Source code for yt.frontends.enzo.answer_testing_support

import os
from functools import wraps

import numpy as np

from yt.config import ytcfg
from yt.loaders import load
from yt.testing import assert_allclose
from yt.utilities.answer_testing.framework import (

[docs] class AssertWrapper: """ Used to wrap a numpy testing assertion, in order to provide a useful name for a given assertion test. """ def __init__(self, description, *args): # The key here is to add a description attribute, which nose will pick # up. self.args = args self.description = description def __call__(self): self.args[0](*self.args[1:])
[docs] def requires_outputlog(path=".", prefix=""): from nose import SkipTest def ffalse(func): @wraps(func) def fskip(*args, **kwargs): raise SkipTest return fskip def ftrue(func): @wraps(func) def fyielder(*args, **kwargs): with temp_cwd(path): for t in func(*args, **kwargs): if isinstance(t, AnswerTestingTest): t.prefix = prefix yield t return fyielder if os.path.exists("OutputLog"): return ftrue with temp_cwd(path): if os.path.exists("OutputLog"): return ftrue return ffalse
[docs] def standard_small_simulation(ds_fn, fields): if not can_run_ds(ds_fn): return dso = [None] tolerance = ytcfg.get("yt", "answer_testing_tolerance") bitwise = ytcfg.get("yt", "answer_testing_bitwise") for field in fields: if bitwise: yield GridValuesTest(ds_fn, field) if "particle" in field: continue for dobj_name in dso: for axis in [0, 1, 2]: for weight_field in [None, ("gas", "density")]: yield ProjectionValuesTest( ds_fn, axis, field, weight_field, dobj_name, decimals=tolerance ) yield FieldValuesTest(ds_fn, field, dobj_name, decimals=tolerance)
[docs] class ShockTubeTest: def __init__( self, data_file, solution_file, fields, left_edges, right_edges, rtol, atol ): self.solution_file = solution_file self.data_file = data_file self.fields = fields self.left_edges = left_edges self.right_edges = right_edges self.rtol = rtol self.atol = atol def __call__(self): # Read in the ds ds = load(self.data_file) exact = self.get_analytical_solution() ad = ds.all_data() position = ad["index", "x"] for k in self.fields: field = ad[k].d for xmin, xmax in zip(self.left_edges, self.right_edges, strict=True): mask = (position >= xmin) * (position <= xmax) exact_field = np.interp(position[mask].ndview, exact["pos"], exact[k]) myname = f"ShockTubeTest_{k}" # yield test vs analytical solution yield AssertWrapper( myname, assert_allclose, field[mask], exact_field, self.rtol, self.atol, )
[docs] def get_analytical_solution(self): # Reads in from file pos, dens, vel, pres, inte = np.loadtxt(self.solution_file, unpack=True) exact = {} exact["pos"] = pos exact["gas", "density"] = dens exact["gas", "velocity_x"] = vel exact["gas", "pressure"] = pres exact["gas", "specific_thermal_energy"] = inte return exact