Source code for yt.fields.derived_field

import contextlib
import inspect
import re
from import Iterable
from typing import Optional

from more_itertools import always_iterable

import yt.units.dimensions as ytdims
from yt._maintenance.deprecation import issue_deprecation_warning
from yt._typing import FieldKey
from yt.funcs import iter_fields, validate_field_key
from yt.units.unit_object import Unit  # type: ignore
from yt.utilities.exceptions import YTFieldNotFound
from yt.utilities.logger import ytLogger as mylog
from yt.visualization._commons import _get_units_label

from .field_detector import FieldDetector
from .field_exceptions import (

[docs] def TranslationFunc(field_name): def _TranslationFunc(field, data): # We do a bunch of in-place modifications, so we will copy this. return data[field_name].copy() _TranslationFunc.alias_name = field_name return _TranslationFunc
[docs] def NullFunc(field, data): raise YTFieldNotFound(
[docs] def DeprecatedFieldFunc(ret_field, func, since, removal): def _DeprecatedFieldFunc(field, data): # Only log a warning if we've already done # field detection if data.ds.fields_detected: args = [, since] msg = "The Derived Field %s is deprecated as of yt v%s " if removal is not None: msg += "and will be removed in yt v%s " args.append(removal) if ret_field != msg += ", use %s instead" args.append(ret_field) mylog.warning(msg, *args) return func(field, data) return _DeprecatedFieldFunc
[docs] class DerivedField: """ This is the base class used to describe a cell-by-cell derived field. Parameters ---------- name : str is the name of the field. function : callable A function handle that defines the field. Should accept arguments (field, data) units : str A plain text string encoding the unit, or a query to a unit system of a dataset. Powers must be in Python syntax (** instead of ^). If set to 'auto' or None (default), units will be inferred from the return value of the field function. take_log : bool Describes whether the field should be logged validators : list A list of :class:`FieldValidator` objects sampling_type : string, default = "cell" How is the field sampled? This can be one of the following options at present: "cell" (cell-centered), "discrete" (or "particle") for discretely sampled data. vector_field : bool Describes the dimensionality of the field. Currently unused. display_field : bool Governs its appearance in the dropdowns in Reason not_in_all : bool Used for baryon fields from the data that are not in all the grids display_name : str A name used in the plots output_units : str For fields that exist on disk, which we may want to convert to other fields or that get aliased to themselves, we can specify a different desired output unit than the unit found on disk. dimensions : str or object from yt.units.dimensions The dimensions of the field, only used for error checking with units='auto'. nodal_flag : array-like with three components This describes how the field is centered within a cell. If nodal_flag is [0, 0, 0], then the field is cell-centered. If any of the components of nodal_flag are 1, then the field is nodal in that direction, meaning it is defined at the lo and hi sides of the cell rather than at the center. For example, a field with nodal_flag = [1, 0, 0] would be defined at the middle of the 2 x-faces of each cell. nodal_flag = [0, 1, 1] would mean the that the field defined at the centers of the 4 edges that are normal to the x axis, while nodal_flag = [1, 1, 1] would be defined at the 8 cell corners. """ _inherited_particle_filter = False def __init__( self, name: FieldKey, sampling_type, function, units: str | bytes | Unit | None = None, take_log=True, validators=None, vector_field=False, display_field=True, not_in_all=False, display_name=None, output_units=None, dimensions=None, ds=None, nodal_flag=None, *, alias: Optional["DerivedField"] = None, ): validate_field_key(name) = name self.take_log = take_log self.display_name = display_name self.not_in_all = not_in_all self.display_field = display_field self.sampling_type = sampling_type self.vector_field = vector_field self.ds = ds if self.ds is not None: self._ionization_label_format = self.ds._ionization_label_format else: self._ionization_label_format = "roman_numeral" if nodal_flag is None: self.nodal_flag = [0, 0, 0] else: self.nodal_flag = nodal_flag self._function = function self.validators = list(always_iterable(validators)) # handle units self.units: str | bytes | Unit | None if units in (None, "auto"): self.units = None elif isinstance(units, str): self.units = units elif isinstance(units, Unit): self.units = str(units) elif isinstance(units, bytes): self.units = units.decode("utf-8") else: raise FieldUnitsError( f"Cannot handle units {units!r} (type {type(units)}). " "Please provide a string or Unit object." ) if output_units is None: output_units = self.units self.output_units = output_units if isinstance(dimensions, str): dimensions = getattr(ytdims, dimensions) self.dimensions = dimensions if alias is None: self._shared_aliases_list = [self] else: self._shared_aliases_list = alias._shared_aliases_list self._shared_aliases_list.append(self) def _copy_def(self): dd = {} dd["name"] = dd["units"] = self.units dd["take_log"] = self.take_log dd["validators"] = list(self.validators) dd["sampling_type"] = self.sampling_type dd["vector_field"] = self.vector_field dd["display_field"] = True dd["not_in_all"] = self.not_in_all dd["display_name"] = self.display_name return dd @property def is_sph_field(self): if self.sampling_type == "cell": return False is_sph_field = False if self.is_alias: name = self.alias_name else: name = if hasattr(self.ds, "_sph_ptypes"): is_sph_field |= name[0] in (self.ds._sph_ptypes + ("gas",)) return is_sph_field @property def local_sampling(self): return self.sampling_type in ("discrete", "particle", "local")
