Source code for yt.frontends.adaptahop.data_structures

Data structures for AdaptaHOP frontend.


import os
import re
from itertools import product
from typing import Optional

import numpy as np

from yt.data_objects.selection_objects.data_selection_objects import (
from yt.data_objects.static_output import Dataset
from yt.frontends.halo_catalog.data_structures import HaloCatalogFile
from yt.funcs import mylog, setdefaultattr
from yt.geometry.particle_geometry_handler import ParticleIndex
from yt.units import Mpc  # type: ignore
from yt.utilities.cython_fortran_utils import FortranFile

from .fields import AdaptaHOPFieldInfo

[docs] class AdaptaHOPParticleIndex(ParticleIndex): def _setup_filenames(self): template = self.dataset.filename_template ndoms = self.dataset.file_count cls = self.dataset._file_class if ndoms > 1: self.data_files = [ cls(self.dataset,, template % {"num": i}, i, None) for i in range(ndoms) ] else: self.data_files = [ cls( self.dataset,, self.dataset.parameter_filename, 0, None, ) ]
[docs] class AdaptaHOPDataset(Dataset): _index_class = AdaptaHOPParticleIndex _file_class = HaloCatalogFile _field_info_class = AdaptaHOPFieldInfo # AdaptaHOP internally assumes 1Mpc == 3.0824cm _code_length_to_Mpc = (1.0 * Mpc).to_value("cm") / 3.08e24 _header_attributes: Optional[ATTR_T] = None _halo_attributes: Optional[ATTR_T] = None def __init__( self, filename, dataset_type="adaptahop_binary", n_ref=16, num_zones=2, units_override=None, unit_system="cgs", parent_ds=None, ): self.n_ref = n_ref self.num_zones = num_zones if parent_ds is None: raise RuntimeError( "The AdaptaHOP frontend requires a parent dataset " "to be passed as `parent_ds`." ) self.parent_ds = parent_ds self._guess_headers_from_file(filename) super().__init__( filename, dataset_type, units_override=units_override, unit_system=unit_system, ) def _set_code_unit_attributes(self): setdefaultattr(self, "length_unit", self.quan(self._code_length_to_Mpc, "Mpc")) setdefaultattr(self, "mass_unit", self.quan(1e11, "Msun")) setdefaultattr(self, "velocity_unit", self.quan(1.0, "km / s")) setdefaultattr(self, "time_unit", self.length_unit / self.velocity_unit) def _guess_headers_from_file(self, filename) -> None: with FortranFile(filename) as fpu: ok = False for dp, longint in product((True, False), (True, False)): try: header_attributes = HEADER_ATTRIBUTES(double=dp, longint=longint) fpu.read_attrs(header_attributes) ok = True break except (ValueError, OSError): pass if not ok: raise OSError("Could not read headers from file %s" % filename) istart = fpu.tell(), 2) iend = fpu.tell() # Try different templates ok = False for name, cls in ADAPTAHOP_TEMPLATES.items(): attributes = cls(longint, dp).HALO_ATTRIBUTES mylog.debug("Trying %s(longint=%s, dp=%s)", name, longint, dp) try: # Try to read two halos to be sure fpu.read_attrs(attributes) if fpu.tell() < iend: fpu.read_attrs(attributes) ok = True break except (ValueError, OSError): continue if not ok: raise OSError("Could not guess fields from file %s" % filename) self._header_attributes = header_attributes self._halo_attributes = attributes def _parse_parameter_file(self): with FortranFile(self.parameter_filename) as fpu: params = fpu.read_attrs(self._header_attributes) self.dimensionality = 3 # Domain related things self.filename_template = self.parameter_filename self.file_count = 1 nz = self.num_zones self.domain_dimensions = np.ones(3, "int32") * nz # Set things up self.cosmological_simulation = 1 self.current_redshift = (1.0 / params["aexp"]) - 1.0 self.omega_matter = params["omega_t"] self.current_time = self.quan(params["age"], "Gyr") self.omega_lambda = 0.724 # hard coded if not inferred from parent ds self.hubble_constant = 0.7 # hard coded if not inferred from parent ds self._periodicity = (True, True, True) self.particle_types = "halos" self.particle_types_raw = "halos" # Inherit stuff from parent ds -- if they exist for k in ("omega_lambda", "hubble_constant", "omega_matter", "omega_radiation"): v = getattr(self.parent_ds, k, None) if v is not None: setattr(self, k, v) self.domain_left_edge = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0]) self.domain_right_edge = ( self.parent_ds.domain_right_edge.to_value("Mpc") * self._code_length_to_Mpc ) self.parameters.update(params) @classmethod def _is_valid(cls, filename: str, *args, **kwargs) -> bool: fname = os.path.split(filename)[1] if not fname.startswith("tree_bricks") or not re.match( r"^tree_bricks\d{3}$", fname ): return False return True
