Source code for yt.frontends.fits.data_structures

import os
import time
import uuid
import warnings
import weakref
from collections import defaultdict
from functools import cached_property

import numpy as np
from more_itertools import always_iterable

from yt.config import ytcfg
from yt.data_objects.index_subobjects.grid_patch import AMRGridPatch
from yt.data_objects.static_output import Dataset
from yt.fields.field_info_container import FieldInfoContainer
from yt.funcs import mylog, setdefaultattr
from yt.geometry.api import Geometry
from yt.geometry.geometry_handler import YTDataChunk
from yt.geometry.grid_geometry_handler import GridIndex
from yt.units import dimensions
from yt.units.unit_lookup_table import (  # type: ignore
from yt.units.unit_object import UnitParseError  # type: ignore
from yt.units.yt_array import YTQuantity
from yt.utilities.decompose import decompose_array, get_psize
from yt.utilities.file_handler import FITSFileHandler
from yt.utilities.io_handler import io_registry
from yt.utilities.on_demand_imports import NotAModule, _astropy

from .fields import FITSFieldInfo, WCSFITSFieldInfo, YTFITSFieldInfo

lon_prefixes = ["X", "RA", "GLON", "LINEAR"]
lat_prefixes = ["Y", "DEC", "GLAT", "LINEAR"]

spec_names = {"V": "Velocity", "F": "Frequency", "E": "Energy", "W": "Wavelength"}

space_prefixes = list(set(lon_prefixes + lat_prefixes))
unique_sky_prefixes = set(space_prefixes)
unique_sky_prefixes.difference_update({"X", "Y", "LINEAR"})
sky_prefixes = list(unique_sky_prefixes)
spec_prefixes = list(spec_names.keys())

[docs] class FITSGrid(AMRGridPatch): _id_offset = 0 def __init__(self, id, index, level): AMRGridPatch.__init__(self, id, filename=index.index_filename, index=index) self.Parent = None self.Children = [] self.Level = 0
[docs] class FITSHierarchy(GridIndex): grid = FITSGrid def __init__(self, ds, dataset_type="fits"): self.dataset_type = dataset_type self.field_indexes = {} self.dataset = weakref.proxy(ds) # for now, the index file is the dataset self.index_filename = self.dataset.parameter_filename = os.path.dirname(self.index_filename) self._handle = ds._handle self.float_type = np.float64 GridIndex.__init__(self, ds, dataset_type) def _initialize_data_storage(self): pass def _guess_name_from_units(self, units): field_from_unit = {"Jy": "intensity", "K": "temperature"} for k, v in field_from_unit.items(): if k in units: mylog.warning( "Guessing this is a %s field based on its units of %s.", v, k ) return v return None def _determine_image_units(self, bunit): try: try: # First let AstroPy attempt to figure the unit out u = 1.0 * _astropy.units.Unit(bunit, format="fits") u = YTQuantity.from_astropy(u).units except ValueError: try: # Let yt try it by itself u = self.ds.quan(1.0, bunit).units except UnitParseError: return "dimensionless" return str(u) except KeyError: return "dimensionless" def _ensure_same_dims(self, hdu): ds = self.dataset conditions = [hdu.header["naxis"] != ds.primary_header["naxis"]] for i in range(ds.naxis): nax = "naxis%d" % (i + 1) conditions.append(hdu.header[nax] != ds.primary_header[nax]) if np.any(conditions): return False else: return True def _detect_output_fields(self): self.field_list = [] self._axis_map = {} self._file_map = {} self._ext_map = {} self._scale_map = {} dup_field_index = {} # Since FITS header keywords are case-insensitive, we only pick a subset of # prefixes, ones that we expect to end up in headers. known_units = {unit.lower(): unit for unit in self.ds.unit_registry.lut} for unit in list(known_units.values()): if unit in self.ds.unit_registry.prefixable_units: for p in ["n", "u", "m", "c", "k"]: known_units[(p + unit).lower()] = p + unit # We create a field from each slice on the 4th axis if self.dataset.naxis == 4: naxis4 = self.dataset.primary_header["naxis4"] else: