import numpy as np
from yt.config import ytcfg
from yt.data_objects.field_data import YTFieldData
from yt.funcs import get_pbar, mylog
from yt.units.yt_array import array_like_field
from yt.utilities.exceptions import YTIllDefinedParticleData
from yt.utilities.lib.particle_mesh_operations import CICSample_3
from yt.utilities.on_demand_imports import _h5py as h5py
from yt.utilities.parallel_tools.parallel_analysis_interface import parallel_root_only
class ParticleTrajectories:
r"""A collection of particle trajectories in time over a series of
outputs : ~yt.data_objects.time_series.DatasetSeries
DatasetSeries object from which to draw the particles.
indices : array_like
An integer array of particle indices whose trajectories we
want to track. If they are not sorted they will be sorted.
fields : list of strings, optional
A set of fields that is retrieved when the trajectory
collection is instantiated. Default: None (will default
to the fields 'particle_position_x', 'particle_position_y',
suppress_logging : boolean
Suppress yt's logging when iterating over the simulation time
series. Default: False
ptype : str, optional
Only use this particle type. Default: None, which uses all particle type.
>>> my_fns = glob.glob("orbit_hdf5_chk_00[0-9][0-9]")
>>> my_fns.sort()
>>> fields = [
... ("all", "particle_position_x"),
... ("all", "particle_position_y"),
... ("all", "particle_position_z"),
... ("all", "particle_velocity_x"),
... ("all", "particle_velocity_y"),
... ("all", "particle_velocity_z"),
... ]
>>> ds = load(my_fns[0])
>>> init_sphere = ds.sphere(ds.domain_center, (0.5, "unitary"))
>>> indices = init_sphere["all", "particle_index"].astype("int64")
>>> ts = DatasetSeries(my_fns)
>>> trajs = ts.particle_trajectories(indices, fields=fields)
>>> for t in trajs:
... print(
... t["all", "particle_velocity_x"].max(),
... t["all", "particle_velocity_x"].min(),
... )
def __init__(
self, outputs, indices, fields=None, suppress_logging=False, ptype=None
indices.sort() # Just in case the caller wasn't careful
self.field_data = YTFieldData()
self.data_series = outputs
self.masks = []
self.sorts = []
self.array_indices = []
self.indices = indices
self.num_indices = len(indices)
self.num_steps = len(outputs)
self.times = []
self.suppress_logging = suppress_logging
self.ptype = ptype if ptype else "all"
if fields is None:
fields = []
if self.suppress_logging:
old_level = int(ytcfg.get("yt", "log_level"))
ds_first = self.data_series[0]
dd_first = ds_first.all_data()
fds = {}
for field in (
fds[field] = dd_first._determine_fields((self.ptype, field))[0]
# Note: we explicitly pass dynamic=False to prevent any change in piter from
# breaking the assumption that the same processors load the same datasets
my_storage = {}
pbar = get_pbar("Constructing trajectory information", len(self.data_series))
for i, (sto, ds) in enumerate(
self.data_series.piter(storage=my_storage, dynamic=False)
dd = ds.all_data()
newtags = dd[fds["particle_index"]].d.astype("int64")
mask = np.isin(newtags, indices, assume_unique=True)
sort = np.argsort(newtags[mask])
array_indices = np.where(np.isin(indices, newtags, assume_unique=True))[0]
pfields = {}
for field in (f"particle_position_{ax}" for ax in "xyz"):
pfields[field] = dd[fds[field]].ndarray_view()[mask][sort]
sto.result_id = ds.parameter_filename
sto.result = (ds.current_time, array_indices, pfields)
pbar.update(i + 1)
if self.suppress_logging:
sorted_storage = sorted(my_storage.items())
_fn, (time, *_) = sorted_storage[0]
time_units = time.units
times = [ for _fn, (time, *_) in sorted_storage]
self.times = self.data_series[0].arr([time.value for time in times], time_units)
self.particle_fields = []
output_field = np.empty((self.num_indices, self.num_steps))
for field in (f"particle_position_{ax}" for ax in "xyz"):
for i, (_fn, (_time, indices, pfields)) in enumerate(sorted_storage):
# This will fail if particles ids are
# duplicate. This is due to the fact that the rhs
# would then have a different shape as the lhs
output_field[indices, i] = pfields[field]
except ValueError as e:
raise YTIllDefinedParticleData(
"This dataset contains duplicate particle indices!"
) from e
self.field_data[fds[field]] = array_like_field(
dd_first, output_field.copy(), fds[field]
# Instantiate fields the caller requested
def has_key(self, key):
return key in self.field_data
def keys(self):
return self.field_data.keys()
def __getitem__(self, key):
Get the field associated with key.
if key == "particle_time":
return self.times
if key not in self.field_data:
return self.field_data[key]
def __setitem__(self, key, val):
Sets a field to be some other value.
self.field_data[key] = val
def __delitem__(self, key):
Delete the field from the trajectory
del self.field_data[key]
def __iter__(self):
This iterates over the trajectories for
the different particles, returning dicts
of fields for each trajectory
for idx in range(self.num_indices):
traj = {}
traj["particle_index"] = self.indices[idx]
traj["particle_time"] = self.times
for field in self.field_data.keys():
traj[field] = self[field][idx, :]
yield traj
def __len__(self):
The number of individual trajectories
return self.num_indices
def add_fields(self, fields):
Add a list of fields to an existing trajectory
fields : list of strings
A list of fields to be added to the current trajectory
>>> trajs = ParticleTrajectories(my_fns, indices)
>>> trajs.add_fields([("all", "particle_mass"), ("all", "particle_gpot")])
def _get_data(self, fields):
Get a list of fields to include in the trajectory collection.
