Source code for yt.data_objects.profiles

import numpy as np
from more_itertools import collapse

from yt.data_objects.field_data import YTFieldData
from yt.fields.derived_field import DerivedField
from yt.frontends.ytdata.utilities import save_as_dataset
from yt.funcs import get_output_filename, is_sequence, iter_fields, mylog
from yt.units.unit_object import Unit  # type: ignore
from yt.units.yt_array import YTQuantity, array_like_field
from yt.utilities.exceptions import (
from yt.utilities.lib.misc_utilities import (
from yt.utilities.lib.particle_mesh_operations import CICDeposit_2, NGPDeposit_2
from yt.utilities.parallel_tools.parallel_analysis_interface import (

def _sanitize_min_max_units(amin, amax, finfo, registry):
    # returns a copy of amin and amax, converted to finfo's output units
    umin = getattr(amin, "units", None)
    umax = getattr(amax, "units", None)
    if umin is None:
        umin = Unit(finfo.output_units, registry=registry)
        rmin = YTQuantity(amin, umin)
        rmin = amin.in_units(finfo.output_units)
    if umax is None:
        umax = Unit(finfo.output_units, registry=registry)
        rmax = YTQuantity(amax, umax)
        rmax = amax.in_units(finfo.output_units)
    return rmin, rmax

[docs] def preserve_source_parameters(func): def save_state(*args, **kwargs): # Temporarily replace the 'field_parameters' for a # grid with the 'field_parameters' for the data source prof = args[0] source = args[1] if hasattr(source, "field_parameters"): old_params = source.field_parameters source.field_parameters = prof._data_source.field_parameters tr = func(*args, **kwargs) source.field_parameters = old_params else: tr = func(*args, **kwargs) return tr return save_state
[docs] class ProfileFieldAccumulator: def __init__(self, n_fields, size): shape = size + (n_fields,) self.values = np.zeros(shape, dtype="float64") self.mvalues = np.zeros(shape, dtype="float64") self.qvalues = np.zeros(shape, dtype="float64") self.used = np.zeros(size, dtype="bool") self.weight_values = np.zeros(size, dtype="float64")
[docs] class ProfileND(ParallelAnalysisInterface): """The profile object class""" def __init__(self, data_source, weight_field=None): self.data_source = data_source self.ds = data_source.ds self.field_map = {} self.field_info = {} self.field_data = YTFieldData() if weight_field is not None: self.standard_deviation = YTFieldData() weight_field = self.data_source._determine_fields(weight_field)[0] else: self.standard_deviation = None self.weight_field = weight_field self.field_units = {} ParallelAnalysisInterface.__init__(self, comm=data_source.comm)
[docs] def add_fields(self, fields): """Add fields to profile Parameters ---------- fields : list of field names A list of fields to create profile histograms for """ fields = self.data_source._determine_fields(fields) for f in fields: self.field_info[f] = self.data_source.ds.field_info[f] temp_storage = ProfileFieldAccumulator(len(fields), self.size) citer = self.data_source.chunks([], "io") for chunk in parallel_objects(citer): self._bin_chunk(chunk, fields, temp_storage) self._finalize_storage(fields, temp_storage)
[docs] def set_field_unit(self, field, new_unit): """Sets a new unit for the requested field Parameters ---------- field : string or field tuple The name of the field that is to be changed. new_unit : string or Unit object The name of the new unit. """ if field in self.field_units: self.field_units[field] = Unit(new_unit, registry=self.ds.unit_registry) else: fd = self.field_map[field] if fd in self.field_units: self.field_units[fd] = Unit(new_unit, registry=self.ds.unit_registry) else: raise KeyError(f"{field} not in profile!")
def _finalize_storage(self, fields, temp_storage): # We use our main comm here # This also will fill _field_data for i, _field in enumerate(fields): # q values are returned as q * weight but we want just q temp_storage.qvalues[..., i][ temp_storage.used ] /= temp_storage.weight_values[temp_storage.used] # get the profile data from all procs all_store = {self.comm.rank: temp_storage} all_store = self.comm.par_combine_object(all_store, "join", datatype="dict") all_val = np.zeros_like(temp_storage.values) all_mean = np.zeros_like(temp_storage.mvalues) all_std = np.zeros_like(temp_storage.qvalues) all_weight = np.zeros_like(temp_storage.weight_values) all_used = np.zeros_like(temp_storage.used, dtype="bool") # Combine the weighted mean and standard deviation from each processor. # For two samples with total weight, mean, and standard deviation # given by w, m, and s, their combined mean and standard deviation are: # m12 = (m1 * w1 + m2 * w2) / (w1 + w2) # s12 = (m1 * (s1**2 + (m1 - m12)**2) + # m2 * (s2**2 + (m2 - m12)**2)) / (w1 + w2) # Here, the mvalues are m and the qvalues are s**2. for p in sorted(all_store.keys()): all_used += all_store[p].used old_mean = all_mean.copy() old_weight = all_weight.copy() all_weight[all_store[p].used] += all_store[p].weight_values[ all_store[p].used ] for i, _field in enumerate(fields): all_val[..., i][all_store[p].used] += all_store[p].values[..., i][ all_store[p].used ] all_mean[..., i][all_store[p].used] = ( all_mean[..., i] * old_weight + all_store[p].mvalues[..., i] * all_store[p].weight_values )[all_store[p].used] / all_weight[all_store[p].used] all_std[..., i][all_store[p].used] = ( old_weight * (all_std[..., i] + (old_mean[..., i] - all_mean[..., i]) ** 2) + all_store[p].weight_values * ( all_store[p].qvalues[..., i] + (all_store[p].mvalues[..., i] - all_mean[..., i]) ** 2 ) )[all_store[p].used] / all_weight[all_store[p].used] all_std = np.sqrt(all_std) del all_store self.used = all_used blank = ~all_used self.weight = all_weight self.weight[blank] = 0.0 for i, field in enumerate(fields): if self.weight_field is None: self.field_data[field] = array_like_field( self.data_source, all_val[..., i], field ) else: self.field_data[field] = array_like_field( self.data_source, all_mean[..., i], field ) self.standard_deviation[field] = array_like_field( self.data_source, all_std[..., i], field ) self.standard_deviation[field][blank] = 0.0 self.weight = array_like_field( self.data_source, self.weight, self.weight_field ) self.field_data[field][blank] = 0.0 self.field_units[field] = self.field_data[field].units if isinstance(field, tuple): self.field_map[field[1]] = field else: self.field_map[field] = field def _bin_chunk(self, chunk, fields, storage): raise NotImplementedError def _filter(self, bin_fields): # cut_points is set to be everything initially, but # we also want to apply a filtering based on min/max pfilter = np.ones(bin_fields[0].shape, dtype="bool") for (mi, ma), data in zip(self.bounds, bin_fields): pfilter &= data > mi pfilter &= data < ma return pfilter, [data[pfilter] for data in bin_fields] def _get_data(self, chunk, fields): # We are using chunks now, which will manage the field parameters and # the like. bin_fields = [chunk[bf] for bf in self.bin_fields] for i in range(1, len(bin_fields)): if bin_fields[0].shape != bin_fields[i].shape: raise YTProfileDataShape( self.bin_fields[0], bin_fields[0].shape, self.bin_fields[i], bin_fields[i].shape, ) # We want to make sure that our fields are within the bounds of the # binning pfilter, bin_fields = self._filter(bin_fields) if not np.any(pfilter): return None arr = np.zeros((bin_fields[0].size, len(fields)), dtype="float64") for i, field in enumerate(fields): if pfilter.shape != chunk[field].shape: raise YTProfileDataShape( self.bin_fields[0], bin_fields[0].shape, field, chunk[field].shape ) units = chunk.ds.field_info[field].output_units arr[:, i] = chunk[field][pfilter].in_units(units) if self.weight_field is not None: if pfilter.shape != chunk[self.weight_field].shape: raise YTProfileDataShape( self.bin_fields[0], bin_fields[0].shape, self.weight_field, chunk[self.weight_field].shape, ) units = chunk.ds.field_info[self.weight_field].output_units weight_data = chunk[self.weight_field].in_units(units) else: weight_data = np.ones(pfilter.shape, dtype="float64") weight_data = weight_data[pfilter] # So that we can pass these into return arr, weight_data, bin_fields def __getitem__(self, field): if field in self.field_data: fname = field else: # deal with string vs tuple field names and attempt to guess which field # we are supposed to be talking about fname = self.field_map.get(field, None) if isinstance(field, tuple): fname = self.field_map.get(field[1], None) if fname != field: raise KeyError( f"Asked for field '{field}' but only have data for " f"fields '{list(self.field_data.keys())}'" ) elif isinstance(field, DerivedField): fname = self.field_map.get([1], None) if fname is None: raise KeyError(field) if getattr(self, "fractional", False): return self.field_data[fname] else: return self.field_data[fname].in_units(self.field_units[fname])
[docs] def items(self): return [(k, self[k]) for k in self.field_data.keys()]
[docs] def keys(self): return self.field_data.keys()
def __iter__(self): return sorted(self.items()) def _get_bins(self, mi, ma, n, take_log): if take_log: ret = np.logspace(np.log10(mi), np.log10(ma), n + 1) # at this point ret[0] and ret[-1] are not exactly equal to # mi and ma due to round-off error. Let's force them to be # mi and ma exactly to avoid incorrectly discarding cells near # the edges. See Issue #1300. ret[0], ret[-1] = mi, ma return ret else: return np.linspace(mi, ma, n + 1)
[docs] def save_as_dataset(self, filename=None): r"""Export a profile to a reloadable yt dataset. This function will take a profile and output a dataset containing all relevant fields. The resulting dataset can be reloaded as a yt dataset. Parameters ---------- filename : str, optional The name of the file to be written. If None, the name will be a combination of the original dataset plus the type of object, e.g., Profile1D. Returns ------- filename : str The name of the file that has been created. Examples -------- >>> import yt >>> ds = yt.load("enzo_tiny_cosmology/DD0046/DD0046") >>> ad = ds.all_data() >>> profile = yt.create_profile( ... ad, ... [("gas", "density"), ("gas", "temperature")], ... ("gas", "mass"), ... weight_field=None, ... n_bins=(128, 128), ... ) >>> fn = profile.save_as_dataset() >>> prof_ds = yt.load(fn) >>> print([("gas", "mass")]) (128, 128) >>> print([("index", "x")].shape) # x bins as 1D array (128,) >>> print([("gas", "density")]) # x bins as 2D array (128, 128) >>> p = yt.PhasePlot( ..., ... ("gas", "density"), ... ("gas", "temperature"), ... ("gas", "mass"), ... weight_field=None, ... ) >>> """ keyword = f"{str(self.ds)}_{self.