import re
import numpy as np
from yt.geometry.selection_routines import GridSelector
from yt.utilities.io_handler import BaseIOHandler
from yt.utilities.logger import ytLogger as mylog
class IOHandlerChomboHDF5(BaseIOHandler):
_dataset_type = "chombo_hdf5"
_offset_string = "data:offsets=0"
_data_string = "data:datatype=0"
_offsets = None
def __init__(self, ds, *args, **kwargs):
BaseIOHandler.__init__(self, ds, *args, **kwargs)
self.ds = ds
self._handle = ds._handle
self.dim = self._handle["Chombo_global/"].attrs["SpaceDim"]
if self._offset_string not in self._handle["level_0"]:
def _calculate_offsets(self):
def box_size(corners):
size = 1
for idim in range(self.dim):
size *= corners[idim + self.dim] - corners[idim] + 1
return size
self._offsets = {}
num_comp = self._handle.attrs["num_components"]
level = 0
while True:
lname = "level_%i" % level
if lname not in self._handle:
boxes = self._handle["level_0"]["boxes"][()]
box_sizes = np.array([box_size(box) for box in boxes])
offsets = np.cumsum(box_sizes * num_comp, dtype="int64")
offsets -= offsets[0]
self._offsets[level] = offsets
level += 1
def _read_ghost_info(self):
self.ghost = tuple(
# pad with zeros if the dataset is low-dimensional
self.ghost += (3 - self.dim) * (0,)
self.ghost = np.array(self.ghost)
except KeyError:
# assume zero ghosts if outputGhosts not present
self.ghost = np.zeros(self.dim, "int64")
_field_dict = None
def field_dict(self):
if self._field_dict is not None:
return self._field_dict
field_dict = {}
for key, val in self._handle.attrs.items():
if key.startswith("component_"):
comp_number = int(re.match(r"component_(\d+)", key).groups()[0])
field_dict[val.decode("utf-8")] = comp_number
self._field_dict = field_dict
return self._field_dict
_particle_field_index = None
def particle_field_index(self):
if self._particle_field_index is not None:
return self._particle_field_index
field_dict = {}
for key, val in self._handle.attrs.items():
if key.startswith("particle_"):
comp_number = int(
re.match(r"particle_component_(\d+)", key).groups()[0]
field_dict[val.decode("ascii")] = comp_number
self._particle_field_index = field_dict
return self._particle_field_index
def _read_data(self, grid, field):
lstring = "level_%i" % grid.Level
lev = self._handle[lstring]
dims = grid.ActiveDimensions
shape = dims + 2 * self.ghost
boxsize =
if self._offsets is not None:
grid_offset = self._offsets[grid.Level][grid._level_id]
grid_offset = lev[self._offset_string][grid._level_id]
start = grid_offset + self.field_dict[field] * boxsize
stop = start + boxsize
data = lev[self._data_string][start:stop]
data_no_ghost = data.reshape(shape, order="F")
ghost_slice = tuple(
slice(g, g + d) for g, d in zip(self.ghost, dims, strict=True)
ghost_slice = ghost_slice[0 : self.dim]
return data_no_ghost[ghost_slice]
def _read_fluid_selection(self, chunks, selector, fields, size):
rv = {}
chunks = list(chunks)
fields.sort(key=lambda a: self.field_dict[a[1]])
if isinstance(selector, GridSelector):
if not (len(chunks) == len(chunks[0].objs) == 1):
raise RuntimeError
grid = chunks[0].objs[0]
for ftype, fname in fields:
rv[ftype, fname] = self._read_data(grid, fname)
return rv
if size is None:
size = sum(g.count(selector) for chunk in chunks for g in chunk.objs)
for field in fields:
ftype, fname = field
fsize = size
rv[field] = np.empty(fsize, dtype="float64")
ng = sum(len(c.objs) for c in chunks)
"Reading %s cells of %s fields in %s grids",
[f2 for f1, f2 in fields],
ind = 0
for chunk in chunks:
for g in chunk.objs:
nd = 0
for field in fields:
ftype, fname = field
data = self._read_data(g, fname)
nd =, data, rv[field], ind) # caches
ind += nd
return rv
def _read_particle_selection(self, chunks, selector, fields):
rv = {}
chunks = list(chunks)
if isinstance(selector, GridSelector):
if not (len(chunks) == len(chunks[0].objs) == 1):
raise RuntimeError
grid = chunks[0].objs[0]
