import os
import os.path
from collections import defaultdict
from functools import partial
import numpy as np
from import (
from yt.units.yt_array import YTArray, YTQuantity
from yt.utilities.fortran_utils import read_vector, skip
from yt.utilities.io_handler import BaseIOHandler
from yt.utilities.logger import ytLogger as mylog
class IOHandlerART(BaseIOHandler):
_dataset_type = "art"
tb, ages = None, None
cache = None
masks = None
caching = True
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.cache = {}
self.masks = {}
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) = self.ds.parameters["wspecies"] = self.ds.parameters["lspecies"]
self.file_particle = self.ds._file_particle_data
self.file_stars = self.ds._file_particle_stars
self.Nrow = self.ds.parameters["Nrow"]
def _read_fluid_selection(self, chunks, selector, fields, size):
# Chunks in this case will have affiliated domain subset objects
# Each domain subset will contain a hydro_offset array, which gives
# pointers to level-by-level hydro information
tr = defaultdict(list)
cp = 0
for chunk in chunks:
for subset in chunk.objs:
# Now we read the entire thing
f = open(subset.domain.ds._file_amr, "rb")
# This contains the boundary information, so we skim through
# and pick off the right vectors
rv = subset.fill(f, fields, selector)
for ft, f in fields:
d = rv.pop(f)
"Filling %s with %s (%0.3e %0.3e) (%s:%s)",
cp + d.size,
tr[ft, f].append(d)
cp += d.size
d = {}
for field in fields:
d[field] = np.concatenate(tr.pop(field))
return d
def _get_mask(self, selector, ftype):
key = (selector, ftype)
if key in self.masks.keys() and self.caching:
return self.masks[key]
pstr = "particle_position_%s"
x, y, z = (self._get_field((ftype, pstr % ax)) for ax in "xyz")
mask = selector.select_points(x, y, z, 0.0)
if self.caching:
self.masks[key] = mask
return self.masks[key]
return mask
def _read_particle_coords(self, chunks, ptf):
chunks = list(chunks)
for _chunk in chunks:
for ptype in sorted(ptf):
x = self._get_field((ptype, "particle_position_x"))
y = self._get_field((ptype, "particle_position_y"))
z = self._get_field((ptype, "particle_position_z"))
yield ptype, (x, y, z), 0.0
def _read_particle_fields(self, chunks, ptf, selector):
chunks = list(chunks)
for _chunk in chunks:
for ptype, field_list in sorted(ptf.items()):
x = self._get_field((ptype, "particle_position_x"))
y = self._get_field((ptype, "particle_position_y"))
z = self._get_field((ptype, "particle_position_z"))
mask = selector.select_points(x, y, z, 0.0)
if mask is None:
for field in field_list:
data = self._get_field((ptype, field))
yield (ptype, field), data[mask]
def _get_field(self, field):
if field in self.cache.keys() and self.caching:
mylog.debug("Cached %s", str(field))
return self.cache[field]
mylog.debug("Reading %s", str(field))
tr = {}
ftype, fname = field
ptmax =[-1]
pbool, idxa, idxb = _determine_field_size(self.ds, ftype,, ptmax)
npa = idxb - idxa
sizes = np.diff(np.concatenate(([0],
rp = partial(
read_particles, self.file_particle, self.Nrow, idxa=idxa, idxb=idxb
for ax in "xyz":
if fname.startswith(f"particle_position_{ax}"):
dd = self.ds.domain_dimensions[0]
off = 1.0 / dd
tr[field] = rp(fields=[ax])[0] / dd - off
if fname.startswith(f"particle_velocity_{ax}"):
(tr[field],) = rp(fields=["v" + ax])
if fname.startswith("particle_mass"):
a = 0
data = np.zeros(npa, dtype="f8")
for ptb, size, m in zip(pbool, sizes,, strict=True):
if ptb:
data[a : a + size] = m
a += size
tr[field] = data
elif fname == "particle_index":
tr[field] = np.arange(idxa, idxb)
elif fname == "particle_type":
a = 0
data = np.zeros(npa, dtype="int64")
for i, (ptb, size) in enumerate(zip(pbool, sizes, strict=True)):
if ptb:
data[a : a + size] = i
a += size
tr[field] = data
if pbool[-1] and fname in particle_star_fields:
data = read_star_field(self.file_stars, field=fname)
temp = tr.get(field, np.zeros(npa, "f8"))
nstars =[-1] -[-2]
if nstars > 0:
temp[-nstars:] = data
tr[field] = temp
if fname == "particle_creation_time":
self.tb, self.ages, data = interpolate_ages(
temp = tr.get(field, np.zeros(npa, "f8"))
temp[-nstars:] = data
tr[field] = temp
del data
# We check again, after it's been filled
if fname.startswith("particle_mass"):
