import numpy as np
from yt.data_objects.index_subobjects.unstructured_mesh import UnstructuredMesh
from yt.data_objects.static_output import Dataset
from yt.data_objects.unions import MeshUnion
from yt.funcs import setdefaultattr
from yt.geometry.unstructured_mesh_handler import UnstructuredIndex
from yt.utilities.file_handler import NetCDF4FileHandler, valid_netcdf_signature
from yt.utilities.logger import ytLogger as mylog
from .fields import ExodusIIFieldInfo
from .util import get_num_pseudo_dims, load_info_records, sanitize_string
class ExodusIIUnstructuredMesh(UnstructuredMesh):
_index_offset = 1
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
class ExodusIIUnstructuredIndex(UnstructuredIndex):
def __init__(self, ds, dataset_type="exodus_ii"):
super().__init__(ds, dataset_type)
def _initialize_mesh(self):
coords = self.ds._read_coordinates()
connectivity = self.ds._read_connectivity()
self.meshes = []
for mesh_id, conn_ind in enumerate(connectivity):
displaced_coords = self.ds._apply_displacement(coords, mesh_id)
mesh = ExodusIIUnstructuredMesh(
mesh_id, self.index_filename, conn_ind, displaced_coords, self
self.mesh_union = MeshUnion("mesh_union", self.meshes)
def _detect_output_fields(self):
elem_names = self.dataset.parameters["elem_names"]
node_names = self.dataset.parameters["nod_names"]
fnames = elem_names + node_names
self.field_list = []
for i in range(1, len(self.meshes) + 1):
self.field_list += [("connect%d" % i, fname) for fname in fnames]
self.field_list += [("all", fname) for fname in fnames]
class ExodusIIDataset(Dataset):
_load_requirements = ["netCDF4"]
_index_class = ExodusIIUnstructuredIndex
_field_info_class = ExodusIIFieldInfo
def __init__(
A class used to represent an on-disk ExodusII dataset. The initializer takes
two extra optional parameters, "step" and "displacements."
step : integer
The step tells which time index to slice at. It throws an Error if
the index is larger than the number of time outputs in the ExodusII
file. Passing step=-1 picks out the last dataframe.
Default is 0.
displacements : dictionary of tuples
This is a dictionary that controls whether or not displacement fields
will be used with the meshes in this dataset. The keys of the
displacements dictionary should the names of meshes in the file
(e.g., "connect1", "connect2", etc... ), while the values should be
tuples of the form (scale, offset), where "scale" is a floating point
value and "offset" is an array-like with one component for each spatial
dimension in the dataset. When the displacements for a given mesh are
turned on, the coordinates of the vertices in that mesh get transformed
vertex_x = vertex_x + disp_x*scale + offset_x
vertex_y = vertex_y + disp_y*scale + offset_y
vertex_z = vertex_z + disp_z*scale + offset_z
If no displacement
fields (assumed to be named 'disp_x', 'disp_y', etc... ) are detected in
the output file, then this dictionary is ignored.
This will load the Dataset at time index '0' with displacements turned off.
>>> import yt
>>> ds = yt.load("MOOSE_sample_data/mps_out.e")
This will load the Dataset at the final index with displacements turned off.
>>> import yt
>>> ds = yt.load("MOOSE_sample_data/mps_out.e", step=-1)
This will load the Dataset at index 10, turning on displacement fields for
the 2nd mesh without applying any scale or offset:
>>> import yt
>>> ds = yt.load(
... "MOOSE_sample_data/mps_out.e",
... step=10,
... displacements={"connect2": (1.0, [0.0, 0.0, 0.0])},
... )
This will load the Dataset at index 10, scaling the displacements
in the 2nd mesh by a factor of 5 while not applying an offset:
>>> import yt
>>> ds = yt.load(
... "MOOSE_sample_data/mps_out.e",
... step=10,
... displacements={"connect2": (5.0, [0.0, 0.0, 0.0])},
... )
This will load the Dataset at index 10, scaling the displacements for
the 2nd mesh by a factor of 5.0 and shifting all the vertices in
the first mesh by 1.0 unit in the z direction.
