Source code for yt.data_objects.index_subobjects.octree_subset

import abc
from contextlib import contextmanager
from functools import cached_property
from itertools import product, repeat

import numpy as np
from unyt import unyt_array

import yt.geometry.particle_deposit as particle_deposit
import yt.geometry.particle_smooth as particle_smooth
from yt.data_objects.selection_objects.data_selection_objects import (
from yt.geometry.particle_oct_container import ParticleOctreeContainer
from yt.units.dimensions import length  # type: ignore
from yt.utilities.exceptions import (
from yt.utilities.lib.geometry_utils import compute_morton
from yt.utilities.logger import ytLogger as mylog

[docs] def cell_count_cache(func): def cc_cache_func(self, dobj): if hash(dobj.selector) != self._last_selector_id: self._cell_count = -1 rv = func(self, dobj) self._cell_count = rv.shape[0] self._last_selector_id = hash(dobj.selector) return rv return cc_cache_func
[docs] class OctreeSubset(YTSelectionContainer, abc.ABC): _spatial = True _num_ghost_zones = 0 _type_name = "octree_subset" _skip_add = True _con_args: tuple[str, ...] = ("base_region", "domain", "ds") _domain_offset = 0 _cell_count = -1 _block_order = "C" def __init__(self, base_region, domain, ds, num_zones=2, num_ghost_zones=0): super().__init__(ds, None) self._num_zones = num_zones self._num_ghost_zones = num_ghost_zones self.domain = domain self.domain_id = domain.domain_id self.ds = domain.ds self._index = self.ds.index self._last_mask = None self._last_selector_id = None self.base_region = base_region self.base_selector = base_region.selector @property @abc.abstractmethod def oct_handler(self): # In charge of returning the oct_handler pass def __getitem__(self, key): tr = super().__getitem__(key) try: fields = self._determine_fields(key) except YTFieldTypeNotFound: return tr finfo = self.ds._get_field_info(fields[0]) if not finfo.sampling_type == "particle": # We may need to reshape the field, if it is being queried from # field_data. If it's already cached, it just passes through. if len(tr.shape) < 4: tr = self._reshape_vals(tr) return tr return tr @property def nz(self): return self._num_zones + 2 * self._num_ghost_zones def _reshape_vals(self, arr): nz = if len(arr.shape) <= 2: n_oct = arr.shape[0] // (nz**3) elif arr.shape[-1] == 3: n_oct = arr.shape[-2] else: n_oct = arr.shape[-1] if arr.size == nz * nz * nz * n_oct: new_shape = (nz, nz, nz, n_oct) elif arr.size == nz * nz * nz * n_oct * 3: new_shape = (nz, nz, nz, n_oct, 3) else: raise RuntimeError # Note that if arr is already F-contiguous, this *shouldn't* copy the # data. But, it might. However, I can't seem to figure out how to # make the assignment to .shape, which *won't* copy the data, make the # resultant array viewed in Fortran order. arr = arr.reshape(new_shape, order="F") return arr
[docs] def mask_refinement(self, selector): mask = self.oct_handler.mask(selector, domain_id=self.domain_id) return mask
[docs] def select_blocks(self, selector): mask = self.oct_handler.mask(selector, domain_id=self.domain_id) slicer = OctreeSubsetBlockSlice(self, self.ds) for i, sl in slicer: yield sl, np.atleast_3d(mask[i, ...])