for ftype, fname in fields:
rv[ftype, fname] = self._read_particles(grid, fname)
return rv
rv = {f: np.array([]) for f in fields}
for chunk in chunks:
for grid in chunk.objs:
for ftype, fname in fields:
data = self._read_particles(grid, fname)
rv[ftype, fname] = np.concatenate((data, rv[ftype, fname]))
return rv
def _read_particles(self, grid, name):
field_index = self.particle_field_index[name]
lev = f"level_{grid.Level}"
particles_per_grid = self._handle[lev]["particles:offsets"][()]
items_per_particle = len(self._particle_field_index)
# compute global offset position
offsets = items_per_particle * np.cumsum(particles_per_grid)
offsets = np.append(np.array([0]), offsets)
offsets = np.array(offsets, dtype=np.int64)
# convert between the global grid id and the id on this level
grid_levels = np.array([g.Level for g in self.ds.index.grids])
grid_ids = np.array([ for g in self.ds.index.grids])
grid_level_offset = grid_ids[np.where(grid_levels == grid.Level)[0][0]]
lo = - grid_level_offset
hi = lo + 1
# handle the case where this grid has no particles
if offsets[lo] == offsets[hi]:
return np.array([], dtype=np.float64)
data = self._handle[lev]["particles:data"][offsets[lo] : offsets[hi]]
return np.asarray(
data[field_index::items_per_particle], dtype=np.float64, order="F"
def parse_orion_sinks(fn):
Orion sink particles are stored in text files. This function
is for figuring what particle fields are present based on the
number of entries per line in the \*.sink file.
# Figure out the format of the particle file
with open(fn) as f:
lines = f.readlines()
line = lines[1]
except IndexError:
# a particle file exists, but there is only one line,
# so no sinks have been created yet.
index = {}
return index
# The basic fields that all sink particles have
index = {
"particle_mass": 0,
"particle_position_x": 1,
"particle_position_y": 2,
"particle_position_z": 3,
"particle_momentum_x": 4,
"particle_momentum_y": 5,
"particle_momentum_z": 6,
"particle_angmomen_x": 7,
"particle_angmomen_y": 8,
"particle_angmomen_z": 9,
"particle_id": -1,
if len(line.strip().split()) == 11:
# these are vanilla sinks, do nothing
elif len(line.strip().split()) == 17:
# these are old-style stars, add stellar model parameters
index["particle_mlast"] = 10
index["particle_r"] = 11
index["particle_mdeut"] = 12
index["particle_n"] = 13
index["particle_mdot"] = 14
index["particle_burnstate"] = 15
elif len(line.strip().split()) == 18 or len(line.strip().split()) == 19:
# these are the newer style, add luminosity as well
index["particle_mlast"] = 10
index["particle_r"] = 11
index["particle_mdeut"] = 12
index["particle_n"] = 13
index["particle_mdot"] = 14
index["particle_burnstate"] = 15
index["particle_luminosity"] = 16
# give a warning if none of the above apply:
mylog.warning("Warning - could not figure out particle output file")
mylog.warning("These results could be nonsense!")
return index
class IOHandlerOrion2HDF5(IOHandlerChomboHDF5):
_dataset_type = "orion_chombo_native"
_particle_field_index = None
def particle_field_index(self):
fn = self.ds.fullplotdir[:-4] + "sink"
index = parse_orion_sinks(fn)
self._particle_field_index = index
return self._particle_field_index
def _read_particles(self, grid, field):
parses the Orion Star Particle text files
particles = []
if grid.NumberOfParticles == 0:
return np.array(particles)
def read(line, field):
entry = line.strip().split(" ")[self.particle_field_index[field]]
return float(entry)
lines = self._cached_lines
for num in grid._particle_line_numbers:
line = lines[num]
particles.append(read(line, field))
return np.array(particles)
except AttributeError:
fn = grid.ds.fullplotdir[:-4] + "sink"
with open(fn) as f:
lines = f.readlines()
self._cached_lines = lines
for num in grid._particle_line_numbers:
line = lines[num]
particles.append(read(line, field))
return np.array(particles)