Source code for

from collections import defaultdict

import numpy as np

from yt.funcs import mylog
from yt.utilities.io_handler import BaseParticleIOHandler
from yt.utilities.on_demand_imports import _h5py as h5py

[docs] class IOHandlerGadgetFOFHDF5(BaseParticleIOHandler): _dataset_type = "gadget_fof_hdf5" def __init__(self, ds): super().__init__(ds) self.offset_fields = set() def _read_fluid_selection(self, chunks, selector, fields, size): raise NotImplementedError( "IOHandlerGadgetFOFHDF5 _read_fluid_selection not implemented yet" ) def _read_particle_coords(self, chunks, ptf): # This will read chunks and yield the results. for data_file in self._sorted_chunk_iterator(chunks): with h5py.File(data_file.filename, mode="r") as f: for ptype in sorted(ptf): coords = data_file._get_particle_positions(ptype, f=f) if coords is None: continue x = coords[:, 0] y = coords[:, 1] z = coords[:, 2] yield ptype, (x, y, z), 0.0 def _yield_coordinates(self, data_file): ptypes = self.ds.particle_types_raw with h5py.File(data_file.filename, mode="r") as f: for ptype in sorted(ptypes): pcount = data_file.total_particles[ptype] if pcount == 0: continue coords = f[ptype][f"{ptype}Pos"][()].astype("float64") coords = np.resize(coords, (pcount, 3)) yield ptype, coords def _read_offset_particle_field(self, field, data_file, fh): field_data = np.empty(data_file.total_particles["Group"], dtype="float64") fofindex = ( np.arange(data_file.total_particles["Group"]) + data_file.index_start["Group"] ) for offset_file in data_file.offset_files: if fh.filename == offset_file.filename: ofh = fh else: ofh = h5py.File(offset_file.filename, mode="r") subindex = np.arange(offset_file.total_offset) + offset_file.offset_start substart = max(fofindex[0] - subindex[0], 0) subend = min(fofindex[-1] - subindex[0], subindex.size - 1) fofstart = substart + subindex[0] - fofindex[0] fofend = subend + subindex[0] - fofindex[0] field_data[fofstart : fofend + 1] = ofh["Subhalo"][field][ substart : subend + 1 ] return field_data def _read_particle_fields(self, chunks, ptf, selector): # Now we have all the sizes, and we can allocate for data_file in self._sorted_chunk_iterator(chunks): si, ei = data_file.start, data_file.end with h5py.File(data_file.filename, mode="r") as f: for ptype, field_list in sorted(ptf.items()): pcount = data_file.total_particles[ptype] if pcount == 0: continue coords = data_file._get_particle_positions(ptype, f=f) x = coords[:, 0] y = coords[:, 1] z = coords[:, 2] mask = selector.select_points(x, y, z, 0.0) del x, y, z if mask is None: continue for field in field_list: if field in self.offset_fields: field_data = self._read_offset_particle_field( field, data_file, f ) else: if field == "particle_identifier": field_data = ( np.arange(data_file.total_particles[ptype]) + data_file.index_start[ptype] ) elif field in f[ptype]: field_data = f[ptype][field][()].astype("float64") else: fname = field[: field.rfind("_")] field_data = f[ptype][fname][()].astype("float64") my_div = field_data.size / pcount if my_div > 1: findex = int(field[field.rfind("_") + 1 :]) field_data = field_data[:, findex] data = field_data[si:ei][mask] yield (ptype, field), data def _count_particles(self, data_file): si, ei = data_file.start, data_file.end pcount = { "Group": data_file.header["Ngroups_ThisFile"], "Subhalo": data_file.header["Nsubgroups_ThisFile"], } if None not in (si, ei): for ptype in pcount: pcount[ptype] = np.clip(pcount[ptype] - si, 0, ei - si) return pcount def _identify_fields(self, data_file): fields = [] pcount = data_file.total_particles if sum(pcount.values()) == 0: return fields, {} with h5py.File(data_file.filename, mode="r") as f: for ptype in self.ds.particle_types_raw: if data_file.total_particles[ptype] == 0: continue fields.append((ptype, "particle_identifier")) my_fields, my_offset_fields = subfind_field_list( f[ptype], ptype, data_file.total_particles ) fields.extend(my_fields) self.offset_fields = self.offset_fields.union(set(my_offset_fields)) return fields, {}
[docs] class IOHandlerGadgetFOFHaloHDF5(IOHandlerGadgetFOFHDF5): _dataset_type = "gadget_fof_halo_hdf5" def _read_particle_coords(self, chunks, ptf): pass def _read_particle_selection(self, dobj, fields): rv = {} ind = {} # We first need a set of masks for each particle type ptf = defaultdict(list) # ON-DISK TO READ fsize = defaultdict(lambda: 0) # COUNT RV field_maps = defaultdict(list) # ptypes -> fields unions = self.ds.particle_unions # What we need is a mapping from particle types to return types for field in fields: ftype, fname = field fsize[field] = 0 # We should add a check for p.fparticle_unions or something here if ftype in unions: for pt in unions[ftype]: ptf[pt].append(fname) field_maps[pt, fname].append(field) else: ptf[ftype].append(fname) field_maps[field].append(field) # Now we allocate psize = {dobj.ptype: dobj.particle_number} for field in fields: if field[0] in unions: for pt in unions[field[0]]: fsize[field] += psize.get(pt, 0) else: fsize[field] += psize.get(field[0], 0) for field in fields: if field[1] in self._vector_fields: shape = (fsize[field], self._vector_fields[field[1]]) elif field[1] in self._array_fields: shape = (fsize[field],) + self._array_fields[field[1]] elif field in self.ds.scalar_field_list: shape = (1,) else: shape = (fsize[field],) rv[field] = np.empty(shape, dtype="float64") ind[field] = 0 # Now we read. for field_r, vals in self._read_particle_fields(dobj, ptf): # Note that we now need to check the mappings for field_f in field_maps[field_r]: my_ind = ind[field_f] rv[field_f][my_ind : my_ind + vals.shape[0], ...] = vals ind[field_f] += vals.shape[0] # Now we need to truncate all our fields, since we allow for # over-estimating. for field_f in ind: rv[field_f] = rv[field_f][: ind[field_f]] return rv def _read_scalar_fields(self, dobj, scalar_fields): all_data = {} if not scalar_fields: return all_data pcount = 1 with h5py.File(dobj.scalar_data_file.filename, mode="r") as f: for ptype, field_list in sorted(scalar_fields.items()): for field in field_list: if field == "particle_identifier": field_data = ( np.arange(dobj.scalar_data_file.total_particles[ptype]) + dobj.scalar_data_file.index_start[ptype] ) elif field in f[ptype]: field_data = f[ptype][field][()].astype("float64") else: fname = field[: field.rfind("_")] field_data = f[ptype][fname][()].astype("float64") my_div = field_data.size / pcount if my_div > 1: findex = int(field[field.rfind("_") + 1 :]) field_data = field_data[:, findex] data = np.array([field_data[dobj.scalar_index]]) all_data[ptype, field] = data return all_data def _read_member_fields(self, dobj, member_fields): all_data = defaultdict(lambda: np.empty(dobj.particle_number, dtype=np.float64)) if not member_fields: return all_data field_start = 0 for i, data_file in enumerate(dobj.field_data_files): start_index = dobj.field_data_start[i] end_index = dobj.field_data_end[i] pcount = end_index - start_index if pcount == 0: continue field_end = field_start + end_index - start_index with h5py.File(data_file.filename, mode="r") as f: for ptype, field_list in sorted(member_fields.items()): for field in field_list: field_data = all_data[ptype, field] if field in f["IDs"]: my_data = f["IDs"][field][start_index:end_index].astype( "float64" ) else: fname = field[: field.rfind("_")] my_data = f["IDs"][fname][start_index:end_index].astype( "float64" ) my_div = my_data.size / pcount if my_div > 1: findex = int(field[field.rfind("_") + 1 :]) my_data = my_data[:, findex] field_data[field_start:field_end] = my_data field_start = field_end return all_data def _read_particle_fields(self, dobj, ptf): # separate member particle fields from scalar fields scalar_fields = defaultdict(list) member_fields = defaultdict(list) for ptype, field_list in sorted(ptf.items()): for field in field_list: if (ptype, field) in self.ds.scalar_field_list: scalar_fields[ptype].append(field) else: member_fields[ptype].append(field) all_data = self._read_scalar_fields(dobj, scalar_fields) all_data.update(self._read_member_fields(dobj, member_fields)) for field, field_data in all_data.items(): yield field, field_data def _identify_fields(self, data_file): fields = [] scalar_fields = [] id_fields = {} with h5py.File(data_file.filename, mode="r") as f: for ptype in self.ds.particle_types_raw: fields.append((ptype, "particle_identifier")) scalar_fields.append((ptype, "particle_identifier")) my_fields, my_offset_fields = subfind_field_list( f[ptype], ptype, data_file.total_particles ) fields.extend(my_fields) scalar_fields.extend(my_fields) if "IDs" not in f: continue id_fields = [(ptype, field) for field in f["IDs"]] fields.extend(id_fields) return fields, scalar_fields, id_fields, {}
[docs] def subfind_field_list(fh, ptype, pcount): fields = [] offset_fields = [] for field in fh.keys(): if isinstance(fh[field], h5py.Group): my_fields, my_offset_fields = subfind_field_list(fh[field], ptype, pcount) fields.extend(my_fields) my_offset_fields.extend(offset_fields) else: if not fh[field].size % pcount[ptype]: my_div = fh[field].size / pcount[ptype] fname = fh[field].name[fh[field].name.find(ptype) + len(ptype) + 1 :] if my_div > 1: for i in range(int(my_div)): fields.append((ptype, "%s_%d" % (fname, i))) else: fields.append((ptype, fname)) elif ( ptype == "Subhalo" and not fh[field].size % fh["/Subhalo"].attrs["Number_of_groups"] ): # These are actually Group fields, but they were written after # a load balancing step moved halos around and thus they do not # correspond to the halos stored in the Group group. my_div = fh[field].size / fh["/Subhalo"].attrs["Number_of_groups"] fname = fh[field].name[fh[field].name.find(ptype) + len(ptype) + 1 :] if my_div > 1: for i in range(int(my_div)): fields.append(("Group", "%s_%d" % (fname, i))) else: fields.append(("Group", fname)) offset_fields.append(fname) else: mylog.warning( "Cannot add field (%s, %s) with size %d.", ptype, fh[field].name, fh[field].size, ) continue return fields, offset_fields