Source code for yt.visualization.volume_rendering.camera_path

import random

import numpy as np

from yt.visualization.volume_rendering.create_spline import create_spline

[docs] class Keyframes: def __init__( self, x, y, z=None, north_vectors=None, up_vectors=None, times=None, niter=50000, init_temp=10.0, alpha=0.999, fixed_start=False, ): r"""Keyframes for camera path generation. From a set of keyframes with position and optional up and north vectors, an interpolated camera path is generated. Parameters ---------- x : array_like The x positions of the keyframes y : array_like The y positions of the keyframes z : array_like, optional The z positions of the keyframes. Default: 0.0 north_vectors : array_like, optional The north vectors of the keyframes. Default: None up_vectors : array_like, optional The up vectors of the keyframes. Default: None times : array_like, optional The times of the keyframes. Default: arange(N) niter : integer, optional Maximum number of iterations to find solution. Default: 50000 init_temp : float, optional Initial temperature for simulated annealing when finding a solution. Lower initial temperatures result in an initial solution in first several iterations that changes more rapidly. Default: 10.0 alpha : float, optional Exponent in cooling function in simulated annealing. Must be < 1. In each iteration, the temperature_new = temperature_old * alpha. Default: 0.999 fixed_start: boolean, optional If true, the first point never changes when searching for shortest path. Default: False Examples -------- >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt ... import numpy as np ... from yt.visualization.volume_rendering.camera_path import * >>> # Make a camera path from 10 random (x, y, z) keyframes >>> data = np.random.random(10, 3) >>> kf = Keyframes(data[:, 0], data[:, 1], data[:, 2]) >>> path = kf.create_path(250, shortest_path=False) >>> # Plot the keyframes in the x-y plane and camera path >>> plt.plot(kf.pos[:, 0], kf.pos[:, 1], "ko") >>> plt.plot(path["position"][:, 0], path["position"][:, 1]) >>> plt.savefig("path.png") """ Nx = len(x) Ny = len(y) if z is not None: Nz = len(z) ndims = 3 else: Nz = 1 ndims = 2 if Nx * Ny * Nz != Nx**ndims: print("Need Nx (%d) == Ny (%d) == Nz (%d)" % (Nx, Ny, Nz)) raise RuntimeError self.nframes = Nx self.pos = np.zeros((Nx, 3)) self.pos[:, 0] = x self.pos[:, 1] = y if z is not None: self.pos[:, 2] = z else: self.pos[:, 2] = 0.0 self.north_vectors = north_vectors self.up_vectors = up_vectors if times is None: self.times = np.arange(self.nframes) else: self.times = times self.cartesian_matrix() self.setup_tsp(niter, init_temp, alpha, fixed_start)
[docs] def setup_tsp(self, niter=50000, init_temp=10.0, alpha=0.999, fixed_start=False): r"""Setup parameters for Travelling Salesman Problem. Parameters ---------- niter : integer, optional Maximum number of iterations to find solution. Default: 50000 init_temp : float, optional Initial temperature for simulated annealing when finding a solution. Lower initial temperatures result in an initial solution in first several iterations that changes more rapidly. Default: 10.0 alpha : float, optional Exponent in cooling function in simulated annealing. Must be < 1. In each iteration, the temperature_new = temperature_old * alpha. Default: 0.999 fixed_start: boolean, optional If true, the first point never changes when searching for shortest path. Default: False """ # randomize tour self.tour = list(range(self.nframes)) np.random.shuffle(self.tour) if fixed_start: first = self.tour.index(0) self.tour[0], self.tour[first] = self.tour[first], self.tour[0] self.max_iterations = niter self.initial_temp = init_temp self.alpha = alpha self.fixed_start = fixed_start self.best_score = None = None
[docs] def set_times(self, times): self.times = times
[docs] def rand_seq(self): r""" Generates values in random order, equivalent to using shuffle in random without generation all values at once. """ values = list(range(self.nframes)) for i in range(self.nframes): # pick a random index into remaining values j = i + int(random.random() * (self.nframes - i)) # swap the values values[j], values[i] = values[i], values[j] # return the swapped value yield values[i]
[docs] def all_pairs(self): r""" Generates all (i,j) pairs for (i,j) for 0-size """ for i in self.rand_seq(): for j in self.rand_seq(): yield (i, j)
[docs] def reversed_sections(self, tour): r""" Generator to return all possible variations where a section between two cities are swapped. """ for i, j in self.all_pairs(): if i == j: continue copy = tour[:] if i < j: copy[i : j + 1] = reversed(tour[i : j + 1]) else: copy[i + 1 :] = reversed(tour[:j]) copy[:j] = reversed(tour[i + 1 :]) if self.fixed_start: ind = copy.index(0) copy[0], copy[ind] = copy[ind], copy[0] if copy != tour: # no point return the same tour yield copy
