Source code for yt.frontends.amrex.data_structures

import glob
import os
import re
from collections import namedtuple
from functools import cached_property
from stat import ST_CTIME

import numpy as np

from yt.data_objects.index_subobjects.grid_patch import AMRGridPatch
from yt.data_objects.static_output import Dataset
from yt.fields.field_info_container import FieldInfoContainer
from yt.funcs import mylog, setdefaultattr
from yt.geometry.api import Geometry
from yt.geometry.grid_geometry_handler import GridIndex
from yt.utilities.io_handler import io_registry
from yt.utilities.lib.misc_utilities import get_box_grids_level
from yt.utilities.parallel_tools.parallel_analysis_interface import parallel_root_only

from .fields import (

# This is what we use to find scientific notation that might include d's
# instead of e's.
_scinot_finder = re.compile(r"[-+]?[0-9]*\.?[0-9]+([eEdD][-+]?[0-9]+)?")
# This is the dimensions in the Cell_H file for each level
# It is different for different dimensionalities, so we make a list
_1dregx = r"-?\d+"
_2dregx = r"-?\d+,-?\d+"
_3dregx = r"-?\d+,-?\d+,-?\d+"
_dim_finder = [
    re.compile(rf"\(\(({ndregx})\) \(({ndregx})\) \({ndregx}\)\)$")
    for ndregx in (_1dregx, _2dregx, _3dregx)
# This is the line that prefixes each set of data for a FAB in the FAB file
# It is different for different dimensionalities, so we make a list
_endian_regex = r"^FAB\ \(\(\d+,\ \([\d\ ]+\)\),\((\d+),\ \(([\d\ ]+)\)\)\)"
_header_pattern = [
        rf"""{_endian_regex}            # match `endianness`
              \(( {ndregx} )\)          # match `start`
            \ \(( {ndregx} )\)          # match `end`
            \ \(( {ndregx} )\)          # match `centering`
        \ (-?\d+)                       # match `nc`
        $ # end of line
    for ndregx in (_1dregx, _2dregx, _3dregx)

[docs] class BoxlibGrid(AMRGridPatch): _id_offset = 0 _offset = -1 def __init__(self, grid_id, offset, filename=None, index=None): super().__init__(grid_id, filename, index) self._base_offset = offset self._parent_id = [] self._children_ids = [] self._pdata = {} def _prepare_grid(self): super()._prepare_grid() my_ind = - self._id_offset self.start_index = self.index.grid_start_index[my_ind]
[docs] def get_global_startindex(self): return self.start_index
def _setup_dx(self): # has already been read in and stored in index = self.index.ds.arr(self.index.level_dds[self.Level, :], "code_length") self.field_data["dx"], self.field_data["dy"], self.field_data["dz"] = @property def Parent(self): if len(self._parent_id) == 0: return None return [self.index.grids[pid - self._id_offset] for pid in self._parent_id] @property def Children(self): return [self.index.grids[cid - self._id_offset] for cid in self._children_ids] def _get_offset(self, f): # This will either seek to the _offset or figure out the correct # _offset. if self._offset == -1:, os.SEEK_SET) f.readline() self._offset = f.tell() return self._offset # We override here because we can have varying refinement levels
[docs] def select_ires(self, dobj): mask = self._get_selector_mask(dobj.selector) if mask is None: return np.empty(0, dtype="int64") coords = np.empty(self._last_count, dtype="int64") coords[:] = self.Level + self.ds.level_offsets[self.Level] return coords
# Override this as well, since refine_by can vary def _fill_child_mask(self, child, mask, tofill, dlevel=1): rf = self.ds.ref_factors[self.Level] if dlevel != 1: raise NotImplementedError gi, cgi = self.get_global_startindex(), child.get_global_startindex() startIndex = np.maximum(0, cgi // rf - gi) endIndex = np.minimum( (cgi + child.ActiveDimensions) // rf - gi, self.ActiveDimensions ) endIndex += startIndex == endIndex mask[ startIndex[0] : endIndex[0], startIndex[1] : endIndex[1], startIndex[2] : endIndex[2], ] = tofill
[docs] class BoxLibParticleHeader: def __init__(self, ds, directory_name, is_checkpoint, extra_field_names=None): self.particle_type = directory_name header_filename = os.path.join(ds.output_dir, directory_name, "Header") with open(header_filename) as f: self.version_string = f.readline().strip() particle_real_type = self.version_string.split("_")[-1] known_real_types = {"double": np.float64, "single": np.float32} try: self.real_type = known_real_types[particle_real_type] except KeyError: mylog.warning( "yt did not recognize particle real type '%s'. Assuming 'double'.", particle_real_type, ) self.real_type = known_real_types["double"] self.int_type = np.int32 self.dim = int(f.readline().strip()) self.num_int_base = 2 + self.dim self.num_real_base = self.dim self.num_int_extra = 0 # this should be written by Boxlib, but isn't self.num_real_extra = int(f.readline().strip()) self.num_int = self.num_int_base + self.num_int_extra self.num_real = self.num_real_base + self.num_real_extra self.num_particles = int(f.readline().strip()) self.max_next_id = int(f.readline().strip()) self.finest_level = int(f.readline().strip()) self.num_levels = self.finest_level + 1 # Boxlib particles can be written in checkpoint or plotfile mode # The base integer fields are only there for checkpoints, but some # codes use the checkpoint format for plotting if not is_checkpoint: self.num_int_base = 0 self.num_int_extra = 0 self.num_int = 0 self.grids_per_level = np.zeros(self.num_levels, dtype="int64") self.data_map = {} for level_num in range(self.num_levels): self.grids_per_level[level_num] = int(f.readline().strip()) self.data_map[level_num] = {} pfd = namedtuple( "ParticleFileDescriptor", ["file_number", "num_particles", "offset"] ) for level_num in range(self.num_levels): for grid_num in range(self.grids_per_level[level_num]): entry = [int(val) for val in f.readline().strip().split()] self.data_map[level_num][grid_num] = pfd(*entry) self._generate_particle_fields(extra_field_names) def _generate_particle_fields(self, extra_field_names): # these are the 'base' integer fields self.known_int_fields = [ (self.particle_type, "particle_id"), (self.particle_type, "particle_cpu"), (self.particle_type, "particle_cell_x"), (self.particle_type, "particle_cell_y"), (self.particle_type, "particle_cell_z"), ] self.known_int_fields = self.known_int_fields[0 : self.num_int_base] # these are extra integer fields extra_int_fields = [ "particle_int_comp%d" % i for i in range(self.num_int_extra) ] self.known_int_fields.extend( [(self.particle_type, field) for field in extra_int_fields] ) # these are the base real fields self.known_real_fields = [ (self.particle_type, "particle_position_x"), (self.particle_type, "particle_position_y"), (self.particle_type, "particle_position_z"), ] self.known_real_fields = self.known_real_fields[0 : self.num_real_base] # these are the extras if extra_field_names is not None: assert len(extra_field_names) == self.num_real_extra else: extra_field_names = [ "particle_real_comp%d" % i for i in range(self.num_real_extra) ] self.known_real_fields.extend( [(self.particle_type, field) for field in extra_field_names] ) self.known_fields = self.known_int_fields + self.known_real_fields self.particle_int_dtype = np.dtype( [(t[1], self.int_type) for t in self.known_int_fields] ) self.particle_real_dtype = np.dtype( [(t[1], self.real_type) for t in self.known_real_fields] )
[docs] class AMReXParticleHeader: def __init__(self, ds, directory_name, is_checkpoint, extra_field_names=None): self.particle_type = directory_name header_filename = os.path.join(ds.output_dir, directory_name, "Header") self.real_component_names = [] self.int_component_names = [] with open(header_filename) as f: self.version_string = f.readline().strip() particle_real_type = self.version_string.split("_")[-1] if particle_real_type == "double": self.real_type = np.float64 elif particle_real_type == "single": self.real_type = np.float32 else: raise RuntimeError("yt did not recognize particle real type.") self.int_type = np.int32 self.dim = int(f.readline().strip()) self.num_int_base = 2 self.num_real_base = self.dim self.num_real_extra = int(f.readline().strip()) for _ in range(self.num_real_extra): self.real_component_names.append(f.readline().strip()) self.num_int_extra = int(f.readline().strip()) for _ in range(self.num_int_extra): self.int_component_names.append(f.readline().strip()) self.num_int = self.num_int_base + self.num_int_extra self.num_real = self.num_real_base + self.num_real_extra self.is_checkpoint = bool(int(f.readline().strip())) self.num_particles = int(f.readline().strip()) self.max_next_id = int(f.readline().strip()) self.finest_level = int(f.readline().strip()) self.num_levels = self.finest_level + 1 if not self.is_checkpoint: self.num_int_base = 0 self.num_int_extra = 0 self.num_int = 0 self.grids_per_level = np.zeros(self.num_levels, dtype="int64") self.data_map = {} for level_num in range(self.num_levels): self.grids_per_level[level_num] = int(f.readline().strip()) self.data_map[level_num] = {} pfd = namedtuple( "ParticleFileDescriptor", ["file_number", "num_particles", "offset"] ) for level_num in range(self.num_levels): for grid_num in range(self.grids_per_level[level_num]): entry = [int(val) for val in f.readline().strip().split()] self.data_map[level_num][grid_num] = pfd(*entry) self._generate_particle_fields() def _generate_particle_fields(self): # these are the 'base' integer fields self.known_int_fields = [ (self.particle_type, "particle_id"), (self.particle_type, "particle_cpu"), ] self.known_int_fields = self.known_int_fields[0 : self.num_int_base] self.known_int_fields.extend( [ (self.particle_type, "particle_" + field) for field in self.int_component_names ] ) # these are the base real fields self.known_real_fields = [ (self.particle_type, "particle_position_x"), (self.particle_type, "particle_position_y"), (self.particle_type, "particle_position_z"), ] self.known_real_fields = self.known_real_fields[0 : self.num_real_base] self.known_real_fields.extend( [ (self.particle_type, "particle_" + field) for field in self.real_component_names ] ) self.known_fields = self.known_int_fields + self.known_real_fields self.particle_int_dtype = np.dtype( [(t[1], self.int_type) for t in self.known_int_fields] ) self.particle_real_dtype = np.dtype( [(t[1], self.real_type) for t in self.known_real_fields] )
[docs] class BoxlibHierarchy(GridIndex): grid = BoxlibGrid def __init__(self, ds, dataset_type="boxlib_native"): self.dataset_type = dataset_type self.header_filename = os.path.join(ds.output_dir, "Header") = ds.output_dir self.particle_headers = {} GridIndex.__init__(self, ds, dataset_type) self._cache_endianness(self.grids[-1]) def _parse_index(self): """ read the global header file for an Boxlib plotfile output. """ self.max_level = self.dataset._max_level header_file = open(self.header_filename) self.dimensionality = self.dataset.dimensionality _our_dim_finder = _dim_finder[self.dimensionality - 1] DRE = self.dataset.domain_right_edge # shortcut DLE = self.dataset.domain_left_edge # shortcut # We can now skip to the point in the file we want to start parsing. dx = [] for i in range(self.max_level + 1): dx.append([float(v) for v in next(header_file).split()]) # account for non-3d data sets if self.dimensionality < 2: dx[i].append(DRE[1] - DLE[1]) if self.dimensionality < 3: dx[i].append(DRE[2] - DLE[2]) self.level_dds = np.array(dx, dtype="float64") next(header_file) if self.ds.geometry == "cartesian": default_ybounds = (0.0, 1.0) default_zbounds = (0.0, 1.0) elif self.ds.geometry == "cylindrical": self.level_dds[:, 2] = 2 * np.pi default_ybounds = (0.0, 1.0) default_zbounds = (0.0, 2 * np.pi) elif self.ds.geometry == "spherical": # BoxLib only supports 1D spherical, so ensure # the other dimensions have the right extent. self.level_dds[:, 1] = np.pi self.level_dds[:, 2] = 2 * np.pi default_ybounds = (0.0, np.pi) default_zbounds = (0.0, 2 * np.pi) else: header_file.close() raise RuntimeError("Unknown BoxLib coordinate system.") if int(next(header_file)) != 0: header_file.close() raise RuntimeError("INTERNAL ERROR! This should be a zero.") # each level is one group with ngrids on it. # each grid has self.dimensionality number of lines of 2 reals self.grids = [] grid_counter = 0 for level in range(self.max_level + 1): vals = next(header_file).split() lev, ngrids = int(vals[0]), int(vals[1]) assert lev == level nsteps = int(next(header_file)) # NOQA for gi in range(ngrids): xlo, xhi = (float(v) for v in next(header_file).split()) if self.dimensionality > 1: ylo, yhi = (float(v) for v in next(header_file).split()) else: ylo, yhi = default_ybounds if self.dimensionality > 2: zlo, zhi = (float(v) for v in next(header_file).split()) else: zlo, zhi = default_zbounds self.grid_left_edge[grid_counter + gi, :] = [xlo, ylo, zlo] self.grid_right_edge[grid_counter + gi, :] = [xhi, yhi, zhi] # Now we get to the level header filename, which we open and parse. fn = os.path.join(self.dataset.output_dir, next(header_file).strip()) level_header_file = open(fn + "_H") level_dir = os.path.dirname(fn) # We skip the first two lines, which contain BoxLib header file # version and 'how' the data was written next(level_header_file) next(level_header_file) # Now we get the number of components ncomp_this_file = int(next(level_header_file)) # NOQA # Skip the next line, which contains the number of ghost zones next(level_header_file) # To decipher this next line, we expect something like: # (8 0 # where the first is the number of FABs in this level. ngrids = int(next(level_header_file).split()[0][1:]) # Now we can iterate over each and get the indices. for gi in range(ngrids): # components within it start, stop = _our_dim_finder.match(next(level_header_file)).groups() # fix for non-3d data # note we append '0' to both ends b/c of the '+1' in dims below start += ",0" * (3 - self.dimensionality) stop += ",0" * (3 - self.dimensionality) start = np.array(start.split(","), dtype="int64") stop = np.array(stop.split(","), dtype="int64") dims = stop - start + 1 self.grid_dimensions[grid_counter + gi, :] = dims self.grid_start_index[grid_counter + gi, :] = start # Now we read two more lines. The first of these is a close # parenthesis. next(level_header_file) # The next is again the number of grids next(level_header_file) # Now we iterate over grids to find their offsets in each file. for gi in range(ngrids): # Now we get the data file, at which point we're ready to # create the grid. dummy, filename, offset = next(level_header_file).split() filename = os.path.join(level_dir, filename) go = self.grid(grid_counter + gi, int(offset), filename, self) go.Level = self.grid_levels[grid_counter + gi, :] = level self.grids.append(go) level_header_file.close() grid_counter += ngrids # already read the filenames above... self.float_type = "float64" header_file.close() def _cache_endianness(self, test_grid): """ Cache the endianness and bytes perreal of the grids by using a test grid and assuming that all grids have the same endianness. This is a pretty safe assumption since Boxlib uses one file per processor, and if you're running on a cluster with different endian processors, then you're on your own! """ # open the test file & grab the header with open(os.path.expanduser(test_grid.filename), "rb") as f: header = f.readline().decode("ascii", "ignore") bpr, endian, start, stop, centering, nc = ( _header_pattern[self.dimensionality - 1].search(header).groups() ) # Note that previously we were using a different value for BPR than we # use now. Here is an example set of information directly from BoxLib """ * DOUBLE data * FAB ((8, (64 11 52 0 1 12 0 1023)),(8, (1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8)))((0,0) (63,63) (0,0)) 27 # NOQA: E501 * FLOAT data * FAB ((8, (32 8 23 0 1 9 0 127)),(4, (1 2 3 4)))((0,0) (63,63) (0,0)) 27 """ if bpr == endian[0]: dtype = f"<f{bpr}" elif bpr == endian[-1]: dtype = f">f{bpr}" else: raise ValueError( "FAB header is neither big nor little endian. " "Perhaps the file is corrupt?" ) mylog.debug("FAB header suggests dtype of %s", dtype) self._dtype = np.dtype(dtype) def _populate_grid_objects(self): mylog.debug("Creating grid objects") self.grids = np.array(self.grids, dtype="object") self._reconstruct_parent_child() for i, grid in enumerate(self.grids): if (i % 1e4) == 0: mylog.debug("Prepared % 7i / % 7i grids", i, self.num_grids) grid._prepare_grid() grid._setup_dx() mylog.debug("Done creating grid objects") def _reconstruct_parent_child(self): if self.max_level == 0: return mask = np.empty(len(self.grids), dtype="int32") mylog.debug("First pass; identifying child grids") for i, grid in enumerate(self.grids): get_box_grids_level( self.grid_left_edge[i, :], self.grid_right_edge[i, :], self.grid_levels[i].item() + 1, self.grid_left_edge, self.grid_right_edge, self.grid_levels, mask, ) ids = np.where(mask.astype("bool")) # where is a tuple grid._children_ids = ids[0] + grid._id_offset mylog.debug("Second pass; identifying parents") for i, grid in enumerate(self.grids): # Second pass for child in grid.Children: child._parent_id.append(i + grid._id_offset) def _count_grids(self): # We can get everything from the Header file, but note that we're # duplicating some work done elsewhere. In a future where we don't # pre-allocate grid arrays, this becomes unnecessary. header_file = open(self.header_filename) # Skip over the level dxs, geometry and the zero: [next(header_file) for i in range(self.dataset._max_level + 3)] # Now we need to be very careful, as we've seeked, and now we iterate. # Does this work? We are going to count the number of places that we # have a three-item line. The three items would be level, number of # grids, and then grid time. self.num_grids = 0 for line in header_file: if len(line.split()) != 3: continue self.num_grids += int(line.split()[1]) header_file.close() def _initialize_grid_arrays(self): super()._initialize_grid_arrays() self.grid_start_index = np.zeros((self.num_grids, 3), "int64") def _initialize_state_variables(self): """override to not re-initialize num_grids in AMRHierarchy.