Source code for yt.fields.fluid_vector_fields

import numpy as np

from yt._typing import FieldType
from yt.fields.derived_field import ValidateParameter, ValidateSpatial
from yt.fields.field_info_container import FieldInfoContainer
from yt.funcs import just_one
from yt.geometry.api import Geometry
from yt.utilities.exceptions import YTDimensionalityError, YTFieldNotFound

from .field_plugin_registry import register_field_plugin
from .vector_operations import create_magnitude_field, create_squared_field

[docs] @register_field_plugin def setup_fluid_vector_fields( registry: FieldInfoContainer, ftype: FieldType = "gas", slice_info=None ) -> None: # Current implementation for gradient is not valid for curvilinear geometries geometry: Geometry = registry.ds.geometry if geometry is not Geometry.CARTESIAN: return unit_system = registry.ds.unit_system # slice_info would be the left, the right, and the factor. # For example, with the old Enzo-ZEUS fields, this would be: # slice(None, -2, None) # slice(1, -1, None) # 1.0 # Otherwise, we default to a centered difference. if slice_info is None: sl_left = slice(None, -2, None) sl_right = slice(2, None, None) div_fac = 2.0 else: sl_left, sl_right, div_fac = slice_info sl_center = slice(1, -1, None) def _baroclinic_vorticity_x(field, data): rho2 = data[ftype, "density"].astype("float64", copy=False) ** 2 return ( data[ftype, "pressure_gradient_y"] * data[ftype, "density_gradient_z"] - data[ftype, "pressure_gradient_z"] * data[ftype, "density_gradient_z"] ) / rho2 def _baroclinic_vorticity_y(field, data): rho2 = data[ftype, "density"].astype("float64", copy=False) ** 2 return ( data[ftype, "pressure_gradient_z"] * data[ftype, "density_gradient_x"] - data[ftype, "pressure_gradient_x"] * data[ftype, "density_gradient_z"] ) / rho2 def _baroclinic_vorticity_z(field, data): rho2 = data[ftype, "density"].astype("float64", copy=False) ** 2 return ( data[ftype, "pressure_gradient_x"] * data[ftype, "density_gradient_y"] - data[ftype, "pressure_gradient_y"] * data[ftype, "density_gradient_x"] ) / rho2 bv_validators = [ValidateSpatial(1, [(ftype, "density"), (ftype, "pressure")])] for ax in "xyz": n = f"baroclinic_vorticity_{ax}" registry.add_field( (ftype, n), sampling_type="cell", function=eval(f"_{n}"), validators=bv_validators, units=unit_system["frequency"] ** 2, ) create_magnitude_field( registry, "baroclinic_vorticity", unit_system["frequency"] ** 2, ftype=ftype, slice_info=slice_info, validators=bv_validators, ) def _vorticity_x(field, data): vz = data[ftype, "relative_velocity_z"] vy = data[ftype, "relative_velocity_y"] f = (vz[sl_center, sl_right, sl_center] - vz[sl_center, sl_left, sl_center]) / ( div_fac * just_one(data["index", "dy"]) ) f -= ( vy[sl_center, sl_center, sl_right] - vy[sl_center, sl_center, sl_left] ) / (div_fac * just_one(data["index", "dz"])) new_field = data.ds.arr(np.zeros_like(vz, dtype=np.float64), f.units) new_field[sl_center, sl_center, sl_center] = f return new_field def _vorticity_y(field, data): vx = data[ftype, "relative_velocity_x"] vz = data[ftype, "relative_velocity_z"] f = (vx[sl_center, sl_center, sl_right] - vx[sl_center, sl_center, sl_left]) / ( div_fac * just_one(data["index", "dz"]) ) f -= ( vz[sl_right, sl_center, sl_center] - vz[sl_left, sl_center, sl_center] ) / (div_fac * just_one(data["index", "dx"])) new_field = data.ds.arr(np.zeros_like(vz, dtype=np.float64), f.units) new_field[sl_center, sl_center, sl_center] = f return new_field def _vorticity_z(field, data): vx = data[ftype, "relative_velocity_x"] vy = data[ftype, "relative_velocity_y"] f = (vy[sl_right, sl_center, sl_center] - vy[sl_left, sl_center, sl_center]) / ( div_fac * just_one(data["index", "dx"]) ) f -= ( vx[sl_center, sl_right, sl_center] - vx[sl_center, sl_left, sl_center] ) / (div_fac * just_one(data["index", "dy"])) new_field = data.ds.arr(np.zeros_like(vy, dtype=np.float64), f.units) new_field[sl_center, sl_center, sl_center] = f return new_field vort_validators = [ ValidateSpatial(1, [(ftype, f"velocity_{d}") for d in "xyz"]), ValidateParameter("bulk_velocity"), ] for ax in "xyz": n = f"vorticity_{ax}" registry.add_field( (ftype, n), sampling_type="cell", function=eval(f"_{n}"), units=unit_system["frequency"], validators=vort_validators, ) create_magnitude_field( registry, "vorticity", unit_system["frequency"], ftype=ftype, slice_info=slice_info, validators=vort_validators, ) create_squared_field( registry, "vorticity", unit_system["frequency"] ** 2, ftype=ftype, slice_info=slice_info, validators=vort_validators, ) def _vorticity_stretching_x(field, data): return data[ftype, "velocity_divergence"] * data[ftype, "vorticity_x"] def _vorticity_stretching_y(field, data): return data[ftype, "velocity_divergence"] * data[ftype, "vorticity_y"] def _vorticity_stretching_z(field, data): return data[ftype, "velocity_divergence"] * data[ftype, "vorticity_z"] for ax in "xyz": n = f"vorticity_stretching_{ax}" registry.add_field( (ftype, n), sampling_type="cell", function=eval(f"_{n}"), units=unit_system["frequency"] ** 2, validators=vort_validators, ) create_magnitude_field( registry, "vorticity_stretching", unit_system["frequency"] ** 2, ftype=ftype, slice_info=slice_info, validators=vort_validators, ) def _vorticity_growth_x(field, data): return ( -data[ftype, "vorticity_stretching_x"] - data[ftype, "baroclinic_vorticity_x"] ) def _vorticity_growth_y(field, data): return ( -data[ftype, "vorticity_stretching_y"] - data[ftype, "baroclinic_vorticity_y"] ) def _vorticity_growth_z(field, data): return ( -data[ftype, "vorticity_stretching_z"] - data[ftype, "baroclinic_vorticity_z"] ) for ax in "xyz": n = f"vorticity_growth_{ax}" registry.add_field( (ftype, n), sampling_type="cell", function=eval(f"_{n}"), units=unit_system["frequency"] ** 2, validators=vort_validators, ) def _vorticity_growth_magnitude(field, data): result = np.sqrt( data[ftype, "vorticity_growth_x"] ** 2 + data[ftype, "vorticity_growth_y"] ** 2 + data[ftype, "vorticity_growth_z"] ** 2 ) dot = data.ds.arr(np.zeros(result.shape), "") for ax in "xyz": dot += ( data[ftype, f"vorticity_{ax}"] * data[ftype, f"vorticity_growth_{ax}"] ).to_ndarray() result = np.sign(dot) * result return result registry.add_field( (ftype, "vorticity_growth_magnitude"), sampling_type="cell", function=_vorticity_growth_magnitude, units=unit_system["frequency"] ** 2, validators=vort_validators, take_log=False, ) def _vorticity_growth_magnitude_absolute(field, data): return np.sqrt( data[ftype, "vorticity_growth_x"] ** 