[docs] def select_tcoords(self, dobj): # These will not be pre-allocated, which can be a problem for speed and # memory usage. dts, ts = [], [] for sl, mask in self.select_blocks(dobj.selector): sl.child_mask = np.asfortranarray(mask) dt, t = dobj.selector.get_dt(sl) dts.append(dt) ts.append(t) if len(dts) == len(ts) == 0: return np.empty(0, "f8"), np.empty(0, "f8") return np.concatenate(dts), np.concatenate(ts)
@cached_property def domain_ind(self): return self.oct_handler.domain_ind(self.selector)
[docs] def deposit(self, positions, fields=None, method=None, kernel_name="cubic"): r"""Operate on the mesh, in a particle-against-mesh fashion, with exclusively local input. This uses the octree indexing system to call a "deposition" operation (defined in yt/geometry/particle_deposit.pyx) that can take input from several particles (local to the mesh) and construct some value on the mesh. The canonical example is to sum the total mass in a mesh cell and then divide by its volume. Parameters ---------- positions : array_like (Nx3) The positions of all of the particles to be examined. A new indexed octree will be constructed on these particles. fields : list of arrays All the necessary fields for computing the particle operation. For instance, this might include mass, velocity, etc. method : string This is the "method name" which will be looked up in the `particle_deposit` namespace as `methodname_deposit`. Current methods include `count`, `simple_smooth`, `sum`, `std`, `cic`, `weighted_mean`, `mesh_id`, and `nearest`. kernel_name : string, default 'cubic' This is the name of the smoothing kernel to use. Current supported kernel names include `cubic`, `quartic`, `quintic`, `wendland2`, `wendland4`, and `wendland6`. Returns ------- List of fortran-ordered, mesh-like arrays. """ # Here we perform our particle deposition. if fields is None: fields = [] cls = getattr(particle_deposit, f"deposit_{method}", None) if cls is None: raise YTParticleDepositionNotImplemented(method) nz = nvals = (nz, nz, nz, (self.domain_ind >= 0).sum()) if np.max(self.domain_ind) >= nvals[-1]: print( f"nocts, domain_ind >= 0, max {self.oct_handler.nocts} {nvals[-1]} {np.max(self.domain_ind)}" ) raise Exception() # We allocate number of zones, not number of octs op = cls(nvals, kernel_name) op.initialize() mylog.debug( "Depositing %s (%s^3) particles into %s Octs", positions.shape[0], positions.shape[0] ** 0.3333333, nvals[-1], ) positions.convert_to_units("code_length") pos = positions.d # We should not need the following if we know in advance all our fields # need no casting. fields = [np.ascontiguousarray(f, dtype="float64") for f in fields] op.process_octree( self.oct_handler, self.domain_ind, pos, fields, self.domain_id, self._domain_offset, ) vals = op.finalize() if vals is None: return return np.asfortranarray(vals)
[docs] def mesh_sampling_particle_field(self, positions, mesh_field, lvlmax=None): r"""Operate on the particles, in a mesh-against-particle fashion, with exclusively local input. This uses the octree indexing system to call a "mesh sampling" operation (defined in yt/geometry/particle_deposit.pyx). For each particle, the function returns the value of the cell containing the particle. Parameters ---------- positions : array_like (Nx3) The positions of all of the particles to be examined. mesh_field : array_like (M,) The value of the field to deposit. lvlmax : array_like (N), optional If provided, the maximum level where to look for cells Returns ------- List of fortran-ordered, particle-like arrays containing the value of the mesh at the location of the particles. """ # Here we perform our particle deposition. npart = positions.shape[0] nocts = (self.domain_ind >= 0).sum() # We allocate number of zones, not number of octs op = particle_deposit.CellIdentifier(npart, "none") op.initialize(npart) mylog.debug( "Depositing %s Octs onto %s (%s^3) particles", nocts, positions.shape[0], positions.shape[0] ** 0.3333333, ) pos = positions.to_value("code_length").astype("float64", copy=False) op.process_octree( self.oct_handler, self.domain_ind, pos, None, self.domain_id, self._domain_offset, lvlmax=lvlmax, ) igrid, icell = op.finalize() igrid = np.asfortranarray(igrid) icell = np.asfortranarray(icell) # Some particle may fall outside of the local domain, so we # need to be careful here ids = igrid * 8 + icell mask = ids >= 0 # Fill the return array ret = np.empty(npart) ret[mask] = mesh_field[ids[mask]] ret[~mask] = np.nan return ret