__class__.__name__}" filename = get_output_filename(filename, keyword, ".h5") args = ("field", "log") extra_attrs = { "data_type": "yt_profile", "profile_dimensions": self.size, "weight_field": self.weight_field, "fractional": self.fractional, "accumulation": self.accumulation, } data = {} data.update(self.field_data) data["weight"] = self.weight data["used"] = self.used.astype("float64") std = "standard_deviation" if self.weight_field is not None: std_data = getattr(self, std) data.update({(std, field[1]): std_data[field] for field in self.field_data}) dimensionality = 0 bin_data = [] for ax in "xyz": if hasattr(self, ax): dimensionality += 1 data[ax] = getattr(self, ax) bin_data.append(data[ax]) bin_field_name = f"{ax}_bins" data[bin_field_name] = getattr(self, bin_field_name) extra_attrs[f"{ax}_range"] = self.ds.arr( [data[bin_field_name][0], data[bin_field_name][-1]] ) for arg in args: key = f"{ax}_{arg}" extra_attrs[key] = getattr(self, key) bin_fields = np.meshgrid(*bin_data) for i, ax in enumerate("xyz"[:dimensionality]): data[getattr(self, f"{ax}_field")] = bin_fields[i] extra_attrs["dimensionality"] = dimensionality ftypes = {field: "data" for field in data if field[0] != std} if self.weight_field is not None: ftypes.update({(std, field[1]): std for field in self.field_data}) save_as_dataset( self.ds, filename, data, field_types=ftypes, extra_attrs=extra_attrs ) return filename
[docs] class ProfileNDFromDataset(ProfileND): """ An ND profile object loaded from a ytdata dataset. """ def __init__(self, ds): ProfileND.__init__(self,, ds.parameters.get("weight_field", None)) self.fractional = ds.parameters.get("fractional", False) self.accumulation = ds.parameters.get("accumulation", False) exclude_fields = ["used", "weight"] for ax in "xyz"[: ds.dimensionality]: setattr(self, ax,[("data", ax)]) ax_bins = f"{ax}_bins" ax_field = f"{ax}_field" ax_log = f"{ax}_log" setattr(self, ax_bins,[("data", ax_bins)]) field_name = tuple(ds.parameters.get(ax_field, (None, None))) setattr(self, ax_field, field_name) self.field_info[field_name] = ds.field_info[field_name] setattr(self, ax_log, ds.parameters.get(ax_log, False)) exclude_fields.extend([ax, ax_bins, field_name[1]]) self.weight =[("data", "weight")] self.used =[("data", "used")].d.astype(bool) profile_fields = [ f for f in ds.field_list if f[1] not in exclude_fields and f[0] != "standard_deviation" ] for field in profile_fields: self.field_map[field[1]] = field self.field_data[field] =[field] self.field_info[field] = ds.field_info[field] self.field_units[field] =[field].units if ("standard_deviation", field[1]) in ds.field_list: self.standard_deviation[field] =["standard_deviation", field[1]]
[docs] class Profile1D(ProfileND): """An object that represents a 1D profile. Parameters ---------- data_source : AMD3DData object The data object to be profiled x_field : string field name The field to profile as a function of x_n : integer The number of bins along the x direction. x_min : float The minimum value of the x profile field. If supplied without units, assumed to be in the output units for x_field. x_max : float The maximum value of the x profile field. If supplied without units, assumed to be in the output units for x_field. x_log : boolean Controls whether or not the bins for the x field are evenly spaced in linear (False) or log (True) space. weight_field : string field name The field to weight the profiled fields by. override_bins_x : array Array to set as xbins and ignore other parameters if set """ def __init__( self, data_source, x_field, x_n, x_min, x_max, x_log, weight_field=None, override_bins_x=None, ): super().__init__(data_source, weight_field) self.x_field = data_source._determine_fields(x_field)[0] self.field_info[self.x_field] = self.data_source.ds.field_info[self.x_field] self.x_log = x_log x_min, x_max = _sanitize_min_max_units( x_min, x_max, self.field_info[self.x_field], self.ds.unit_registry ) self.x_bins = array_like_field( data_source, self._get_bins(x_min, x_max, x_n, x_log), self.x_field ) if override_bins_x is not None: self.x_bins = array_like_field(data_source, override_bins_x, self.x_field) self.size = (self.x_bins.size - 1,) self.bin_fields = (self.x_field,) self.x = 0.5 * (self.x_bins[1:] + self.x_bins[:-1]) def _bin_chunk(self, chunk, fields, storage): rv = self._get_data(chunk, fields) if rv is None: return fdata, wdata, (bf_x,) = rv bf_x.convert_to_units(self.field_info[self.x_field].output_units) bin_ind = np.digitize(bf_x, self.x_bins) - 1 new_bin_profile1d( bin_ind, wdata, fdata, storage.weight_values, storage.values, storage.mvalues, storage.qvalues, storage.used, ) # We've binned it!
