Source code for

AMRVAC-specific IO functions

import os

import numpy as np
from more_itertools import always_iterable

from yt.geometry.selection_routines import GridSelector
from yt.utilities.io_handler import BaseIOHandler
from yt.utilities.on_demand_imports import _f90nml as f90nml

[docs] def read_amrvac_namelist(parfiles): """Read one or more parfiles, and return a unified f90nml.Namelist object. This function replicates the patching logic of MPI-AMRVAC where redundant parameters only retain last-in-line values, with the exception of `&filelist:base_filename`, which is accumulated. When passed a single file, this function acts as a mere wrapper of Parameters ---------- parfiles : str, os.Pathlike, byte, or an iterable returning those types A file path, or a list of file paths to MPI-AMRVAC configuration parfiles. Returns ------- unified_namelist : f90nml.Namelist A single namelist object. The class inherits from ordereddict. """ parfiles = (os.path.expanduser(pf) for pf in always_iterable(parfiles)) # first merge the namelists namelists = [ for parfile in parfiles] unified_namelist = f90nml.Namelist() for nml in namelists: unified_namelist.patch(nml) # accumulate `&filelist:base_filename` base_filename = "".join( nml.get("filelist", {}).get("base_filename", "") for nml in namelists ) unified_namelist["filelist"]["base_filename"] = base_filename return unified_namelist
[docs] class AMRVACIOHandler(BaseIOHandler): _particle_reader = False _dataset_type = "amrvac" def __init__(self, ds): BaseIOHandler.__init__(self, ds) self.ds = ds self.datfile = ds.parameter_filename header = self.ds.parameters self.block_shape = np.append(header["block_nx"], header["nw"]) def _read_particle_coords(self, chunks, ptf): """Not implemented yet.""" # This needs to *yield* a series of tuples of (ptype, (x, y, z)). # chunks is a list of chunks, and ptf is a dict where the keys are # ptypes and the values are lists of fields. raise NotImplementedError def _read_particle_fields(self, chunks, ptf, selector): """Not implemented yet.""" # This gets called after the arrays have been allocated. It needs to # yield ((ptype, field), data) where data is the masked results of # reading ptype, field and applying the selector to the data read in. # Selector objects have a .select_points(x,y,z) that returns a mask, so # you need to do your masking here. raise NotImplementedError def _read_data(self, fid, grid, field): """Retrieve field data from a grid. Parameters ---------- fid: file descriptor (open binary file with read access) grid : yt.frontends.amrvac.data_structures.AMRVACGrid The grid from which data is to be read. field : str A field name. Returns ------- data : np.ndarray A 3D array of float64 type representing grid data. """ ileaf = offset = grid._index.block_offsets[ileaf] field_idx = self.ds.parameters["w_names"].index(field) field_shape = self.block_shape[:-1] count = byte_size_field = count * 8 # size of a double + byte_size_field * field_idx) data = np.fromfile(fid, "=f8", count=count) data.shape = field_shape[::-1] data = data.T # Always convert data to 3D, as grid.ActiveDimensions is always 3D while len(data.shape) < 3: data = data[..., np.newaxis] return data def _read_fluid_selection(self, chunks, selector, fields, size): """Retrieve field(s) data in a selected region of space. Parameters ---------- chunks : generator A generator for multiple chunks, each of which contains a list of grids. selector : yt.geometry.selection_routines.SelectorObject A spatial region selector. fields : list A list of tuples (ftype, fname). size : np.int64 The cumulative number of objs contained in all chunks. Returns ------- data_dict : dict keys are the (ftype, fname) tuples, values are arrays that have been masked using whatever selector method is appropriate. Arrays have dtype float64. """ # @Notes from Niels: # The chunks list has YTDataChunk objects containing the different grids. # The list of grids can be obtained by doing eg. # grids_list = chunks[0].objs or chunks[1].objs etc. # Every element in "grids_list" is then an AMRVACGrid object, # and has hence all attributes of a grid : # (Level, ActiveDimensions, LeftEdge, etc.) chunks = list(chunks) data_dict = {} # <- return variable if isinstance(selector, GridSelector): if not len(chunks) == len(chunks[0].objs) == 1: raise RuntimeError grid = chunks[0].objs[0] with open(self.datfile, "rb") as fh: for ftype, fname in fields: data_dict[ftype, fname] = self._read_data(fh, grid, fname) else: if size is None: size = sum(g.count(selector) for chunk in chunks for g in chunk.objs) for field in fields: data_dict[field] = np.empty(size, dtype="float64") # nb_grids = sum(len(chunk.objs) for chunk in chunks) with open(self.datfile, "rb") as fh: ind = 0 for chunk in chunks: for grid in chunk.objs: nd = 0 for field in fields: ftype, fname = field data = self._read_data(fh, grid, fname) nd =, data, data_dict[field], ind) ind += nd return data_dict def _read_chunk_data(self, chunk, fields): """Not implemented yet.""" # This reads the data from a single chunk without doing any selection, # and is only used for caching data that might be used by multiple # different selectors later. For instance, this can speed up ghost zone # computation. # it should be used by _read_fluid_selection instead of _read_data raise NotImplementedError