AdaptaHOP data-file handling function
from functools import partial
from operator import attrgetter
import numpy as np
from yt.utilities.cython_fortran_utils import FortranFile
from yt.utilities.io_handler import BaseParticleIOHandler
from .definitions import ATTR_T
class IOHandlerAdaptaHOPBinary(BaseParticleIOHandler):
_dataset_type = "adaptahop_binary"
_offsets = None # Location of halos in the file
_particle_positions = None # Buffer of halo position
def _read_fluid_selection(self, chunks, selector, fields, size):
raise NotImplementedError
def _read_chunk_data(self, chunk, fields):
raise NotImplementedError
def _yield_coordinates(self, data_file):
yield "halos", self._get_particle_positions()
def _read_particle_coords(self, chunks, ptf):
# This will read chunks and yield the results.
# Only support halo reading for now.
assert len(ptf) == 1
assert list(ptf.keys())[0] == "halos"
ptype = "halos"
for data_file in self._sorted_chunk_iterator(chunks):
pcount = (
data_file.ds.parameters["nhalos"] + data_file.ds.parameters["nsubs"]
if pcount == 0:
pos = self._get_particle_positions()
yield ptype, [pos[:, i] for i in range(3)], 0.0
def _read_particle_fields(self, chunks, ptf, selector):
# Now we have all the sizes, and we can allocate
# Only support halo reading for now.
assert len(ptf) == 1
assert list(ptf.keys())[0] == "halos"
def iterate_over_attributes(attr_list):
for attr, *_ in attr_list:
if isinstance(attr, tuple):
yield from attr
yield attr
halo_attributes = self.ds._halo_attributes
attr_pos = partial(_find_attr_position, halo_attributes=halo_attributes)
for data_file in self._sorted_chunk_iterator(chunks):
pcount = (
data_file.ds.parameters["nhalos"] + data_file.ds.parameters["nsubs"]
if pcount == 0:
ptype = "halos"
field_list0 = sorted(ptf[ptype], key=attr_pos)
field_list_pos = [f"raw_position_{k}" for k in "xyz"]
field_list = sorted(set(field_list0 + field_list_pos), key=attr_pos)
with FortranFile(self.ds.parameter_filename) as fpu:
params = fpu.read_attrs(self.ds._header_attributes)
todo = _todo_from_attributes(field_list, self.ds._halo_attributes)
nhalos = params["nhalos"] + params["nsubs"]
data = np.zeros((nhalos, len(field_list)))
for ihalo in range(nhalos):
jj = 0
for it in todo:
if isinstance(it, int):
tmp = fpu.read_attrs(it)
for key in iterate_over_attributes(it):
v = tmp[key]
if key not in field_list:
data[ihalo, jj] = v
jj += 1
ipos = [field_list.index(k) for k in field_list_pos]
w = self.ds.domain_width.to("code_length")[0].value / 2
x, y, z = (data[:, i] + w for i in ipos)
mask = selector.select_points(x, y, z, 0.0)
del x, y, z
if mask is None:
for field in field_list0:
i = field_list.index(field)
yield (ptype, field), data[mask, i]
def _count_particles(self, data_file):
nhalos = data_file.ds.parameters["nhalos"] + data_file.ds.parameters["nsubs"]
return {"halos": nhalos}
def _identify_fields(self, data_file):
fields = []
for attr, _1, _2 in self.ds._halo_attributes:
if isinstance(attr, str):
fields.append(("halos", attr))
for a in attr:
fields.append(("halos", a))
return fields, {}
# -----------------------------------------------------
# Specific to AdaptaHOP
def _get_particle_positions(self):
"""Read the particles and return them in code_units"""
data = getattr(self, "_particle_positions", None)
if data is not None:
return data
with FortranFile(self.ds.parameter_filename) as fpu:
params = fpu.read_attrs(self.ds._header_attributes)
todo = _todo_from_attributes(
nhalos = params["nhalos"] + params["nsubs"]
data = np.zeros((nhalos, 3))
offset_map = np.zeros((nhalos, 2), dtype="int64")
for ihalo in range(nhalos):
ipos = fpu.tell()
for it in todo:
if isinstance(it, int):
elif it[0][0] != "particle_identifier":
# Small optimisation here: we can read as vector
# dt = fpu.read_attrs(it)
# data[ihalo, 0] = dt['particle_position_x']
# data[ihalo, 1] = dt['particle_position_y']
# data[ihalo, 2] = dt['particle_position_z']
data[ihalo, :] = fpu.read_vector(it[0][-1])
halo_id = fpu.read_int()
offset_map[ihalo, 0] = halo_id
offset_map[ihalo, 1] = ipos
data = self.ds.arr(data, "code_length") + self.ds.domain_width / 2
# Make sure halos are loaded in increasing halo_id order
assert np.all(np.diff(offset_map[:, 0]) > 0)
# Cache particle positions as one do not expect a large number of halos anyway
self._particle_positions = data
self._offsets = offset_map
return data
def members(self, ihalo):
offset = self._offsets[ihalo, 1]
todo = _todo_from_attributes(("particle_identities",), self.ds._halo_attributes)
with FortranFile(self.ds.parameter_filename) as fpu:
if isinstance(todo[0], int):
members = fpu.read_attrs(todo.pop(0))["particle_identities"]
return members
def _sorted_chunk_iterator(self, chunks):
data_files = self._get_data_files(chunks)
yield from sorted(data_files, key=attrgetter("filename"))
def _todo_from_attributes(attributes: ATTR_T, halo_attributes: ATTR_T):
# Helper function to generate a list of read-skip instructions given a list of
# attributes. This is used to skip fields most of the fields when reading
# the tree_brick files.
iskip = 0
todo: list[int | list[tuple[tuple[str, ...] | str, int, str]]] = []
attributes = tuple(set(attributes))
for i, (attrs, l, k) in enumerate(halo_attributes):
attrs_list: tuple[str, ...]
if isinstance(attrs, tuple):
if not all(isinstance(a, str) for a in attrs):
raise TypeError(f"Expected a single str or a tuple of str, got {attrs}")
attrs_list = attrs
attrs_list = (attrs,)
ok = False
for attr in attrs_list:
if attr in attributes:
ok = True
if i == 0:
if ok:
state = "read"
state = "skip"
if ok:
if state == "skip":
# Switched from skip to read, store skip information and start
# new read list
iskip = 0
if not isinstance(todo[-1], list):
raise TypeError
todo[-1].append((attrs, l, k))
state = "read"
iskip += 1
state = "skip"
if state == "skip" and iskip > 0:
return todo
def _find_attr_position(key, halo_attributes: ATTR_T) -> int:
j = 0
for attrs, *_ in halo_attributes:
if not isinstance(attrs, tuple):
attrs = (attrs,)
for a in attrs:
if key == a:
return j
j += 1
raise KeyError