[docs] def set_x_unit(self, new_unit): """Sets a new unit for the x field Parameters ---------- new_unit : string or Unit object The name of the new unit. """ self.x_bins.convert_to_units(new_unit) self.x = 0.5 * (self.x_bins[1:] + self.x_bins[:-1])
@property def bounds(self): return ((self.x_bins[0], self.x_bins[-1]),)
[docs] def plot(self): r""" This returns a :class:`~yt.visualization.profile_plotter.ProfilePlot` with the fields that have been added to this object. """ from yt.visualization.profile_plotter import ProfilePlot return ProfilePlot.from_profiles(self)
def _export_prep(self, fields, only_used): if only_used: idxs = self.used else: idxs = slice(None, None, None) if not only_used and not np.all(self.used): masked = True else: masked = False if fields is None: fields = self.field_data.keys() else: fields = self.data_source._determine_fields(fields) return idxs, masked, fields
[docs] def to_dataframe(self, fields=None, only_used=False, include_std=False): r"""Export a profile object to a pandas DataFrame. This function will take a data object and construct from it and optionally a list of fields a pandas DataFrame object. If pandas is not importable, this will raise ImportError. Parameters ---------- fields : list of strings or tuple field names, default None If this is supplied, it is the list of fields to be exported into the DataFrame. If not supplied, whatever fields exist in the profile, along with the bin field, will be exported. only_used : boolean, default False If True, only the bins which have data will be exported. If False, all the bins will be exported, but the elements for those bins in the data arrays will be filled with NaNs. include_std : boolean, optional If True, include the standard deviation of the profile in the pandas DataFrame. It will appear in the table as the field name with "_stddev" appended, e.g. "velocity_x_stddev". Default: False Returns ------- df : :class:`~pandas.DataFrame` The data contained in the profile. Examples -------- >>> sp = ds.sphere("c", (0.1, "unitary")) >>> p = sp.profile( ... ("index", "radius"), [("gas", "density"), ("gas", "temperature")] ... ) >>> df1 = p.to_dataframe() >>> df2 = p.to_dataframe(fields=("gas", "density"), only_used=True) """ from yt.utilities.on_demand_imports import _pandas as pd idxs, masked, fields = self._export_prep(fields, only_used) pdata = {self.x_field[-1]: self.x[idxs]} for field in fields: pdata[field[-1]] = self[field][idxs] if include_std: pdata[f"{field[-1]}_stddev"] = self.standard_deviation[field][idxs] df = pd.DataFrame(pdata) if masked: mask = np.zeros(df.shape, dtype="bool") mask[~self.used, 1:] = True df.mask(mask, inplace=True) return df
[docs] def to_astropy_table(self, fields=None, only_used=False, include_std=False): """ Export the profile data to a :class:`~astropy.table.table.QTable`, which is a Table object which is unit-aware. The QTable can then be exported to an ASCII file, FITS file, etc. See the AstroPy Table docs for more details: Parameters ---------- fields : list of strings or tuple field names, default None If this is supplied, it is the list of fields to be exported into the DataFrame. If not supplied, whatever fields exist in the profile, along with the bin field, will be exported. only_used : boolean, optional If True, only the bins which are used are copied to the QTable as rows. If False, all bins are copied, but the bins which are not used are masked. Default: False include_std : boolean, optional If True, include the standard deviation of the profile in the AstroPy QTable. It will appear in the table as the field name with "_stddev" appended, e.g. "velocity_x_stddev". Default: False Returns ------- qt : :class:`~astropy.table.QTable` The data contained in the profile. Examples -------- >>> sp = ds.sphere("c", (0.1, "unitary")) >>> p = sp.profile( ... ("index", "radius"), [("gas", "density"), ("gas", "temperature")] ... ) >>> qt1 = p.to_astropy_table() >>> qt2 = p.to_astropy_table(fields=("gas", "density"), only_used=True) """ from astropy.table import QTable idxs, masked, fields = self._export_prep(fields, only_used) qt = QTable(masked=masked) qt[self.x_field[-1]] = self.x[idxs].to_astropy() if masked: qt[self.x_field[-1]].mask = self.used for field in fields: qt[field[-1]] = self[field][idxs].to_astropy() if masked: qt[field[-1]].mask = self.used if include_std: qt[f"{field[-1]}_stddev"] = self.standard_deviation[field][ idxs ].to_astropy() if masked: qt[f"{field[-1]}_stddev"].mask = self.used return qt
[docs] class Profile1DFromDataset(ProfileNDFromDataset, Profile1D): """ A 1D profile object loaded from a ytdata dataset. """ def __init(self, ds): ProfileNDFromDataset.__init__(self, ds)
[docs] class Profile2D(ProfileND): """An object that represents a 2D profile. Parameters ---------- data_source : AMD3DData object The data object to be profiled x_field : string field name The field to profile as a function of along the x axis. x_n : integer The number of bins along the x direction. x_min : float The minimum value of the x profile field. If supplied without units, assumed to be in the output units for x_field. x_max : float The maximum value of the x profile field. If supplied without units, assumed to be in the output units for x_field. x_log : boolean Controls whether or not the bins for the x field are evenly spaced in linear (False) or log (True) space. y_field : string field name The field to profile as a function of along the y axis y_n : integer The number of bins along the y direction. y_min : float The minimum value of the y profile field. If supplied without units, assumed to be in the output units for y_field. y_max : float The maximum value of the y profile field. If supplied without units, assumed to be in the output units for y_field. y_log : boolean Controls whether or not the bins for the y field are evenly spaced in linear (False) or log (True) space. weight_field : string field name The field to weight the profiled fields by. override_bins_x : array Array to set as xbins and ignore other parameters if set override_bins_y : array Array to set as ybins and ignore other parameters if set """ def __init__( self, data_source, x_field, x_n, x_min, x_max, x_log, y_field, y_n, y_min, y_max, y_log, weight_field=None, override_bins_x=None, override_bins_y=None, ): super().__init__(data_source, weight_field) # X self.x_field = data_source._determine_fields(x_field)[0] self.x_log = x_log self.field_info[self.x_field] = self.data_source.ds.field_info[self.x_field] x_min, x_max = _sanitize_min_max_units( x_min, x_max, self.field_info[self.x_field], self.ds.unit_registry ) self.x_bins = array_like_field( data_source, self._get_bins(x_min, x_max, x_n, x_log), self.x_field ) if override_bins_x is not None: self.x_bins = array_like_field(data_source, override_bins_x, self.x_field) # Y self.y_field = data_source._determine_fields(y_field)[0] self.y_log = y_log self.field_info[self.y_field] = self.data_source.ds.field_info[self.y_field] y_min, y_max = _sanitize_min_max_units( y_min, y_max, self.field_info[self.y_field], self.ds.unit_registry ) self.y_bins = array_like_field( data_source, self._get_bins(y_min, y_max, y_n, y_log), self.y_field ) if override_bins_y is not None: self.y_bins = array_like_field(data_source, override_bins_y, self.y_field) self.size = (self.x_bins.size - 1, self.y_bins.size - 1) self.bin_fields = (self.x_field, self.y_field) self.x = 0.5 * (self.x_bins[1:] + self.x_bins[:-1]) self.y = 0.5 * (self.y_bins[1:] + self.y_bins[:-1]) def _bin_chunk(self, chunk, fields, storage): rv = self._get_data(chunk, fields) if rv is None: return fdata, wdata, (bf_x, bf_y) = rv bf_x.convert_to_units(self.field_info[self.x_field].output_units) bin_ind_x = np.digitize(bf_x, self.x_bins) - 1 bf_y.convert_to_units(self.field_info[self.y_field].output_units) bin_ind_y = np.digitize(bf_y, self.y_bins) - 1 new_bin_profile2d( bin_ind_x, bin_ind_y, wdata, fdata, storage.weight_values, storage.values, storage.mvalues, storage.qvalues, storage.used, ) # We've binned it!