[docs] def halo(self, halo_id, ptype="DM"): """ Create a data container to get member particles and individual values from halos. Halo mass, position, and velocity are set as attributes. Halo IDs are accessible through the field, "member_ids". Other fields that are one value per halo are accessible as normal. The field list for halo objects can be seen in `ds.halos_field_list`. Parameters ---------- halo_id : int The id of the halo or group ptype : str, default DM The type of particles the halo is made of. """ return AdaptaHOPHaloContainer( ptype, halo_id, parent_ds=self.parent_ds, halo_ds=self )
[docs] class AdaptaHOPHaloContainer(YTSelectionContainer): """ Create a data container to get member particles and individual values from halos. Halo mass, position, and velocity are set as attributes. Halo IDs are accessible through the field, "member_ids". Other fields that are one value per halo are accessible as normal. The field list for halo objects can be seen in `ds.halos_field_list`. Parameters ---------- ptype : string The type of halo, either "Group" for the main halo or "Subhalo" for subhalos. particle_identifier : int or tuple of ints The halo or subhalo id. If requesting a subhalo, the id can also be given as a tuple of the main halo id and subgroup id, such as (1, 4) for subgroup 4 of halo 1. Attributes ---------- particle_identifier : int The id of the halo or subhalo. group_identifier : int For subhalos, the id of the enclosing halo. subgroup_identifier : int For subhalos, the relative id of the subhalo within the enclosing halo. particle_number : int Number of particles in the halo. mass : float Halo mass. position : array of floats Halo position. velocity : array of floats Halo velocity. Note ---- Relevant Fields: * particle_number - number of particles * subhalo_number - number of subhalos * group_identifier - id of parent group for subhalos Examples -------- >>> import yt >>> ds = yt.load( ... "output_00080_halos/tree_bricks080", ... parent_ds=yt.load("output_00080/info_00080.txt"), ... ) >>> ds.halo(1, ptype="io") >>> print(halo.mass) 119.22804260253906 100000000000.0*Msun >>> print(halo.position) [26.80901299 24.35978484 5.45388672] code_length >>> print(halo.velocity) [3306394.95849609 8584366.60766602 9982682.80029297] cm/s >>> print(halo["io", "particle_mass"]) [3.19273578e-06 3.19273578e-06 ... 3.19273578e-06 3.19273578e-06] code_mass >>> # particle ids for this halo >>> print(halo.member_ids) [ 48 64 176 ... 999947 1005471 1006779] """ _type_name = "halo" _con_args = ("ptype", "particle_identifier", "parent_ds", "halo_ds") _spatial = False # Do not register it to prevent .halo from being attached to all datasets _skip_add = True def __init__(self, ptype, particle_identifier, parent_ds, halo_ds): if ptype not in parent_ds.particle_types_raw: raise RuntimeError( f'Possible halo types are {parent_ds.particle_types_raw}, supplied "{ptype}".' ) # Setup required fields self._dimensionality = 3 self.ds = parent_ds # Halo-specific self.halo_ds = halo_ds self.ptype = ptype self.particle_identifier = particle_identifier # Set halo particles data self._set_halo_properties() self._set_halo_member_data() # Call constructor super().__init__(parent_ds, {}) def __repr__(self): return "%s_%s_%09d" % (self.ds, self.ptype, self.particle_identifier) def __getitem__(self, key): return self.region[key] @property def ihalo(self): """The index in the catalog of the halo""" ihalo = getattr(self, "_ihalo", None) if ihalo: return ihalo else: halo_id = self.particle_identifier halo_ids = self.halo_ds.r["halos", "particle_identifier"].astype("int64") ihalo = np.searchsorted(halo_ids, halo_id) assert halo_ids[ihalo] == halo_id self._ihalo = ihalo return self._ihalo def _set_halo_member_data(self): ptype = self.ptype halo_ds = self.halo_ds parent_ds = self.ds ihalo = self.ihalo # Note: convert to physical units to prevent errors when jumping # from halo_ds to parent_ds halo_pos = halo_ds.r["halos", "particle_position"][ihalo, :].to_value("Mpc") halo_vel = halo_ds.r["halos", "particle_velocity"][ihalo, :].to_value("km/s") halo_radius = halo_ds.r["halos", "r"][ihalo].to_value("Mpc") members = self.member_ids ok = False f = 1 / 1.1 center = parent_ds.arr(halo_pos, "Mpc") radius = parent_ds.arr(halo_radius, "Mpc") # Find smallest sphere containing all particles while not ok: f *= 1.1 sph = parent_ds.sphere(center, f * radius) part_ids = sph[ptype, "particle_identity"].astype("int64") ok = len(np.lib.arraysetops.setdiff1d(members, part_ids)) == 0 # Set bulk velocity sph.set_field_parameter("bulk_velocity", (halo_vel, "km/s")) # Build subregion that only contains halo particles reg = sph.cut_region( ['np.in1d(obj[("io", "particle_identity")].astype("int64"), members)'], locals={"members": members, "np": np}, ) self.sphere = sph self.region = reg def _set_halo_properties(self): ihalo = self.ihalo ds = self.halo_ds # Add position, mass, velocity member functions for attr_name in ("mass", "position", "velocity"): setattr(self, attr_name, ds.r["halos", f"particle_{attr_name}"][ihalo]) # Add members self.member_ids =