Source code for yt.fields.magnetic_field

import sys

import numpy as np

from yt._typing import FieldType
from yt.fields.derived_field import ValidateParameter
from yt.fields.field_info_container import FieldInfoContainer
from yt.geometry.api import Geometry
from yt.units import dimensions

from .field_plugin_registry import register_field_plugin

if sys.version_info >= (3, 11):
    from typing import assert_never
    from typing_extensions import assert_never

cgs_normalizations = {"gaussian": 4.0 * np.pi, "lorentz_heaviside": 1.0}

[docs] def get_magnetic_normalization(key: str) -> float: if key not in cgs_normalizations: raise ValueError( "Unknown magnetic normalization convention. " f"Got {key!r}, expected one of {tuple(cgs_normalizations)}" ) return cgs_normalizations[key]
[docs] @register_field_plugin def setup_magnetic_field_fields( registry: FieldInfoContainer, ftype: FieldType = "gas", slice_info=None ) -> None: ds = registry.ds unit_system = ds.unit_system pc = registry.ds.units.physical_constants axis_names = registry.ds.coordinates.axis_order if (ftype, f"magnetic_field_{axis_names[0]}") not in registry: return u = registry[ftype, f"magnetic_field_{axis_names[0]}"].units def mag_factors(dims): if dims == dimensions.magnetic_field_cgs: return getattr(ds, "_magnetic_factor", 4.0 * np.pi) elif dims == dimensions.magnetic_field_mks: return ds.units.physical_constants.mu_0 def _magnetic_field_strength(field, data): xm = f"relative_magnetic_field_{axis_names[0]}" ym = f"relative_magnetic_field_{axis_names[1]}" zm = f"relative_magnetic_field_{axis_names[2]}" B2 = (data[ftype, xm]) ** 2 + (data[ftype, ym]) ** 2 + (data[ftype, zm]) ** 2 return np.sqrt(B2) registry.add_field( (ftype, "magnetic_field_strength"), sampling_type="local", function=_magnetic_field_strength, validators=[ValidateParameter("bulk_magnetic_field")], units=u, ) def _magnetic_energy_density(field, data): B = data[ftype, "magnetic_field_strength"] return 0.5 * B * B / mag_factors(B.units.dimensions) registry.add_field( (ftype, "magnetic_energy_density"), sampling_type="local", function=_magnetic_energy_density, units=unit_system["pressure"], ) def _plasma_beta(field, data): return data[ftype, "pressure"] / data[ftype, "magnetic_energy_density"] registry.add_field( (ftype, "plasma_beta"), sampling_type="local", function=_plasma_beta, units="" ) def _magnetic_pressure(field, data): return data[ftype, "magnetic_energy_density"] registry.add_field( (ftype, "magnetic_pressure"), sampling_type="local", function=_magnetic_pressure, units=unit_system["pressure"], ) _magnetic_field_poloidal_magnitude = None _magnetic_field_toroidal_magnitude = None geometry: Geometry = registry.ds.geometry if geometry is Geometry.CARTESIAN: def _magnetic_field_poloidal_magnitude(field, data): B2 = ( data[ftype, "relative_magnetic_field_x"] * data[ftype, "relative_magnetic_field_x"] + data[ftype, "relative_magnetic_field_y"] * data[ftype, "relative_magnetic_field_y"] + data[ftype, "relative_magnetic_field_z"] * data[ftype, "relative_magnetic_field_z"] ) Bt2 = ( data[ftype, "magnetic_field_spherical_phi"] * data[ftype, "magnetic_field_spherical_phi"] ) return np.sqrt(B2 - Bt2) elif geometry is Geometry.CYLINDRICAL or geometry is Geometry.POLAR: def _magnetic_field_poloidal_magnitude(field, data): bm = data.get_field_parameter("bulk_magnetic_field") rax = axis_names.index("r") zax = axis_names.index("z") return np.sqrt( (data[ftype, "magnetic_field_r"] - bm[rax]) ** 2 + (data[ftype, "magnetic_field_z"] - bm[zax]) ** 2 ) def _magnetic_field_toroidal_magnitude(field, data): ax = axis_names.find("theta") bm = data.get_field_parameter("bulk_magnetic_field") return data[ftype, "magnetic_field_theta"] - bm[ax] elif geometry is Geometry.SPHERICAL: def _magnetic_field_poloidal_magnitude(field, data): bm = data.get_field_parameter("bulk_magnetic_field") rax = axis_names.index("r") tax = axis_names.index("theta") return np.sqrt( (data[ftype, "magnetic_field_r"] - bm[rax]) ** 2 + (data[ftype, "magnetic_field_theta"] - bm[tax]) ** 2 ) def _magnetic_field_toroidal_magnitude(field, data): ax = axis_names.find("phi") bm = data.get_field_parameter("bulk_magnetic_field") return data[ftype, "magnetic_field_phi"] - bm[ax] elif geometry is Geometry.GEOGRAPHIC or geometry is Geometry.INTERNAL_GEOGRAPHIC: # not implemented pass elif geometry is Geometry.SPECTRAL_CUBE: # nothing to be done pass else: assert_never(geometry) if _magnetic_field_poloidal_magnitude is not None: registry.add_field( (ftype, "magnetic_field_poloidal_magnitude"), sampling_type="local", function=_magnetic_field_poloidal_magnitude, units=u, validators=[ ValidateParameter("normal"), ValidateParameter("bulk_magnetic_field"), ], ) if _magnetic_field_toroidal_magnitude is not None: registry.add_field( (ftype, "magnetic_field_toroidal_magnitude"), sampling_type="local", function=_magnetic_field_toroidal_magnitude, units=u, validators=[ ValidateParameter("normal"), ValidateParameter("bulk_magnetic_field"), ], ) if geometry is Geometry.CARTESIAN: registry.alias( (ftype, "magnetic_field_toroidal_magnitude"), (ftype, "magnetic_field_spherical_phi"), units=u, ) registry.alias( (ftype, "magnetic_field_toroidal"), (ftype, "magnetic_field_spherical_phi"), units=u, deprecate=("4.1.0", None), ) registry.alias( (ftype, "magnetic_field_poloidal"), (ftype, "magnetic_field_spherical_theta"), units=u, deprecate=("4.1.0", None), ) elif ( geometry is Geometry.CYLINDRICAL or geometry is Geometry.POLAR or geometry is Geometry.SPHERICAL ): # These cases should be covered already, just check that they are assert (ftype, "magnetic_field_toroidal_magnitude") in registry assert (ftype, "magnetic_field_poloidal_magnitude") in registry elif geometry is Geometry.GEOGRAPHIC or geometry is Geometry.INTERNAL_GEOGRAPHIC: # not implemented pass elif geometry is Geometry.SPECTRAL_CUBE: # nothing to be done pass else: assert_never(Geometry) def _alfven_speed(field, data): B = data[ftype, "magnetic_field_strength"] return B / np.sqrt(mag_factors(B.units.dimensions) * data[ftype, "density"]) registry.add_field( (ftype, "alfven_speed"), sampling_type="local", function=_alfven_speed, units=unit_system["velocity"], ) def _mach_alfven(field, data): return data[ftype, "velocity_magnitude"] / data[ftype, "alfven_speed"] registry.add_field( (ftype, "mach_alfven"), sampling_type="local", function=_mach_alfven, units="dimensionless", ) b_units = registry.ds.quan(1.0, u).units if dimensions.current_mks in b_units.dimensions.free_symbols: rm_scale ="C", "SI") ** 3 / (4.0 * np.pi * pc.eps_0) else: rm_scale = pc.qp**3 / pc.clight rm_scale *= registry.ds.quan(1.0, "rad") / ( 2.0 * np.pi ***2 * pc.clight**3 ) rm_units = registry.ds.quan(1.0, "rad/m**2").units / unit_system["length"] def _rotation_measure(field, data): return ( rm_scale * data[ftype, "magnetic_field_los"] * data[ftype, "El_number_density"] ) registry.add_field( (ftype, "rotation_measure"), sampling_type="local", function=_rotation_measure, units=rm_units, validators=[ValidateParameter("axis", {"axis": [0, 1, 2]})], )
[docs] def setup_magnetic_field_aliases(registry, ds_ftype, ds_fields, ftype="gas"): r""" This routine sets up special aliases between dataset-specific magnetic fields and the default magnetic fields in yt so that unit conversions between different unit systems can be handled properly. This is only called from the `setup_fluid_fields` method (for grid dataset) or the `setup_gas_particle_fields` method (for particle dataset) of a frontend's :class:`FieldInfoContainer` instance. Parameters ---------- registry : :class:`FieldInfoContainer` The field registry that these definitions will be installed into. ds_ftype : string The field type for the fields we're going to alias, e.g. "flash", "enzo", "athena", "PartType0", etc. ds_fields : list of strings or string The fields that will be aliased. For grid dataset, this should be a list of strings corresponding to the components of magnetic field. For particle dataset, this should be a single string corresponding to the vector magnetic field. ftype : string, optional The resulting field type of the fields. Default "gas". Examples -------- >>> from yt.fields.magnetic_field import setup_magnetic_field_aliases >>> class PlutoFieldInfo(ChomboFieldInfo): ... def setup_fluid_fields(self): ... setup_magnetic_field_aliases( ... self, "chombo", ["bx%s" % ax for ax in [1, 2, 3]] ... ) >>> class GizmoFieldInfo(GadgetFieldInfo): ... def setup_gas_particle_fields(self): ... setup_magnetic_field_aliases( ... self, "PartType0", "MagneticField", ftype="PartType0" ... ) """ unit_system = registry.ds.unit_system if isinstance(ds_fields, list): # If ds_fields is a list, we assume a grid dataset sampling_type = "local" ds_fields = [(ds_ftype, fd) for fd in ds_fields] ds_field = ds_fields[0] else: # Otherwise, we assume a particle dataset sampling_type = "particle" ds_field = (ds_ftype, ds_fields) if ds_field not in registry: return # Figure out the unit conversion to use if unit_system.base_units[dimensions.current_mks] is not None: to_units = unit_system["magnetic_field_mks"] else: to_units = unit_system["magnetic_field_cgs"] units = unit_system[to_units.dimensions] # Add fields if sampling_type in ["cell", "local"]: # Grid dataset case def mag_field_from_field(fd): def _mag_field(field, data): return data[fd].to(field.units) return _mag_field for ax, fd in zip(registry.ds.coordinates.axis_order, ds_fields): registry.add_field( (ftype, f"magnetic_field_{ax}"), sampling_type=sampling_type, function=mag_field_from_field(fd), units=units, ) else: # Particle dataset case def mag_field_from_ax(ax): def _mag_field(field, data): return data[ds_field][:, "xyz".index(ax)] return _mag_field for ax in registry.ds.coordinates.axis_order: fname = f"particle_magnetic_field_{ax}" registry.add_field( (ds_ftype, fname), sampling_type=sampling_type, function=mag_field_from_ax(ax), units=units, ) sph_ptypes = getattr(registry.ds, "_sph_ptypes", ()) if ds_ftype in sph_ptypes: registry.alias((ftype, f"magnetic_field_{ax}"), (ds_ftype, fname))