[docs] def set_x_unit(self, new_unit): """Sets a new unit for the x field Parameters ---------- new_unit : string or Unit object The name of the new unit. """ self.x_bins.convert_to_units(new_unit) self.x = 0.5 * (self.x_bins[1:] + self.x_bins[:-1])
[docs] def set_y_unit(self, new_unit): """Sets a new unit for the y field Parameters ---------- new_unit : string or Unit object The name of the new unit. """ self.y_bins.convert_to_units(new_unit) self.y = 0.5 * (self.y_bins[1:] + self.y_bins[:-1])
@property def bounds(self): return ((self.x_bins[0], self.x_bins[-1]), (self.y_bins[0], self.y_bins[-1]))
[docs] def plot(self): r""" This returns a :class:~yt.visualization.profile_plotter.PhasePlot with the fields that have been added to this object. """ from yt.visualization.profile_plotter import PhasePlot return PhasePlot.from_profile(self)
[docs] class Profile2DFromDataset(ProfileNDFromDataset, Profile2D): """ A 2D profile object loaded from a ytdata dataset. """ def __init(self, ds): ProfileNDFromDataset.__init__(self, ds)
[docs] class ParticleProfile(Profile2D): """An object that represents a *deposited* 2D profile. This is like a Profile2D, except that it is intended for particle data. Instead of just binning the particles, the added fields will be deposited onto the mesh using either the nearest-grid-point or cloud-in-cell interpolation kernels. Parameters ---------- data_source : AMD3DData object The data object to be profiled x_field : string field name The field to profile as a function of along the x axis. x_n : integer The number of bins along the x direction. x_min : float The minimum value of the x profile field. If supplied without units, assumed to be in the output units for x_field. x_max : float The maximum value of the x profile field. If supplied without units, assumed to be in the output units for x_field. y_field : string field name The field to profile as a function of along the y axis y_n : integer The number of bins along the y direction. y_min : float The minimum value of the y profile field. If supplied without units, assumed to be in the output units for y_field. y_max : float The maximum value of the y profile field. If supplied without units, assumed to be in the output units for y_field. weight_field : string field name The field to use for weighting. Default is None. deposition : string, optional The interpolation kernel to be used for deposition. Valid choices: "ngp" : nearest grid point interpolation "cic" : cloud-in-cell interpolation """ accumulation = False fractional = False def __init__( self, data_source, x_field, x_n, x_min, x_max, x_log, y_field, y_n, y_min, y_max, y_log, weight_field=None, deposition="ngp", ): x_field = data_source._determine_fields(x_field)[0] y_field = data_source._determine_fields(y_field)[0] if deposition not in ["ngp", "cic"]: raise NotImplementedError(deposition) elif (x_log or y_log) and deposition != "ngp": mylog.warning( "cic deposition is only supported for linear axis " "scales, falling back to ngp deposition" ) deposition = "ngp" self.deposition = deposition # set the log parameters to False (since that doesn't make much sense # for deposited data) and also turn off the weight field. super().__init__( data_source, x_field, x_n, x_min, x_max, x_log, y_field, y_n, y_min, y_max, y_log, weight_field=weight_field, ) # Either stick the particle field in the nearest bin, # or spread it out using the 2D CIC deposition function def _bin_chunk(self, chunk, fields, storage): rv = self._get_data(chunk, fields) if rv is None: return fdata, wdata, (bf_x, bf_y) = rv # make sure everything has the same units before deposition. # the units will be scaled to the correct values later. if self.deposition == "ngp": func = NGPDeposit_2 elif self.deposition == "cic": func = CICDeposit_2 for fi, _field in enumerate(fields): if self.weight_field is None: deposit_vals = fdata[:, fi] else: deposit_vals = wdata * fdata[:, fi] field_mask = np.zeros(self.size, dtype="uint8") func( bf_x, bf_y, deposit_vals, fdata[:, fi].size, storage.values[:, :, fi], field_mask, self.x_bins, self.y_bins, ) locs = field_mask > 0 storage.used[locs] = True if self.weight_field is not None: func( bf_x, bf_y, wdata, fdata[:, fi].size, storage.weight_values, field_mask, self.x_bins, self.y_bins, ) else: storage.weight_values[locs] = 1.0 storage.mvalues[locs, fi] = ( storage.values[locs, fi] / storage.weight_values[locs] )