__init__""" self._parallel_locking = False self._data_file = None self._data_mode = None def _detect_output_fields(self): # This is all done in _parse_header_file self.field_list = [("boxlib", f) for f in self.dataset._field_list] self.field_indexes = {f[1]: i for i, f in enumerate(self.field_list)} # There are times when field_list may change. We copy it here to # avoid that possibility. self.field_order = list(self.field_list) def _setup_data_io(self): = io_registry[self.dataset_type](self.dataset) def _determine_particle_output_type(self, directory_name): header_filename = os.path.join(self.ds.output_dir, directory_name, "Header") with open(header_filename) as f: version_string = f.readline().strip() if version_string.startswith("Version_Two"): return AMReXParticleHeader else: return BoxLibParticleHeader def _read_particles(self, directory_name, is_checkpoint, extra_field_names=None): pheader = self._determine_particle_output_type(directory_name) self.particle_headers[directory_name] = pheader( self.ds, directory_name, is_checkpoint, extra_field_names ) num_parts = self.particle_headers[directory_name].num_particles if self.ds._particle_type_counts is None: self.ds._particle_type_counts = {} self.ds._particle_type_counts[directory_name] = num_parts base = os.path.join(self.ds.output_dir, directory_name) if len(glob.glob(os.path.join(base, "Level_?", "DATA_????"))) > 0: base_particle_fn = os.path.join(base, "Level_%d", "DATA_%.4d") elif len(glob.glob(os.path.join(base, "Level_?", "DATA_?????"))) > 0: base_particle_fn = os.path.join(base, "Level_%d", "DATA_%.5d") else: return gid = 0 for lev, data in self.particle_headers[directory_name].data_map.items(): for pdf in data.values(): pdict = self.grids[gid]._pdata pdict[directory_name] = {} pdict[directory_name]["particle_filename"] = base_particle_fn % ( lev, pdf.file_number, ) pdict[directory_name]["offset"] = pdf.offset pdict[directory_name]["NumberOfParticles"] = pdf.num_particles self.grid_particle_count[gid] += pdf.num_particles self.grids[gid].NumberOfParticles += pdf.num_particles gid += 1 # add particle fields to field_list pfield_list = self.particle_headers[directory_name].known_fields self.field_list.extend(pfield_list)
[docs] class BoxlibDataset(Dataset): """ This class is a stripped down class that simply reads and parses *filename*, without looking at the Boxlib index. """ _index_class = BoxlibHierarchy _field_info_class: type[FieldInfoContainer] = BoxlibFieldInfo _output_prefix = None _default_cparam_filename = "job_info" def __init__( self, output_dir, cparam_filename=None, fparam_filename=None, dataset_type="boxlib_native", storage_filename=None, units_override=None, unit_system="cgs", default_species_fields=None, ): """ The paramfile is usually called "inputs" and there may be a fortran inputs file usually called "probin" plotname here will be a directory name as per BoxLib, dataset_type will be Native (implemented here), IEEE (not yet implemented) or ASCII (not yet implemented.) """ self.fluid_types += ("boxlib",) self.output_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(output_dir)) cparam_filename = cparam_filename or self.__class__._default_cparam_filename self.cparam_filename = self._lookup_cparam_filepath( self.output_dir, cparam_filename=cparam_filename ) self.fparam_filename = self._localize_check(fparam_filename) self.storage_filename = storage_filename Dataset.__init__( self, output_dir, dataset_type, units_override=units_override, unit_system=unit_system, default_species_fields=default_species_fields, ) # These are still used in a few places. if "HydroMethod" not in self.parameters.keys(): self.parameters["HydroMethod"] = "boxlib" self.parameters["Time"] = 1.0 # default unit is 1... self.parameters["EOSType"] = -1 # default self.parameters["gamma"] = self.parameters.get("materials.gamma", 1.6667) def _localize_check(self, fn): if fn is None: return None # If the file exists, use it. If not, set it to None. root_dir = os.path.dirname(self.output_dir) full_fn = os.path.join(root_dir, fn) if os.path.exists(full_fn): return full_fn return None @classmethod def _is_valid(cls, filename, *args, cparam_filename=None, **kwargs): output_dir = filename header_filename = os.path.join(output_dir, "Header") # boxlib datasets are always directories, and # We *know* it's not boxlib if Header doesn't exist. if not os.path.exists(header_filename): return False if cls is BoxlibDataset: # Stop checks here for the boxlib base class. # Further checks are performed on subclasses. return True cparam_filename = cparam_filename or cls._default_cparam_filename cparam_filepath = cls._lookup_cparam_filepath(output_dir, cparam_filename) if cparam_filepath is None: return False with open(cparam_filepath) as f: lines = [line.lower() for line in f] return any(cls._subtype_keyword in line for line in lines) @classmethod def _lookup_cparam_filepath(cls, output_dir, cparam_filename): lookup_table = [ os.path.abspath(os.path.join(p, cparam_filename)) for p in (output_dir, os.path.dirname(output_dir)) ] found = [os.path.exists(file) for file in lookup_table] if not any(found): return None return lookup_table[found.index(True)] @cached_property def unique_identifier(self) -> str: hfn = os.path.join(self.output_dir, "Header") return str(int(os.stat(hfn)[ST_CTIME])) def _parse_parameter_file(self): """ Parses the parameter file and establishes the various dictionaries. """ self._periodicity = (False, False, False) self._parse_header_file() # Let's read the file # the 'inputs' file is now optional self._parse_cparams() self._parse_fparams() def _parse_cparams(self): if self.cparam_filename is None: return with open(self.cparam_filename) as param_file: for line in (line.split("#")[0].strip() for line in param_file): try: param, vals = (s.strip() for s in line.split("=")) except ValueError: continue # Castro and Maestro mark overridden defaults with a "[*]" # before the parameter name param = param.removeprefix("[*]").strip() if param == "amr.ref_ratio": vals = self.refine_by = int(vals[0]) elif param == "Prob.lo_bc": vals = tuple(p == "1" for p in vals.split()) assert len(vals) == self.dimensionality # default to non periodic periodicity = [False, False, False] # fill in ndim