[docs] def smooth( self, positions, fields=None, index_fields=None, method=None, create_octree=False, nneighbors=64, kernel_name="cubic", ): r"""Operate on the mesh, in a particle-against-mesh fashion, with non-local input. This uses the octree indexing system to call a "smoothing" operation (defined in yt/geometry/particle_smooth.pyx) that can take input from several (non-local) particles and construct some value on the mesh. The canonical example is to conduct a smoothing kernel operation on the mesh. Parameters ---------- positions : array_like (Nx3) The positions of all of the particles to be examined. A new indexed octree will be constructed on these particles. fields : list of arrays All the necessary fields for computing the particle operation. For instance, this might include mass, velocity, etc. index_fields : list of arrays All of the fields defined on the mesh that may be used as input to the operation. method : string This is the "method name" which will be looked up in the `particle_smooth` namespace as `methodname_smooth`. Current methods include `volume_weighted`, `nearest`, `idw`, `nth_neighbor`, and `density`. create_octree : bool Should we construct a new octree for indexing the particles? In cases where we are applying an operation on a subset of the particles used to construct the mesh octree, this will ensure that we are able to find and identify all relevant particles. nneighbors : int, default 64 The number of neighbors to examine during the process. kernel_name : string, default 'cubic' This is the name of the smoothing kernel to use. Current supported kernel names include `cubic`, `quartic`, `quintic`, `wendland2`, `wendland4`, and `wendland6`. Returns ------- List of fortran-ordered, mesh-like arrays. """ # Here we perform our particle deposition. positions.convert_to_units("code_length") if create_octree: morton = compute_morton( positions[:, 0], positions[:, 1], positions[:, 2], self.ds.domain_left_edge, self.ds.domain_right_edge, ) morton.sort() particle_octree = ParticleOctreeContainer( [1, 1, 1], self.ds.domain_left_edge, self.ds.domain_right_edge, num_zones=self._nz, ) # This should ensure we get everything within one neighbor of home. particle_octree.n_ref = nneighbors * 2 particle_octree.add(morton) particle_octree.finalize(self.domain_id) pdom_ind = particle_octree.domain_ind(self.selector) else: particle_octree = self.oct_handler pdom_ind = self.domain_ind if fields is None: fields = [] if index_fields is None: index_fields = [] cls = getattr(particle_smooth, f"{method}_smooth", None) if cls is None: raise YTParticleDepositionNotImplemented(method) nz = mdom_ind = self.domain_ind nvals = (nz, nz, nz, (mdom_ind >= 0).sum()) op = cls(nvals, len(fields), nneighbors, kernel_name) op.initialize() mylog.debug( "Smoothing %s particles into %s Octs", positions.shape[0], nvals[-1] ) # Pointer operations within 'process_octree' require arrays to be # contiguous cf. fields = [np.ascontiguousarray(f, dtype="float64") for f in fields] op.process_octree( self.oct_handler, mdom_ind, positions, self.fcoords, fields, self.domain_id, self._domain_offset, self.ds.periodicity, index_fields, particle_octree, pdom_ind, self.ds.geometry, ) # If there are 0s in the smoothing field this will not throw an error, # but silently return nans for vals where dividing by 0 # Same as what is currently occurring, but suppressing the div by zero # error. with np.errstate(invalid="ignore"): vals = op.finalize() if isinstance(vals, list): vals = [np.asfortranarray(v) for v in vals] else: vals = np.asfortranarray(vals) return vals