[docs] def get_units(self): if self.ds is not None: u = Unit(self.units, registry=self.ds.unit_registry) else: u = Unit(self.units) return u.latex_representation()
[docs] def get_projected_units(self): if self.ds is not None: u = Unit(self.units, registry=self.ds.unit_registry) else: u = Unit(self.units) return (u * Unit("cm")).latex_representation()
[docs] def check_available(self, data): """ This raises an exception of the appropriate type if the set of validation mechanisms are not met, and otherwise returns True. """ for validator in self.validators: validator(data) # If we don't get an exception, we're good to go return True
[docs] def get_dependencies(self, *args, **kwargs): """ This returns a list of names of fields that this field depends on. """ e = FieldDetector(*args, **kwargs) e[] return e
def _get_needed_parameters(self, fd): params = [] values = [] permute_params = {} vals = [v for v in self.validators if isinstance(v, ValidateParameter)] for val in vals: if val.parameter_values is not None: permute_params.update(val.parameter_values) else: params.extend(val.parameters) values.extend([fd.get_field_parameter(fp) for fp in val.parameters]) return dict(zip(params, values, strict=True)), permute_params _unit_registry = None
[docs] @contextlib.contextmanager def unit_registry(self, data): old_registry = self._unit_registry if hasattr(data, "unit_registry"): ur = data.unit_registry elif hasattr(data, "ds"): ur = data.ds.unit_registry else: ur = None self._unit_registry = ur yield self._unit_registry = old_registry
def __call__(self, data): """Return the value of the field in a given *data* object.""" self.check_available(data) original_fields = data.keys() # Copy if self._function is NullFunc: raise RuntimeError( "Something has gone terribly wrong, _function is NullFunc " + f"for {}" ) with self.unit_registry(data): dd = self._function(self, data) for field_name in data.keys(): if field_name not in original_fields: del data[field_name] return dd
[docs] def get_source(self): """ Return a string containing the source of the function (if possible.) """ return inspect.getsource(self._function)
[docs] def get_label(self, projected=False): """ Return a data label for the given field, including units. """ name =[1] if self.display_name is not None: name = self.display_name # Start with the field name data_label = rf"$\rm{{{name}}}" # Grab the correct units if projected: raise NotImplementedError else: if self.ds is not None: units = Unit(self.units, registry=self.ds.unit_registry) else: units = Unit(self.units) # Add unit label if not units.is_dimensionless: data_label += _get_units_label(units.latex_representation()).strip("$") data_label += r"$" return data_label
@property def alias_field(self) -> bool: issue_deprecation_warning( "DerivedField.alias_field is a deprecated equivalent to DerivedField.is_alias ", stacklevel=3, since="4.1", ) return self.is_alias @property def is_alias(self) -> bool: return self._shared_aliases_list.index(self) > 0
[docs] def is_alias_to(self, other: "DerivedField") -> bool: return self._shared_aliases_list is other._shared_aliases_list
@property def alias_name(self) -> FieldKey | None: if self.is_alias: return self._shared_aliases_list[0].name return None def __repr__(self): if self._function is NullFunc: s = "On-Disk Field " elif self.is_alias: s = f"Alias Field for {self.alias_name!r} " else: s = "Derived Field " s += f"{!r}: (units: {self.units!r}" if self.display_name is not None: s += f", display_name: {self.display_name!r}" if self.sampling_type == "particle": s += ", particle field" s += ")" return s def _is_ion(self): p = re.compile("_p[0-9]+_") result = False if[1]) is not None: result = True return result def _ion_to_label(self): # check to see if the output format has changed if self.ds is not None: self._ionization_label_format = self.ds._ionization_label_format pnum2rom = { "0": "I", "1": "II", "2": "III", "3": "IV", "4": "V", "5": "VI", "6": "VII", "7": "VIII", "8": "IX", "9": "X", "10": "XI", "11": "XII", "12": "XIII", "13": "XIV", "14": "XV", "15": "XVI", "16": "XVII", "17": "XVIII", "18": "XIX", "19": "XX", "20": "XXI", "21": "XXII", "22": "XXIII", "23": "XXIV", "24": "XXV", "25": "XXVI", "26": "XXVII", "27": "XXVIII", "28": "XXIX", "29": "XXX", } # first look for charge to decide if it is an ion p = re.compile("_p[0-9]+_") m =[1]) if m is not None: # Find the ionization state pstr = m.string[m.start() + 1 : m.end() - 1] segments =[1].split("_") # find the ionization index for i, s in enumerate(segments): if s == pstr: ipstr = i for i, s in enumerate(segments): # If its the species we don't want to change the capitalization if i == ipstr - 1: continue segments[i] = s.capitalize() species = segments[ipstr - 1] # If there is a number in the species part of the label # that indicates part of a molecule symbols = [] for symb in species: # can't just use underscore b/c gets replaced later with space if symb.isdigit(): symbols.append("latexsub{" + symb + "}") else: symbols.append(symb) species_label = "".join(symbols) # Use roman numerals for ionization if self._ionization_label_format == "roman_numeral": roman = pnum2rom[pstr[1:]] label = ( species_label + r"\ " + roman + r"\ " + r"\ ".join(segments[ipstr + 1 :]) ) # use +/- for ionization else: sign = "+" * int(pstr[1:]) label = ( "{" + species_label + "}" + "^{" + sign + "}" + r"\ " + r"\ ".join(segments[ipstr + 1 :]) ) else: label =[1] return label