# We've binned it!
[docs] class Profile3D(ProfileND): """An object that represents a 2D profile. Parameters ---------- data_source : AMD3DData object The data object to be profiled x_field : string field name The field to profile as a function of along the x axis. x_n : integer The number of bins along the x direction. x_min : float The minimum value of the x profile field. If supplied without units, assumed to be in the output units for x_field. x_max : float The maximum value of the x profile field. If supplied without units, assumed to be in the output units for x_field. x_log : boolean Controls whether or not the bins for the x field are evenly spaced in linear (False) or log (True) space. y_field : string field name The field to profile as a function of along the y axis y_n : integer The number of bins along the y direction. y_min : float The minimum value of the y profile field. If supplied without units, assumed to be in the output units for y_field. y_max : float The maximum value of the y profile field. If supplied without units, assumed to be in the output units for y_field. y_log : boolean Controls whether or not the bins for the y field are evenly spaced in linear (False) or log (True) space. z_field : string field name The field to profile as a function of along the z axis z_n : integer The number of bins along the z direction. z_min : float The minimum value of the z profile field. If supplied without units, assumed to be in the output units for z_field. z_max : float The maximum value of thee z profile field. If supplied without units, assumed to be in the output units for z_field. z_log : boolean Controls whether or not the bins for the z field are evenly spaced in linear (False) or log (True) space. weight_field : string field name The field to weight the profiled fields by. override_bins_x : array Array to set as xbins and ignore other parameters if set override_bins_y : array Array to set as xbins and ignore other parameters if set override_bins_z : array Array to set as xbins and ignore other parameters if set """ def __init__( self, data_source, x_field, x_n, x_min, x_max, x_log, y_field, y_n, y_min, y_max, y_log, z_field, z_n, z_min, z_max, z_log, weight_field=None, override_bins_x=None, override_bins_y=None, override_bins_z=None, ): super().__init__(data_source, weight_field) # X self.x_field = data_source._determine_fields(x_field)[0] self.x_log = x_log self.field_info[self.x_field] = self.data_source.ds.field_info[self.x_field] x_min, x_max = _sanitize_min_max_units( x_min, x_max, self.field_info[self.x_field], self.ds.unit_registry ) self.x_bins = array_like_field( data_source, self._get_bins(x_min, x_max, x_n, x_log), self.x_field ) if override_bins_x is not None: self.x_bins = array_like_field(data_source, override_bins_x, self.x_field) # Y self.y_field = data_source._determine_fields(y_field)[0] self.y_log = y_log self.field_info[self.y_field] = self.data_source.ds.field_info[self.y_field] y_min, y_max = _sanitize_min_max_units( y_min, y_max, self.field_info[self.y_field], self.ds.unit_registry ) self.y_bins = array_like_field( data_source, self._get_bins(y_min, y_max, y_n, y_log), self.y_field ) if override_bins_y is not None: self.y_bins = array_like_field(data_source, override_bins_y, self.y_field) # Z self.z_field = data_source._determine_fields(z_field)[0] self.z_log = z_log self.field_info[self.z_field] = self.data_source.ds.field_info[self.z_field] z_min, z_max = _sanitize_min_max_units( z_min, z_max, self.field_info[self.z_field], self.ds.unit_registry ) self.z_bins = array_like_field( data_source, self._get_bins(z_min, z_max, z_n, z_log), self.z_field ) if override_bins_z is not None: self.z_bins = array_like_field(data_source, override_bins_z, self.z_field) self.size = (self.x_bins.size - 1, self.y_bins.size - 1, self.z_bins.size - 1) self.bin_fields = (self.x_field, self.y_field, self.z_field) self.x = 0.5 * (self.x_bins[1:] + self.x_bins[:-1]) self.y = 0.5 * (self.y_bins[1:] + self.y_bins[:-1]) self.z = 0.5 * (self.z_bins[1:] + self.z_bins[:-1]) def _bin_chunk(self, chunk, fields, storage): rv = self._get_data(chunk, fields) if rv is None: return fdata, wdata, (bf_x, bf_y, bf_z) = rv bf_x.convert_to_units(self.field_info[self.x_field].output_units) bin_ind_x = np.digitize(bf_x, self.x_bins) - 1 bf_y.convert_to_units(self.field_info[self.y_field].output_units) bin_ind_y = np.digitize(bf_y, self.y_bins) - 1 bf_z.convert_to_units(self.field_info[self.z_field].output_units) bin_ind_z = np.digitize(bf_z, self.z_bins) - 1 new_bin_profile3d( bin_ind_x, bin_ind_y, bin_ind_z, wdata, fdata, storage.weight_values, storage.values, storage.mvalues, storage.qvalues, storage.used, ) # We've binned it! @property def bounds(self): return ( (self.x_bins[0], self.x_bins[-1]), (self.y_bins[0], self.y_bins[-1]), (self.z_bins[0], self.z_bins[-1]), )
[docs] def set_x_unit(self, new_unit): """Sets a new unit for the x field Parameters ---------- new_unit : string or Unit object The name of the new unit. """ self.x_bins.convert_to_units(new_unit) self.x = 0.5 * (self.x_bins[1:] + self.x_bins[:-1])
[docs] def set_y_unit(self, new_unit): """Sets a new unit for the y field Parameters ---------- new_unit : string or Unit object The name of the new unit. """ self.y_bins.convert_to_units(new_unit) self.y = 0.5 * (self.y_bins[1:] + self.y_bins[:-1])