[docs] def particle_operation( self, positions, fields=None, method=None, nneighbors=64, kernel_name="cubic" ): r"""Operate on particles, in a particle-against-particle fashion. This uses the octree indexing system to call a "smoothing" operation (defined in yt/geometry/particle_smooth.pyx) that expects to be called in a particle-by-particle fashion. For instance, the canonical example of this would be to compute the Nth nearest neighbor, or to compute the density for a given particle based on some kernel operation. Many of the arguments to this are identical to those used in the smooth and deposit functions. Note that the `fields` argument must not be empty, as these fields will be modified in place. Parameters ---------- positions : array_like (Nx3) The positions of all of the particles to be examined. A new indexed octree will be constructed on these particles. fields : list of arrays All the necessary fields for computing the particle operation. For instance, this might include mass, velocity, etc. One of these will likely be modified in place. method : string This is the "method name" which will be looked up in the `particle_smooth` namespace as `methodname_smooth`. nneighbors : int, default 64 The number of neighbors to examine during the process. kernel_name : string, default 'cubic' This is the name of the smoothing kernel to use. Current supported kernel names include `cubic`, `quartic`, `quintic`, `wendland2`, `wendland4`, and `wendland6`. Returns ------- Nothing. """ # Here we perform our particle deposition. positions.convert_to_units("code_length") morton = compute_morton( positions[:, 0], positions[:, 1], positions[:, 2], self.ds.domain_left_edge, self.ds.domain_right_edge, ) morton.sort() particle_octree = ParticleOctreeContainer( [1, 1, 1], self.ds.domain_left_edge, self.ds.domain_right_edge, num_zones=2, ) particle_octree.n_ref = nneighbors * 2 particle_octree.add(morton) particle_octree.finalize() pdom_ind = particle_octree.domain_ind(self.selector) if fields is None: fields = [] cls = getattr(particle_smooth, f"{method}_smooth", None) if cls is None: raise YTParticleDepositionNotImplemented(method) nz = mdom_ind = self.domain_ind nvals = (nz, nz, nz, (mdom_ind >= 0).sum()) op = cls(nvals, len(fields), nneighbors, kernel_name) op.initialize() mylog.debug( "Smoothing %s particles into %s Octs", positions.shape[0], nvals[-1] ) op.process_particles( particle_octree, pdom_ind, positions, fields, self.domain_id, self._domain_offset, self.ds.periodicity, self.ds.geometry, ) vals = op.finalize() if vals is None: return if isinstance(vals, list): vals = [np.asfortranarray(v) for v in vals] else: vals = np.asfortranarray(vals) return vals
[docs] @cell_count_cache def select_icoords(self, dobj): return self.oct_handler.icoords( dobj.selector, domain_id=self.domain_id, num_cells=self._cell_count )
[docs] @cell_count_cache def select_fcoords(self, dobj): fcoords = self.oct_handler.fcoords( dobj.selector, domain_id=self.domain_id, num_cells=self._cell_count ) return self.ds.arr(fcoords, "code_length")
[docs] @cell_count_cache def select_fwidth(self, dobj): fwidth = self.oct_handler.fwidth( dobj.selector, domain_id=self.domain_id, num_cells=self._cell_count ) return self.ds.arr(fwidth, "code_length")
[docs] @cell_count_cache def select_ires(self, dobj): return self.oct_handler.ires( dobj.selector, domain_id=self.domain_id, num_cells=self._cell_count )
[docs] def select(self, selector, source, dest, offset): n = self.oct_handler.selector_fill( selector, source, dest, offset, domain_id=self.domain_id ) return n
[docs] def count(self, selector): return -1
[docs] def count_particles(self, selector, x, y, z): # We don't cache the selector results count = selector.count_points(x, y, z, 0.0) return count
[docs] def select_particles(self, selector, x, y, z): mask = selector.select_points(x, y, z, 0.0) return mask
[docs] def get_vertex_centered_data(self, fields): # Make sure the field list has only unique entries fields = list(set(fields)) new_fields = {} cg = self.retrieve_ghost_zones(1, fields) for field in fields: new_fields[field] = cg[field][1:, 1:, 1:].copy() np.add(new_fields[field], cg[field][:-1, 1:, 1:], new_fields[field]) np.add(new_fields[field], cg[field][1:, :-1, 1:], new_fields[field]) np.add(new_fields[field], cg[field][1:, 1:, :-1], new_fields[field]) np.add(new_fields[field], cg[field][:-1, 1:, :-1], new_fields[field]) np.add(new_fields[field], cg[field][1:, :-1, :-1], new_fields[field]) np.add(new_fields[field], cg[field][:-1, :-1, 1:], new_fields[field]) np.add(new_fields[field], cg[field][:-1, :-1, :-1], new_fields[field]) np.multiply(new_fields[field], 0.125, new_fields[field]) return new_fields