naxis4 = 1 for i, fits_file in enumerate(self.dataset._handle._fits_files): for j, hdu in enumerate(fits_file): if ( isinstance(hdu, _astropy.pyfits.BinTableHDU) or hdu.header["naxis"] == 0 ): continue if self._ensure_same_dims(hdu): units = self._determine_image_units(hdu.header["bunit"]) try: # Grab field name from btype fname = hdu.header["btype"] except KeyError: # Try to guess the name from the units fname = self._guess_name_from_units(units) # When all else fails if fname is None: fname = "image_%d" % (j) if self.ds.num_files > 1 and fname.startswith("image"): fname += "_file_%d" % (i) if ("fits", fname) in self.field_list: if fname in dup_field_index: dup_field_index[fname] += 1 else: dup_field_index[fname] = 1 mylog.warning( "This field has the same name as a previously loaded " "field. Changing the name from %s to %s_%d. To avoid " "this, change one of the BTYPE header keywords.", fname, fname, dup_field_index[fname], ) fname += "_%d" % (dup_field_index[fname]) for k in range(naxis4): if naxis4 > 1: fname += "_%s_%d" % (hdu.header["CTYPE4"], k + 1) self._axis_map[fname] = k self._file_map[fname] = fits_file self._ext_map[fname] = j self._scale_map[fname] = [0.0, 1.0] if "bzero" in hdu.header: self._scale_map[fname][0] = hdu.header["bzero"] if "bscale" in hdu.header: self._scale_map[fname][1] = hdu.header["bscale"] self.field_list.append(("fits", fname)) self.dataset.field_units[fname] = units"Adding field %s to the list of fields.", fname) if units == "dimensionless": mylog.warning( "Could not determine dimensions for field %s, " "setting to dimensionless.", fname, ) else: mylog.warning( "Image block %s does not have the same dimensions " "as the primary and will not be available as a field.",, ) def _count_grids(self): self.num_grids = self.ds.parameters["nprocs"] def _parse_index(self): ds = self.dataset # If nprocs > 1, decompose the domain into virtual grids if self.num_grids > 1: self._domain_decomp() else: self.grid_left_edge[0, :] = ds.domain_left_edge self.grid_right_edge[0, :] = ds.domain_right_edge self.grid_dimensions[0] = ds.domain_dimensions self.grid_levels.flat[:] = 0 self.grids = np.empty(self.num_grids, dtype="object") for i in range(self.num_grids): self.grids[i] = self.grid(i, self, self.grid_levels[i, 0]) def _domain_decomp(self): bbox = np.array( [self.ds.domain_left_edge, self.ds.domain_right_edge] ).transpose() dims = self.ds.domain_dimensions psize = get_psize(dims, self.num_grids) gle, gre, shapes, slices, _ = decompose_array(dims, psize, bbox) self.grid_left_edge = self.ds.arr(gle, "code_length") self.grid_right_edge = self.ds.arr(gre, "code_length") self.grid_dimensions = np.array(shapes, dtype="int32") def _populate_grid_objects(self): for i in range(self.num_grids): self.grids[i]._prepare_grid() self.grids[i]._setup_dx() self.max_level = 0 def _setup_derived_fields(self): super()._setup_derived_fields() [self.dataset.conversion_factors[field] for field in self.field_list] for field in self.field_list: if field not in self.derived_field_list: self.derived_field_list.append(field) for field in self.derived_field_list: f = self.dataset.field_info[field] if f.is_alias: # Translating an already-converted field self.dataset.conversion_factors[field] = 1.0 def _setup_data_io(self): = io_registry[self.dataset_type](self.dataset) def _chunk_io(self, dobj, cache=True, local_only=False): # local_only is only useful for inline datasets and requires # implementation by subclasses. gfiles = defaultdict(list) gobjs = getattr(dobj._current_chunk, "objs", dobj._chunk_info) for g in gobjs: gfiles[].append(g) for fn in sorted(gfiles): gs = gfiles[fn] yield YTDataChunk( dobj, "io", gs, self._count_selection(dobj, gs), cache=cache )
