Source code for yt.data_objects.index_subobjects.unstructured_mesh

import numpy as np

from yt.data_objects.selection_objects.data_selection_objects import (
from yt.funcs import mylog
from yt.utilities.lib.mesh_utilities import fill_fcoords, fill_fwidths

[docs] class UnstructuredMesh(YTSelectionContainer): # This is a base class, not meant to be used directly. _spatial = False _connectivity_length = -1 _type_name = "unstructured_mesh" _skip_add = True _index_offset = 0 _con_args = ("mesh_id", "filename", "connectivity_indices", "connectivity_coords") def __init__( self, mesh_id, filename, connectivity_indices, connectivity_coords, index ): super().__init__(index.dataset, None) self.filename = filename self.mesh_id = mesh_id # This is where we set up the connectivity information self.connectivity_indices = connectivity_indices if connectivity_indices.shape[1] != self._connectivity_length: if self._connectivity_length == -1: self._connectivity_length = connectivity_indices.shape[1] else: raise RuntimeError self.connectivity_coords = connectivity_coords self.ds = index.dataset self._index = index self._last_mask = None self._last_count = -1 self._last_selector_id = None def _check_consistency(self): if self.connectivity_indices.shape[1] != self._connectivity_length: raise RuntimeError for gi in range(self.connectivity_indices.shape[0]): ind = self.connectivity_indices[gi, :] - self._index_offset coords = self.connectivity_coords[ind, :] for i in range(3): assert np.unique(coords[:, i]).size == 2 mylog.debug("Connectivity is consistent.") def __repr__(self): return "UnstructuredMesh_%04i" % (self.mesh_id)
[docs] def get_global_startindex(self): """ Return the integer starting index for each dimension at the current level. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def convert(self, datatype): """ This will attempt to convert a given unit to cgs from code units. It either returns the multiplicative factor or throws a KeyError. """ return self.ds[datatype]
@property def shape(self): raise NotImplementedError def _generate_container_field(self, field): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def select_fcoords(self, dobj=None): # This computes centroids! mask = self._get_selector_mask(dobj.selector) if mask is None: return np.empty((0, 3), dtype="float64") centers = fill_fcoords( self.connectivity_coords, self.connectivity_indices, self._index_offset ) return centers[mask, :]
[docs] def select_fwidth(self, dobj): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def select_icoords(self, dobj): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def select_ires(self, dobj): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def select_tcoords(self, dobj): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def deposit(self, positions, fields=None, method=None, kernel_name="cubic"): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def select_blocks(self, selector): mask = self._get_selector_mask(selector) yield self, mask
[docs] def select(self, selector, source, dest, offset): mask = self._get_selector_mask(selector) count = self.count(selector) if count == 0: return 0 dest[offset : offset + count] = source[mask, ...] return count
[docs] def count(self, selector): mask = self._get_selector_mask(selector) if mask is None: return 0 return self._last_count
[docs] def count_particles(self, selector, x, y, z): # We don't cache the selector results count = selector.count_points(x, y, z, 0.0) return count
[docs] def select_particles(self, selector, x, y, z): mask = selector.select_points(x, y, z, 0.0) return mask
def _get_selector_mask(self, selector): if hash(selector) == self._last_selector_id: mask = self._last_mask else: self._last_mask = mask = selector.fill_mesh_cell_mask(self) self._last_selector_id = hash(selector) if mask is None: self._last_count = 0 else: self._last_count = mask.sum() return mask
[docs] def select_fcoords_vertex(self, dobj=None): mask = self._get_selector_mask(dobj.selector) if mask is None: return np.empty((0, self._connectivity_length, 3), dtype="float64") vertices = self.connectivity_coords[self.connectivity_indices - 1] return vertices[mask, :, :]
[docs] class SemiStructuredMesh(UnstructuredMesh): _connectivity_length = 8 _type_name = "semi_structured_mesh" _container_fields = ("dx", "dy", "dz") def __repr__(self): return "SemiStructuredMesh_%04i" % (self.mesh_id) def _generate_container_field(self, field): if self._current_chunk is None: self.index._identify_base_chunk(self) if field == "dx": return self._current_chunk.fwidth[:, 0] elif field == "dy": return self._current_chunk.fwidth[:, 1] elif field == "dz": return self._current_chunk.fwidth[:, 2]
[docs] def select_fwidth(self, dobj): mask = self._get_selector_mask(dobj.selector) if mask is None: return np.empty((0, 3), dtype="float64") widths = fill_fwidths( self.connectivity_coords, self.connectivity_indices, self._index_offset ) return widths[mask, :]
[docs] def select_ires(self, dobj): ind = np.zeros(self.connectivity_indices.shape[0]) mask = self._get_selector_mask(dobj.selector) if mask is None: return np.empty(0, dtype="int32") return ind[mask]
[docs] def select_tcoords(self, dobj): mask = self._get_selector_mask(dobj.selector) if mask is None: return np.empty(0, dtype="float64") dt, t = dobj.selector.get_dt_mesh(self, mask.sum(), self._index_offset) return dt, t
def _get_selector_mask(self, selector): if hash(selector) == self._last_selector_id: mask = self._last_mask else: self._last_mask = mask = selector.fill_mesh_cell_mask(self) self._last_selector_id = hash(selector) if mask is None: self._last_count = 0 else: self._last_count = mask.sum() return mask
[docs] def select(self, selector, source, dest, offset): mask = self._get_selector_mask(selector) count = self.count(selector) if count == 0: return 0 # Note: this likely will not work with vector fields. dest[offset : offset + count] = source.flat[mask] return count