# We now divide by NGrid in order to make this match up. Note that
# this means that even when requested in *code units*, we are
# giving them as modified by the ng value. This only works for
# dark_matter -- stars are regular matter.
tr[field] /=
if tr == {}:
tr = {f: np.array([]) for f in [field]}
if self.caching:
self.cache[field] = tr[field]
return self.cache[field]
return tr[field]
class IOHandlerDarkMatterART(IOHandlerART):
_dataset_type = "dm_art"
def _count_particles(self, data_file):
return {
k: self.ds.parameters["lspecies"][i]
for i, k in enumerate(self.ds.particle_types_raw)
def _identify_fields(self, domain):
field_list = []
self.particle_field_list = list(particle_fields)
for ptype in self.ds.particle_types_raw:
for pfield in self.particle_field_list:
pfn = (ptype, pfield)
return field_list, {}
def _get_field(self, field):
if field in self.cache.keys() and self.caching:
mylog.debug("Cached %s", str(field))
return self.cache[field]
mylog.debug("Reading %s", str(field))
tr = {}
ftype, fname = field
ptmax =[-1]
pbool, idxa, idxb = _determine_field_size(self.ds, ftype,, ptmax)
npa = idxb - idxa
sizes = np.diff(np.concatenate(([0],
rp = partial(
read_particles, self.file_particle, self.Nrow, idxa=idxa, idxb=idxb
for ax in "xyz":
if fname.startswith(f"particle_position_{ax}"):
# This is not the same as domain_dimensions
dd = self.ds.parameters["ng"]
off = 1.0 / dd
tr[field] = rp(fields=[ax])[0] / dd - off
if fname.startswith(f"particle_velocity_{ax}"):
(tr[field],) = rp(["v" + ax])
if fname.startswith("particle_mass"):
a = 0
data = np.zeros(npa, dtype="f8")
for ptb, size, m in zip(pbool, sizes,, strict=True):
if ptb:
data[a : a + size] = m
a += size
tr[field] = data
elif fname == "particle_index":
tr[field] = np.arange(idxa, idxb)
elif fname == "particle_type":
a = 0
data = np.zeros(npa, dtype="int64")
for i, (ptb, size) in enumerate(zip(pbool, sizes, strict=True)):
if ptb:
data[a : a + size] = i
a += size
tr[field] = data
# We check again, after it's been filled
if fname.startswith("particle_mass"):