[docs] def find_primary_header(fileh): # Sometimes the primary hdu doesn't have an image if len(fileh) > 1 and fileh[0].header["naxis"] == 0: first_image = 1 else: first_image = 0 header = fileh[first_image].header return header, first_image
[docs] def check_fits_valid(filename): ext = filename.rsplit(".", 1)[-1] if ext.upper() in ("GZ", "FZ"): # We don't know for sure that there will be > 1 ext = filename.rsplit(".", 1)[0].rsplit(".", 1)[-1] if ext.upper() not in ("FITS", "FTS"): return None elif isinstance(_astropy.pyfits, NotAModule): raise RuntimeError( "This appears to be a FITS file, but AstroPy is not installed." ) try: with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=UserWarning, append=True) fileh = header, _ = find_primary_header(fileh) if header["naxis"] >= 2: return fileh else: fileh.close() except Exception: pass return None
[docs] def check_sky_coords(filename, ndim): fileh = check_fits_valid(filename) if fileh is not None: try: if len(fileh) > 1 and fileh[1].name == "EVENTS" and ndim == 2: fileh.close() return True else: header, _ = find_primary_header(fileh) if header["naxis"] < ndim: return False axis_names = [ header.get("ctype%d" % (i + 1), "") for i in range(header["naxis"]) ] if len(axis_names) == 3 and axis_names.count("LINEAR") == 2: return any(a[0] in spec_prefixes for a in axis_names) x = find_axes(axis_names, sky_prefixes + spec_prefixes) fileh.close() return x >= ndim except Exception: pass return False
[docs] class FITSDataset(Dataset): _load_requirements = ["astropy"] _index_class = FITSHierarchy _field_info_class: type[FieldInfoContainer] = FITSFieldInfo _dataset_type = "fits" _handle = None def __init__( self, filename, dataset_type="fits", auxiliary_files=None, nprocs=None, storage_filename=None, nan_mask=None, suppress_astropy_warnings=True, parameters=None, units_override=None, unit_system="cgs", ): if parameters is None: parameters = {} parameters["nprocs"] = nprocs self.specified_parameters = parameters if suppress_astropy_warnings: warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", module="astropy", append=True) self.filenames = [filename] + list(always_iterable(auxiliary_files)) self.num_files = len(self.filenames) self.fluid_types += ("fits",) if nan_mask is None: self.nan_mask = {} elif isinstance(nan_mask, float): self.nan_mask = {"all": nan_mask} elif isinstance(nan_mask, dict): self.nan_mask = nan_mask self._handle = FITSFileHandler(self.filenames[0]) if isinstance( self.filenames[0], _astropy.pyfits.hdu.image._ImageBaseHDU ) or isinstance(self.filenames[0], _astropy.pyfits.HDUList): fn = f"InMemoryFITSFile_{uuid.uuid4().hex}" else: fn = self.filenames[0] self._handle._fits_files.append(self._handle) if self.num_files > 1: for fits_file in auxiliary_files: if isinstance(fits_file, _astropy.pyfits.hdu.image._ImageBaseHDU): f = _astropy.pyfits.HDUList([fits_file]) elif isinstance(fits_file, _astropy.pyfits.HDUList): f = fits_file else: if os.path.exists(fits_file): fn = fits_file else: fn = os.path.join(ytcfg.get("yt", "test_data_dir"), fits_file) f = fn, memmap=True, do_not_scale_image_data=True, ignore_blank=True ) self._handle._fits_files.append(f) self.refine_by = 2 Dataset.__init__( self, fn, dataset_type, units_override=units_override, unit_system=unit_system, ) self.storage_filename = storage_filename def _set_code_unit_attributes(self): """ Generates the conversion to various physical _units based on the parameter file """ if getattr(self, "length_unit", None) is None: default_length_units = [ u for u, v in default_unit_symbol_lut.items() if str(v[1]) == "(length)" ] more_length_units = [] for unit in default_length_units: if unit in self.unit_registry.prefixable_units: more_length_units += [prefix + unit for prefix in unit_prefixes] default_length_units += more_length_units file_units = [] cunits = [self.wcs.wcs.cunit[i] for i in range(self.dimensionality)] for