parsed values periodicity[: self.dimensionality] = vals self._periodicity = tuple(periodicity) elif param == "castro.use_comoving": vals = self.cosmological_simulation = int(vals) else: try: vals = _guess_pcast(vals) except (IndexError, ValueError): # hitting an empty string or a comment vals = None self.parameters[param] = vals if getattr(self, "cosmological_simulation", 0) == 1: self.omega_lambda = self.parameters["comoving_OmL"] self.omega_matter = self.parameters["comoving_OmM"] self.hubble_constant = self.parameters["comoving_h"] with open(os.path.join(self.output_dir, "comoving_a")) as a_file: line = a_file.readline().strip() self.current_redshift = 1 / float(line) - 1 else: self.current_redshift = 0.0 self.omega_lambda = 0.0 self.omega_matter = 0.0 self.hubble_constant = 0.0 self.cosmological_simulation = 0 def _parse_fparams(self): """ Parses the fortran parameter file for Orion. Most of this will be useless, but this is where it keeps mu = mass per particle/m_hydrogen. """ if self.fparam_filename is None: return param_file = open(self.fparam_filename) for line in (l for l in param_file if "=" in l): param, vals = (v.strip() for v in line.split("=")) # Now, there are a couple different types of parameters. # Some will be where you only have floating point values, others # will be where things are specified as string literals. # Unfortunately, we're also using Fortran values, which will have # things like 1.d-2 which is pathologically difficult to parse if # your C library doesn't include 'd' in its locale for strtod. # So we'll try to determine this. vals = vals.split() if any(_scinot_finder.match(v) for v in vals): vals = [float(v.replace("D", "e").replace("d", "e")) for v in vals] if len(vals) == 1: vals = vals[0] self.parameters[param] = vals param_file.close() def _parse_header_file(self): """ We parse the Boxlib header, which we use as our basis. Anything in the inputs file will override this, but the inputs file is not strictly necessary for orientation of the data in space. """ # Note: Python uses a read-ahead buffer, so using next(), which would # be my preferred solution, won't work here. We have to explicitly # call readline() if we want to end up with an offset at the very end. # Fortunately, elsewhere we don't care about the offset, so we're fine # everywhere else using iteration exclusively. header_file = open(os.path.join(self.output_dir, "Header")) self.orion_version = header_file.readline().rstrip() n_fields = int(header_file.readline()) self._field_list = [header_file.readline().strip() for i in range(n_fields)] self.dimensionality = int(header_file.readline()) self.current_time = float(header_file.readline()) # This is traditionally a index attribute, so we will set it, but # in a slightly hidden variable. self._max_level = int(header_file.readline()) for side, init in [("left", np.zeros), ("right", np.ones)]: domain_edge = init(3, dtype="float64") domain_edge[: self.dimensionality] = header_file.readline().split() setattr(self, f"domain_{side}_edge", domain_edge) ref_factors = np.array(header_file.readline().split(), dtype="int64") if ref_factors.size == 0: # We use a default of two, as Nyx doesn't always output this value ref_factors = [2] * (self._max_level + 1) # We can't vary refinement factors based on dimension, or whatever else # they are varied on. In one curious thing, I found that some Castro 3D # data has only two refinement factors, which I don't know how to # understand. self.ref_factors = ref_factors if np.unique(ref_factors).size > 1: # We want everything to be a multiple of this. self.refine_by = min(ref_factors) # Check that they're all multiples of the minimum. if not all( float(rf) / self.refine_by == int(float(rf) / self.refine_by) for rf in ref_factors ): header_file.close() raise RuntimeError base_log = np.log2(self.refine_by) self.level_offsets = [0] # level 0 has to have 0 offset lo = 0 for rf in self.ref_factors: lo += int(np.log2(rf) / base_log) - 1 self.level_offsets.append(lo) # assert(np.unique(ref_factors).size == 1) else: self.refine_by = ref_factors[0] self.level_offsets = [0 for l in range(self._max_level + 1)] # Now we read the global index space, to get index_space = header_file.readline() # This will be of the form: # ((0,0,0) (255,255,255) (0,0,0)) ((0,0,0) (511,511,511) (0,0,0)) # So note that if we split it all up based on spaces, we should be # fine, as long as we take the first two entries, which correspond to # the root level. I'm not 100% pleased with this solution. root_space = index_space.replace("(", "").replace(")", "").split()[:2] start = np.array(root_space[0].split(","), dtype="int64") stop = np.array(root_space[1].split(","), dtype="int64") dd = np.ones(3, dtype="int64") dd[: self.dimensionality] = stop - start + 1 self.domain_offset[: self.dimensionality] = start self.domain_dimensions = dd # Skip timesteps per level header_file.readline() self._header_mesh_start = header_file.tell() # Skip the cell size information per level - we'll get this later for _ in range(self._max_level + 1): header_file.readline() # Get the geometry next_line = header_file.readline() if len(next_line.split()) == 1: coordinate_type = int(next_line) else: coordinate_type = 0 known_types = {0: "cartesian", 1: "cylindrical", 2: "spherical"} try: geom_str = known_types[coordinate_type] except KeyError as err: header_file.close() raise ValueError(f"Unknown BoxLib coord_type `{coordinate_type}`.") from err else: self.geometry = Geometry(geom_str) if self.geometry == "cylindrical": dre = self.domain_right_edge.copy() dre[2] = 2.0 * np.pi self.domain_right_edge = dre header_file.close() def _set_code_unit_attributes(self): setdefaultattr(self, "length_unit", self.quan(1.0, "cm")) setdefaultattr(self, "mass_unit", self.quan(1.0, "g")) setdefaultattr(self, "time_unit", self.quan(1.0, "s")) setdefaultattr(self, "velocity_unit", self.quan(1.0, "cm/s"))