>>> import yt
>>> ds = yt.load(
... "MOOSE_sample_data/mps_out.e",
... step=10,
... displacements={
... "connect1": (0.0, [0.0, 0.0, 1.0]),
... "connect2": (5.0, [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]),
... },
... )
self.step = step
if displacements is None:
self.displacements = {}
self.displacements = displacements
self.storage_filename = storage_filename
super().__init__(filename, dataset_type, units_override=units_override)
self.fluid_types += self._get_fluid_types()
self.default_field = [f for f in self.field_list if f[0] == "connect1"][-1]
def index_filename(self):
# historic alias
return self.filename
def _set_code_unit_attributes(self):
# This is where quantities are created that represent the various
# on-disk units. These are the currently available quantities which
# should be set, along with examples of how to set them to standard
# values.
setdefaultattr(self, "length_unit", self.quan(1.0, "cm"))
setdefaultattr(self, "mass_unit", self.quan(1.0, "g"))
setdefaultattr(self, "time_unit", self.quan(1.0, "s"))
# These can also be set:
# self.velocity_unit = self.quan(1.0, "cm/s")
# self.magnetic_unit = self.quan(1.0, "gauss")
def _parse_parameter_file(self):
self._handle = NetCDF4FileHandler(self.parameter_filename)
with self._handle.open_ds() as ds:
self.dimensionality = ds.variables["coor_names"].shape[0]
self.parameters["info_records"] = self._load_info_records()
self.num_steps = len(ds.variables["time_whole"])
self.current_time = self._get_current_time()
self.parameters["num_meshes"] = ds.variables["eb_status"].shape[0]
self.parameters["elem_names"] = self._get_elem_names()
self.parameters["nod_names"] = self._get_nod_names()
self.domain_left_edge, self.domain_right_edge = self._load_domain_edge()
self._periodicity = (False, False, False)
# These attributes don't really make sense for unstructured
# mesh data, but yt warns if they are not present, so we set
# them to dummy values here.
self.domain_dimensions = np.ones(3, "int32")
self.cosmological_simulation = 0
self.current_redshift = 0
self.omega_lambda = 0
self.omega_matter = 0
self.hubble_constant = 0
self.refine_by = 0
def _get_fluid_types(self):
with NetCDF4FileHandler(self.parameter_filename).open_ds() as ds:
fluid_types = ()
i = 1
while True:
ftype = "connect%d" % i
if ftype in ds.variables:
fluid_types += (ftype,)
i += 1
fluid_types += ("all",)
return fluid_types
def _read_glo_var(self):
Adds each global variable to the dict of parameters
names = self._get_glo_names()
if not names:
with self._handle.open_ds() as ds:
values = ds.variables["vals_glo_var"][:].transpose()
for name, value in zip(names, values, strict=True):
self.parameters[name] = value
def _load_info_records(self):
Returns parsed version of the info_records.
with self._handle.open_ds() as ds:
return load_info_records(ds.variables["info_records"])
except (KeyError, TypeError):
mylog.warning("No info_records found")
return []
def _get_current_time(self):
with self._handle.open_ds() as ds:
return ds.variables["time_whole"][self.step]
except IndexError as e:
raise RuntimeError(
"Invalid step number, max is %d" % (self.num_steps - 1)
) from e
except (KeyError, TypeError):
return 0.0
def _get_glo_names(self):
Returns the names of the global vars, if available.
with self._handle.open_ds() as ds:
if "name_glo_var" not in ds.variables:
mylog.warning("name_glo_var not found")
return []
return [
sanitize_string(v.tobytes()) for v in ds.variables["name_glo_var"]
def _get_elem_names(self):
Returns the names of the element vars, if available.