[docs] class OctreeSubsetBlockSlicePosition: def __init__(self, ind, block_slice): self.ind = ind self.block_slice = block_slice nz = self.ActiveDimensions = np.array([nz, nz, nz], dtype="int64") self.ds = block_slice.ds def __getitem__(self, key): bs = self.block_slice rv = np.require( bs.octree_subset[key][:, :, :, self.ind].T, requirements=bs.octree_subset._block_order, ) return rv @property def id(self): return self.ind @property def Level(self): return self.block_slice._ires[0, 0, 0, self.ind] @property def LeftEdge(self): LE = ( self.block_slice._fcoords[0, 0, 0, self.ind, :].d - self.block_slice._fwidth[0, 0, 0, self.ind, :].d * 0.5 ) return self.block_slice.octree_subset.ds.arr( LE, self.block_slice._fcoords.units ) @property def RightEdge(self): RE = ( self.block_slice._fcoords[-1, -1, -1, self.ind, :].d + self.block_slice._fwidth[-1, -1, -1, self.ind, :].d * 0.5 ) return self.block_slice.octree_subset.ds.arr( RE, self.block_slice._fcoords.units ) @property def dds(self): return self.block_slice._fwidth[0, 0, 0, self.ind, :]
[docs] def clear_data(self): pass
[docs] def get_vertex_centered_data(self, fields, smoothed=False, no_ghost=False): field = fields[0] new_field = self.block_slice.get_vertex_centered_data(fields)[field] return {field: new_field[..., self.ind]}
@contextmanager def _field_parameter_state(self, field_parameters): yield self.block_slice.octree_subset._field_parameter_state(field_parameters)
[docs] class OctreeSubsetBlockSlice: def __init__(self, octree_subset, ds): self.octree_subset = octree_subset self.ds = ds self._vertex_centered_data = {} # Cache some attributes for attr in ["ires", "icoords", "fcoords", "fwidth"]: v = getattr(octree_subset, attr) setattr(self, f"_{attr}", octree_subset._reshape_vals(v)) @property def octree_subset_with_gz(self): subset_with_gz = getattr(self, "_octree_subset_with_gz", None) if not subset_with_gz: self._octree_subset_with_gz = self.octree_subset.retrieve_ghost_zones(1, []) return self._octree_subset_with_gz
[docs] def get_vertex_centered_data(self, fields, smoothed=False, no_ghost=False): if no_ghost is True: raise NotImplementedError( "get_vertex_centered_data without ghost zones for " "oct-based datasets has not been implemented." ) # Make sure the field list has only unique entries fields = list(set(fields)) new_fields = {} cg = self.octree_subset_with_gz for field in fields: if field in self._vertex_centered_data: new_fields[field] = self._vertex_centered_data[field] else: finfo = self.ds._get_field_info(field) orig_field = cg[field] nocts = orig_field.shape[-1] new_field = np.zeros((3, 3, 3, nocts), order="F") # Compute vertex-centred data as mean of 8 neighbours cell data slices = (slice(1, None), slice(None, -1)) for slx, sly, slz in product(*repeat(slices, 3)): new_field += orig_field[slx, sly, slz] new_field *= 0.125 new_fields[field] = self.ds.arr(new_field, finfo.output_units) self._vertex_centered_data[field] = new_fields[field] return new_fields
def __iter__(self): for i in range(self._ires.shape[-1]): yield i, OctreeSubsetBlockSlicePosition(i, self)
[docs] class YTPositionArray(unyt_array): @property def morton(self): self.validate() eps = np.finfo(self.dtype).eps LE = self.min(axis=0) LE -= np.abs(LE) * eps RE = self.max(axis=0) RE += np.abs(RE) * eps morton = compute_morton(self[:, 0], self[:, 1], self[:, 2], LE, RE) return morton
[docs] def to_octree(self, num_zones=2, dims=(1, 1, 1), n_ref=64): mi = self.morton mi.sort() eps = np.finfo(self.dtype).eps LE = self.min(axis=0) LE -= np.abs(LE) * eps RE = self.max(axis=0) RE += np.abs(RE) * eps octree = ParticleOctreeContainer(dims, LE, RE, num_zones=num_zones) octree.n_ref = n_ref octree.add(mi) octree.finalize() return octree
[docs] def validate(self): if ( len(self.shape) != 2 or self.shape[1] != 3 or self.units.dimensions != length ): raise YTInvalidPositionArray(self.shape, self.units.dimensions)