# We now divide by NGrid in order to make this match up. Note that
# this means that even when requested in *code units*, we are
# giving them as modified by the ng value. This only works for
# dark_matter -- stars are regular matter.
tr[field] /=
if tr == {}:
tr[field] = np.array([])
if self.caching:
self.cache[field] = tr[field]
return self.cache[field]
return tr[field]
def _yield_coordinates(self, data_file):
for ptype in self.ds.particle_types_raw:
x = self._get_field((ptype, "particle_position_x"))
y = self._get_field((ptype, "particle_position_y"))
z = self._get_field((ptype, "particle_position_z"))
yield ptype, np.stack((x, y, z), axis=-1)
def _determine_field_size(pf, field, lspecies, ptmax):
pbool = np.zeros(len(lspecies), dtype="bool")
idxas = np.concatenate(
idxbs = lspecies
if "specie" in field:
index = int(field.replace("specie", ""))
pbool[index] = True
raise RuntimeError
idxa, idxb = idxas[pbool][0], idxbs[pbool][-1]
return pbool, idxa, idxb
def interpolate_ages(
data, file_stars, interp_tb=None, interp_ages=None, current_time=None
if interp_tb is None:
t_stars, a_stars = read_star_field(file_stars, field="t_stars")
# timestamp of file should match amr timestamp
if current_time:
tdiff = YTQuantity(b2t(t_stars), "Gyr") - current_time.in_units("Gyr")
if np.abs(tdiff) > 1e-4:"Timestamp mismatch in star particle header: %s", tdiff)"Interpolating ages")
interp_tb, interp_ages = b2t(data)
interp_tb = YTArray(interp_tb, "Gyr")
interp_ages = YTArray(interp_ages, "Gyr")
temp = np.interp(data, interp_tb, interp_ages)
return interp_tb, interp_ages, temp
def _read_art_level_info(
f, level_oct_offsets, level, coarse_grid=128, ncell0=None, root_level=None
pos = f.tell()[level])
# Get the info for this level, skip the rest
junk, nLevel, iOct = read_vector(f, "i", ">")
# fortran indices start at 1
# Skip all the oct index data
le = np.zeros((nLevel, 3), dtype="int64")
fl = np.ones((nLevel, 6), dtype="int64")
iocts = np.zeros(nLevel + 1, dtype="int64")
idxa, idxb = 0, 0
chunk = int(1e6) # this is ~111MB for 15 dimensional 64 bit arrays
left = nLevel
while left > 0:
this_chunk = min(chunk, left)
idxb = idxa + this_chunk
data = np.fromfile(f, dtype=">i", count=this_chunk * 15)
data = data.reshape(this_chunk, 15)
left -= this_chunk
le[idxa:idxb, :] = data[:, 1:4]
fl[idxa:idxb, 1] = np.arange(idxa, idxb)
# pad byte is last, LL2, then ioct right before it
iocts[idxa:idxb] = data[:, -3]
idxa = idxa + this_chunk
del data
# emulate fortran code
# do ic1 = 1 , nLevel
# read(19) (iOctPs(i,iOct),i=1,3),(iOctNb(i,iOct),i=1,6),
# & iOctPr(iOct), iOctLv(iOct), iOctLL1(iOct),
# & iOctLL2(iOct)
# iOct = iOctLL1(iOct)
# ioct always represents the index of the next variable
# not the current, so shift forward one index
# the last index isn't used
iocts[1:] = iocts[:-1] # shift
iocts = iocts[:nLevel] # chop off the last, unused, index
iocts[0] = iOct # starting value
# now correct iocts for fortran indices start @ 1
iocts = iocts - 1
assert np.unique(iocts).shape[0] == nLevel
# left edges are expressed as if they were on
# level 15, so no matter what level max(le)=2**15
# correct to the yt convention
# le = le/2**(root_level-1-level)-1
# try to find the root_level first
def cfc(root_level, level, le):
d_x = 1.0 / (2.0 ** (root_level - level + 1))
fc = (d_x * le) - 2 ** (level - 1)
return fc
if root_level is None:
root_level = np.floor(np.log2(le.max() * 1.0 / coarse_grid))
root_level = root_level.astype("int64")
for _ in range(10):
fc = cfc(root_level, level, le)
go = np.diff(np.unique(fc)).min() < 1.1
if go:
root_level += 1
fc = cfc(root_level, level, le)
unitary_center = fc / (coarse_grid * 2.0 ** (level - 1))
assert np.all(unitary_center < 1.0)
# again emulate the fortran code
# This is all for calculating child oct locations
# iC_ = iC + nbshift
# iO = ishft ( iC_ , - ndim )
# id = ishft ( 1, MaxLevel - iOctLv(iO) )
# j = iC_ + 1 - ishft( iO , ndim )
# Posx = d_x * (iOctPs(1,iO) + sign ( id , idelta(j,1) ))
# Posy = d_x * (iOctPs(2,iO) + sign ( id , idelta(j,2) ))
# Posz = d_x * (iOctPs(3,iO) + sign ( id , idelta(j,3) ))
# idelta = [[-1, 1, -1, 1, -1, 1, -1, 1],
# [-1, -1, 1, 1, -1, -1, 1, 1],
# [-1, -1, -1, -1, 1, 1, 1, 1]]
# idelta = np.array(idelta)
# if ncell0 is None:
# ncell0 = coarse_grid**3
# nchild = 8
# ndim = 3
# nshift = nchild -1
# nbshift = nshift - ncell0
# iC = iocts #+ nbshift
# iO = iC >> ndim #possibly >>
# id = 1 << (root_level - level)
# j = iC + 1 - ( iO << 3)
# delta = np.abs(id)*idelta[:,j-1]
# try without the -1
# le = le/2**(root_level+1-level)
# now read the hvars and vars arrays
# we are looking for iOctCh
# we record if iOctCh is >0, in which it is subdivided
# iOctCh = np.zeros((nLevel+1,8),dtype='bool')
return unitary_center, fl, iocts, nLevel, root_level
def get_ranges(
skip, count, field, words=6, real_size=4, np_per_page=4096**2, num_pages=1
# translate every particle index into a file position ranges
ranges = []
arr_size = np_per_page * real_size
idxa, idxb = 0, 0
posa, posb = 0, 0
for _page in range(num_pages):
idxb += np_per_page
for i, fname in enumerate(["x", "y", "z", "vx", "vy", "vz"]):
posb += arr_size
if i == field or fname == field:
if skip < np_per_page and count > 0:
left_in_page = np_per_page - skip
this_count = min(left_in_page, count)
count -= this_count
start = posa + skip * real_size
end = posa + this_count * real_size
ranges.append((start, this_count))
skip = 0
assert end <= posb
skip -= np_per_page
posa += arr_size
idxa += np_per_page
assert count == 0
return ranges
def read_particles(file, Nrow, idxa, idxb, fields):
words = 6 # words (reals) per particle: x,y,z,vx,vy,vz
real_size = 4 # for file_particle_data; not always true?
np_per_page = Nrow**2 # defined in ART a_setup.h, # of particles/page
num_pages = os.path.getsize(file) // (real_size * words * np_per_page)
fh = open(file)
skip, count = idxa, idxb - idxa
kwargs = {
"words": words,
"real_size": real_size,
"np_per_page": np_per_page,
"num_pages": num_pages,
arrs = []
for field in fields:
ranges = get_ranges(skip, count, field, **kwargs)
data = None
for seek, this_count in ranges:
temp = np.fromfile(fh, count=this_count, dtype=">f4")
if data is None:
data = temp
data = np.concatenate((data, temp))
return arrs
def read_star_field(file, field=None):
data = {}
with open(file, "rb") as fh:
for dtype, variables in star_struct:
found = (
isinstance(variables, tuple) and field in variables
) or field == variables
if found:
data[field] = read_vector(fh, dtype[1], dtype[0])
skip(fh, endian=">")
return data.pop(field)
def _read_child_mask_level(f, level_child_offsets, level, nLevel, nhydro_vars):[level])
ioctch = np.zeros(nLevel, dtype="uint8")
idc = np.zeros(nLevel, dtype="int32")
chunk = int(1e6)
left = nLevel
width = nhydro_vars + 6
a, b = 0, 0
while left > 0:
chunk = min(chunk, left)
b += chunk
arr = np.fromfile(f, dtype=">i", count=chunk * width)
arr = arr.reshape((width, chunk), order="F")
assert np.all(arr[0, :] == arr[-1, :]) # pads must be equal
idc[a:b] = arr[1, :] - 1 # fix fortran indexing
ioctch[a:b] = arr[2, :] == 0 # if it is above zero, then refined available