unit in (_.to_string() for _ in cunits): if unit in default_length_units: file_units.append(unit) if len(set(file_units)) == 1: length_factor = self.wcs.wcs.cdelt[0] length_unit = str(file_units[0])"Found length units of %s.", length_unit) else: self.no_cgs_equiv_length = True mylog.warning("No length conversion provided. Assuming 1 = 1 cm.") length_factor = 1.0 length_unit = "cm" setdefaultattr(self, "length_unit", self.quan(length_factor, length_unit)) for unit, cgs in [("time", "s"), ("mass", "g")]: # We set these to cgs for now, but they may have been overridden if getattr(self, unit + "_unit", None) is not None: continue mylog.warning("Assuming 1.0 = 1.0 %s", cgs) setdefaultattr(self, f"{unit}_unit", self.quan(1.0, cgs)) self.magnetic_unit = np.sqrt( 4 * np.pi * self.mass_unit / (self.time_unit**2 * self.length_unit) ) self.magnetic_unit.convert_to_units("gauss") self.velocity_unit = self.length_unit / self.time_unit @property def filename(self) -> str: if self._input_filename.startswith("InMemory"): return self._input_filename else: return super().filename @cached_property def unique_identifier(self) -> str: if self.filename.startswith("InMemory"): return str(time.time()) else: return super().unique_identifier def _parse_parameter_file(self): self._determine_structure() self._determine_axes() # Determine dimensionality self.dimensionality = self.naxis self.geometry = Geometry.CARTESIAN # Sometimes a FITS file has a 4D datacube, in which case # we take the 4th axis and assume it consists of different fields. if self.dimensionality == 4: self.dimensionality = 3 self._determine_wcs() self.current_time = 0.0 self.domain_dimensions = np.array(self.dims)[: self.dimensionality] if self.dimensionality == 2: self.domain_dimensions = np.append(self.domain_dimensions, [1]) self._determine_bbox() # Get the simulation time try: self.current_time = self.parameters["time"] except Exception: mylog.warning("Cannot find time") self.current_time = 0.0 pass # For now we'll ignore these self._periodicity = (False,) * 3 self.current_redshift = 0.0 self.omega_lambda = 0.0 self.omega_matter = 0.0 self.hubble_constant = 0.0 self.cosmological_simulation = 0 self._determine_nprocs() # Now we can set up some of our parameters for convenience. for k, v in self.primary_header.items(): self.parameters[k] = v # Remove potential default keys self.parameters.pop("", None) def _determine_nprocs(self): # If nprocs is None, do some automatic decomposition of the domain if self.specified_parameters["nprocs"] is None: nprocs = np.around( / 32**self.dimensionality ).astype("int64") self.parameters["nprocs"] = max(min(nprocs, 512), 1) else: self.parameters["nprocs"] = self.specified_parameters["nprocs"] def _determine_structure(self): self.primary_header, self.first_image = find_primary_header(self._handle) self.naxis = self.primary_header["naxis"] self.axis_names = [ self.primary_header.get("ctype%d" % (i + 1), "LINEAR") for i in range(self.naxis) ] self.dims = [ self.primary_header["naxis%d" % (i + 1)] for i in range(self.naxis) ] def _determine_wcs(self): wcs = _astropy.pywcs.WCS(header=self.primary_header) if self.naxis == 4: self.wcs = _astropy.pywcs.WCS(naxis=3) self.wcs.wcs.crpix = wcs.wcs.crpix[:3] self.wcs.wcs.cdelt = wcs.wcs.cdelt[:3] self.wcs.wcs.crval = wcs.wcs.crval[:3] self.wcs.wcs.cunit = [str(unit) for unit in wcs.wcs.cunit][:3] self.wcs.wcs.ctype = list(wcs.wcs.ctype)[:3] else: self.wcs = wcs def _determine_bbox(self): domain_left_edge = np.array([0.5] * 3) domain_right_edge = np.array( [float(dim) + 0.5 for dim in self.domain_dimensions] ) if self.dimensionality == 2: domain_left_edge[-1] = 0.5 domain_right_edge[-1] = 1.5 self.domain_left_edge = domain_left_edge self.domain_right_edge = domain_right_edge def _determine_axes(self): self.lat_axis = 1 self.lon_axis = 0 self.lat_name = "Y" self.lon_name = "X" @classmethod def _is_valid(cls, filename: str, *args, **kwargs) -> bool: if cls._missing_load_requirements(): return False try: fileh = check_fits_valid(filename) except Exception: return False if fileh is None: return False else: fileh.close() return True @classmethod def _guess_candidates(cls, base, directories, files): candidates = [] for fn, fnl in ((_, _.lower()) for _ in files): if ( fnl.endswith(".fits") or fnl.endswith(".fits.gz") or fnl.endswith(".fits.fz") ): candidates.append(fn) # FITS files don't preclude subdirectories return candidates, True
[docs] def close(self): self._handle.close()
[docs] def find_axes(axis_names, prefixes): x = 0 for p in prefixes: y = np.char.startswith(axis_names, p) x += np.any(y) return x
[docs] class YTFITSDataset(FITSDataset): _load_requirements = ["astropy"] _field_info_class = YTFITSFieldInfo def _parse_parameter_file(self): super()._parse_parameter_file() # Get the current time if "time" in self.primary_header: self.current_time = self.primary_header["time"] def _set_code_unit_attributes(self): """ Generates the conversion to various physical _units based on the parameter file """ for unit, cgs in [ ("length", "cm"), ("time", "s"), ("mass", "g"), ("velocity", "cm/s"), ("magnetic", "gauss"), ]: if unit == "magnetic": short_unit = "bfunit" else: short_unit = f"{unit[0]}unit" if short_unit in self.primary_header: # units should now be in header u = self.quan( self.primary_header[short_unit], self.primary_header.comments[short_unit].strip("[]"), )"Found %s units of %s.", unit, u) else: if unit == "length": # Falling back to old way of getting units for length # in old files u = self.quan(1.0, str(self.wcs.wcs.cunit[0]))"Found %s units of %s.", unit, u) else: # Give up otherwise u = self.quan(1.0, cgs) mylog.warning( "No unit for %s found. Assuming 1.0 code_%s = 1.0 %s", unit, unit, cgs, ) setdefaultattr(self, f"{unit}_unit", u) def _determine_bbox(self): dx = np.zeros(3) dx[: self.dimensionality] = self.wcs.wcs.cdelt domain_left_edge = np.zeros(3) domain_left_edge[: self.dimensionality] = self.wcs.wcs.crval - dx[ : self.dimensionality ] * (self.wcs.wcs.crpix - 0.5) domain_right_edge = domain_left_edge + dx * self.domain_dimensions if self.dimensionality == 2: domain_left_edge[-1] = 0.0 domain_right_edge[-1] = dx[0] self.domain_left_edge = domain_left_edge self.domain_right_edge = domain_right_edge @classmethod def _is_valid(cls, filename: str, *args, **kwargs) -> bool: if cls._missing_load_requirements(): return False try: fileh = check_fits_valid(filename) except Exception: return False if fileh is None: return False else: if "WCSNAME" in fileh[0].header: isyt = fileh[0].header["WCSNAME"].strip() == "yt" else: isyt = False fileh.close() return isyt
[docs] class SkyDataFITSDataset(FITSDataset): _load_requirements = ["astropy"] _field_info_class = WCSFITSFieldInfo def _determine_wcs(self): super()._determine_wcs() end = min(self.dimensionality + 1, 4) self.ctypes = np.array( [self.primary_header["CTYPE%d" % (i)] for i in range(1, end)] ) self.wcs_2d = self.wcs def _parse_parameter_file(self): super()._parse_parameter_file() end = min(self.dimensionality + 1, 4) self.geometry = Geometry.SPECTRAL_CUBE log_str = "Detected these axes: " + "%s " * len(self.ctypes), *self.ctypes) self.lat_axis = np.zeros((end - 1), dtype="bool") for p in lat_prefixes: self.lat_axis += np.char.startswith(self.ctypes, p) self.lat_axis = np.where(self.lat_axis)[0][0] self.lat_name = self.ctypes[self.lat_axis].split("-")[0].lower() self.lon_axis = np.zeros((end - 1), dtype="bool") for p in lon_prefixes: self.lon_axis += np.char.startswith(self.ctypes, p) self.lon_axis = np.where(self.lon_axis)[0][0] self.lon_name = self.ctypes[self.lon_axis].split("-")[0].lower() if