2 + data[ftype, "vorticity_growth_y"] ** 2 + data[ftype, "vorticity_growth_z"] ** 2 ) registry.add_field( (ftype, "vorticity_growth_magnitude_absolute"), sampling_type="cell", function=_vorticity_growth_magnitude_absolute, units=unit_system["frequency"] ** 2, validators=vort_validators, ) def _vorticity_growth_timescale(field, data): domegax_dt = data[ftype, "vorticity_x"] / data[ftype, "vorticity_growth_x"] domegay_dt = data[ftype, "vorticity_y"] / data[ftype, "vorticity_growth_y"] domegaz_dt = data[ftype, "vorticity_z"] / data[ftype, "vorticity_growth_z"] return np.sqrt(domegax_dt**2 + domegay_dt**2 + domegaz_dt**2) registry.add_field( (ftype, "vorticity_growth_timescale"), sampling_type="cell", function=_vorticity_growth_timescale, units=unit_system["time"], validators=vort_validators, ) ######################################################################## # With radiation pressure ######################################################################## def _vorticity_radiation_pressure_x(field, data): rho = data[ftype, "density"].astype("float64", copy=False) return ( data[ftype, "radiation_acceleration_y"] * data[ftype, "density_gradient_z"] - data[ftype, "radiation_acceleration_z"] * data[ftype, "density_gradient_y"] ) / rho def _vorticity_radiation_pressure_y(field, data): rho = data[ftype, "density"].astype("float64", copy=False) return ( data[ftype, "radiation_acceleration_z"] * data[ftype, "density_gradient_x"] - data[ftype, "radiation_acceleration_x"] * data[ftype, "density_gradient_z"] ) / rho def _vorticity_radiation_pressure_z(field, data): rho = data[ftype, "density"].astype("float64", copy=False) return ( data[ftype, "radiation_acceleration_x"] * data[ftype, "density_gradient_y"] - data[ftype, "radiation_acceleration_y"] * data[ftype, "density_gradient_x"] ) / rho vrp_validators = [ ValidateSpatial( 1, [ (ftype, "density"), (ftype, "radiation_acceleration_x"), (ftype, "radiation_acceleration_y"), (ftype, "radiation_acceleration_z"), ], ) ] for ax in "xyz": n = f"vorticity_radiation_pressure_{ax}" registry.add_field( (ftype, n), sampling_type="cell", function=eval(f"_{n}"), units=unit_system["frequency"] ** 2, validators=vrp_validators, ) create_magnitude_field( registry, "vorticity_radiation_pressure", unit_system["frequency"] ** 2, ftype=ftype, slice_info=slice_info, validators=vrp_validators, ) def _vorticity_radiation_pressure_growth_x(field, data): return ( -data[ftype, "vorticity_stretching_x"] - data[ftype, "baroclinic_vorticity_x"] - data[ftype, "vorticity_radiation_pressure_x"] ) def _vorticity_radiation_pressure_growth_y(field, data): return ( -data[ftype, "vorticity_stretching_y"] - data[ftype, "baroclinic_vorticity_y"] - data[ftype, "vorticity_radiation_pressure_y"] ) def _vorticity_radiation_pressure_growth_z(field, data): return ( -data[ftype, "vorticity_stretching_z"] - data[ftype, "baroclinic_vorticity_z"] - data[ftype, "vorticity_radiation_pressure_z"] ) for ax in "xyz": n = f"vorticity_radiation_pressure_growth_{ax}" registry.add_field( (ftype, n), sampling_type="cell", function=eval(f"_{n}"), units=unit_system["frequency"] ** 2, validators=vrp_validators, ) def _vorticity_radiation_pressure_growth_magnitude(field, data): result = np.sqrt( data[ftype, "vorticity_radiation_pressure_growth_x"] ** 2 + data[ftype, "vorticity_radiation_pressure_growth_y"] ** 2 + data[ftype, "vorticity_radiation_pressure_growth_z"] ** 2 ) dot = data.ds.arr(np.zeros(result.shape), "") for ax in "xyz": dot += ( data[ftype, f"vorticity_{ax}"] * data[ftype, f"vorticity_growth_{ax}"] ).to_ndarray() result = np.sign(dot) * result return result registry.add_field( (ftype, "vorticity_radiation_pressure_growth_magnitude"), sampling_type="cell", function=_vorticity_radiation_pressure_growth_magnitude, units=unit_system["frequency"] ** 2, validators=vrp_validators, take_log=False, ) def _vorticity_radiation_pressure_growth_magnitude_absolute(field, data): return np.sqrt( data[ftype, "vorticity_radiation_pressure_growth_x"] ** 2 + data[ftype, "vorticity_radiation_pressure_growth_y"] ** 2 + data[ftype, "vorticity_radiation_pressure_growth_z"] ** 2 ) registry.add_field( (ftype, "vorticity_radiation_pressure_growth_magnitude_absolute"), sampling_type="cell", function=_vorticity_radiation_pressure_growth_magnitude_absolute, units="s**(-2)", validators=vrp_validators, ) def _vorticity_radiation_pressure_growth_timescale(field, data): domegax_dt = ( data[ftype, "vorticity_x"] / data[ftype, "vorticity_radiation_pressure_growth_x"] ) domegay_dt = ( data[ftype, "vorticity_y"] / data[ftype, "vorticity_radiation_pressure_growth_y"] ) domegaz_dt = ( data[ftype, "vorticity_z"] / data[ftype, "vorticity_radiation_pressure_growth_z"] ) return np.sqrt(domegax_dt**2 + domegay_dt**2 + domegaz_dt**2) registry.add_field( (ftype, "vorticity_radiation_pressure_growth_timescale"), sampling_type="cell", function=_vorticity_radiation_pressure_growth_timescale, units=unit_system["time"], validators=vrp_validators, ) def _shear(field, data): """ Shear is defined as [(dvx/dy + dvy/dx)^2 + (dvz/dy + dvy/dz)^2 + (dvx/dz + dvz/dx)^2 ]^(0.5) where dvx/dy = [vx(j-1) - vx(j+1)]/[2dy] and is in units of s^(-1) (it's just like vorticity except add the derivative pairs instead of subtracting them) """ if data.ds.geometry != "cartesian": raise NotImplementedError("shear is only supported in cartesian geometries") try: vx = data[ftype, "relative_velocity_x"] vy = data[ftype, "relative_velocity_y"] except YTFieldNotFound as e: raise YTDimensionalityError( "shear computation requires 2 velocity components" ) from e dvydx = ( vy[sl_right, sl_center, sl_center] - vy[sl_left, sl_center, sl_center] ) / (div_fac * just_one(data["index", "dx"])) dvxdy = ( vx[sl_center, sl_right, sl_center] - vx[sl_center, sl_left, sl_center] ) / (div_fac * just_one(data["index", "dy"])) f = (dvydx + dvxdy) ** 2.0 del dvydx, dvxdy try: vz = data[ftype, "relative_velocity_z"] dvzdy = ( vz[sl_center, sl_right, sl_center] - vz[sl_center, sl_left, sl_center] ) / (div_fac * just_one(data["index", "dy"])) dvydz = ( vy[sl_center, sl_center, sl_right] - vy[sl_center, sl_center, sl_left] ) / (div_fac * just_one(data["index", "dz"])) f += (dvzdy + dvydz) ** 2.0 del dvzdy, dvydz dvxdz = ( vx[sl_center, sl_center, sl_right] - vx[sl_center, sl_center, sl_left] ) / (div_fac * just_one(data["index", "dz"])) dvzdx = ( vz[sl_right, sl_center, sl_center] - vz[sl_left, sl_center, sl_center] ) / (div_fac * just_one(data["index", "dx"])) f += (dvxdz + dvzdx) ** 2.0 