import numpy as np
from yt.frontends.enzo_e.misc import get_particle_mass_correction, nested_dict_get
from yt.utilities.exceptions import YTException
from yt.utilities.io_handler import BaseIOHandler
from yt.utilities.on_demand_imports import _h5py as h5py
class EnzoEIOHandler(BaseIOHandler):
_dataset_type = "enzo_e"
_base = slice(None)
_field_dtype = "float64"
_sep = "_"
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
# precompute the indexing specifying each field's active zone
# -> this assumes that each field in Enzo-E shares the same number of
# ghost-zones. Technically, Enzo-E allows each field to have a
# different number of ghost zones (but this feature isn't currently
# used & it currently doesn't record this information)
# -> our usage of a negative stop value ensures compatability with
# both cell-centered and face-centered fields
self._activezone_idx = tuple(
slice(num_zones, -num_zones) if num_zones > 0 else slice(None)
for num_zones in self.ds.ghost_zones[: self.ds.dimensionality]
# Determine if particle masses are actually masses or densities.
if self.ds.parameters["version"] is not None:
# they're masses for enzo-e versions that record a version string
mass_flag = True
# in earlier versions: query the existence of the "mass_is_mass"
# particle parameter
mass_flag = nested_dict_get(
self.ds.parameters, ("Particle", "mass_is_mass"), default=None
# the historic approach for initializing the value of "mass_is_mass"
# was unsound (and could yield a random value). Thus we should only
# check for the parameter's existence and not its value
self._particle_mass_is_mass = mass_flag is not None
def _read_field_names(self, grid):
if grid.filename is None:
return []
f = h5py.File(grid.filename, mode="r")
group = f[grid.block_name]
except KeyError as e:
raise YTException(
message=f"Grid {grid.block_name} is missing from data file {grid.filename}.",
) from e
fields = []
ptypes = set()
dtypes = set()
# keep one field for each particle type so we can count later
sample_pfields = {}
for name, v in group.items():
if not hasattr(v, "shape") or v.dtype == "O":
# mesh fields are "field <name>"
if name.startswith("field"):
_, fname = name.split(self._sep, 1)
fields.append(("enzoe", fname))
# particle fields are "particle <type> <name>"
_, ftype, fname = name.split(self._sep, 2)
fields.append((ftype, fname))
if ftype not in sample_pfields:
sample_pfields[ftype] = fname
self.sample_pfields = sample_pfields
if len(dtypes) == 1:
# Now, if everything we saw was the same dtype, we can go ahead and
# set it here. We do this because it is a HUGE savings for 32 bit
# floats, since our numpy copying/casting is way faster than
# h5py's, for some reason I don't understand. This does *not* need
# to be correct -- it will get fixed later -- it just needs to be
# okay for now.
self._field_dtype = list(dtypes)[0]
return fields, ptypes
def _read_particle_coords(self, chunks, ptf):
yield from (
(ptype, xyz, 0.0)
for ptype, xyz in self._read_particle_fields(chunks, ptf, None)
def _read_particle_fields(self, chunks, ptf, selector):
chunks = list(chunks)
dc = self.ds.domain_center.in_units("code_length").d
for chunk in chunks: # These should be organized by grid filename
f = None
for g in chunk.objs:
if g.filename is None:
if f is None:
f = h5py.File(g.filename, mode="r")
if g.particle_count is None:
fnstr = "{}/{}".format(
self._sep.join(["particle", "%s", "%s"]),
g.particle_count = {
ptype: f.get(fnstr % (ptype, self.sample_pfields[ptype])).size
for ptype in self.sample_pfields
g.total_particles = sum(g.particle_count.values())
if g.total_particles == 0:
group = f.get(g.block_name)
for ptype, field_list in sorted(ptf.items()):
pn = self._sep.join(["particle", ptype, "%s"])
if g.particle_count[ptype] == 0:
coords = tuple(
np.asarray(group.get(pn % ax)[()], dtype="=f8")
for ax in "xyz"[: self.ds.dimensionality]
for i in range(self.ds.dimensionality, 3):
coords += (
dc[i] * np.ones(g.particle_count[ptype], dtype="f8"),
if selector is None:
# This only ever happens if the call is made from
# _read_particle_coords.
yield ptype, coords
coords += (0.0,)
mask = selector.select_points(*coords)
if mask is None:
for field in field_list:
data = np.asarray(group.get(pn % field)[()], "=f8")
if field == "mass" and not self._particle_mass_is_mass:
data[mask] *= get_particle_mass_correction(self.ds)
yield (ptype, field), data[mask]
if f:
def io_iter(self, chunks, fields):
for chunk in chunks:
fid = None
filename = -1
for obj in chunk.objs:
if obj.filename is None:
if obj.filename != filename:
# Note one really important thing here: even if we do
# implement LRU caching in the _read_obj_field function,
# we'll still be doing file opening and whatnot. This is a
# problem, but one we can return to.
if fid is not None:
fid =
obj.filename.encode("latin-1"), h5py.h5f.ACC_RDONLY
filename = obj.filename
for field in fields:
grid_dim = self.ds.grid_dimensions
nodal_flag = self.ds.field_info[field].nodal_flag
dims = (
grid_dim[: self.ds.dimensionality][::-1]
+ nodal_flag[: self.ds.dimensionality][::-1]
data = np.empty(dims, dtype=self._field_dtype)
yield field, obj, self._read_obj_field(obj, field, (fid, data))
if fid is not None:
def _read_obj_field(self, obj, field, fid_data):
if fid_data is None:
fid_data = (None, None)
fid, rdata = fid_data
if fid is None:
close = True
fid ="latin-1"), h5py.h5f.ACC_RDONLY)
close = False
ftype, fname = field
node = f"/{obj.block_name}/field{self._sep}{fname}"
dg =, node.encode("latin-1"))
if rdata is None:
rdata = np.empty(
self.ds.grid_dimensions[: self.ds.dimensionality][::-1],
), h5py.h5s.ALL, rdata)
if close:
data = rdata[self._activezone_idx].T
if self.ds.dimensionality < 3:
nshape = data.shape + (1,) * (3 - self.ds.dimensionality)
data = np.reshape(data, nshape)
return data