self.lat_axis == self.lon_axis and self.lat_name == self.lon_name: self.lat_axis = 1 self.lon_axis = 0 self.lat_name = "Y" self.lon_name = "X" self.spec_axis = 2 self.spec_name = "z" self.spec_unit = "" def _set_code_unit_attributes(self): super()._set_code_unit_attributes() units = self.wcs_2d.wcs.cunit[0] if units == "deg": units = "degree" if units == "rad": units = "radian" pixel_area = pixel_area = self.quan(pixel_area, f"{units}**2").in_cgs() pixel_dims = pixel_area.units.dimensions self.unit_registry.add("pixel", float(pixel_area.value), dimensions=pixel_dims) if "beam_size" in self.specified_parameters: beam_size = self.specified_parameters["beam_size"] beam_size = self.quan(beam_size[0], beam_size[1]).in_cgs().value self.unit_registry.add("beam", beam_size, dimensions=dimensions.solid_angle) @classmethod def _is_valid(cls, filename: str, *args, **kwargs) -> bool: if cls._missing_load_requirements(): return False try: return check_sky_coords(filename, ndim=2) except Exception: return False
[docs] class SpectralCubeFITSHierarchy(FITSHierarchy): def _domain_decomp(self): dz = self.ds.quan(1.0, "code_length") * self.ds.spectral_factor self.grid_dimensions[:, 2] = np.around( float(self.ds.domain_dimensions[2]) / self.num_grids ).astype("int64") self.grid_dimensions[-1, 2] += self.ds.domain_dimensions[2] % self.num_grids self.grid_left_edge[0, 2] = self.ds.domain_left_edge[2] self.grid_left_edge[1:, 2] = ( self.ds.domain_left_edge[2] + np.cumsum(self.grid_dimensions[:-1, 2]) * dz ) self.grid_right_edge[:, 2] = ( self.grid_left_edge[:, 2] + self.grid_dimensions[:, 2] * dz ) self.grid_left_edge[:, :2] = self.ds.domain_left_edge[:2] self.grid_right_edge[:, :2] = self.ds.domain_right_edge[:2] self.grid_dimensions[:, :2] = self.ds.domain_dimensions[:2]
[docs] class SpectralCubeFITSDataset(SkyDataFITSDataset): _load_requirements = ["astropy"] _index_class = SpectralCubeFITSHierarchy def __init__( self, filename, auxiliary_files=None, nprocs=None, storage_filename=None, nan_mask=None, spectral_factor=1.0, suppress_astropy_warnings=True, parameters=None, units_override=None, unit_system="cgs", ): if auxiliary_files is None: auxiliary_files = [] self.spectral_factor = spectral_factor super().__init__( filename, nprocs=nprocs, auxiliary_files=auxiliary_files, storage_filename=storage_filename, suppress_astropy_warnings=suppress_astropy_warnings, nan_mask=nan_mask, parameters=parameters, units_override=units_override, unit_system=unit_system, ) def _parse_parameter_file(self): super()._parse_parameter_file() self.geometry = Geometry.SPECTRAL_CUBE end = min(self.dimensionality + 1, 4) self.spec_axis = np.zeros(end - 1, dtype="bool") for p in spec_names.keys(): self.spec_axis += np.char.startswith(self.ctypes, p) self.spec_axis = np.where(self.spec_axis)[0][0] self.spec_name = spec_names[self.ctypes[self.spec_axis].split("-")[0][0]] # Extract a subimage from a WCS object self.wcs_2d = self.wcs.sub(["longitude", "latitude"]) self._p0 = self.wcs.wcs.crpix[self.spec_axis] self._dz = self.wcs.wcs.cdelt[self.spec_axis] self._z0 = self.wcs.wcs.crval[self.spec_axis] self.spec_unit = str(self.wcs.wcs.cunit[self.spec_axis]) if self.spectral_factor == "auto": self.spectral_factor = float( max(self.domain_dimensions[[self.lon_axis, self.lat_axis]]) ) self.spectral_factor /= self.domain_dimensions[self.spec_axis]"Setting the spectral factor to %f", self.spectral_factor) Dz = ( self.domain_right_edge[self.spec_axis] - self.domain_left_edge[self.spec_axis] ) dre = self.domain_right_edge.copy() dre[self.spec_axis] = ( self.domain_left_edge[self.spec_axis] + self.spectral_factor * Dz ) self.domain_right_edge = dre self._dz /= self.spectral_factor self._p0 = (self._p0 - 0.5) * self.spectral_factor + 0.5 def _determine_nprocs(self): # If nprocs is None, do some automatic decomposition of the domain if self.specified_parameters["nprocs"] is None: nprocs = np.around(self.domain_dimensions[2] / 8).astype("int64") self.parameters["nprocs"] = max(min(nprocs, 512), 1) else: self.parameters["nprocs"] = self.specified_parameters["nprocs"]