[docs] def cartesian_matrix(self): r""" Create a distance matrix for the city coords that uses straight line distance """ self.dist_matrix = np.zeros((self.nframes, self.nframes)) xmat = np.zeros((self.nframes, self.nframes)) xmat[:, :] = self.pos[:, 0] dx = xmat - xmat.T ymat = np.zeros((self.nframes, self.nframes)) ymat[:, :] = self.pos[:, 1] dy = ymat - ymat.T zmat = np.zeros((self.nframes, self.nframes)) zmat[:, :] = self.pos[:, 2] dz = zmat - zmat.T self.dist_matrix = np.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz)
[docs] def tour_length(self, tour): r""" Calculate the total length of the tour based on the distance matrix """ total = 0 num_cities = len(tour) for i in range(num_cities): j = (i + 1) % num_cities city_i = tour[i] city_j = tour[j] total += self.dist_matrix[city_i, city_j] return -total
[docs] def cooling(self): T = self.initial_temp while True: yield T T = self.alpha * T
[docs] def prob(self, prev, next, temperature): if next > prev: return 1.0 else: return np.exp(-abs(next - prev) / temperature)
[docs] def get_shortest_path(self): """ Determine shortest path between all keyframes. """ # this obviously doesn't work. When someone fixes it, remove the NOQA self.setup_tsp(niter, init_temp, alpha, fixed_start) # NOQA num_eval = 1 cooling_schedule = self.cooling() current = self.tour current_score = self.tour_length(current) for temperature in cooling_schedule: done = False # Examine moves around the current position for next in self.reversed_sections(current): if num_eval >= self.max_iterations: done = True break next_score = self.tour_length(next) num_eval += 1 # Anneal. Accept new solution if a random number is # greater than our "probability". p = self.prob(current_score, next_score, temperature) if random.random() < p: current = next self.current_score = next_score if self.current_score > self.best_score: # print(num_eval, self.current_score, self.best_score, current) self.best_score = self.current_score = current break if done: break self.pos = self.pos[self.tour, :] if self.north_vectors is not None: self.north_vectors = self.north_vectors[self.tour] if self.up_vectors is not None: self.up_vectors = self.up_vectors[self.tour]
[docs] def create_path(self, npoints, path_time=None, tension=0.5, shortest_path=False): r"""Create a interpolated camera path from keyframes. Parameters ---------- npoints : integer Number of points to interpolate from keyframes path_time : array_like, optional Times of interpolated points. Default: Linearly spaced tension : float, optional Controls how sharp of a curve the spline takes. A higher tension allows for more sharp turns. Default: 0.5 shortest_path : boolean, optional If true, estimate the shortest path between the keyframes. Default: False Returns ------- path : dict Dictionary (time, position, north_vectors, up_vectors) of camera path. Also saved to self.path. """ self.npoints = npoints self.path = { "time": np.zeros(npoints), "position": np.zeros((npoints, 3)), "north_vectors": np.zeros((npoints, 3)), "up_vectors": np.zeros((npoints, 3)), } if shortest_path: self.get_shortest_path() if path_time is None: path_time = np.linspace(0, self.nframes, npoints) self.path["time"] = path_time for dim in range(3): self.path["position"][:, dim] = create_spline( self.times, self.pos[:, dim], path_time, tension=tension ) if self.north_vectors is not None: self.path["north_vectors"][:, dim] = create_spline( self.times, self.north_vectors[:, dim], path_time, tension=tension ) if self.up_vectors is not None: self.path["up_vectors"][:, dim] = create_spline( self.times, self.up_vectors[:, dim], path_time, tension=tension ) return self.path
[docs] def write_path(self, filename="path.dat"): r"""Writes camera path to ASCII file Parameters ---------- filename : string, optional Filename containing the camera path. Default: path.dat """ fp = open(filename, "w") fp.write( "#%11s %12s %12s %12s %12s %12s %12s %12s %12s\n" % ("x", "y", "z", "north_x", "north_y", "north_z", "up_x", "up_y", "up_z") ) for i in range(self.npoints): fp.write( "{:.12f} {:.12f} {:.12f} {:.12f} {:.12f} {:.12f} {:.12f} {:.12f} {:.12f}\n".format( self.path["position"][i, 0], self.path["position"][i, 1], self.path["position"][i, 2], self.path["north_vectors"][i, 0], self.path["north_vectors"][i, 1], self.path["north_vectors"][i, 2], self.path["up_vectors"][i, 0], self.path["up_vectors"][i, 1], self.path["up_vectors"][i, 2], ) ) fp.close()