[docs] @parallel_root_only def print_key_parameters(self): for a in [ "current_time", "domain_dimensions", "domain_left_edge", "domain_right_edge", ]: if not hasattr(self, a): mylog.error("Missing %s in parameter file definition!", a) continue v = getattr(self, a)"Parameters: %-25s = %s", a, v)
[docs] def relative_refinement(self, l0, l1): offset = self.level_offsets[l1] - self.level_offsets[l0] return self.refine_by ** (l1 - l0 + offset)
[docs] class AMReXHierarchy(BoxlibHierarchy): def __init__(self, ds, dataset_type="boxlib_native"): super().__init__(ds, dataset_type) if "particles" in self.ds.parameters: is_checkpoint = True for ptype in self.ds.particle_types: self._read_particles(ptype, is_checkpoint)
[docs] class AMReXDataset(BoxlibDataset): _index_class: type[BoxlibHierarchy] = AMReXHierarchy _subtype_keyword = "amrex" _default_cparam_filename = "job_info" def _parse_parameter_file(self): super()._parse_parameter_file() particle_types = glob.glob(os.path.join(self.output_dir, "*", "Header")) particle_types = [cpt.split(os.sep)[-2] for cpt in particle_types] if len(particle_types) > 0: self.parameters["particles"] = 1 self.particle_types = tuple(particle_types) self.particle_types_raw = self.particle_types
[docs] class OrionHierarchy(BoxlibHierarchy): def __init__(self, ds, dataset_type="orion_native"): BoxlibHierarchy.__init__(self, ds, dataset_type) self._read_particles() # = IOHandlerOrion def _detect_output_fields(self): # This is all done in _parse_header_file self.field_list = [("boxlib", f) for f in self.dataset._field_list] self.field_indexes = {f[1]: i for i, f in enumerate(self.field_list)} # There are times when field_list may change. We copy it here to # avoid that possibility. self.field_order = list(self.field_list) # look for particle fields self.particle_filename = None for particle_filename in ["StarParticles", "SinkParticles"]: fn = os.path.join(self.ds.output_dir, particle_filename) if os.path.exists(fn): self.particle_filename = fn if self.particle_filename is None: return pfield_list = [("io", c) for c in] self.field_list.extend(pfield_list) def _read_particles(self): """ Reads in particles and assigns them to grids. Will search for Star particles, then sink particles if no star particle file is found, and finally will simply note that no particles are found if neither works. To add a new Orion particle type, simply add it to the if/elif/else block. """ self.grid_particle_count = np.zeros(len(self.grids)) if self.particle_filename is not None: self._read_particle_file(self.particle_filename) def _read_particle_file(self, fn): """actually reads the orion particle data file itself.""" if not os.path.exists(fn): return with open(fn) as f: lines = f.readlines() self.num_stars = int(lines[0].strip()[0]) for num, line in enumerate(lines[1:]): particle_position_x = float(line.split(" ")[1]) particle_position_y = float(line.split(" ")[2]) particle_position_z = float(line.split(" ")[3]) coord = [particle_position_x, particle_position_y, particle_position_z] # for each particle, determine which grids contain it # copied from mask = np.ones(self.num_grids) for i in range(len(coord)): np.choose( np.greater(self.grid_left_edge.d[:, i], coord[i]), (mask, 0), mask, ) np.choose( np.greater(self.grid_right_edge.d[:, i], coord[i]), (0, mask), mask, ) ind = np.where(mask == 1) selected_grids = self.grids[ind] # in orion, particles always live on the finest level. # so, we want to assign the particle to the finest of # the grids we just found if len(selected_grids) != 0: grid = sorted(selected_grids, key=lambda grid: grid.Level)[-1] ind = np.where(self.grids == grid)[0][0] self.grid_particle_count[ind] += 1 self.grids[ind].NumberOfParticles += 1 # store the position in the particle file for fast access. try: self.grids[ind]._particle_line_numbers.append(num + 1) except AttributeError: self.grids[ind]._particle_line_numbers = [num + 1] return True
[docs] class OrionDataset(BoxlibDataset): _index_class = OrionHierarchy _subtype_keyword = "hyp." _default_cparam_filename = "inputs" def __init__( self, output_dir, cparam_filename=None, fparam_filename="probin", dataset_type="orion_native", storage_filename=None, units_override=None, unit_system="cgs", default_species_fields=None, ): BoxlibDataset.__init__( self, output_dir, cparam_filename, fparam_filename, dataset_type, units_override=units_override, unit_system=unit_system, default_species_fields=default_species_fields, )
[docs] class CastroHierarchy(BoxlibHierarchy): def __init__(self, ds, dataset_type="castro_native"): super().__init__(ds, dataset_type) if "particles" in self.ds.parameters: # extra beyond the base real fields that all Boxlib # particles have, i.e. the xyz positions castro_extra_real_fields = [ "particle_velocity_x", "particle_velocity_y", "particle_velocity_z", ] is_checkpoint = True self._read_particles( "Tracer", is_checkpoint, castro_extra_real_fields[0 : self.ds.dimensionality], )
[docs] class CastroDataset(AMReXDataset): _index_class = CastroHierarchy _field_info_class = CastroFieldInfo _subtype_keyword = "castro" _default_cparam_filename = "job_info" def __init__( self, output_dir, cparam_filename=None, fparam_filename=None, dataset_type="boxlib_native", storage_filename=None, units_override=None, unit_system="cgs", default_species_fields=None, ): super().__init__( output_dir, cparam_filename, fparam_filename, dataset_type, storage_filename, units_override, unit_system, default_species_fields=default_species_fields, ) def _parse_parameter_file(self): super()._parse_parameter_file() jobinfo_filename = os.path.join(self.output_dir, self.cparam_filename) line = "" with open(jobinfo_filename) as f: while not line.startswith(" Inputs File Parameters"): # boundary condition info starts with -x:, etc. bcs = ["-x:", "+x:", "-y:", "+y:", "-z:", "+z:"] if any(b in line for b in bcs): p, v = line.strip().split(":") self.parameters[p] = v.strip() if "git describe" in line or "git hash" in line: # Castro release 17.02 and later # line format: codename git describe: the-hash # Castro before release 17.02 # line format: codename git hash: the-hash fields = line.split(":") self.parameters[fields[0]] = fields[1].strip() line = next(f) # hydro method is set by the base class -- override it here self.parameters["HydroMethod"] = "Castro" # set the periodicity based on the runtime parameters # periodicity = [False, False, False] for i, axis in enumerate("xyz"): try: periodicity[i] = self.parameters[f"-{axis}"] == "interior" except KeyError: break self._periodicity = tuple(periodicity) if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(self.output_dir, "Tracer")): # we have particles self.parameters["particles"] = 1 self.particle_types = ("Tracer",) self.particle_types_raw = self.particle_types
