMDFieldInfo def __new__(cls, filename, *args, **kwargs): ret = object.__new__(OpenPMDDatasetSeries) ret.__init__(filename) return ret @classmethod def _is_valid(cls, filename: str, *args, **kwargs) -> bool: if not valid_hdf5_signature(filename): return False if cls._missing_load_requirements(): return False try: with h5py.File(filename, mode="r") as f: attrs = list(f["/"].attrs.keys()) for i in opmd_required_attributes: if i not in attrs: return False if Version(f.attrs["openPMD"].decode()) not in ompd_known_versions: return False if f.attrs["iterationEncoding"].decode() == "groupBased": return True return False except OSError: return False