Source code for yt.data_objects.selection_objects.spheroids

import numpy as np

from yt.data_objects.selection_objects.data_selection_objects import (
from yt.data_objects.static_output import Dataset
from yt.funcs import (
from yt.units import YTArray
from yt.utilities.exceptions import YTEllipsoidOrdering, YTException, YTSphereTooSmall
from yt.utilities.logger import ytLogger as mylog
from yt.utilities.math_utils import get_rotation_matrix
from yt.utilities.on_demand_imports import _miniball

[docs] class YTSphere(YTSelectionContainer3D): """ A sphere of points defined by a *center* and a *radius*. Parameters ---------- center : array_like The center of the sphere. radius : float, width specifier, or YTQuantity The radius of the sphere. If passed a float, that will be interpreted in code units. Also accepts a (radius, unit) tuple or YTQuantity instance with units attached. Examples -------- >>> import yt >>> ds = yt.load("RedshiftOutput0005") >>> c = [0.5, 0.5, 0.5] >>> sphere = ds.sphere(c, (1.0, "kpc")) """ _type_name = "sphere" _con_args = ("center", "radius") def __init__( self, center, radius, ds=None, field_parameters=None, data_source=None ): validate_center(center) validate_float(radius) validate_object(ds, Dataset) validate_object(field_parameters, dict) validate_object(data_source, YTSelectionContainer) super().__init__(center, ds, field_parameters, data_source) # Unpack the radius, if necessary radius = fix_length(radius, self.ds) if radius < self.index.get_smallest_dx(): raise YTSphereTooSmall( ds, radius.in_units("code_length"), self.index.get_smallest_dx().in_units("code_length"), ) self.set_field_parameter("radius", radius) self.set_field_parameter("center", self.radius = radius def _get_bbox(self): """ Return the minimum bounding box for the sphere. """ return -self.radius +, self.radius +
[docs] class YTMinimalSphere(YTSelectionContainer3D): """ Build the smallest sphere that encompasses a set of points. Parameters ---------- points : YTArray The points that the sphere will contain. Examples -------- >>> import yt >>> ds = yt.load("output_00080/info_00080.txt") >>> points = ds.r["particle_position"] >>> sphere = ds.minimal_sphere(points) """ _type_name = "sphere" _override_selector_name = "minimal_sphere" _con_args = ("center", "radius") def __init__(self, points, ds=None, field_parameters=None, data_source=None): validate_object(ds, Dataset) validate_object(field_parameters, dict) validate_object(data_source, YTSelectionContainer) validate_object(points, YTArray) points = fix_length(points, ds) if len(points) < 2: raise YTException( f"Not enough points. Expected at least 2, got {len(points)}" ) mylog.debug("Building minimal sphere around points.") mb = _miniball.Miniball(points) if not mb.is_valid(): raise YTException("Could not build valid sphere around points.") center = ds.arr(, points.units) radius = ds.quan(np.sqrt(mb.squared_radius()), points.units) super().__init__(center, ds, field_parameters, data_source) self.set_field_parameter("radius", radius) self.set_field_parameter("center", self.radius = radius
[docs] class YTEllipsoid(YTSelectionContainer3D): """ By providing a *center*,*A*,*B*,*C*,*e0*,*tilt* we can define a ellipsoid of any proportion. Only cells whose centers are within the ellipsoid will be selected. Parameters ---------- center : array_like The center of the ellipsoid. A : float The magnitude of the largest axis (semi-major) of the ellipsoid. B : float The magnitude of the medium axis (semi-medium) of the ellipsoid. C : float The magnitude of the smallest axis (semi-minor) of the ellipsoid. e0 : array_like (automatically normalized) the direction of the largest semi-major axis of the ellipsoid tilt : float After the rotation about the z-axis to align e0 to x in the x-y plane, and then rotating about the y-axis to align e0 completely to the x-axis, tilt is the angle in radians remaining to rotate about the x-axis to align both e1 to the y-axis and e2 to the z-axis. Examples -------- >>> import yt >>> ds = yt.load("RedshiftOutput0005") >>> c = [0.5, 0.5, 0.5] >>> ell = ds.ellipsoid(c, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, np.array([0.1, 0.1, 0.1]), 0.2) """ _type_name = "ellipsoid" _con_args = ("center", "_A", "_B", "_C", "_e0", "_tilt") def __init__( self, center, A, B, C, e0, tilt, fields=None, ds=None, field_parameters=None, data_source=None, ): validate_center(center) validate_float(A) validate_float(B) validate_float(C) validate_3d_array(e0) validate_float(tilt) validate_sequence(fields) validate_object(ds, Dataset) validate_object(field_parameters, dict) validate_object(data_source, YTSelectionContainer) YTSelectionContainer3D.__init__(self, center, ds, field_parameters, data_source) # make sure the magnitudes of semi-major axes are in order if A < B or B < C: raise YTEllipsoidOrdering(ds, A, B, C) # make sure the smallest side is not smaller than dx self._A = self.ds.quan(A, "code_length") self._B = self.ds.quan(B, "code_length") self._C = self.ds.quan(C, "code_length") if self._C < self.index.get_smallest_dx(): raise YTSphereTooSmall(self.ds, self._C, self.index.get_smallest_dx()) self._e0 = e0 = e0 / (e0**2.0).sum() ** 0.5 self._tilt = tilt # find the t1 angle needed to rotate about z axis to align e0 to x t1 = np.arctan(e0[1] / e0[0]) # rotate e0 by -t1 RZ = get_rotation_matrix(t1, (0, 0, 1)).transpose() r1 = (e0 * RZ).sum(axis=1) # find the t2 angle needed to rotate about y axis to align e0 to x t2 = np.arctan(-r1[2] / r1[0]) """ calculate the original e1 given the tilt about the x axis when e0 was aligned to x after t1, t2 rotations about z, y """ RX = get_rotation_matrix(-tilt, (1, 0, 0)).transpose() RY = get_rotation_matrix(-t2, (0, 1, 0)).transpose() RZ = get_rotation_matrix(-t1, (0, 0, 1)).transpose() e1 = ((0, 1, 0) * RX).sum(axis=1) e1 = (e1 * RY).sum(axis=1) e1 = (e1 * RZ).sum(axis=1) e2 = np.cross(e0, e1) self._e1 = e1 self._e2 = e2 self.set_field_parameter("A", A) self.set_field_parameter("B", B) self.set_field_parameter("C", C) self.set_field_parameter("e0", e0) self.set_field_parameter("e1", e1) self.set_field_parameter("e2", e2) def _get_bbox(self): """ Get the bounding box for the ellipsoid. NOTE that in this case it is not the *minimum* bounding box. """ radius = self.ds.arr(np.max([self._A, self._B, self._C]), "code_length") return -radius +, radius +