# zero in the mask means there is refinement available
a = b
left -= chunk
assert left == 0
return idc, ioctch
nchem = 8 + 2
dtyp = np.dtype(f">i4,>i8,>i8,>{nchem}f4,>2f4,>i4")
def _read_child_level(
# emulate the fortran code for reading cell data
# read ( 19 ) idc, iOctCh(idc), (hvar(i,idc),i=1,nhvar),
# & (var(i,idc), i=2,3)
# contiguous 8-cell sections are for the same oct;
# ie, we don't write out just the 0 cells, then the 1 cells
# optionally, we only read noct_range to save memory
left_index, fl, octs, nocts, root_level = _read_art_level_info(
f, level_oct_offsets, level, coarse_grid=domain_dimensions[0]
if noct_range is None:
nocts = level_info[level]
ncells = nocts * 8[level])
arr = np.fromfile(f, dtype=hydro_struct, count=ncells)
assert np.all(arr["pad1"] == arr["pad2"]) # pads must be equal
# idc = np.argsort(arr['idc']) #correct fortran indices
# translate idc into icell, and then to iOct
icell = (arr["idc"] >> 3) << 3
iocts = (icell - ncell0) / nchild # without a F correction, there's a +1
# assert that the children are read in the same order as the octs
assert np.all(octs == iocts[::nchild])
start, end = noct_range
nocts = min(end - start, level_info[level])
end = start + nocts
ncells = nocts * 8
skip = np.dtype(hydro_struct).itemsize * start * 8[level] + skip)
arr = np.fromfile(f, dtype=hydro_struct, count=ncells)
assert np.all(arr["pad1"] == arr["pad2"]) # pads must be equal
source = {}
for field in fields:
sh = (nocts, 8)
source[field] = np.reshape(arr[field], sh, order="C").astype("float64")
return source
def _read_root_level(f, level_offsets, level_info, nhydro_vars=10):
nocts = level_info[0][0]) # Ditch the header
hvar = read_vector(f, "f", ">")
var = read_vector(f, "f", ">")
hvar = hvar.reshape((nhydro_vars, nocts * 8), order="F")
var = var.reshape((2, nocts * 8), order="F")
arr = np.concatenate((hvar, var))
return arr
# All of these functions are to convert from hydro time var to
# proper time
sqrt = np.sqrt
sign = np.sign
def find_root(f, a, b, tol=1e-6):
c = (a + b) / 2.0
last = -np.inf
assert sign(f(a)) != sign(f(b))
while np.abs(f(c) - last) > tol:
last = f(c)
if sign(last) == sign(f(b)):
b = c
a = c
c = (a + b) / 2.0
return c
def quad(fintegrand, xmin, xmax, n=1e4):
from yt._maintenance.numpy2_compat import trapezoid
spacings = np.logspace(np.log10(xmin), np.log10(xmax), num=int(n))
integrand_arr = fintegrand(spacings)
val = trapezoid(integrand_arr, dx=np.diff(spacings))
return val
def a2b(at, Om0=0.27, Oml0=0.73, h=0.700):
def f_a2b(x):
val = 0.5 * sqrt(Om0) / x**3.0
val /= sqrt(Om0 / x**3.0 + Oml0 + (1.0 - Om0 - Oml0) / x**2.0)
return val
# val, err = si.quad(f_a2b,1,at)
val = quad(f_a2b, 1, at)
return val
def b2a(bt, **kwargs):
# converts code time into expansion factor
# if Om0 ==1and OmL == 0 then b2a is (1 / (1-td))**2
# if bt < -190.0 or bt > -.10: raise 'bt outside of range'
def f_b2a(at):
return a2b(at, **kwargs) - bt
return find_root(f_b2a, 1e-4, 1.1)
# return so.brenth(f_b2a,1e-4,1.1)
# return brent.brent(f_b2a)
def a2t(at, Om0=0.27, Oml0=0.73, h=0.700):
def integrand(x):
return 1.0 / (x * sqrt(Oml0 + Om0 * x**-3.0))
current_time = quad(integrand, 1e-4, at)
current_time *= 9.779 / h
return current_time
def b2t(tb, n=1e2, logger=None, **kwargs):
tb = np.array(tb)
if isinstance(tb, float):
return a2t(b2a(tb))
if tb.shape == ():
return a2t(b2a(tb))
if len(tb) < n:
n = len(tb)
tbs = -1.0 * np.logspace(np.log10(-tb.min()), np.log10(-tb.max()), int(n))
ages = []
for i, tbi in enumerate(tbs):
ages += (a2t(b2a(tbi)),)
if logger:
ages = np.array(ages)
return tbs, ages