[docs] class MaestroDataset(AMReXDataset): _index_class = BoxlibHierarchy _field_info_class = MaestroFieldInfo _subtype_keyword = "maestro" _default_cparam_filename = "job_info" def __init__( self, output_dir, cparam_filename=None, fparam_filename=None, dataset_type="boxlib_native", storage_filename=None, units_override=None, unit_system="cgs", default_species_fields=None, ): super().__init__( output_dir, cparam_filename, fparam_filename, dataset_type, storage_filename, units_override, unit_system, default_species_fields=default_species_fields, ) def _parse_parameter_file(self): super()._parse_parameter_file() jobinfo_filename = os.path.join(self.output_dir, self.cparam_filename) with open(jobinfo_filename) as f: for line in f: # get the code git hashes if "git hash" in line: # line format: codename git hash: the-hash fields = line.split(":") self.parameters[fields[0]] = fields[1].strip() # hydro method is set by the base class -- override it here self.parameters["HydroMethod"] = "Maestro" # set the periodicity based on the integer BC runtime parameters periodicity = [False, False, False] for i, ax in enumerate("xyz"): try: periodicity[i] = self.parameters[f"bc{ax}_lo"] != -1 except KeyError: pass self._periodicity = tuple(periodicity)
[docs] class NyxHierarchy(BoxlibHierarchy): def __init__(self, ds, dataset_type="nyx_native"): super().__init__(ds, dataset_type) if "particles" in self.ds.parameters: # extra beyond the base real fields that all Boxlib # particles have, i.e. the xyz positions nyx_extra_real_fields = [ "particle_mass", "particle_velocity_x", "particle_velocity_y", "particle_velocity_z", ] is_checkpoint = False self._read_particles( "DM", is_checkpoint, nyx_extra_real_fields[0 : self.ds.dimensionality + 1], )
[docs] class NyxDataset(BoxlibDataset): _index_class = NyxHierarchy _field_info_class = NyxFieldInfo _subtype_keyword = "nyx" _default_cparam_filename = "job_info" def __init__( self, output_dir, cparam_filename=None, fparam_filename=None, dataset_type="boxlib_native", storage_filename=None, units_override=None, unit_system="cgs", default_species_fields=None, ): super().__init__( output_dir, cparam_filename, fparam_filename, dataset_type, storage_filename, units_override, unit_system, default_species_fields=default_species_fields, ) def _parse_parameter_file(self): super()._parse_parameter_file() jobinfo_filename = os.path.join(self.output_dir, self.cparam_filename) with open(jobinfo_filename) as f: for line in f: # get the code git hashes if "git hash" in line: # line format: codename git hash: the-hash fields = line.split(":") self.parameters[fields[0]] = fields[1].strip() if line.startswith(" Cosmology Information"): self.cosmological_simulation = 1 break else: self.cosmological_simulation = 0 if self.cosmological_simulation: # note that modern Nyx is always cosmological, but there are some old # files without these parameters so we want to special-case them for line in f: if "Omega_m (comoving)" in line: self.omega_matter = float(line.split(":")[1]) elif "Omega_lambda (comoving)" in line: self.omega_lambda = float(line.split(":")[1]) elif "h (comoving)" in line: self.hubble_constant = float(line.split(":")[1]) # Read in the `comoving_a` file and parse the value. We should fix this # in the new Nyx output format... with open(os.path.join(self.output_dir, "comoving_a")) as a_file: a_string = a_file.readline().strip() # Set the scale factor and redshift self.cosmological_scale_factor = float(a_string) self.parameters["CosmologyCurrentRedshift"] = 1 / float(a_string) - 1 # alias self.current_redshift = self.parameters["CosmologyCurrentRedshift"] if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(self.output_dir, "DM/Header")): # we have particles self.parameters["particles"] = 1 self.particle_types = ("DM",) self.particle_types_raw = self.particle_types def _set_code_unit_attributes(self): setdefaultattr(self, "mass_unit", self.quan(1.0, "Msun")) setdefaultattr(self, "time_unit", self.quan(1.0 / 3.08568025e19, "s")) setdefaultattr( self, "length_unit", self.quan(1.0 / (1 + self.current_redshift), "Mpc") ) setdefaultattr(self, "velocity_unit", self.length_unit / self.time_unit)
[docs] class QuokkaDataset(AMReXDataset): # match any plotfiles that have a metadata.yaml file in the root _subtype_keyword = "" _default_cparam_filename = "metadata.yaml"
def _guess_pcast(vals): # Now we guess some things about the parameter and its type # Just in case there are multiple; we'll go # back afterward to using vals. v = vals.split()[0] try: float(v.upper().replace("D", "E")) except Exception: pcast = str if v in ("F", "T"): pcast = bool else: syms = (".", "D+", "D-", "E+", "E-", "E", "D") if any(sym in v.upper() for sym in syms for v in vals.split()): pcast = float else: pcast = int if pcast is bool: vals = [value == "T" for value in vals.split()] else: vals = [pcast(value) for value in vals.split()] if len(vals) == 1: vals = vals[0] return vals def _read_raw_field_names(raw_file): header_files = glob.glob(os.path.join(raw_file, "*_H")) return [hf.split(os.sep)[-1][:-2] for hf in header_files] def _string_to_numpy_array(s): return np.array([int(v) for v in s[1:-1].split(",")], dtype=np.int64) def _line_to_numpy_arrays(line): lo_corner = _string_to_numpy_array(line[0][1:]) hi_corner = _string_to_numpy_array(line[1][:]) node_type = _string_to_numpy_array(line[2][:-1]) return lo_corner, hi_corner, node_type def _get_active_dimensions(box): return