[docs] def get_latex_display_name(self): label = self.display_name if label is None: if self._is_ion(): fname = self._ion_to_label() label = r"$\rm{" + fname.replace("_", r"\ ") + r"}$" label = label.replace("latexsub", "_") else: label = r"$\rm{" +[1].replace("_", r"\ ").title() + r"}$" elif label.find("$") == -1: label = label.replace(" ", r"\ ") label = r"$\rm{" + label + r"}$" return label
def __copy__(self): # a shallow copy doesn't copy the _shared_alias_list attr # This method is implemented in support to ParticleFilter.wrap_func return type(self)(, sampling_type=self.sampling_type, function=self._function, units=self.units, take_log=self.take_log, validators=self.validators, vector_field=self.vector_field, display_field=self.display_field, not_in_all=self.not_in_all, display_name=self.display_name, output_units=self.output_units, dimensions=self.dimensions, ds=self.ds, nodal_flag=self.nodal_flag, )
[docs] class FieldValidator: """ Base class for FieldValidator objects. Available subclasses include: """ def __init_subclass__(cls, **kwargs): # add the new subclass to the list of subclasses in the docstring class_str = f":class:`{cls.__name__}`" if ":class:" in FieldValidator.__doc__: class_str = ", " + class_str FieldValidator.__doc__ += class_str
[docs] class ValidateParameter(FieldValidator): """ A :class:`FieldValidator` that ensures the dataset has a given parameter. Parameters ---------- parameters: str, iterable[str] a single parameter or list of parameters to require parameter_values: dict If *parameter_values* is supplied, this dict should map from field parameter to a value or list of values. It will ensure that the field is available for all permutations of the field parameter. """ def __init__( self, parameters: str | Iterable[str], parameter_values: dict | None = None, ): FieldValidator.__init__(self) self.parameters = list(always_iterable(parameters)) self.parameter_values = parameter_values def __call__(self, data): doesnt_have = [] for p in self.parameters: if not data.has_field_parameter(p): doesnt_have.append(p) if len(doesnt_have) > 0: raise NeedsParameter(doesnt_have) return True
[docs] class ValidateDataField(FieldValidator): """ A :class:`FieldValidator` that ensures the output file has a given data field stored in it. Parameters ---------- field: str, tuple[str, str], or any iterable of the previous types. the field or fields to require """ def __init__(self, field): FieldValidator.__init__(self) self.fields = list(iter_fields(field)) def __call__(self, data): doesnt_have = [] if isinstance(data, FieldDetector): return True for f in self.fields: if f not in data.index.field_list: doesnt_have.append(f) if len(doesnt_have) > 0: raise NeedsDataField(doesnt_have) return True
[docs] class ValidateProperty(FieldValidator): """ A :class:`FieldValidator` that ensures the data object has a given python attribute. Parameters ---------- prop: str, iterable[str] the required property or properties to require """ def __init__(self, prop: str | Iterable[str]): FieldValidator.__init__(self) self.prop = list(always_iterable(prop)) def __call__(self, data): doesnt_have = [p for p in self.prop if not hasattr(data, p)] if len(doesnt_have) > 0: raise NeedsProperty(doesnt_have) return True
[docs] class ValidateSpatial(FieldValidator): """ A :class:`FieldValidator` that ensures the data handed to the field is of spatial nature -- that is to say, 3-D. Parameters ---------- ghost_zones: int If supplied, will validate that the number of ghost zones required for the field is <= the available ghost zones. Default is 0. fields: Optional str, tuple[str, str], or any iterable of the previous types. The field or fields to validate. """ def __init__(self, ghost_zones: int | None = 0, fields=None): FieldValidator.__init__(self) self.ghost_zones = ghost_zones self.fields = fields def __call__(self, data): # When we say spatial information, we really mean # that it has a three-dimensional data structure if not getattr(data, "_spatial", False): raise NeedsGridType(self.ghost_zones, self.fields) if self.ghost_zones <= data._num_ghost_zones: return True raise NeedsGridType(self.ghost_zones, self.fields)
[docs] class ValidateGridType(FieldValidator): """ A :class:`FieldValidator` that ensures the data handed to the field is an actual grid patch, not a covering grid of any kind. Does not accept parameters. """ def __init__(self): FieldValidator.__init__(self) def __call__(self, data): # We need to make sure that it's an actual AMR grid if isinstance(data, FieldDetector): return True if getattr(data, "_type_name", None) == "grid": return True raise NeedsOriginalGrid()