del dvxdz, dvzdx except YTFieldNotFound: # the absence of a z velocity component is not blocking pass np.sqrt(f, out=f) new_field = data.ds.arr(np.zeros_like(data[ftype, "velocity_x"]), f.units) new_field[sl_center, sl_center, sl_center] = f return new_field registry.add_field( (ftype, "shear"), sampling_type="cell", function=_shear, validators=[ ValidateSpatial( 1, [(ftype, "velocity_x"), (ftype, "velocity_y"), (ftype, "velocity_z")] ), ValidateParameter("bulk_velocity"), ], units=unit_system["frequency"], ) def _shear_criterion(field, data): """ Divide by c_s to leave shear in units of length**-1, which can be compared against the inverse of the local cell size (1/dx) to determine if refinement should occur. """ return data[ftype, "shear"] / data[ftype, "sound_speed"] registry.add_field( (ftype, "shear_criterion"), sampling_type="cell", function=_shear_criterion, units=unit_system["length"] ** -1, validators=[ ValidateSpatial( 1, [ (ftype, "sound_speed"), (ftype, "velocity_x"), (ftype, "velocity_y"), (ftype, "velocity_z"), ], ) ], ) def _shear_mach(field, data): """ Dimensionless shear (shear_mach) is defined nearly the same as shear, except that it is scaled by the local dx/dy/dz and the local sound speed. So it results in a unitless quantity that is effectively measuring shear in mach number. In order to avoid discontinuities created by multiplying by dx/dy/dz at grid refinement boundaries, we also multiply by 2**GridLevel. Shear (Mach) = [(dvx + dvy)^2 + (dvz + dvy)^2 + (dvx + dvz)^2 ]^(0.5) / c_sound """ if data.ds.geometry != "cartesian": raise NotImplementedError( "shear_mach is only supported in cartesian geometries" ) try: vx = data[ftype, "relative_velocity_x"] vy = data[ftype, "relative_velocity_y"] except YTFieldNotFound as e: raise YTDimensionalityError( "shear_mach computation requires 2 velocity components" ) from e dvydx = ( vy[sl_right, sl_center, sl_center] - vy[sl_left, sl_center, sl_center] ) / div_fac dvxdy = ( vx[sl_center, sl_right, sl_center] - vx[sl_center, sl_left, sl_center] ) / div_fac f = (dvydx + dvxdy) ** 2.0 del dvydx, dvxdy try: vz = data[ftype, "relative_velocity_z"] dvzdy = ( vz[sl_center, sl_right, sl_center] - vz[sl_center, sl_left, sl_center] ) / div_fac dvydz = ( vy[sl_center, sl_center, sl_right] - vy[sl_center, sl_center, sl_left] ) / div_fac f += (dvzdy + dvydz) ** 2.0 del dvzdy, dvydz dvxdz = ( vx[sl_center, sl_center, sl_right] - vx[sl_center, sl_center, sl_left] ) / div_fac dvzdx = ( vz[sl_right, sl_center, sl_center] - vz[sl_left, sl_center, sl_center] ) / div_fac f += (dvxdz + dvzdx) ** 2.0 del dvxdz, dvzdx except YTFieldNotFound: # the absence of a z velocity component is not blocking pass f *= ( 2.0 ** data["index", "grid_level"][sl_center, sl_center, sl_center] / data[ftype, "sound_speed"][sl_center, sl_center, sl_center] ) ** 2.0 np.sqrt(f, out=f) new_field = data.ds.arr(np.zeros_like(vx), f.units) new_field[sl_center, sl_center, sl_center] = f return new_field vs_fields = [ (ftype, "sound_speed"), (ftype, "velocity_x"), (ftype, "velocity_y"), (ftype, "velocity_z"), ] registry.add_field( (ftype, "shear_mach"), sampling_type="cell", function=_shear_mach, units="", validators=[ValidateSpatial(1, vs_fields), ValidateParameter("bulk_velocity")], )