Source code for yt.frontends.gizmo.data_structures
import os
import numpy as np
from yt.frontends.gadget.data_structures import GadgetHDF5Dataset
from yt.utilities.cosmology import Cosmology
from yt.utilities.logger import ytLogger as mylog
from yt.utilities.on_demand_imports import _h5py as h5py
from .fields import GizmoFieldInfo
class GizmoDataset(GadgetHDF5Dataset):
_load_requirements = ["h5py"]
_field_info_class = GizmoFieldInfo
def _is_valid(cls, filename: str, *args, **kwargs) -> bool:
if cls._missing_load_requirements():
return False
need_groups = ["Header"]
veto_groups = ["Config", "Constants", "FOF", "Group", "Subhalo"]
valid = True
valid_fname = filename
# If passed arg is a directory, look for the .0 file in that dir
if os.path.isdir(filename):
valid_files = []
for f in os.listdir(filename):
fname = os.path.join(filename, f)
fext = os.path.splitext(fname)[-1]
if (
(".0" in f)
and (fext not in {".ewah", ".kdtree"})
and os.path.isfile(fname)
if len(valid_files) == 0:
valid = False
elif len(valid_files) > 1:
valid = False
valid_fname = valid_files[0]
fh = h5py.File(valid_fname, mode="r")
valid = all(ng in fh["/"] for ng in need_groups) and not any(
vg in fh["/"] for vg in veto_groups
# From Apr 2021, 7f1f06f, public gizmo includes a header variable
# GIZMO_version, which is set to the year of the most recent commit
# We should prefer this to checking the metallicity, which might
# not exist
if "GIZMO_version" not in fh["/Header"].attrs:
dmetal = "/PartType0/Metallicity"
if dmetal not in fh or (
fh[dmetal].ndim > 1 and fh[dmetal].shape[1] < 11
valid = False
except Exception:
valid = False
return valid
def _set_code_unit_attributes(self):
def _parse_parameter_file(self):
hvals = self._get_hvals()
self.dimensionality = 3
self.refine_by = 2
self.parameters["HydroMethod"] = "sph"
# Set standard values
# We may have an overridden bounding box.
if self.domain_left_edge is None and hvals["BoxSize"] != 0:
self.domain_left_edge = np.zeros(3, "float64")
self.domain_right_edge = np.ones(3, "float64") * hvals["BoxSize"]
self.domain_dimensions = np.ones(3, "int32")
self._periodicity = (True, True, True)
self.cosmological_simulation = 1
self.current_redshift = hvals.get("Redshift", 0.0)
if "Redshift" not in hvals:"Redshift is not set in Header. Assuming z=0.")
if "ComovingIntegrationOn" in hvals:
# In 1d8479, Nov 2020, public GIZMO updated the names of the Omegas
# to include an _, added baryons and radiation and added the
# ComovingIntegrationOn field. ComovingIntegrationOn is always set,
# but the Omega's are only included if ComovingIntegrationOn is true
mylog.debug("Reading cosmological parameters using post-1d8479 format")
self.cosmological_simulation = hvals["ComovingIntegrationOn"]
if self.cosmological_simulation:
self.omega_lambda = hvals["Omega_Lambda"]
self.omega_matter = hvals["Omega_Matter"]
self.omega_baryon = hvals["Omega_Baryon"]
self.omega_radiation = hvals["Omega_Radiation"]
self.hubble_constant = hvals["HubbleParam"]
elif "OmegaLambda" in hvals:
# Should still support GIZMO versions prior to 1d8479 too
"ComovingIntegrationOn does not exist, falling back to OmegaLambda",
self.omega_lambda = hvals["OmegaLambda"]
self.omega_matter = hvals["Omega0"]
self.hubble_constant = hvals["HubbleParam"]
self.cosmological_simulation = self.omega_lambda != 0.0
# If these are not set it is definitely not a cosmological dataset.
mylog.debug("No cosmological information found, assuming defaults")
self.omega_lambda = 0.0
self.omega_matter = 0.0 # Just in case somebody asks for it.
self.cosmological_simulation = 0
# Hubble is set below for Omega Lambda = 0.
if not self.cosmological_simulation:
"ComovingIntegrationOn != 1 or (not found "
"and OmegaLambda is 0.0), so we are turning off Cosmology.",
self.hubble_constant = 1.0 # So that scaling comes out correct
self.current_redshift = 0.0
# This may not be correct.
self.current_time = hvals["Time"]
# Now we calculate our time based on the cosmology, because in
# ComovingIntegration hvals["Time"] will in fact be the expansion
# factor, not the actual integration time, so we re-calculate
# global time from our Cosmology.
cosmo = Cosmology(
self.current_time = cosmo.lookback_time(self.current_redshift, 1e6)
"Calculating time from %0.3e to be %0.3e seconds",
self.parameters = hvals
prefix = os.path.join(, self.basename.split(".", 1)[0])
if hvals["NumFiles"] > 1:
self.filename_template = f"{prefix}.%(num)s{self._suffix}"
self.filename_template = self.parameter_filename
self.file_count = hvals["NumFiles"]