The trajectory collection itself is a dict of 2D numpy arrays,
with shape (num_indices, num_steps)
missing_fields = [field for field in fields if field not in self.field_data]
if not missing_fields:
if self.suppress_logging:
old_level = int(ytcfg.get("yt", "log_level"))
ds_first = self.data_series[0]
dd_first = ds_first.all_data()
fds = {}
new_particle_fields = []
for field in missing_fields:
fds[field] = dd_first._determine_fields(field)[0]
if field not in self.particle_fields:
ftype = fds[field][0]
if ftype in ds_first.particle_types:
grid_fields = [
field for field in missing_fields if field not in self.particle_fields
step = 0
fields_str = ", ".join(str(f) for f in missing_fields)
pbar = get_pbar(
f"Generating [{fields_str}] fields in trajectories",
# Note: we explicitly pass dynamic=False to prevent any change in piter from
# breaking the assumption that the same processors load the same datasets
my_storage = {}
for i, (sto, ds) in enumerate(
self.data_series.piter(storage=my_storage, dynamic=False)
mask = self.masks[i]
sort = self.sorts[i]
pfield = {}
if new_particle_fields: # there's at least one particle field
dd = ds.all_data()
for field in new_particle_fields:
# This is easy... just get the particle fields
pfield[field] = dd[fds[field]].d[mask][sort]
if grid_fields:
# This is hard... must loop over grids
for field in grid_fields:
pfield[field] = np.zeros(self.num_indices)
x = self["particle_position_x"][:, step].d
y = self["particle_position_y"][:, step].d
z = self["particle_position_z"][:, step].d
particle_grids, particle_grid_inds = ds.index._find_points(x, y, z)
# This will fail for non-grid index objects
for grid in particle_grids:
cube = grid.retrieve_ghost_zones(1, grid_fields)
for field in grid_fields:
np.array(grid.LeftEdge, dtype="float64"),
np.array(grid.ActiveDimensions, dtype="int32"),[0],
sto.result_id = ds.parameter_filename
sto.result = (self.array_indices[i], pfield)
step += 1
output_field = np.empty((self.num_indices, self.num_steps))
for field in missing_fields:
fd = fds[field]
for i, (_fn, (indices, pfield)) in enumerate(sorted(my_storage.items())):
output_field[indices, i] = pfield[field]
self.field_data[field] = array_like_field(dd_first, output_field.copy(), fd)
if self.suppress_logging:
def trajectory_from_index(self, index):
Retrieve a single trajectory corresponding to a specific particle
index : int
This defines which particle trajectory from the
ParticleTrajectories object will be returned.
A dictionary corresponding to the particle's trajectory and the
fields along that trajectory
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> trajs = ParticleTrajectories(my_fns, indices)
>>> traj = trajs.trajectory_from_index(indices[0])
>>> plt.plot(
... traj["all", "particle_time"],
... traj["all", "particle_position_x"],
... "-x",
... )
>>> plt.savefig("orbit")
mask = np.isin(self.indices, (index,), assume_unique=True)
if not np.any(mask):
print("The particle index %d is not in the list!" % (index))
raise IndexError
fields = sorted(self.field_data.keys())
traj = {}
traj[self.ptype, "particle_time"] = self.times
traj[self.ptype, "particle_index"] = index
for field in fields:
traj[field] = self[field][mask, :][0]
return traj
def write_out(self, filename_base):
Write out particle trajectories to tab-separated ASCII files (one
for each trajectory) with the field names in the file header. Each
file is named with a basename and the index number.
filename_base : string
The prefix for the outputted ASCII files.
>>> trajs = ParticleTrajectories(my_fns, indices)
>>> trajs.write_out("orbit_trajectory")
fields = sorted(self.field_data.keys())
num_fields = len(fields)
first_str = "# particle_time\t" + "\t".join(fields) + "\n"
template_str = "%g\t" * num_fields + "%g\n"
for ix in range(self.num_indices):
outlines = [first_str]
for it in range(self.num_steps):
% tuple(
[self.times[it]] + [self[field][ix, it] for field in fields]
fid = open(filename_base + "_%d.dat" % self.indices[ix], "w")
del fid
def write_out_h5(self, filename):
Write out all the particle trajectories to a single HDF5 file
that contains the indices, the times, and the 2D array for each
field individually
filename : string
The output filename for the HDF5 file
>>> trajs = ParticleTrajectories(my_fns, indices)
>>> trajs.write_out_h5("orbit_trajectories")
fid = h5py.File(filename, mode="w")
fid.create_dataset("particle_indices", dtype=np.int64, data=self.indices)
self.times.write_hdf5(filename, dataset_name="particle_times")
fields = sorted(self.field_data.keys())
for field in fields:
self[field].write_hdf5(filename, dataset_name=f"{field}")