[docs] def spec2pixel(self, spec_value): sv = self.arr(spec_value).in_units(self.spec_unit) return self.arr((sv.v - self._z0) / self._dz + self._p0, "code_length")
[docs] def pixel2spec(self, pixel_value): pv = self.arr(pixel_value, "code_length") return self.arr((pv.v - self._p0) * self._dz + self._z0, self.spec_unit)
@classmethod def _is_valid(cls, filename: str, *args, **kwargs) -> bool: if cls._missing_load_requirements(): return False try: return check_sky_coords(filename, ndim=3) except Exception: return False
[docs] class EventsFITSHierarchy(FITSHierarchy): def _detect_output_fields(self): ds = self.dataset self.field_list = [] for k, v in ds.events_info.items(): fname = "event_" + k"Adding field %s to the list of fields.", fname) self.field_list.append(("io", fname)) if k in ["x", "y"]: field_unit = "code_length" else: field_unit = v self.dataset.field_units["io", fname] = field_unit return def _parse_index(self): super()._parse_index() try: self.grid_particle_count[:] = self.dataset.primary_header["naxis2"] except KeyError: self.grid_particle_count[:] = 0.0 self._particle_indices = np.zeros(self.num_grids + 1, dtype="int64") self._particle_indices[1] = self.grid_particle_count.squeeze()
[docs] class EventsFITSDataset(SkyDataFITSDataset): _load_requirements = ["astropy"] _index_class = EventsFITSHierarchy def __init__( self, filename, storage_filename=None, suppress_astropy_warnings=True, reblock=1, parameters=None, units_override=None, unit_system="cgs", ): self.reblock = reblock super().__init__( filename, nprocs=1, storage_filename=storage_filename, parameters=parameters, suppress_astropy_warnings=suppress_astropy_warnings, units_override=units_override, unit_system=unit_system, ) def _determine_structure(self): self.first_image = 1 self.primary_header = self._handle[self.first_image].header self.naxis = 2 def _determine_wcs(self): self.wcs = _astropy.pywcs.WCS(naxis=2) self.events_info = {} for k, v in self.primary_header.items(): if k.startswith("TTYP"): if v.lower() in ["x", "y"]: num = k.replace("TTYPE", "") self.events_info[v.lower()] = ( self.primary_header["TLMIN" + num], self.primary_header["TLMAX" + num], self.primary_header["TCTYP" + num], self.primary_header["TCRVL" + num], self.primary_header["TCDLT" + num], self.primary_header["TCRPX" + num], ) elif v.lower() in ["energy", "time"]: num = k.replace("TTYPE", "") unit = self.primary_header["TUNIT" + num].lower() if unit.endswith("ev"): unit = unit.replace("ev", "eV") self.events_info[v.lower()] = unit self.axis_names = [self.events_info[ax][2] for ax in ["x", "y"]] self.wcs.wcs.cdelt = [ self.events_info["x"][4] * self.reblock, self.events_info["y"][4] * self.reblock, ] self.wcs.wcs.crpix = [ (self.events_info["x"][5] - 0.5) / self.reblock + 0.5, (self.events_info["y"][5] - 0.5) / self.reblock + 0.5, ] self.wcs.wcs.ctype = [self.events_info["x"][2], self.events_info["y"][2]] self.wcs.wcs.cunit = ["deg", "deg"] self.wcs.wcs.crval = [self.events_info["x"][3], self.events_info["y"][3]] self.dims = [ (self.events_info["x"][1] - self.events_info["x"][0]) / self.reblock, (self.events_info["y"][1] - self.events_info["y"][0]) / self.reblock, ] self.ctypes = self.axis_names self.wcs_2d = self.wcs @classmethod def _is_valid(cls, filename: str, *args, **kwargs) -> bool: if cls._missing_load_requirements(): return False try: fileh = check_fits_valid(filename) except Exception: return False if fileh is not None: try: valid = fileh[1].name == "EVENTS" fileh.close() return valid except Exception: pass return False