with self._handle.open_ds() as ds:
if "name_elem_var" not in ds.variables:
mylog.warning("name_elem_var not found")
return []
return [
sanitize_string(v.tobytes()) for v in ds.variables["name_elem_var"]
def _get_nod_names(self):
Returns the names of the node vars, if available
with self._handle.open_ds() as ds:
if "name_nod_var" not in ds.variables:
mylog.warning("name_nod_var not found")
return []
return [
sanitize_string(v.tobytes()) for v in ds.variables["name_nod_var"]
def _read_coordinates(self):
Loads the coordinates for the mesh
coord_axes = "xyz"[: self.dimensionality]"Loading coordinates")
with self._handle.open_ds() as ds:
if "coord" not in ds.variables:
coords = (
np.array([ds.variables[f"coord{ax}"][:] for ax in coord_axes])
coords = (
return coords
def _apply_displacement(self, coords, mesh_id):
mesh_name = "connect%d" % (mesh_id + 1)
new_coords = coords.copy()
if mesh_name not in self.displacements:
return new_coords
fac = self.displacements[mesh_name][0]
offset = self.displacements[mesh_name][1]
coord_axes = "xyz"[: self.dimensionality]
with self._handle.open_ds() as ds:
for i, ax in enumerate(coord_axes):
if f"disp_{ax}" in self.parameters["nod_names"]:
ind = self.parameters["nod_names"].index(f"disp_{ax}")
disp = ds.variables["vals_nod_var%d" % (ind + 1)][self.step]
new_coords[:, i] = coords[:, i] + fac * disp + offset[i]
return new_coords
def _read_connectivity(self):
Loads the connectivity data for the mesh
""""Loading connectivity")
connectivity = []
with self._handle.open_ds() as ds:
for i in range(self.parameters["num_meshes"]):
var = ds.variables["connect%d" % (i + 1)][:].astype("i8")
elem_type = var.elem_type.lower()
if elem_type == "nfaced":
raise NotImplementedError(
"3D arbitrary polyhedra are not implemented yet"
arbitrary_polyhedron = elem_type == "nsided"
except AttributeError:
arbitrary_polyhedron = False
conn = var[:]
if arbitrary_polyhedron:
nodes_per_element = ds.variables[f"ebepecnt{i + 1}"]
npe = nodes_per_element[0]
if np.any(nodes_per_element != npe):
raise NotImplementedError("only equal-size polyhedra supported")
q, r = np.divmod(len(conn), npe)
assert r == 0
conn.shape = (q, npe)
return connectivity
def _load_domain_edge(self):
Loads the boundaries for the domain edge
coords = self._read_coordinates()
connectivity = self._read_connectivity()
mi = 1e300
ma = -1e300
for mesh_id, _ in enumerate(connectivity):
displaced_coords = self._apply_displacement(coords, mesh_id)
mi = np.minimum(displaced_coords.min(axis=0), mi)
ma = np.maximum(displaced_coords.max(axis=0), ma)
# pad domain boundaries
width = ma - mi
mi -= 0.1 * width
ma += 0.1 * width
# set up pseudo-3D for lodim datasets here
for _ in range(self.dimensionality, 3):
mi = np.append(mi, 0.0)
ma = np.append(ma, 1.0)
num_pseudo_dims = get_num_pseudo_dims(coords)
self.dimensionality -= num_pseudo_dims
for i in range(self.dimensionality, 3):
mi[i] = 0.0
ma[i] = 1.0
return mi, ma
def _is_valid(cls, filename: str, *args, **kwargs) -> bool:
if not valid_netcdf_signature(filename):
return False
if cls._missing_load_requirements():
return False
from netCDF4 import Dataset
# We use keepweakref here to avoid holding onto the file handle
# which can interfere with other is_valid calls.
with Dataset(filename, keepweakref=True) as f:
return True
except Exception:
return False