Source code for
import numpy as np
from yt.frontends.gadget.api import IOHandlerGadgetHDF5
from yt.utilities.on_demand_imports import _h5py as h5py
class IOHandlerArepoHDF5(IOHandlerGadgetHDF5):
_dataset_type = "arepo_hdf5"
def _generate_smoothing_length(self, index):
# This is handled below in _get_smoothing_length
def _get_smoothing_length(self, data_file, position_dtype, position_shape):
ptype = self.ds._sph_ptypes[0]
ind = int(ptype[-1])
si, ei = data_file.start, data_file.end
with h5py.File(data_file.filename, mode="r") as f:
pcount = f["/Header"].attrs["NumPart_ThisFile"][ind].astype("int64")
pcount = np.clip(pcount - si, 0, ei - si)
# Arepo cells do not have "smoothing lengths" by definition, so
# we compute one here by finding the radius of the sphere
# corresponding to the volume of the Voroni cell and multiplying
# by a user-configurable smoothing factor.
hsml = f[ptype]["Masses"][si:ei, ...] / f[ptype]["Density"][si:ei, ...]
hsml *= 3.0 / (4.0 * np.pi)
hsml **= 1.0 / 3.0
hsml *= self.ds.smoothing_factor
dt = hsml.dtype.newbyteorder("N") # Native
if position_dtype is not None and dt < position_dtype:
dt = position_dtype
return hsml.astype(dt)