[docs] def set_z_unit(self, new_unit): """Sets a new unit for the z field Parameters ---------- new_unit : string or Unit object The name of the new unit. """ self.z_bins.convert_to_units(new_unit) self.z = 0.5 * (self.z_bins[1:] + self.z_bins[:-1])
[docs] class Profile3DFromDataset(ProfileNDFromDataset, Profile3D): """ A 2D profile object loaded from a ytdata dataset. """ def __init(self, ds): ProfileNDFromDataset.__init__(self, ds)
[docs] def sanitize_field_tuple_keys(input_dict, data_source): if input_dict is not None: dummy = {} for item in input_dict: dummy[data_source._determine_fields(item)[0]] = input_dict[item] return dummy else: return input_dict
[docs] def create_profile( data_source, bin_fields, fields, n_bins=64, extrema=None, logs=None, units=None, weight_field=("gas", "mass"), accumulation=False, fractional=False, deposition="ngp", override_bins=None, ): r""" Create a 1, 2, or 3D profile object. The dimensionality of the profile object is chosen by the number of fields given in the bin_fields argument. Parameters ---------- data_source : YTSelectionContainer Object The data object to be profiled. bin_fields : list of strings List of the binning fields for profiling. fields : list of strings The fields to be profiled. n_bins : int or list of ints The number of bins in each dimension. If None, 64 bins for each bin are used for each bin field. Default: 64. extrema : dict of min, max tuples Minimum and maximum values of the bin_fields for the profiles. The keys correspond to the field names. Defaults to the extrema of the bin_fields of the dataset. If a units dict is provided, extrema are understood to be in the units specified in the dictionary. logs : dict of boolean values Whether or not to log the bin_fields for the profiles. The keys correspond to the field names. Defaults to the take_log attribute of the field. units : dict of strings The units of the fields in the profiles, including the bin_fields. weight_field : str or tuple field identifier The weight field for computing weighted average for the profile values. If None, the profile values are sums of the data in each bin. Defaults to ("gas", "mass"). accumulation : bool or list of bools If True, the profile values for a bin n are the cumulative sum of all the values from bin 0 to n. If -True, the sum is reversed so that the value for bin n is the cumulative sum from bin N (total bins) to n. If the profile is 2D or 3D, a list of values can be given to control the summation in each dimension independently. Default: False. fractional : bool If True the profile values are divided by the sum of all the profile data such that the profile represents a probability distribution function. deposition : strings Controls the type of deposition used for ParticlePhasePlots. Valid choices are 'ngp' and 'cic'. Default is 'ngp'. This parameter is ignored the if the input fields are not of particle type. override_bins : dict of bins to profile plot with If set, ignores n_bins and extrema settings and uses the supplied bins to profile the field. If a units dict is provided, bins are understood to be in the units specified in the dictionary. Examples -------- Create a 1d profile. Access bin field from profile.x and field data from profile[<field_name>]. >>> ds = load("DD0046/DD0046") >>> ad = ds.all_data() >>> profile = create_profile( ... ad, [("gas", "density")], [("gas", "temperature"), ("gas", "velocity_x")] ... ) >>> print(profile.x) >>> print(profile["gas", "temperature"]) """ bin_fields = data_source._determine_fields(bin_fields) fields = list(iter_fields(fields)) is_pfield = [ data_source.ds._get_field_info(f).sampling_type == "particle" for f in bin_fields + fields ] wf = None if weight_field is not None: wf = data_source.ds._get_field_info(weight_field) is_pfield.append(wf.sampling_type == "particle") wf = if len(bin_fields) > 1 and isinstance(accumulation, bool): accumulation = [accumulation for _ in range(len(bin_fields))] bin_fields = data_source._determine_fields(bin_fields) fields = data_source._determine_fields(fields) units = sanitize_field_tuple_keys(units, data_source) extrema = sanitize_field_tuple_keys(extrema, data_source) logs = sanitize_field_tuple_keys(logs, data_source) override_bins = sanitize_field_tuple_keys(override_bins, data_source) if any(is_pfield) and not all(is_pfield): if hasattr(data_source.ds, "_sph_ptypes"): is_local = [ data_source.ds.field_info[f].sampling_type == "local" for f in bin_fields + fields ] is_local_or_pfield = [pf or lf for (pf, lf) in zip(is_pfield, is_local)] if not all(is_local_or_pfield): raise YTIllDefinedProfile( bin_fields, data_source._determine_fields(fields), wf, is_pfield ) else: raise YTIllDefinedProfile( bin_fields, data_source._determine_fields(fields), wf, is_pfield ) if len(bin_fields) == 1: cls = Profile1D elif len(bin_fields) == 2 and all(is_pfield): if deposition == "cic": if logs is not None: if (bin_fields[0] in logs and logs[bin_fields[0]]) or ( bin_fields[1] in logs and logs[bin_fields[1]] ): raise RuntimeError( "CIC deposition is only implemented for linear-scaled axes" ) else: logs = {bin_fields[0]: False, bin_fields[1]: False} if any(accumulation) or fractional: raise RuntimeError( "The accumulation and fractional keyword arguments must be " "False for CIC deposition" ) cls = ParticleProfile elif len(bin_fields) == 2: cls = Profile2D elif len(bin_fields) == 3: cls = Profile3D else: raise NotImplementedError if weight_field is not None and cls == ParticleProfile: (weight_field,) = data_source._determine_fields([weight_field]) wf = data_source.ds._get_field_info(weight_field) if not wf.sampling_type == "particle": weight_field = None if not is_sequence(n_bins): n_bins = [n_bins] * len(bin_fields) if not is_sequence(accumulation): accumulation = [accumulation] * len(bin_fields) if logs is None: logs = {} logs_list = [] for bin_field in bin_fields: if bin_field in logs: logs_list.append(logs[bin_field]) else: logs_list.append(data_source.ds.field_info[bin_field].take_log) logs = logs_list # Are the extrema all Nones? Then treat them as though extrema was set as None if extrema is None or not any(collapse(extrema.values())): ex = [ data_source.quantities["Extrema"](f, non_zero=l) for f, l in zip(bin_fields, logs) ] # pad extrema by epsilon so cells at bin edges are not excluded for i, (mi, ma) in enumerate(ex): mi = mi - np.spacing(mi) ma = ma + np.spacing(ma) ex[i][0], ex[i][1] = mi, ma else: ex = [] for bin_field in bin_fields: bf_units = data_source.ds.field_info[bin_field].output_units try: field_ex = list(extrema[bin_field[-1]]) except KeyError as e: try: field_ex = list(extrema[bin_field]) except KeyError: raise RuntimeError( "Could not find field {} or {} in extrema".format( bin_field[-1], bin_field ) ) from e if isinstance(field_ex[0], tuple): field_ex = [data_source.ds.quan(*f) for f in field_ex] if any(exi is None for exi in field_ex): try: ds_extrema = data_source.quantities.extrema(bin_field) except AttributeError: # ytdata profile datasets don't have data_source.quantities bf_vals = data_source[bin_field] ds_extrema = data_source.ds.arr([bf_vals.min(), bf_vals.max()]) for i, exi in enumerate(field_ex): if exi is None: field_ex[i] = ds_extrema[i] # pad extrema by epsilon so cells at bin edges are # not excluded field_ex[i] -= (-1) ** i * np.spacing(field_ex[i]) if units is not None and bin_field in units: for i, exi in enumerate(field_ex): if hasattr(exi, "units"): field_ex[i] =[bin_field]) else: field_ex[i] = data_source.ds.quan(exi, units[bin_field]) fe = data_source.ds.arr(field_ex) else: if hasattr(field_ex, "units"): fe = else: fe = data_source.ds.arr(field_ex, bf_units) fe.convert_to_units(bf_units) field_ex = [fe[0].v, fe[1].v] if is_sequence(field_ex[0]): field_ex[0] = data_source.ds.quan(field_ex[0][0], field_ex[0][1]) field_ex[0] = field_ex[0].in_units(bf_units) if is_sequence(field_ex[1]): field_ex[1] = data_source.ds.quan(field_ex[1][0], field_ex[1][1]) field_ex[1] = field_ex[1].in_units(bf_units) ex.append(field_ex) if override_bins is not None: o_bins = [] for bin_field in bin_fields: bf_units = data_source.ds.field_info[bin_field].output_units try: field_obin = override_bins[bin_field[-1]] except KeyError: field_obin = override_bins[bin_field] if field_obin is None: o_bins.append(None) continue if isinstance(field_obin, tuple): field_obin = data_source.ds.arr(*field_obin) if units is not None and bin_field in units: fe = data_source.ds.arr(field_obin, units[bin_field]) else: if hasattr(field_obin, "units"): fe = else: fe = data_source.ds.arr(field_obin, bf_units) fe.convert_to_units(bf_units) field_obin = fe.d o_bins.append(field_obin) args = [data_source] for f, n, (mi, ma), l in zip(bin_fields, n_bins, ex, logs): if mi <= 0 and l: raise YTIllDefinedBounds(mi, ma) args += [f, n, mi, ma, l] kwargs = {"weight_field": weight_field} if cls is ParticleProfile: kwargs["deposition"] = deposition if override_bins is not None: for o_bin, ax in zip(o_bins, ["x", "y", "z"]): kwargs[f"override_bins_{ax}"] = o_bin obj = cls(*args, **kwargs) obj.accumulation = accumulation obj.fractional = fractional if fields is not None: obj.add_fields(list(fields)) for field in fields: if fractional: obj.field_data[field] /= obj.field_data[field].sum() for axis, acc in enumerate(accumulation): if not acc: continue temp = obj.field_data[field] temp = np.rollaxis(temp, axis) if weight_field is not None: temp_weight = obj.weight temp_weight = np.rollaxis(temp_weight, axis) if acc < 0: temp = temp[::-1] if weight_field is not None: temp_weight = temp_weight[::-1] if weight_field is None: temp = temp.cumsum(axis=0) else: # avoid 0-division warnings by nan-masking _denom = temp_weight.cumsum(axis=0) _denom[_denom == 0.0] = np.nan temp = (temp * temp_weight).cumsum(axis=0) / _denom if acc < 0: temp = temp[::-1] if weight_field is not None: temp_weight = temp_weight[::-1] temp = np.rollaxis(temp, axis) obj.field_data[field] = temp if weight_field is not None: temp_weight = np.rollaxis(temp_weight, axis) obj.weight = temp_weight if units is not None: for field, unit in units.items(): field = data_source._determine_fields(field)[0] if field == obj.x_field: obj.set_x_unit(unit) elif field == getattr(obj, "y_field", None): obj.set_y_unit(unit) elif field == getattr(obj, "z_field", None): obj.set_z_unit(unit) else: obj.set_field_unit(field, unit) return obj