box[1] - box[2] - box[0] + 1 def _read_header(raw_file, field): level_files = glob.glob(os.path.join(raw_file, "Level_*")) level_files.sort() all_boxes = [] all_file_names = [] all_offsets = [] for level_file in level_files: header_file = os.path.join(level_file, field + "_H") with open(header_file) as f: f.readline() # version f.readline() # how f.readline() # ncomp # nghost_line will be parsed below after the number of dimensions # is determined when the boxes are read in nghost_line = f.readline().strip().split() f.readline() # num boxes # read boxes boxes = [] for line in f: clean_line = line.strip().split() if clean_line == [")"]: break lo_corner, hi_corner, node_type = _line_to_numpy_arrays(clean_line) boxes.append((lo_corner, hi_corner, node_type)) try: # nghost_line[0] is a single number ng = int(nghost_line[0]) ndims = len(lo_corner) nghost = np.array(ndims * [ng]) except ValueError: # nghost_line[0] is (#,#,#) nghost_list = nghost_line[0].strip("()").split(",") nghost = np.array(nghost_list, dtype="int64") # read the file and offset position for the corresponding box file_names = [] offsets = [] for line in f: if line.startswith("FabOnDisk:"): clean_line = line.strip().split() file_names.append(clean_line[1]) offsets.append(int(clean_line[2])) all_boxes += boxes all_file_names += file_names all_offsets += offsets return nghost, all_boxes, all_file_names, all_offsets
[docs] class WarpXHeader: def __init__(self, header_fn): = {} with open(header_fn) as f:["Checkpoint_version"] = int(f.readline().strip().split()[-1])["num_levels"] = int(f.readline().strip().split()[-1])["istep"] = [int(num) for num in f.readline().strip().split()]["nsubsteps"] = [int(num) for num in f.readline().strip().split()]["t_new"] = [float(num) for num in f.readline().strip().split()]["t_old"] = [float(num) for num in f.readline().strip().split()]["dt"] = [float(num) for num in f.readline().strip().split()]["moving_window_x"] = float(f.readline().strip().split()[-1]) # not all datasets will have is_synchronized line = f.readline().strip().split() if len(line) == 1:["is_synchronized"] = bool(line[-1])["prob_lo"] = [ float(num) for num in f.readline().strip().split() ] else:["is_synchronized"] = True["prob_lo"] = [float(num) for num in line]["prob_hi"] = [float(num) for num in f.readline().strip().split()] for _ in range(["num_levels"]): num_boxes = int(f.readline().strip().split()[0][1:]) for __ in range(num_boxes): f.readline() f.readline() i = 0 line = f.readline() while line: line = line.strip().split() if len(line) == 1: line = f.readline() continue["species_%d" % i] = [float(val) for val in line] i = i + 1 line = f.readline()
[docs] class WarpXHierarchy(BoxlibHierarchy): def __init__(self, ds, dataset_type="boxlib_native"): super().__init__(ds, dataset_type) is_checkpoint = True for ptype in self.ds.particle_types: self._read_particles(ptype, is_checkpoint) # Additional WarpX particle information (used to set up species) self.warpx_header = WarpXHeader(os.path.join(self.ds.output_dir, "WarpXHeader")) for key, val in if key.startswith("species_"): i = int(key.split("_")[-1]) charge_name = "particle%.1d_charge" % i mass_name = "particle%.1d_mass" % i self.parameters[charge_name] = val[0] self.parameters[mass_name] = val[1] def _detect_output_fields(self): super()._detect_output_fields() # now detect the optional, non-cell-centered fields self.raw_file = os.path.join(self.ds.output_dir, "raw_fields") self.raw_fields = _read_raw_field_names(os.path.join(self.raw_file, "Level_0")) self.field_list += [("raw", f) for f in self.raw_fields] self.raw_field_map = {} self.ds.nodal_flags = {} self.raw_field_nghost = {} for field_name in self.raw_fields: nghost, boxes, file_names, offsets = _read_header(self.raw_file, field_name) self.raw_field_map[field_name] = (boxes, file_names, offsets) self.raw_field_nghost[field_name] = nghost self.ds.nodal_flags[field_name] = np.array(boxes[0][2])
def _skip_line(line): if len(line) == 0: return True if line[0] == "\n": return True if line[0] == "=": return True if line[0] == " ": return True
[docs] class WarpXDataset(BoxlibDataset): _index_class = WarpXHierarchy _field_info_class = WarpXFieldInfo _subtype_keyword = "warpx" _default_cparam_filename = "warpx_job_info" def __init__( self, output_dir, cparam_filename=None, fparam_filename=None, dataset_type="boxlib_native", storage_filename=None, units_override=None, unit_system="mks", ): self.default_fluid_type = "mesh" self.default_field = ("mesh", "density") self.fluid_types = ("mesh", "index", "raw") super().__init__( output_dir, cparam_filename, fparam_filename, dataset_type, storage_filename, units_override, unit_system, ) def _parse_parameter_file(self): super()._parse_parameter_file() jobinfo_filename = os.path.join(self.output_dir, self.cparam_filename) with open(jobinfo_filename) as f: for line in f.readlines(): if _skip_line(line): continue l = line.strip().split(":") if len(l) == 2: self.parameters[l[0].strip()] = l[1].strip() l = line.strip().split("=") if len(l) == 2: self.parameters[l[0].strip()] = l[1].strip() # set the periodicity based on the integer BC runtime parameters # periodicity = [False, False, False] try: is_periodic = self.parameters["geometry.is_periodic"].split() periodicity[: len(is_periodic)] = [p == "1" for p in is_periodic] except KeyError: pass self._periodicity = tuple(periodicity) particle_types = glob.glob(os.path.join(self.output_dir, "*", "Header")) particle_types = [cpt.split(os.sep)[-2] for cpt in particle_types] if len(particle_types) > 0: self.parameters["particles"] = 1 self.particle_types = tuple(particle_types) self.particle_types_raw = self.particle_types else: self.particle_types = () self.particle_types_raw = () def _set_code_unit_attributes(self): setdefaultattr(self, "length_unit", self.quan(1.0, "m")) setdefaultattr(self, "mass_unit", self.quan(1.0, "kg")) setdefaultattr(self, "time_unit", self.quan(1.0, "s")) setdefaultattr(self, "velocity_unit", self.quan(1.0, "m/s")) setdefaultattr(self, "magnetic_unit", self.quan(1.0, "T"))